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Newcomer's Tutorial - LiveXP with Optional BootSDI!

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#26 amalux


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Posted 29 May 2008 - 06:54 AM

If a project is updated can you add the dated it was updated:

For example
lx41208pg The 'Deluxe' updated with even more stuff! approx. 90MB (~210MB img)
lx41208pg The 'Deluxe' updated 05-29-08 with even more stuff! approx. 90MB (~210MB img)

Or something similar.


There is a secret code hidden within the project name; so, for example, 'lx41208pg' was updated on lx-4-12-08-pg ;)

seriously, I would like to provide an 'info' link for each project showing a 'history' or, at least, 'project includes following list of programs...' ...on my list of things to do :thumbup:

#27 TheHive


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Posted 30 May 2008 - 06:34 AM

There is a secret code hidden within the project name; so, for example, 'lx41208pg' was updated on lx-4-12-08-pg ;)

Ha!Ha!haaa! lol! I had wondered what those numbers meant. Mind must had not grasped it. :thumbup:

#28 Brito


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Posted 04 June 2008 - 11:50 AM

Just got myself acquainted with the changes on this topic.

Congratulations because your tutorial is looking so simple and straight forward to follow and the customized distributions also seem a good help for those with fear of changing scripts around.

How about adding a Inno setup installer and small GUI for selecting the initial XP source for fool-proof build? ;)


Excellent work! :thumbup:

#29 amalux


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Posted 04 June 2008 - 02:55 PM

Just got myself acquainted with the changes on this topic.

Congratulations because your tutorial is looking so simple and straight forward to follow and the customized distributions also seem a good help for those with fear of changing scripts around.

How about adding a Inno setup installer and small GUI for selecting the initial XP source for fool-proof build? :thumbup:


Excellent work! :thumbup:

Hi Nuno!

Thank you for the kind words of encouragement ;)

I like the idea of a 'fool-proof' build but how would this work since the source can be a CD or a folder located anywhere on the PC? Right now, WinBuilder checks the source you've provided and throws out a warning if not valid; could this existing check be improved rather than add an additional setup layer? Maybe something for 'New features on WinBuilder.exe' :thumbup:

#30 Brito


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Posted 04 June 2008 - 03:31 PM

In that case, just the installer setup would be a good addon since people wouldn't need to worry about unzipping and creating a new folder. Also adding a shortcut on desktop or quick start menu (for those who like shortcuts on desktop)

Thuun has done this some time ago: http://www.boot-land...mp;showfile=184


#31 amalux


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Posted 04 June 2008 - 07:44 PM

In that case, just the installer setup would be a good addon since people wouldn't need to worry about unzipping and creating a new folder. Also adding a shortcut on desktop or quick start menu (for those who like shortcuts on desktop)

Thuun has done this some time ago: http://www.boot-land...mp;showfile=184


Definitely something to think about, thanks Nuno!


#32 Waulk



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Posted 20 June 2008 - 01:17 AM

I have discovered a small error in the CopyAndExpand script for lx40308nl -- The script wants to copy the file ntoskrnl.ex_ but on my WinXP Service Pack 2 disk the file exists in its expanded form, that is as ntoskrnl.exe.

Other than that things are looking pretty good to this noobie!

Thank you for putting this all together in a form even a complete noob can follow and get a working system!

#33 amalux


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Posted 20 June 2008 - 02:42 PM

I have discovered a small error in the CopyAndExpand script for lx40308nl -- The script wants to copy the file ntoskrnl.ex_ but on my WinXP Service Pack 2 disk the file exists in its expanded form, that is as ntoskrnl.exe.

Other than that things are looking pretty good to this noobie!

Thank you for putting this all together in a form even a complete noob can follow and get a working system!

Hi Waulk, yes, welcome!

That's odd about the ntoskrnl.exe in your source; in all my I386 versions (thought I had 'em all) the file is compressed. Normally the .exe is only found after installation in your system folder. If this is a new change from M$, Galapo will need to add a CopyOrExpand... for this file in the script; thanks for the heads up. Glad you found the tut helpful and again, welcome to the forum :)

#34 magic12kenneth



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Posted 10 August 2008 - 06:22 PM

amalux, thank you for your well detailed tutorial. In the past I have wanted to try LiveXP but it was a bit discouraging for newbie like me. I finally got a working LiveXP CD with ram loading.

Keep up the good work and hopefully you will update it once in while for updated scripts.


#35 amalux


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Posted 13 August 2008 - 01:34 AM

amalux, thank you for your well detailed tutorial. In the past I have wanted to try LiveXP but it was a bit discouraging for newbie like me. I finally got a working LiveXP CD with ram loading.

Keep up the good work and hopefully you will update it once in while for updated scripts.


Thanks Kenneth, it means a lot to hear that it's been useful! Really glad you got your LiveXP working and yes, as long as I know people are finding it helpful, I'll be keeping it updated with all the latest goodies :whistling:


#36 pscEx


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Posted 27 November 2008 - 07:33 PM

First, to make the following critics a bit less aggessive: The tutorial itself is great and can really help every newcomer to start :(

My critics is due to the predefined projects you offer, or better to the middle one.
Remember, the Tutorial is for newcomers, and therefore the contents should be for newcomers, too!

Due to the troubles Johannes had (in the co-Topic) I tried to reproduce his difficulties, download and tried your project.

I think, every newcomer would not choose the 'minimum' but the 'complete recovery' version.
And so did I.

After about one hour (That depends on the current server availability issues, not on your project!) I got the project and expanded.

Start: Assistant for choosing the souce CD: OK
Build: 20 minutes until the PE appeared in qEmu, no errors, everything has been correctly: OK
Internet connection: OK
When leaving qEmu, BurnImage started: Necessary?

Let's now go to Johannes' world:
I burn the CD and boot from CD.
Internet connection? NO WORKING NETWORK DRIVER!
Ask the forum
Get a suggestion
Try that suggestion and wait another 20 minutes to build the ISO, 10 minutes to burn the CD and then:
Back to Ask the forum ....

Every trial needs more than half an hour!


Usually I would say: The project is bull****

@Amalux: Because you are my friend, I say: The project reminds me a bit on bull**** :(


Including a lot of (great) scripts is ok, but you should have most of them deselected by default.

It is really not necessary to have e.g. 3 different defraggers in a recovery CD. One would be enough (For me personnally, when recovering, NO defragger is necessary)
And also it is really not necessary to automagically burn a CD when you left qEmu.
To burn the CD can be a separate step I do intentionally anywhen, using the project's ISO.
etc., etc. ...

BTW: I saw that myNIC currently writes scripts with level 4 and has 'Use(source CD)' enabled by default.
I changed to version 2.2.5 which writes scripts to level 6 and has 'Use' unchecked (Available on the nativeEx server)
Then you can use it in your project 'As Is' w/o any user changes necessary.

The target path of the generated script could be defined by your script in myNIC.ini.
And after myNIC.exe the script should do a System,RescanScripts :)


#37 amalux


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Posted 27 November 2008 - 08:52 PM

First, to make the following critics a bit less aggessive: The tutorial itself is great and can really help every newcomer to start :(

My critics is due to the predefined projects you offer, or better to the middle one.
Remember, the Tutorial is for newcomers, and therefore the contents should be for newcomers, too!

Due to the troubles Johannes had (in the co-Topic) I tried to reproduce his difficulties, download and tried your project.

I think, every newcomer would not choose the 'minimum' but the 'complete recovery' version.
And so did I.

After about one hour (That depends on the current server availability issues, not on your project!) I got the project and expanded.

Start: Assistant for choosing the souce CD: OK
Build: 20 minutes until the PE appeared in qEmu, no errors, everything has been correctly: OK
Internet connection: OK
When leaving qEmu, BurnImage started: Necessary?

Let's now go to Johannes' world:
I burn the CD and boot from CD.
Internet connection? NO WORKING NETWORK DRIVER!
Ask the forum
Get a suggestion
Try that suggestion and wait another 20 minutes to build the ISO, 10 minutes to burn the CD and then:
Back to Ask the forum ....

Every trial needs more than half an hour!


Usually I would say: The project is bull****

@Amalux: Because you are my friend, I say: The project reminds me a bit on bull****


Including a lot of (great) scripts is ok, but you should have most of them deselected by default.

It is really not necessary to have e.g. 3 different defraggers in a recovery CD. One would be enough (For me personnally, when recovering, NO defragger is necessary)
And also it is really not necessary to automagically burn a CD when you left qEmu.
To burn the CD can be a separate step I do intentionally anywhen, using the project's ISO.
etc., etc. ...

BTW: I saw that myNIC currently writes scripts with level 4 and has 'Use(source CD)' enabled by default.
I changed to version 2.2.5 which writes scripts to level 6 and has 'Use' unchecked (Available on the nativeEx server)
Then you can use it in your project 'As Is' w/o any user changes necessary.

The target path of the generated script could be defined by your script in myNIC.ini.
And after myNIC.exe the script should do a System,RescanScripts :(


Hi Peter, thanks for testing and helpful critiques. I agree with most of it, I like offering the 'advanced' build but probably needs to be separated out from the main tutorial with appropriate warnings, I'll work on it as soon as I get a chance. I go back and forth on the ImgBurn 'auto-start', it is convenient to have the option to burn (vs. having to open a burning tool, if installed and locating the ISO etc.) and easy to close if unwanted, build moves forward if ImgBurn closed. I'll make the updates to myNIC as well, thanks :)

#38 Galapo


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Posted 27 November 2008 - 08:59 PM

I'll make the updates to myNIC as well, thanks :)

I've already done it and am about to upload, so you could grab that to save time.


#39 pscEx


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Posted 27 November 2008 - 09:16 PM

Hi Peter, thanks for testing and helpful critiques. I agree with most of it, I like offering the 'advanced' build but probably needs to be separated out from the main tutorial with appropriate warnings, I'll work on it as soon as I get a chance. I go back and forth on the ImgBurn 'auto-start', it is convenient to have the option to burn (vs. having to open a burning tool, if installed and locating the ISO etc.) and easy to close if unwanted, build moves forward if ImgBurn closed. I'll make the updates to myNIC as well, thanks :)

You think like me!

I did not want to suggest this in my previous post, but in my opinion would be the best: Give a 'minimum link' in the tutorial.
And in the project the user got by this 'minimum link' he can download some other project extentions.

Sorry, that's only an idea, I do not know how to realize 'smoothly'. But if necessary, I'll do also changes to WinBuilder.exe, because I think, this is an important issue.


#40 romustdie

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Posted 20 March 2009 - 01:56 PM

Hello i downloaded the recomended install and the full recovery install and i get this eror in qemu or vmare.The same error when i burn the iso on cd. and then restarts the computer after 1-2 seconds.
I use for source xpsp2 retail cd and xpsp3.The build is going without errors.
Any ideas?

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#41 pscEx


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Posted 20 March 2009 - 02:07 PM

Please post the (zipped) log of the build.


#42 romustdie

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Posted 20 March 2009 - 03:20 PM

I uploaded the log file.
I've seen at my last build i get an error:
TxtAddLine - Failed to add line to file: [%BaseDir%\Temp\LiveXP\$$$.script] line: [[dummy]] -i dunno why.

But the build seems the same(boot and restart at lsass error).

LE:it seems that error apears now at every build i try to make-what is it?
Now i've seen sorry i posted in the suggestion part of tutorial.

#43 amalux


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Posted 20 March 2009 - 05:53 PM

I uploaded the log file.
I've seen at my last build i get an error:
TxtAddLine - Failed to add line to file: [%BaseDir%\Temp\LiveXP\$$$.script] line: [[dummy]] -i dunno why.

But the build seems the same(boot and restart at lsass error).

LE:it seems that error apears now at every build i try to make-what is it?
Now i've seen sorry i posted in the suggestion part of tutorial.

Hi romustdie,

I think 076 is having some trouble with your x64; try an earlier stable build here as a test. I have no way of testing x64 here but Lancelot or others may no more. Also, it's always best to place your build folder at the root of your drive :good:

#44 romustdie

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Posted 20 March 2009 - 09:14 PM

Tested both winbuilder 75 and 76 in xp.
The same results:((.
With xpsp3 source i dont get any error but with sp2 source i got some errors.
I attached the logs.
I dont have space for other logs:(.
Any solution to this lsass error?

#45 romustdie

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Posted 21 March 2009 - 08:56 PM

Hello again,
After a long night i managed to get a version work:)--hurrray
What i did:
First i got my self a new oem sp2 proffesional cd from a friend.-dunno if it counts but i dont get any errors with this one in vista 64 or xp 32.
Then i made some modification in the build.I attached some screens.

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#46 amalux


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Posted 22 March 2009 - 04:37 AM

Hello again,
After a long night i managed to get a version work:)--hurrray
What i did:
First i got my self a new oem sp2 proffesional cd from a friend.-dunno if it counts but i dont get any errors with this one in vista 64 or xp 32.
Then i made some modification in the build.I attached some screens.

Hi romustdie,

Nice detective work and I'm glad you got a working build :good:

The error was occurring in BootSDI so getting rid of BootSDI will alleviate the error but also the benefits of RAM loading ^_^ - You'll find the response time in PE is quite a bit slower and some programs might not perform as well. These errors you're getting are familiar to me but I can't remember what causes them, though it really sounds like a source issue. You mentioned that using an XP Pro source, you "dont get any errors with this one in vista 64 or xp 32", does that mean with BootSDI? If so, obviously the source is the problem. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the error right now and can only hope someone who has experienced this will no more and report.

#47 Galapo


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Posted 22 March 2009 - 05:05 AM

My guess would be that BootSDI is failing under your 64-bit system because you're not booting your system with Driver Signature Enforcement disabled.


#48 Lancelot


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Posted 22 March 2009 - 05:39 AM

googlefu Disable Driver Signature Enforcement , there are some methods and utilities out there.


My guess would be that BootSDI is failing under your 64-bit system because you're not booting your system with Driver Signature Enforcement disabled.

definately with proof (which i missed before)

TxtAddLine - Failed to add line to file: [%BaseDir%\Temp\LiveXP\$$$.script] line: [[dummy]] -i dunno why.

An idea:
a script at early stage of build (Mandatory=True)
checks bootsdi
if selected=False, script exits
if selected=True, if os is 2k3/xp/2k --> script exits
if selected=True, if os is not 2k3/xp/2k -->make a fake mount,
check if mounted,
-- if yes unmount and continue
-- if no give a message sth like (You can not continue building with BootSdi. Choose CreateISO or Vista users Disable Driver Signature Enforcement) and exit.

ps: i guess wb supports 2k

I hope you like the idea.


These errors you're getting are familiar to me but I can't remember what causes them,

JonF's Vista32 Bootsdi/wimpack problem, same error but reason different, Totally fixed now :good:.

This is the only master issue on my list:

"Driver Signature Enforcement" stops mounting utilities (ex: vdk.exe) prevent working. We need a creation of .img/.vmdk files with a way like wimpack without mounting.
Solution: Vista64 Users, disable "Driver Signature Enforcement", there is plenty of methods on net you can find with a quick google-fu

@Amalux, @Galapo
i am not sure how winbuilder can check "Driver Signature Enforcement", there maybe some ""warez"" faking windows for that which would fake winbuilder too. That is why i wrote the script idea.

#49 romustdie

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Posted 22 March 2009 - 12:25 PM

Good thing i have dual boot system:)
I made the build in xp32 bit and it works with bootsdi.
Dunno if it was the source or the settings above but i tried also the w2k3 trial source without succes.

#50 amalux


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Posted 22 March 2009 - 03:12 PM


:good: - Thanks for pulling it all together, good detective work, as always ^_^


Glad you got a working build ^_^

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