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error 19 : cannot mount selected partition while trying to boot Linux from CD/ROM

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#26 Marietto


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 06:05 PM

---> With WHICH mkisofs parameters?

I make the remaster with these parameters :

cd /mnt/sda3/knx/master/boot/isolinux

rm -r isolinux.cfg

rm -rf /mnt/sda3/knx/source/KNOPPIX/.rr_moved

mkisofs -R -U -V "Wonko the sane" -publisher "is the best" -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -no-bak -pad /mnt/sda3/knx/source/KNOPPIX | nice -5 /usr/bin/create_compressed_fs - 65536 > /mnt/sda3/knx/master/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

cd /mnt/sda3/knx/master

find -type f -not -name sha1sums -not -name boot.cat -not -name grldr \-exec sha1sum '{}' \; > KNOPPIX/sha1sums

mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "KNOPPIX" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/grldr -c boot/isolinux/boot.cat -hide-rr-moved -o /mnt/sda3/knx/knoppix.iso /mnt/sda3/knx/master

---> Does file /KNOPPIX/modules/cloop.ko exist on CD?

the folder module is into \CDROOT\knoppix\KNOPPIX\modules ; here there are two files :


----> Does file /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX exist on CD

yes. it is inside \CDROOT\knoppix\KNOPPIX

---> How is the whatever that may need RockRidge supposed to navigate the CD filesystem?

Translate it in italian,because I don't understand what do you mean

#27 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 07:22 PM

No need to translate anything, you DID NOT remove the -R, you replaced it with -r (which is fine :mellow: )
BTW what you actually reported lately is that you used the -r switch in a set of command lines that you must have run from Linux AND NOT in the batch. ;)

You have to make up your mind, you either use Linux OR the batch or anyway report what you did more exactly, it is utterly difficult to try understanding your incomplete or possibly deceiving reports...

Can you see any difference between question and answer?
Q:Does file /KNOPPIX/modules/cloop.ko exist on CD?

Q:Does file /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX exist on CD?
A:yes. it is inside \CDROOT\knoppix\KNOPPIX

One question:

Thanks Wonko,I've been able to boot Knoppix from FreeDOS. I explain what I did :

mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "KNOPPIX" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/grldr -c boot/isolinux/boot.cat -hide-rr-moved -o /mnt/sda3/knx/knoppix.iso /mnt/sda3/knx/master

WHAT has FreeDOS to do with the above? :)

Another question:
Is KNOPPIX the same as knoppix on a CaSE SeNsItIvE Operating System or filesystem? :unsure:

The whatever you did CANNOT find two files and then halts:

Insmod : can't open '/mnt-system/KNOPPIX/modules/cloop.ko" : no such file or directory
Could not mount /mnt-system/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX. Starting debuggin Shell..

there is no way to know if this happens because:
  • you used an incorrect way to re-master the KNOPPIX
  • you used an incorrect way to create the .iso
  • you have a misnamed source structure (KNOPPIX/knoppix)
  • you changed anything in the source before re-mastering
  • ....

Unless you start doing experiments reportng them EXACTLY and EXHAUSTIVELY.

As I told you n-times by now, you should do experiments changing things one at the time AND NOT "all" together, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to find what is wrong and why.

Plan of action (plan A):
  • FORGET about grub4dos and your project and ONLY follow the instructions on the given link TO THE LETTER and see if you can manage to have a booting remastered "simple" Knoppix Live CD <-this will assure that the re-mastering procedure is OK

Plan of action (plan :):
  • FORGET about grub4dos and your project AND remastering the ORIGINAL .iso of knoppix, just see if you can create a new, working .iso of knoppix using the mkisofs commands using as source an UNTOUCHED Knoppix Live CD <- this will assure that the actual .iso creation is OK

Until you have successfully accomplished BOTH the above, there is very little sense in going on....


#28 Marietto


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Posted 24 August 2010 - 09:09 PM

After a lot of tries I found what was the problem : media easily corruptible. Sometimes Knoppix is not able to read correctly the content of a media and it returns with misleading error messages. This is because I've used rewritables CD/ROM and after some rewrites they became corrupted. Anyway Knoppix seems to have a very sensible mechanism of CD/ROM read ability. Now that I have accomplished this task,I can go on with the last step of my project. I would like to start the installation of Vista/7/Xp using their unpacked installation files saved inside a folder. I've already been able to do it,but now the working way I used some time ago does not work anymore,I don't know why. Let's say that I want to start the installation of Windows Vista and 7. This is the situation :

Disk /dev/hd0 : 320 GB

/dev/(hd0,0) = the first hidden partition created by Vista/7,it is the boot partition.
/dev/(hd0,1) = the Windows Vista/7 files are saved here,it's the main partition.

I saved the Windows Vista/7 installation files on (hd0,1)/Winzozz and I use this menu.lst configuration file :

title Start the installation of Windows Vista/7
root (hd0,1)
chainloader (hd0,1)/Winzozz/bootmgr

grub4dos should chainload the bootmgr located inside the folder specified on the menu.lst file,but it doesn't. This is the error message given :

File: \ Boot\BCD

Status : 0xc000000f

An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data. Any suggestion ?

#29 tinybit


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Posted 25 August 2010 - 01:00 AM

grub4dos should chainload the bootmgr located inside the folder specified on the menu.lst file,but it doesn't.

Not exactly. Grub4dos successfully chainloaded the bootmgr.

This is the error message given :

File: \ Boot\BCD

Status : 0xc000000f

An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.

That message is not printed by grub4dos. It is by Windows/bootmgr.

#30 Marietto


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Posted 25 August 2010 - 08:00 AM

The boot folder and the file bootmgr when is created the hidden partition are placed on (hd0,0). To do what I want,I've renamed bootmgr into bootmgr_ on that location and then I copied the windows 7 installation files on the root of the second partition (hd0,1). This way it works. Grub4dos now can chainload the right bootmgr file. I think that before it chainloaded the bootmgr located on (hd0,0). Again I don't understand why if I copy the Windows Vista/7 installation files on (hd0,1)/somewhere it does not work,but if they are on the root of the partition n. 2 it works. This is the working menu.lst conf file :

title Fix Windows Vista/7 32/64 bit
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /bootmgr
chainloader /bootmgr

and this is the not working menu.lst conf file :

title Fix Windows Vista/7 32/64 bit
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /somewhere/bootmgr
chainloader /somewhere/bootmgr

Now I want to do the same but with the installation files of Windows XP,someone knows which file grub4dos should chainload ?

#31 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 25 August 2010 - 08:47 AM

the info about XP is all over the Forum take some time in searching and reading.

The problem you are having is NOT the location of the bootmgr file, but the location of the BCD!

Things you would have found, had you spent 5 minutes searching:


#32 Marietto


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Posted 25 August 2010 - 11:05 PM

I tried to start the installation of Windows XP using this menu.lst conf file :

find --set-root --ignore-floppies -ignore-cd /xp.iso
map --mem /xp.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainload (hd32)

the xp iso image has been created with MagicISO. The installation of XP starts correctly,but as soon as it tries to detect the hardware,the computer reboots,why ? I tried the same way with Windows 7 and the installation started without problems.

#33 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 09:15 AM

I tried to start the installation of Windows XP using this menu.lst conf file :

the xp iso image has been created with MagicISO. The installation of XP starts correctly,but as soon as it tries to detect the hardware,the computer reboots,why ? I tried the same way with Windows 7 and the installation started without problems.

1) Don't use ANY ISO editing tool - NEVER - as they are VERY likely to create booting problems
2) We (actually you :) ) are still at square #1.

READ attentively this thread:

It is a sticky in the grub4dos forum and you should know it, as well as this one:
by heart! :)

You CANNOT boot a XP based .ISO with grub4dos mapping UNLESS a driver (RAMDISK type or FILEDISK type) is used in the .iso to hook the grub4dos mapping when protected mode "kicks in".

THEN, try NOT re-inventing the wheel or hot water (unless you are capable of inventing a rounder wheel or hotter water):

AND version 1.0 beta 6


#34 Marietto


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 03:37 PM

It seems that before to make the right thing,I try all the not working ways (please don't hate me :D) ,like this one,that it is interesting because it happens something really odd.
I tried to start the installation of XP using the "SETUPLDR.BIN" way :)

Here is what I did :

1) Copied all the installation files of Windows XP Home SP3 on the folder \xp on (hd0,1)

2) Copied these files from \pebuild\I386 to the root of (hd0,1) :


3) Renamed SETUPLDR.BIN to NTLDR on the root of (hd0,1)

4) Copied SETUPLDR.BIN ; NTDETECT.COM ; txtsetup.sif from \pebuild\I386 to \xp on (hd0,1)

5) Used this menu.lst file :

title Start the installation of Windows XP
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /xp/SETUPLDR.BIN
chainloader /xp/SETUPLDR.BIN

the odd behaviour is because the installation of XP starts correctly,it says : checking hardware and then I see only a black screen,but the computer does not reboot. But what happens,then ?

#35 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 03:52 PM

It seems that before to make the right thing,I try all the not working ways (please don't hate me :)) ,like this one,that it is interesting because it happens something really odd.

NOTHING "odd" AT ALL. :)
AND I won't "hate" :) you for this, but quite frankly, you are not only losing your time (which is allright, of course :)) but also some of other people's.

As a matter of fact the thing that is really upsetting :) is how your approach does not take into account ANYTHING that a lot of people have taken their time to explain and document, and that is easily accessible if you only took some of your (NOT precious since you are wasting it in senseless attempts) time in reading these available info (BTW to which I directed you n times)

the odd behaviour is because the installation of XP starts correctly,it says : checking hardware and then I see only a black screen,but the computer does not reboot. But what happens,then ?

Try copying "all the installation files of Windows XP Home SP3 on the folder \xp \minint on (hd0,0)" (or however to the ACTIVE PRIMARY partition) :)


#36 Marietto


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 05:18 PM

1) I can't copy the Windows XP installation files on (hd0,0) because this is the hidden partition created by Windows 7. There is not enough space there.

2) I tried to rename the folder \xp on (hd0,1) to \minint and I've got this error :

Impossibile caricare il file \minint\system32\biosinfo.inf. Il codice dell'errore e' 14.

#37 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 06:06 PM

Impossibile caricare il file \minint\system32\biosinfo.inf. Il codice dell'errore e' 14.

Yep :) , but at least now you have an actual error, and not a blank screen.... :)

Does it sound similar to this :):

File \WIN_SETUP\XP_Home_OEM\I386\biosinfo.inf could not be loaded. The error code is 14.


Or to this:

File \XP64\biosinfo.inf could not be loaded.
The error code is 14.


Or to any of these:

Good luck, sincerely :), even actually READing the above references, and understanding ALL the factors involved, it won't be easy to find a solution :), and I hope that with your finite monkey approach, it won't take you an infinite amount of time :):

Hint, try renaming \minint\ to \$WIN_NT$.~BT\ :)


#38 Marietto


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 12:39 PM

I did the first part of the installation of Windows XP on a hard disk where the first partition (hd0,0) is hidden and the second one (hd0,1) contains the installation files of Windows 7. I created the third partition to host the installation files of Windows XP on (hd0,2). After that XP has finished to be installed,I rebooted the computer and I've attached another hard disk to analyze what it did. This is what :

on a (hd0,0) it copied these files :

boot.ini :

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(3)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect


and on (hd0,2) it created a folder named Windows. Maybe I can duplicate this behaviour by myself. Since I can't re-distribuite Windows files,the bigger problem is how to duplicate the Windows folder located on (hd0,2) starting from the files located on the Windows XP CD/ROM...

#39 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 27 August 2010 - 01:27 PM

I like your reports. :)

You report (almost :)) exactly what you did when you fail (in order to get hints and help) and completely omit details of what you did when you succeed (in order to avoid giving to the thread ANY usefulness for other people).


#40 Marietto


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Posted 12 September 2010 - 09:45 AM

I tried to install Windows XP from an .iso using the firadisk driver (1.24) . This is what I did :

1. I Used ImDisk to create and mount the floppy disk image firadisk.ima as drive R: with the following command :

imdisk -a -s 1440K -m R: -o fd -f C:\firadisk.ima -p "/fs:fat"

2) I created this file :


d1 = "FiraDisk Installation Disk", \firadisk.sys, \
d1 = "FiraDisk Installation Disk", \firadisk64.sys, \

scsi = firadisk32

firadisk32 = "FiraDisk Virtual Disk Driver x86",firadisk
firadisk64 = "FiraDisk Virtual Disk Driver x64",firadisk

driver = d1,firadisk.sys,firadisk
inf = d1,firadisk.inf

driver = d1,firadisk64.sys,firadisk
inf = d1,firadisk.inf

3. and I Copied it with firadisk.inf, firadisk.sys and firadisk64.sys to drive R:

4. I created the iso image of Windows XP

5. My first hard disk (hd0) is partitioned like this :

first partition (hidden + system) = hd(0,0)
second partition (inside it there is installed Windows 7) = hd(0,1)

6) I copied firadisk.ima and xp.iso inside hd(0,1)/xp

7) From the cd/rom I ran grub and this is the menu.lst file I've used :


title 3) Install Windows XP
find --set-root --ignore-cd /xp/xp.iso
map --mem /xp/firadisk.ima (fd1)
map --mem (md)0x6000+800 (fd0)
map --mem /xp/xp.iso (0xff)
map --hook
dd if=(fd1) of=(fd0) count=1
chainloader (0xff)

title 4) Continue installing Windows XP
find --set-root --ignore-cd /xp/xp.iso
map --mem /xp/xp.iso (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (hd0)+1

8) When I choose the third option the installation of Windows XP start without problems. When it asks to reboot the computer I do it,but instead to continue the installation as usual,I placed the FreeDOS cd/rom inside the drive and I ran grub again,but this time choosing option n. 4 so that XP can continue to be installed

9) During the second stage of the installation I've been prompted with a warning that FiraDisk Virtual Disk Enumerator has not passed Windows Logo testing... I clicked on the Continue Anyway button,but I had this blue screen :

STOP : 0X000000CE (0XF7721726,0X00000008,0XF7721726,0X00000000)

what's wrong ?

#41 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 09:49 AM

8) When I choose the third option the installation of Windows XP start without problems. When it asks to reboot the computer I do it,but instead to continue the installation as usual,I placed the FreeDOS cd/rom inside the drive and I ran grub again,but this time choosing option n. 3 so that XP can continue to be installed

WHY? :)

Does the approach carried on EXACTLY as described in the original thread work for you? :hyper:

It should be this one:


#42 Marietto


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Posted 12 September 2010 - 10:15 AM

I followed this tutorial :


and I made changes to adapt it to my situation. Particularly I've removed these lines :

map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)

because the XP iso image is on hd(0,1) and I want to install it on hd(0,1),but with a different Windows main folder name,for example Win,because on (hd0,1) there is already installed Windows 7.

#43 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 11:25 AM

I followed this tutorial :


Good. :hyper:

and I made changes to adapt it to my situation. Particularly I've removed these lines :

"Particularly" or "only"?

Try with Firadisk

Review anyway the given link of MSFN, it may contain something that could give a hint to the right experiment to try.


#44 Marietto


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Posted 12 September 2010 - 12:20 PM

As first experiment I wanna try every version of firadisk came out right now. Maybe I find a version that works :D

Right now this is the situation :

firadisk_driver_0.0.1.24 : no

#45 Marietto


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Posted 12 September 2010 - 09:57 PM

Firadisk version did not work,maybe because it is bugged,but version did it. Wonko,with your great help,I've been able to do it. A big thanks to you. Now I have another problem to fix. I would like to start the unattended installation of XP,so I have copied the file unattend.txt on the root of the iso image. The problem is that it is ignored. This is the content inside it :


ProfilesDir="C:\Documents and Settings_new"








As soon as XP make the boot,the automatic installation does not start,but I see this partition scheme :

305243 MB Disco SCSI 0, Id 0, bus 0, su atapi [MBR]

-: Partizione1 [NTFS] 50273 MB (50218 MB disp.)
-: Partizione2 [NTFS] 122366 MB (90198 MB disp.)
-: Partizione3 [NTFS] 132605 MB (131453 MB disp.)

2 MB Disco SCSI 247, Id 3, bus 74, su Sconosciuto [MBR]

C: Partizione1 (FIRADISK) [FAT] 1 MB (1 MB disp.)

1 MB Disco SCSI 247, Id 3, bus 74, su Sconosciuto [MBR]

D: Partizione1 [FAT] 0 MB (1 MB disp.)

I have renamed unattend.txt to winnt.sif and I copied it inside the I386 folder,but nothing.

#46 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 13 September 2010 - 08:01 AM

Why don't you change the title of this thread from:

error 19 : cannot mount selected partition while trying to boot Linux from CD/ROM

to something like:

ANY §@ç#ing problem I manage to create by doing random attempts and that has not anything to do with grub4dos


If you have a problem with UNATTENDED, go where UNATTENDED is discussed, take your time to READ and LEARN, and then, IF you still have problems, post asking for help there.

These are suitable places:

Can you see the logical difference between:

Boot Land > Groups > Boot from USB / Boot anywhere > Grub4dos >


MSFN Forums» Unattended Windows Discussion & Support» Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003

MSFN Forums» Member Contributed Projects» Install Windows from USB

Since you are having problems while Installing Unattended Windows XP from USB it would seem more logical.... ;)


#47 Marietto


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Posted 13 September 2010 - 08:25 AM

ohhh you are boring with this story of the random attempts,I'm not a parrot,there is a logic behind my actions,even if you don't like it :D

#48 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 13 September 2010 - 09:40 AM

ohhh you are boring with this story of the random attempts,I'm not a parrot,there is a logic behind my actions,even if you don't like it :(

Sure there must be a reason :w00t:.

Whether this reason is logical or not, it is debatable. :)

I don't doubt in the least that you are not a parrot, you see, UNLIKE you, parrots are VERY capable of mimicking and replicating what other people show them. ;)

So, if you were a parrot, you would be standing out of the crowd for your enterprising and innovative approaches. :w00t:


The whole point is not about the unconventional ideas that you come up with and the "lateral" thinking that you show, which are allright :) , only about the way you think you can take shortcuts that actually make you do a lot of additional work and need much more time than using the already built roads (attempts to run BEFORE making baby steps AND attempts to re-discover hot-water empirically).

If you want to make some explosives (this and the following are a few key-words that Nuno will appreciate as they will most probably boost his stoopid Alexa ranking :w00t:), let's say some dynamite, you should read attentively several chemistry books and do lots of test with simpler procedures before starting to play with nitroglycerine.
You can re-discover allright that when you mix some components, unless you cool them down and do things VERY accurately and slowly, they will explode, but you won't like the direct experience learning process. :hyper: (typically it leads to inability to count to 7 on your fingers without taking your shoes off)

Specifically, a board is not usually organized according to the user needing help or asking questions about *everything*, but rather on the TOPIC his need for help or questions are related.
I will gladly accept any logical explanation why do you think that people that know a little bit about grub4dos (and that are likely to take part in a thread posted in the grub4dos forum) should ALSO be expert in Windows Unattended.

In my logic, on a grub4dos Forum it is more probable to find a lot of grub4dos "expert" peeps (and very few Unattended Windows Installation ones) and viceversa.


#49 Marietto


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Posted 13 September 2010 - 11:19 AM

I understand what you mean, but I'm a person who likes coherence, so I thought that start a new topic without knowing the whole story it could take much more time for me that I have to explain again everything and for people who need to go read the old topic in a new place. To keep the whole story in a single place,does not could be better ? Anyway,you are the admin of the board and I do what you think it's better.

#50 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 13 September 2010 - 12:08 PM

Anyway,you are the admin of the board and I do what you think it's better.

No, I am NOT. :)
Just in case you missed it:

I understand what you mean, but I'm a person who likes coherence, so I thought that start a new topic without knowing the whole story it could take much more time for me that I have to explain again everything and for people who need to go read the old topic in a new place.

Yep :w00t:, but you are assuming either:
  • that anyone capable of helping you on a Unattended problem will ever read your post in a completely unrelated place
  • that if you post in a more appropriate place anyone will spend their time reading other posts or guessing :) because you are too d@amn lazy ;) to provide the relevant info when posting

For all that matters, you are perfectly free to also post in this thread questions about cooking times of grilled coconuts :) or disassembling instructions for mechanical watches :w00t: , I was only pointing out that doing so you have less probabilities to ever get an answer to them when compared to posting those questions in the appropriate Boards/Forums.

The Rule #2 has an appendix (NOT compulsory) dedicated to "common sense advice" exactly for the same reason:


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