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PENetwork Not Finding Card

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#26 amalux


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Posted 26 January 2010 - 08:19 AM

Another method also available which requires writeable media (written before), I leave tutorialing to amalux :lol:

Very simply, include the latest version of the script from here, current v.61 direct. You only need the highlighted section for importing supplied drivers:

For loose (unpacked) drivers, either backed up by a program like SmartDriverBackup (easiest, just use exactly as setup by program) or taken from a package like the one you linked to, you need the loose drivers in a folder directory "?:\drivers\loose" at the root of any writable drive (hard drive, USB/UFD etc. Any drivers can go in there (names unimportant):

but each folder must have a complete set of drivers inside (in this case Win32 versions):

If you have packed drivers, like DriverPacks, just place them in 'Drivers' folder for detection:

That's it, DIPE does the rest automatically at boot; watch the status window for info on which drivers are successful. If a driver installation reports 'failed', it means this driver isn't compatible with your hardware (or OS) so don't bother loading it again (delete it from your drivers folder).

Here's the problem, I don't know if any of this works building in Vista with a Win2k3 source! I'm still working out some issues getting any project to build with those parameters. Need some time...

#27 MedEvil


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Posted 26 January 2010 - 12:13 PM

I have never seen anyone have so many problems as you seem to have.
Eighter you're the most unfortunate person on the planet or something very basic is wrong. Like maybe Vista interfering with the builds.

Also regarding the NaughtyPE error.
Did a check again. Though my Intel chipset is newer than yours, NaughtyPE runs without the need for aditional SATA drivers. Just checking the included script is good enough.

Could you tell us the name of your motherboard?


#28 Lancelot


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Posted 26 January 2010 - 02:22 PM


thanks, now on LiveXP server (with minor interface mod + starmenu location "System\Dipe")


Thought I'd give DriverForge a try.
Driver forge said, "No drivers at this location.

this shows the drivers you provided are NOT your pc's driver.

I guess in the end of this topic, with the experience about obtaning right drivers, once you learn the hardwares you use and obtaning right drivers of them, you will be able to use them on many events.
This is truely end users responsibility, but we are good people around to help if we can ;).
btw, so far nobody yet know your drivers, because instead of following advices for sources

As I wrote in the begining, you need decent xp/2k3 drivers of your nic, maybe from your mainboard website, or maybe from laptop website your ethernet card, or maybe from your ethernet card website (whatever you use).

you provide a package link from softpedia.

You need to provide exact information about your hardwares, in this case ethernet. So far I guess you are a PC user, and I again guess your ethernet is on board. If both is true, find your mainboard website, there should be nic drivers (small sized :lol:) for this specific board on the website.

Anyway, further, I advice you to follow amalux's advices, he is the most experienced user around who tests all known methods/scripts for specific and general solutions. I am sure in the end you will find your drivers ;)

#29 Iamwithin



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Posted 26 January 2010 - 06:04 PM

I have never seen anyone have so many problems as you seem to have.
Eighter you're the most unfortunate person on the planet or something very basic is wrong. Like maybe Vista interfering with the builds.

Could you tell us the name of your motherboard?

Hello MedEvil,

Here are my computer specs:

Processor(4)Intel #6fb, 2400 MHz
266MHz external bus
BIOSIntel Corp. DPP3510J.15A.0316.2008.0522.1909 05/22/2008
Memory 3072MB physical
90% free resources
4 memory slots, 0 free (1024+512+1024+512)
Video Graphics Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT
Screen Area/Colors: 1360x768 pixels, 16 million colors
Monitor: SyncMaster 245B/245BW/245BPlus(Digital)
Drives C:\ (NTFS) 476937MB total, 395390MB free
E:\ CD-ROM/CD-RW or DVD Drive
F:\ CD-ROM/CD-RW or DVD Drive
I:\ (NTFS) 476929MB total, 230568MB free
Network and Modem (modem) CXT PCIe Soft Data Fax SoftRing Modem with SmartCP
(net) Intel Intel 82562V-2 10/100 Network Connection
(net) Microsoft isatap.{6D3D7009-2EA8-40B9-BA97-523FA5B1D587}
(net) Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
(net) VMware VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1
(net) VMware VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8
(net) Microsoft RAS Async Adapter
Operating System Windows 6.0.6002 6.0.6002 SP2 (Windows 6.0.6002 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2)
Original setup date: 12/9/2007
DirectX Version: 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Swap file managed by Windows
File cache managed by Windows
BrowserMSIE 8.0; 6.0; Trident/4.0; User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; http://bsalsa.com) ; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729
Proxy: No proxy set
HTTP level: direct 1.1, proxy 1.1
Scripting version:
Network Settings
Local IP:
Network Components
Intel 82562V-2 10/100 Network Connection (4/13/2007)
Microsoft isatap.{6D3D7009-2EA8-40B9-BA97-523FA5B1D587} (6/21/2006)
Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface (6/21/2006)
Microsoft WAN Miniport (L2TP) (6/21/2006)
Microsoft WAN Miniport (Network Monitor) (6/21/2006)
Microsoft WAN Miniport (IP) (6/21/2006)
Microsoft WAN Miniport (IPv6) (6/21/2006)
Microsoft WAN Miniport (PPPOE) (6/21/2006)
Microsoft WAN Miniport (PPTP) (6/21/2006)
Microsoft WAN Miniport (SSTP) (6/21/2006)
VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 (4/8/2008)
VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 (4/8/2008)
Microsoft RAS Async Adapter (6/21/2006)
CXT PCIe Soft Data Fax SoftRing Modem with SmartCP (4/11/2007)

I visited the Gateway drivers site and downloaded the 'specific' w2k3 drivers for my network card.
Tee website is here: http://support.gateway.com/ but you cannot get in without a computer serial number. So I uploaded drivers here: https://backup.files...88d61639fb4b3a5 if anyone wants them.

My source is w2k3sp2, these drivers are for w2k3sp2 from the manufacturer of my computer.
Yet no network card can be found with LiveXP.

You are probably right it is a conflict with Vista Home Premium SP2.

VistaPE ran right the very first time and I guess I should stick with that.

I am not an IT professional, I am just a grandpa trying to learn.
But I can see that most people are tired of this topic so I will drop it.
Thank you for your time.
Good day gentlemen.

#30 Lancelot


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Posted 26 January 2010 - 06:26 PM

VistaPE ran right the very first time and I guess I should stick with that.

the PE that suits your goals is the PE for you ;)

JonF put dps-lan package to VistaPE-Capi, and it is good to read it works for you.

And a tip, You can copy (only) apps scripts from LiveXP to VistaPE-Capi ;)

Have fun :lol:

#31 MedEvil


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Posted 26 January 2010 - 06:33 PM

Iamwithin please stop using the grandpa thing as an excuse, a bunch of us are grandparents too.

Since your computer manufacturer is so secretive, please download the following software. It will tell you exactly what kind of devices you have.


Hopefully Gateway has not replaced the original names by an own string. ;)


#32 amalux


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Posted 26 January 2010 - 07:17 PM

For what it's worth...

I was able to build LiveXP in Vista UE, using W2k3sp2 source without errors (5 hours to build in Vista vs. 20 min. in XP) and only one warning: XPE DirectX script is not compatible with W2k3 source. This means no media support but otherwise the build worked fine, burned to CD and booted no problem (what a relief to get out of Vista). DIPE found and installed my NIC drivers without issue in PE :lol:

Project I used is here.

You must disable both DEP and UAC in Vista:

Start -> Run -> cmd -> Enter

Disable DEP:

bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff

(Enable DEP)

bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOn

Verify status:

wmic OS Get DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy

Look at the number display on the screen. The number indicates the DEP status which reads as follows:

0 =AlwaysOff – DEP is disabled for all processes (what you want)
1 =AlwaysOn – DEP is enabled for all processes
2 =OptIn – DEP is enabled for Windows system components and services (this is the default setting)
3 =OptOut – DEP is enabled for all processes except for those Administrators identified erify

To Disable UAC:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

(To Enable UAC)

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

After the above operations, computer needs to be restarted for the changes to be effective.

This experience has only reinforced what I already knew, Vista is a piece of cr@p!! I guess those with Vista should stick with VistaPE (useless to me) and those with XP should stick with LiveXP. Actually, not true; LiveXP works far better and should be used instead of the host Vista! ;)


#33 MedEvil


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Posted 26 January 2010 - 07:44 PM

After trying to check some file on a Windows 7 PC today, which drove me crazy, because search reported the file found in a folder, which wasn't there, i popped my trusty NaughtyPE in.

Searching was way faster, even though search had to work without the indexing service and surprise, surprise a whole lot more folders showed up! :lol:

Most annoying to the proud owner was though, that the scaled down, half crippled XP called NaughtyPE, did not only ran faster from CD than W7 from HD, but also allowed me to achive my goals much easier.

I bet he's sitten there at the moment and thinking about getting XP! ;)


#34 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 26 January 2010 - 08:04 PM

...not to talk about good ol' 2K:

Since noone in his right mind (I am talking about ilko_t and myself :lol:) would use Vista, we miss a comparison test for FAT16/FAT32 speed.

About W7, first idea I'm having is that given that you need a super-computer to run it, it runs not that bad, of course a 2K or a 2003 on that same hardware would run as fast as lightning.


#35 Lancelot


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Posted 26 January 2010 - 08:21 PM

LiveXP works far better and should be used instead of the host Vista! ;)


With wonderful info on your post, I will add some small things verry soon :lol:.
here my dep is 2 which I guess default for all xp & vista & win7 users which works fine. (I guess for win servers default is 1)
Iamwithin provided an easy info to test with, firadisk script v6 with default settings.
I feel this is about winbuilder not being compatible with vista (and maybe win7) dep when some scripting (and/or application) used, I hope with this reproducable method psc finds a way for winbuilder...
another idea is, starting winbuilder with administrator priviledges when dep is 2. (I guess right clicking winbuilder.exe and run as ad....). Can you test with enabled firadisk ?

#36 amalux


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Posted 26 January 2010 - 11:18 PM

another idea is, starting winbuilder with administrator priviledges when dep is 2. (I guess right clicking winbuilder.exe and run as ad....). Can you test with enabled firadisk ?

Give me some time, I'll post results tomorrow ;)

#37 Iamwithin



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Posted 27 January 2010 - 03:04 AM

For what it's worth...

I was able to build LiveXP in Vista UE, using W2k3sp2 source without errors (5 hours to build in Vista vs. 20 min. in XP) and only one warning: XPE DirectX script is not compatible with W2k3 source. This means no media support but otherwise the build worked fine, burned to CD and booted no problem (what a relief to get out of Vista). DIPE found and installed my NIC drivers without issue in PE ;)

Project I used is here.

You must disable both DEP and UAC in Vista:


Thanks amalux,

Very helpful. I was able to build LiveXP WITH DIPE and FiraDisk, 0 errors. Wow does that ever boot up fast. I used DIPE to import network driver from w2k3, but it said, "needs bus."
What does that mean?

I will still look at your buid later tonight.

Thanks again.

#38 Galapo


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 04:59 AM

we definately need a DEP detector for the project :lol:.

Should I add such a check to OnProjectRun? Maybe also a check to see if UAC is disabled?


#39 Lancelot


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 05:39 AM

Hi Boss ;) ,

Adding "check UAC" Is %100 correct

"DEP detector" is good idea too, only we do not know a case for DEP2
There are 2 possiblities:
2a) VistaDep2-->normal double click winbuilder.exe-->failure ==> this is verified
2b) VistaDep2-->right click on winbuilder and choose "Run with Admin rights" (or sth like that) --> Result unknow (waiting amalux or others response)

DEP 0 -> "The Good"
DEP 1 -> "The Bad" (as far as i remember this is default value for windows server os)
DEP 2 -->requires result of 2a-2b but can be set "The Bad" for now EDIT: BAD for Vista and later windows OS, no problem with 2k3-xp-x86/x64
DEP 3 -> "and The Ugly", requires test, If winbuilder.exe is "Administrator identified process", does also child processes of winbuilder is allowed or not !. For now a warning message will be great.

can we also check if hostos is before vista or after vista ?

I guess good for a start ;)


Since you are new, let me introduce to you, Galapo is the head of LiveXP project :lol:

and about your question:
shortly click next on dipe, so dipe continues searching the driver package to find the missing bus driver.
If it finds than choose import driver.
Than close dipe and start dipe again, If bus driver installed first time than now main driver will found (again) but this time it will be installed.


#40 Galapo


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 09:18 AM

Adding "check UAC" Is %100 correct

OK, UAC check now added to OnProjectRun.


#41 dera


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 10:06 AM

on Vista x86 host i never had problem with WinBuilder using DEP status=2
(for me the UAC is always disabled)

#42 Lancelot


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 10:15 AM

thanks dera,
for fixing my wrong result :lol: , so it is all about uac ;)

refreshing the list:

DEP 0 -> "The Best"
DEP 1 -> "The Bad"
DEP 2 -> "The Good"
DEP 3 -> "The Ugly"

I guess build stop on 1 and a warning (without timer) on 3 is good satisfactory for dep check ;)

#43 MedEvil


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 12:41 PM

Checked the driver package, you've said, you've downloaded from your manufacturer.

The driver package is from 2003, your computer is from 2007! Ergo slim chances of it containing the right driver for you!
It just contains the drivers for a PRO100 and a PRO1000 NIC.

Unfortunately Intels download site is offline at the moment. Maybe you can check later for an up to date driver.


#44 Iamwithin



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Posted 27 January 2010 - 02:28 PM

Checked the driver package, you've said, you've downloaded from your manufacturer.

The driver package is from 2003, your computer is from 2007! Ergo slim chances of it containing the right driver for you!
It just contains the drivers for a PRO100 and a PRO1000 NIC.

Unfortunately Intels download site is offline at the moment. Maybe you can check later for an up to date driver.


Thanks, I went to Intel first but was unable to find the driver.
Hence is why I ended up at sodtpedia, it was the first place had a driver.
But then I thought maybe manufacturer was best, but they only have vista
driver for my machine, so I looked for w2k3. Round and round I go.

I will try once again Intel tonight unless there is some other place.

#45 dera


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 04:09 PM

for me this PROXP.exe package works fine in LiveXP project using w2k3sp2 source CD
(but i have different NIC than your Intel 82562V-2 10/100,
my Intel DP35DP board has a 82566DC Gigabit Intel NIC)

#46 MedEvil


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 07:51 PM

Which brings me back to my original question.
Iamwithin, have you been able to find out the name of your mainboard, with the tool i linked to?


#47 Iamwithin



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Posted 27 January 2010 - 11:56 PM

Which brings me back to my original question.
Iamwithin, have you been able to find out the name of your mainboard, with the tool i linked to?


Motherboard Name Intel DG33SXG2
Bus Type Intel AGTL+
Bus Width 64-bit
Real Clock 267 MHz (QDR)
Bandwidth 8533 MB/s
Bus Type Dual DDR2 SDRAM
Bus Type Intel Direct Media Interface
Company Name Intel Corporation

#48 MedEvil


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Posted 28 January 2010 - 01:24 AM

Sorry Iamwithin, but you seem to be really the most unfortunate person of the world.

Intel refuses to give any detail or drivers or even a crap about this board. It was exclusively produced for Gateway.

You're stuck with Gateway and if they offer such poor service, as it seems, there's noone else to turn to. :lol:


#49 Galapo


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Posted 28 January 2010 - 01:38 AM

But it would help if we knew the HWID of the device.


#50 Iamwithin



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Posted 28 January 2010 - 01:45 AM

I'm not sure if you were asking me or even if this is what you meant, but here is the hardware id of my card (I think)

[ Intel® 82562V-2 10/100 Network Connection ]

Network Adapter Properties:
Network Adapter Intel® 82562V-2 10/100 Network Connection
Interface Type Ethernet
Hardware Address 00-19-D1-A8-EF-79
Connection Name Local Area Connection
Connection Speed 100 Mbps
MTU 1500 bytes
DHCP Lease Obtained 1/27/2010 8:35:57 PM
DHCP Lease Expires 1/27/2010 9:35:57 PM
Bytes Received 11007106 (10.5 MB)
Bytes Sent 6948761 (6.6 MB)

Network Adapter Addresses:
IP / Subnet Mask [ TRIAL VERSION ]

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