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Using Win7PE_SE_05_19_2010 cant get ppapps to work?

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#26 amalux


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Posted 12 October 2010 - 04:47 AM

waiting your test result, good luck :)

This is only a preliminary report, I'll have more time tomorrow to look into it. The ppAppsGenPE.exe runs in x64 Win7PE! :cheers: , that's the good news; almost everything else is problematic but I think this has more to do with x64 PE than specific to ppApps. Many application errors and some script errors, most pop-ups have no text so hard to tell what's happening. I need to learn a lot more about x64 PE in general, I just wish I new what the point was; there's no advantage I know of to using x64 PE and I see there's a lot of work ahead. Is it possible to force all apps to run in x86 mode? Would this help if it were possible? The fact that the ISO is 411MB, with all app's deselected, doesn't help either! Time will tell if it's worth the trouble for x64 PE :cheers:

#27 amalux


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Posted 12 October 2010 - 08:01 PM

OK, sorry for last post, I was tired... Today everything looks brighter and I see no reason ppApps can't work great in x64! :cheers:

The cause of the vast majority of errors and issues was a mis-configured BCD entry, I had the ISO set to run from memory instead of from disk. Whether this is an issue specific to x64 or simply the size of the ISO i can't say, I've never used an ISO this big before :cheers: . Anyway, with very few exceptions, the several hundred portables I tested all worked without a hitch! The handful that failed may have remedy in tracking down x64 versions of some files... All in all, a great success! :cheers:

Thanks again to Lancelot for x64 update to script and of course to JFX, ChrisR and all the other talented people behind Win7PE_SE, I'll be spending a lot more time inside this nice project to get any ppApps bugs worked out and maybe even release a customized version of my own (if no objections).


#28 Lancelot


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Posted 12 October 2010 - 09:20 PM

Hi amalux,

nice to see ppapps supporting x64 :D as you can see one little from there one little from here and valaaaa :)

maybe even release a customized version of my own (if no objections).

I personally have no objection , you know I like amalux editions (AE) :D

just a hint, wait next release :idea: :cheers:

#29 amalux


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Posted 13 October 2010 - 02:34 AM

yeah i see that you can change the text colors etc. was hoping that you could change the menu options as far as adding or removing entries. i tried adding a URL shortcut to the desktop, but it does not launch opera (which is the browser in the PE). here is the .ini


Sorry r6xual, I totally missed this...

You can't do it from the ini, add it to the setups.cmd (or add your own), be sure to put the url link in the folder with setups.cmd :idea:

Set Start=%SystemDrive%\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
Set Desktop=%SystemDrive%\Users\Default\Desktop

::for start menu:
md "%Start%\Remote Support"
xcopy "Support*" "%Start%\Remote Support" /i /y

::for desktop (if you really want a folder on desktop named Remote Support with Support link in it):
md "%Desktop%\Remote Support"
xcopy "Support*" "%Desktop%\Remote Support" /i /y

::otherwise, to put Support link directly on desktop, just:
xcopy "Support*" "%Desktop%" /i /y

This should work with any browser that can launch that url link.

I'll get back to you on the menu.lst, have to look closer...

OK, in Projects\Win7pe_SE\Finalize\4-iso.script, section: Grub4DosMGR, you'll find what you want.
Look for entries starting with TXTAddLine,%BootMenu% to find code you want to change or remove. e.g. line 217:

If,ExistFile,"%targetdir%\RECC\SETUPLDR.BIN",TXTAddLine,%BootMenu%,"title Windows XP SP2 Recovery Console",Append

starts the boot menu entries, just comment out the unwanted lines (//at beginning of line).

Similarly, in Projects\Win7pe_SE\Finalize\6-USBDevice.script, section: Grub4DosMGR, you'll find the same thing. Starting with line 113:

If,ExistFile,"%targetdir%\RECC\SETUPLDR.BIN",TXTAddLine,%BootMenu%,"title Windows XP SP2 Recovery Console",Append

Comment out or edit as needed depending on which script you're using and ask if you have questions.

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