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#26 sbaeder


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Posted 18 May 2012 - 08:34 PM

OK - the error *IS* related to the recent update to the 4.5 version...I can reproduce it, so will fix, and look for update soon.

I was trying to be "fancy" and pick up the default program folder and group names from the setup file...Easeus "enhanced" these variables in the "iss" file to use InnoSetup's variable substitution for language specific strings...

Now, I pick up the version number and add that to the program folder and default group names...Tested both with older version (that has IMHO) more functionality as well as the recently released 4.5 version. Let me know if any issues.


Edited by sbaeder, 18 May 2012 - 09:31 PM.
script updated

#27 wayne5de

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 01:42 PM


I've a problem with the TB5.6...

After downloading the tb_free.exe, I want to extract the file.

But there are two errors:

  1. Unable to open file
  2. install_script_cleanup.cmd is not a valid W32-App (because the cmd is empty)

What could be the problem?




Edited by wayne5de, 26 February 2013 - 01:43 PM.

#28 sbaeder


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Posted 02 March 2013 - 09:37 PM

I am just guessing, but they are notorious for changing around the internal content of the todo backup installer and also limiting what is available "free"... First thing to check is if it still uses inno setup to pack the exe...My guess is that they  are not.  But I'll try to look at it and see if I can see anything EASY to do.

#29 DarkPhoeniX


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Posted 02 March 2013 - 09:54 PM

Im using grub4dos to boot the easeUS boot-able Linux backup software

Just today i had a HDD that windows could not boot from or see,when i made a backup i got some files that would have been lost

#30 sbaeder


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Posted 03 March 2013 - 08:32 PM

Yes, no doubt it is a good tool to use.  And as you point out, it has a linux ISO bootable image in the free version that can be used to backup even a drive that might not be bootable on it's own.


The issue (I think) is what content is now packaged in the free tool version, but maybe more important, how it is packaged.  Note that the last version of the script (v13) was only tested on the 4.5 version, and even then I recommended the eaelier version since they had moved more things from Free into the "home" version. 


But, let's look at the current one i.e. version 5.6 -


Manually running the unpacker (innounp) indicates that this is using version 5.5 of the inno setup tool, and that it can't handle unpacking it.  That is most likely the issue.  Fortunately, the creator of the innounp has updated it recently, and it will unpack the current TB_FREE executable.  So, now, we can  update the script with the newer unpacker exe, and try it again...


OK - looks like the way they also mark the version number inside the "ISS" file has also changed...They are now using language specific variable, so just like we had to make changes to support v 4.5, I had to make a change to how it picks up the version number.  Once I do a final test, I will upload v14 of the script




Well, I fixed all that, and the loaded program still fails after building the PE...Needs different configuration files, etc.  Bottom line is that I don't use this anymore, and don't want to install it for "real" on my system to try to debug why the files need some other sort of configuration or registry information. If you (or anyone else) wants my edits for V14 - which update the innounp and also properly extract the version number, let me know.  Otherwise, my suggestion is to go find an older version if you can, OR USE THE INCLUDED ISO (based on Linux)



#31 wayne5de

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 12:33 PM

Thx for your effort!


Now, I've decided :blink:... 

I go back to the roots and will use the win vista/7/8 integrated backup/image function in the future!




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