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Fast Booting With Windows XP

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#26 ispy


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Posted 22 June 2008 - 02:48 PM

Hi Shirin :) ,

Hi dear ispy

I like you and your helps and mentions
So ,because i know you understand this things better than me,would you do the best adjustment?

thanks alot

have nice times


Just to hopefully encourage you, its strange what runs through your mind when you have a vacation & time to ponder but would like to underpin your character in this following manner!

I DO NOT know or understand more than you, I may know different things from you but you will know different things from me, do NOT sell yourself short, our strength lies in our co-operation & support of one another, thats what makes Boot-Land successful. We exchange ideas (& yes have healthy debates) & in that way we learn, develop & grow in a positive environmental framework & attitude.

I can only say that in the case of a tutorial that I helped compile, "Overview -Whats BootSDI" if I had been left to my own devices it would have NOT been any where near as good as it turned out if other senior members & supportive individuals had not helped out, just one example that springs to mind in respect of collective co-operation.

I personally Welcome corrective advice & another way of looking at things because in that way I think the context & content increase in value & we all benefit. I refer to this earlier statement in post #9

Why not undertake the tweak & post your findings to determine a consensus of opinion from practical examples, this way it is easy to undo any changes made if you are not happy for any reason?

Regards & Best Wishes,


I have to appologise to Peter as I have never seen this tweak until now & I dropped him in it a little when before going on vacation I did not alter the post #1 as I was not confident as to the setting that was best for users. However Peter did an admirable job by stating that whichever setting is used may have differing mileage & performance speed improvements for Each user, MANY thanks Peter!

Can I summarize by saying this, "Shirin there is nothing wrong with setting:


To this value, practicalities & experimentaion are in order, if your finding are improved boot time & your stop watch tells you this then the "Proof of the pudding is in the eating" that is why it is why maybe it is called an undocumentated tweak!

It might be worthwhile several users undertaking this tweak but before doing so record the boot time before administrating the tweak then administrate the tweak to see if improvements in boot time are apparent, thus forming a consensus of opinion as it does not seem to damage the registry anyway!

One Cautionary Note however, for the Visitor who drops in please be advised that the "index.php" file for download in post#1 the setting is currently set at "EnablePrefetcher"=dword:00000001, Also, PLEASE! PLEASE! backup your registry before undertaking any alterations, this message is especially directed and novice users!!!

& finally "Shirin" I hope you will correct me if you find that I am in error? Chin up, Keep up the great work!

Regards & Respect,

ispy :)

#27 wilma05



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Posted 21 December 2009 - 02:45 AM

on my system, theres virtually no change in boot time. Maybe my SSD is already minimizing all this time the fetching consumes, so I dont experience any differences...

so maybe this fix applies more to users of regular HDDs

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