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[Solved!] Audio in LiveXP - [No] Problem!

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#26 pscEx


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 04:03 PM

I thought I had stopped the service but I will keep a closer eye on this ;)

Also have a look on what fsutils is doing.

Anywhere in my back mind there is a part of remembering, that fsutils is not completely innocent.


#27 amalux


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 04:04 PM

As far as I remember, you are not a newbie ;)

A newbie I would tell now: Read the forum's rules and post the log! :thumbup:


You're right, of course; just being lazy. Also, I don't want this topic to be about NaughtyPE and I realize my error in this regard as well (see my other response to MedEvil on this). I very much want to focus on the issue of adding audio support to LiveXP w/BootSDI without my hard drives being seen as removable in PE. Hwpnp.exe seems to be the variable that causes this effect.

#28 amalux


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 04:16 PM

In spite that my previous post may be interpreted as kidding, I meant it seriously.

I think that there is something in the 'project build history' which causes that result.

And to look into the 'history' the log is needed.


OK, I've got my 'marching orders' now, I will run the test build again with and without BootSDI (this seems to be related); with and without hwpnp.exe, compare and post all logs.

Thanks for getting me 'back on track' ;)

#29 MedEvil


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 07:20 PM

Sorry to confuse the issue, the NPE stuff should be kept for a differant topic. The issue of this topic is getting audio support in LiveXP without the side effect of hard drives being seen as removable in PE.

Yes, I have a proven, reliable LiveXP core that I'm trying to add audio support for and have isolated the issue to adding any script that employs hwpnp.exe which causes fixed hard drives to be seen as removable in PE. BTW, this only affects how the drives are 'seen' in PE. The drives themselves are unaffected and 'go back to normal' when host is rebooted.

I still haven't understood which PE makes exactly which problems for you, but i understood that you rather wanna talk about getting audio to work. ;)

Since you already have a reliable LiveXP core, just add hwpnp.exe + hwpnpdll.dll to it without any of your audio stuff and run it. If you still get the problem, talk to Galapo, that shouldn't happen.


#30 amalux


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Posted 23 May 2008 - 11:47 PM

I still haven't understood which PE makes exactly which problems for you, but i understood that you rather wanna talk about getting audio to work. :thumbup:

Since you already have a reliable LiveXP core, just add hwpnp.exe + hwpnpdll.dll to it without any of your audio stuff and run it. If you still get the problem, talk to Galapo, that shouldn't happen.


It is confusing because of the overlapping issues; I just want to focus on audio support in LiveXP for now but will gladly start a new topic on my issues with NaughtyPE once we're finished here :clap:

Update: I have been successful in building a LiveXP+BootSDI with full audio support! No drive issues or pop-ups etc. works great! I could not have done this without taking notes from NaughtyPE! The balance of drivers here was critical and driving me (pun intended) crazy until I saw how you pulled it off. Thanks for your great work and for all your help :thumbup:


Thanks again for setting me strait on this; once I got back to basics and built from the basement, all went smoothly as it should :thumbup:


#31 MedEvil


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 01:18 AM

I just want to focus on audio support in LiveXP for now but will gladly start a new topic on my issues with NaughtyPE once we're finished here :thumbup:

Update: I have been successful in building a LiveXP+BootSDI with full audio support!

So does this mean, you're now telling me what's going on with NaughtyPE? ;)


#32 amalux


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 03:55 AM

So does this mean, you're now telling me what's going on with NaughtyPE? :thumbup:


I'm not quite sure how to answer this; I know your kidding (I think) but I'm sure there's something more to it. So lets hash it out a bit; the last thing I want to do is 'steal' someones idea or hijack a project to get credit for it. My philosophy on this is similar to my philosophy on everything else; learn how to do it the best possible way I can and then make that way available to anyone who seeks it. I'm sure you're aware of my little tutorial where I attempt to show those interested, the best way (that I'm aware) to build a first class LiveXP build (BootSDI is a prerequisite imho) with all the latest tools (and toys) available. The next logical step in this evolution was to add audio support for some of the great, multi-media scripts out there (including yours, if that's OK). In researching this I came across your NaughtyPE and by the name, assumed it was based on nativePE or something; honestly, I didn't know what NPE was until I had already spent many hours trying to figure it out on my own. I was already aware of and had tested independently most of the audio support scripts, I had even made my own version of HWPnp before finding HighwayStar and thuun's stuff. It is true and I openly admit that I might have given up but for the help I received from looking at your project. The special mix of drivers is what had me stumped for a long time and looking at what drivers you included made it possible for 'my' project to finally work (after 30 or so more test builds). I don't really look at it as 'mine' at all; after all, LiveXP itself isn't mine and I take no credit for its development, I only want to make it available to others, like me, who benefit from it. Final thought, if I had been able to build a fully working NPE (with BootSDI), I really would have seen no need to continue development on this one, I was not able to get a fully working NPE, even without BootSDI and certainly not with so I continued until I had what I wanted in this one and plan to 'release' it, along with the 4 or 5 other versions there, as a 'Media Edition' on the tutorial. That's it! If that's 'stealing your idea' than everything I do here is stealing someones idea and in that case everyone should start encrypting their scripts and builds and begin charging for them, right? :thumbup:

#33 MedEvil


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 11:55 AM

Amalux, i don't really care if you borrowed ideas from my project or whole sets of scripts.
That's what the scripts are for. If i wouldn't want others to know how things are done, i would include exe in the scripts that do the work, but i always make it a point to use nothing but script languages, even if i have to resort to other means but WB.

The point that i'm interested in, are your problems with NaughtyPE. How should i ever fix it, if nobody tells me what goes wrong?

btw. Only 30 builds to get sound working is pretty fast.


#34 amalux


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 04:44 PM

Amalux, i don't really care if you borrowed ideas from my project or whole sets of scripts.
That's what the scripts are for. If i wouldn't want others to know how things are done, i would include exe in the scripts that do the work, but i always make it a point to use nothing but script languages, even if i have to resort to other means but WB.

The point that i'm interested in, are your problems with NaughtyPE. How should i ever fix it, if nobody tells me what goes wrong?

It seems I totally misunderstood your post; I'm embarrassed and I apologize ;)

I have finally read through NPE's official thread and will post there my results later today :thumbup:

btw. Only 30 builds to get sound working is pretty fast.


Yeah, just the latest round :thumbup:


#35 MedEvil


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 05:13 PM

and I apologize ;)

No need to apologize for anything, we all make mistakes.


#36 amalux


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 06:27 PM

No need to apologize for anything, we all make mistakes.


That's cool, I just posted first results over in NaughtyPE's forum :thumbup:

#37 amalux


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 07:31 PM

OK, now back to topic at hand; audio support in LiveXP with BootSDI! So far, so good; with MedEvil's help, there's light at the end of the tunnel ;)

For those interested, here's the current test build with working audio: lx52808mx. It's pretty basic but working great!, if you feel like testing; please post results here! I'll be adding all the even more bells and whistles for final release in the tutorial here.


Final thoughts on this; the problem boiled down to a conflict between the 'adding upper filters' function in Acronis scripts and hwpnp.exe which is included in audio support scripts. Eventually I would like to try and resolve this issue but for now, leaving the Acronis scripts out works fine :thumbup:

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