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#26 h7se


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 09:14 PM

Is there a way to know what things are on the left pane that belonged to the Plugin.

if you mean that little folder with blue title that's because the original plugin whitch you imported works that way .. but now i'm working on away to display the folder with file's inside ..

about encodeing i added a file property to make you able to encode file's inside the script using the wbzip tool this just a test since the winbuilder can't recognise these file's
to use this propery just include the wbzip.exe inside the new tools folder

plus now you can create shortcu's for one selected exe item throw interface


#27 Brito


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 09:33 PM

h7se, to allow winbuilder display attached files they need to be declared inside the EncodedFolders sections wich is where you will declare the folders to display on winbuilder's attachments tab. On the example below we have only declared a folder called "Folder" wich contains a few files.

wbzip will encode and create the "Folder", but you'll probably just need to add a the EncodedFolders section and declare this folder to make it visible.

Something like:











I hope this helps you! :P

#28 h7se


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 09:58 PM

Thanks Nuno :P update and now works great

Download from main post

#29 Brito


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 12:36 AM

There's a small typo on the Result tab, and this time the application took around 15 seconds to start up, not sure yet on the reason why - might also be due to my work machine.

I've tried the reg convert function, and perhaps this tool should place the result on the output window - what do you think?

Would it be possible to also view the result in script format? :P

#30 h7se


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 01:03 AM

I've tried the reg convert function, and perhaps this tool should place the result on the output window - what do you think?

if you want to view the resualt on the output window you should use the registry explorer to import file's

but if you want to convert a 2mb you should use the convert button because view such resault in the output window will take alot of time.

Would it be possible to also view the result in script format?
i already did that :P

TheHive you like vedios , here's one :P

Download from main post

Thanks alot Nuno for your help

#31 Brito


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 11:42 AM

I've looked on the presentation program you've mentioned, but it wasn't free to try so I ended up using Bulent's screen recorder (free edition).

Sorry for the confusion, I think the UI is still a bit puzzling because of the mix with bartPE - why would options like [sourcediskfiles] and [WinNT directories] be needed to scripts?

There is a way to quickyl show the registry convert result on the output window for big sized files. --in delphi it's easier to create a TStringList and add all converted lines inside - since it is not a visual object like TMemo (output window) it will work much faster, then you copy all the lines from this TStringList onto your TMemo.

One other thing you might be interested in adding is a self-update feature, since you'll be releasing many exe's to solve bugs as they appear - it is easier to click the update button to get the latest released executable. Under windows NT it is difficult to delete the exe while it is running since the system locks it down.

An alternative:
  • Download the new file with a diferent name like NewApp.exe
  • While running you App.exe - Launch NewApp.exe with parameter /update
  • After launching NewApp.exe, force App.exe to end
  • NewApp.exe detect the /update switch and will try to delete App.exe - this usually takes a while, it is recommended to just loop until it suceeds in this operation, and App.exe no longer exists, this step should be done before NewApp.exe is visible on the taskbar
  • Create a copy of NewApp.exe named as App.exe
  • Launch App.exe with parameter /updated from NewApp.exe and force NewApp.exe to terminate
  • App.exe detects the /updated switch and will loop to delete NewApp.exe, continuing after this step is completed
  • The updated version of App.exe is running..
This is not a very clean solution since it will force the program to restart itself a few times, but it is always better than using an external program to do this outside your program and does work quickly. Didn't added any version check since it's not likely needed - this exe is small and it can be added later if required.

Your video is very good - really shows how to work with the program. Have you ever considered uploading your videos to youTube?

I've just started myself and it's really handy to use, this way you can join all your tutorial videos and people can easily see them without need to download clips.

This is my youtube test with Bulent's screen recorder:

Anyone knows a good way to create these video tutorials with free tools?


#32 Brito


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 02:05 PM

Added suport for youtube inside posts, like the one above.

Just add a tag name
where OHBCtBdXvmE is the video name like

Really handy for tutorials.. :P

#33 h7se


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 03:08 PM


Sorry for the confusion, I think the UI is still a bit puzzling because of the mix with bartPE - why would options like [sourcediskfiles] and [WinNT directories] be needed to scripts?

i'll apply that to script file's too but i'm waitnig the new version

example if there's an empty folder with the alway's create option this folder will be created on cd else it won't

There is a way to quickyl show the registry convert result on the output window for big sized files
this isn't the only issue why i'll make two differnt method's work the same way if i want to show the converted registry in the output window
i simply go to registry tab then right click on "Registry" node then click import where i can see every thing just like regedit then hit the build button

One other thing you might be interested in adding is a self-update feature

this is really simple in the .net world but the program isn't an [essensial's] " is this correct english :P "
to user's so no need for such thing but maybe i'll do that.

#34 TheHive


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 03:15 PM

You can try

CamStudio is able to record all screen and audio activity on your computer and create industry-standard AVI video files and using its built-in SWF Producer can turn those AVIs into lean, mean, bandwidth-friendly Streaming Flash videos (SWFs)

Its hard to tell what going on in the youtube video.

we need a version number on the releases to keep them in order. Maybe the same with the video. It will be hard to keep organized later. Some of the things your doing in the video I do not undertand. There is no explanation why they are being done.

#35 h7se


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 03:21 PM

Ok next upload will be version :P

#36 Brito


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 03:42 PM

You can try
Its hard to tell what going on in the youtube video.

Yes, it's because the image gets resized - just checked out camStudio and this is a very good program - really simple to use and good results - thanks for mentioning it!

To avoid the lack of definition and avoid this resizing it would be better to have an option wich only captured a small portion of the screen using the mouse as center.

Will keep looking for solutions.. :P

CamStudio is now opensource, the version that I'm using is completely free - it's explained inside their website..

Edited by Nuno Brito, 28 January 2007 - 03:55 PM.

#37 h7se


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 06:52 PM

choose logo
encoded files will be extract not copyed
imporve registry to import this king of entries 0x[1],key,,
add script format to ConvertRegistryFile
update autorun to the new style
enable sendto shortcut
you can choose to generate interface or not

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#38 Brito


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Posted 29 January 2007 - 10:10 PM

Any new beta to test? :P

#39 h7se


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Posted 29 January 2007 - 11:04 PM

welcome Nuno :P

did you test the last build , find any bugs, have any suggestion ?

it seams that no body care about it ,so i stoped working on it .

#40 TheHive


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Posted 30 January 2007 - 02:22 AM

welcome Nuno :P

did you test the last build , find any bugs, have any suggestion ?

it seams that no body care about it ,so i stoped working on it .

I havent had time to test it yet. Im overloaded at the moment. :P
Im not a programmer so some things I dont understand.
When I have some time I'll test and post my test results.
Some of the other developers that understand can probably test this app and help each other to make it a very usefull program.

I hope you dont give up on further improving and making it easier to use by regular people lieke me.

If it would be of any use. I can post some of the plugins names that I have for BartPE or XPE that I would like to be able to convert to Scripts.

Your tutorial videos are very helfull but I get lost in some of the steps because I dont understand what happening.

#41 h7se


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Posted 30 January 2007 - 02:32 AM

TheHive :P

thanks alot for your help ,i'll keep to improve it but the problem that i don't get any feedback from people who use this tools . it's impossible that there is no bug's in it :P

#42 h7se


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Posted 30 January 2007 - 11:58 PM


Download from main post

#43 Brito


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Posted 31 January 2007 - 12:28 PM

Tested the new released and it still takes a very long time to start - the average user might try to click it several times since there is no feedback from the program that is reading or working on something..

Liked the new icon buttons used to keep separate option for the target builder - why not applying the same button method to "plugin Information, Style, More and Options" and keep a simpler tab? - these would really help to make the UI look more clean - otherwise it is still confusing to look at these options let alone use them without understand what they'll do..

If you look on Pedrole15 you'll see that he added a few text boxes with some quick explanations of what the users could do with the options on that window - this also helps a great deal since most users won't bother to read a lengthy manual - it's like the video tutorial, it is a real help to understand how things work and this way people always have a quick guide to use whenever in doubt.

Your project has some precious coding inside but I think that the main barrier is still a not very acessible UI - these are not critics mean to demotivate your effort in way - just a remark on what it should also be focused - and you surely understand that a clean interface is very important to avoid overcrowding the main window with every possible feature existent.

This is why a little text would help to introduce your program for new users, what do you think?

Keep up the good work! :P

#44 h7se


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Posted 31 January 2007 - 12:51 PM

ok i'll try to add some help to each command in the program

about the long time the program takes to load if this happen's just the first time you use the program after boot to windows then this because of the .netframe intilization

i know this is bad english :P

#45 Brito


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Posted 31 January 2007 - 01:20 PM

It's not a bad english - I think people understand what you mean on your topics and we're all here to help each others whenever needed.. :P

Yes, I think it is a .net issue - as you've mentioned, after re-starting the application a few times it started fast as supposed - too bad for these .net framework issues..


#46 h7se


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Posted 31 January 2007 - 04:45 PM

Yes that's the cost that .net user's must bay :P

#47 pscEx


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Posted 31 January 2007 - 04:59 PM

Yes that's the cost that .net user's must bay :P

... and that is the reason that I installed and learned Delphi since I'm working in this forum.

BTW: I have legal copies of VisualStudio 2003 an 2005 and do a lot of other work with them ...


#48 h7se


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 11:09 AM

Yes peter it's good idea to start learn good language like delphi or c++

#49 TheHive


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 04:28 PM

Its good that you have continued working on this program. Im looking forward to the time where its easy as a 1,2,3 step thing to convert a plugin to a script.

#50 TheHive


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 05:28 PM

You said you would include the WBzip.exe file in the download. I dont see it included.

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