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Win7 build's and ISO's

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#26 pscEx


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 03:18 PM

Here are some very exotic opinions about %ISOFile% which have to be cleared here:

It's not real clear whether you tried winbuilder 076 or not. If you did, you would see that the %ISOFile% variable can simply be changed under the "Source" tab - as I explained to PaPeuser, with the proviso that this expected behaviour may have been broken, along with a lot of other expected behaviours

Is agressive.

#1: Since the very first versions of WinBuilder, the variable %ISOFile% has the value which is written in the "Source" window.
This value may contain other (known) variables.
The other variables are resolved when %ISOFile% is used.

#2: Every project has it's own definition of %ISOFile% in the "Source" Window.

#3: WinBuilder only reads and passes the contents of the "Source" window.

Therefore every duplicates, unlogic, etc. is caused by the author's choice for the contents of %ISOFile%, not by WinBuilder.

And to go back to the first post:
The systematic can only be changed, if the project authors define it.

All ISOs will be named 7pe.iso

Could be handled by e.g. %ISOFile%=
(%SourceType% to be defined by the script where the source choice is made)
Similar: Grub4DOS volume labels can contain a variable, rather than being hardcoded strings.
But that also is in the responsibility of the authors, not of WinBuilder.


EDIT: With W078 SP4 there is an issue reported.
I'll look for it and report ASAP.

#27 allanf


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 03:20 PM

Hi allanf,

As written, the correction on 4-iso.script about the title (title name on grub4dos). Joshua probably forgot to change title name on grub4dos menu.lst , so I only changed it from Win7pe to Win7RescuePE. This has nothing about winbuilder.exe but it seems you highly tend to understand (react) every issue responsible from winbuilder !!! I guess you need to stop and think before fart-assing comments on issues.

How you can think I did not try wb076 :) please keep your "big mouth shut" ..... ;) :)

About winbuilder:
There is no rule that says you have to use latest version.
Rule is, for any project you have to use project's version.
And any individual can make any project with any winbuilder version s(h)e likes too.

Everybody can find projects on boot-land which can only run smoothly with winbuilder 078SP4,077RC2, 076, 074, 072, 056 etc.....
Well since these projects were not deleted by an alienpig , it is not a big problem changing wb version for the projects.

Btw, I am not also happy with fixing things for new wb versions, besides any active development have these trouble time to time. (As far as i know, some old autoit3 scripts needs older versions too). As a result any thing made with these active developments can be called beta crap but calling the developers "guinea pigs" is not nice. People spend a looooot of their free time to develop and share things uncommercially and they do not delete from servers. Going back to winbuilder, I made a looooooooooot of discussions about the new features of new winbuilders instead of leaving boot-land by deleting my files on servers. :)

Giving example:
Recently a close friend tried to build win7rescue (joshua) and after a lot of trials failed.
Than he said "shit project" with reason "a good project should need one click."
and I wrote him "than you are shit" knowing a project admin spend a looooot time on developement and also knowing win7rescue builds without much issue.

Giving another example:
When I tried pe21..g , I get many bugies but
I never think "ahaaa, this is a beta crap and suspect is guinea alienpig",
instead I think "ahaaa, a nice idea for a project but requires some minor fixes" and made these minor fixes...

Well these are my personal opinions ;)

#28 Lancelot


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 03:21 PM

Not sure you understand,,,, sorry

Probably not fully, as far as I understand here are some answers:

Is with both projects when booted come up having the same boot listing in Grub4Dos boot list.

win7rescue create iso updated, this is not the case anymore
check pictures:

Win7 iso can not be renamed ..... or changing ISO name in source

it is a wb078sp4 bug, please report to bug tracker. fixed with wb078sp5 which is published after some hours this post written ;)
as a temporary workaround (which is written previously):
on script.project

restart (or refresh or rescan) winbuilder
ps: OR remember the previous post i wrote about that

can not be renamed thro Create script

current script do not have such an option, you need to make a request on multi7pe topic AND win7rescue topic (maybe psc like to make an addition for win7rescue create iso ;) )

#29 PaPeuser


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 06:01 PM

fixed with wb078sp5 .................................................
Tested Win7 with different sources and i can change ISO name..

so when you build with Win7 and you change- sources also change ISO file name in Source/Paths....
tested a vista build and got a Vista7PE.iso
tested with Win7 and got a 7PE.iso


now it would be nice to be able to burn a saved ISO from a list in Create ISO......

Then add Vista7PE to a Win7pe in a boot list for grub4Dos,,, i know i ask for alot,,

i noticed WB opens and closes better or faster,,, i wonder if i can crash it faster,,,, Just kidding

#30 pscEx


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 06:05 PM

i noticed WB opens and closes better or faster,,, i wonder if i can crash it faster,,,, Just kidding

I'm trying to make WinBuilder crashing faster. :)

At a side effect, sometimes also the other functionality becomes faster ...

Peter ;)

#31 pscEx


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 06:13 PM

now it would be nice to be able to burn a saved ISO from a list in Create ISO......

When you already have the ISO, it makes not much sence to have the list in "CreateISO"
There should be a dropdown list in "Burn ISO"

But the idea sounds good.
And I want to suggest an addon:

My (yet unfinished) idea:
Have a ISOChoice.Script under the project's Tools folder. It builds a combobox containing all ISOs and publishes the choosen ISO as %BurnISO% (in some of my projects already used).
%BurnISO% defaults to the current %ISOFile%.

Other scripts read %BurnISO% and either
  • Burn the ISO
  • Test in VirtualBox
  • Test in qEmu
  • Test in VMWare
  • Create an USB stick
  • ...

#32 PaPeuser


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 06:19 PM


This sounds better and will work having 1 WB and building mutable project!!!

this maybe a good new year yet... ;) ;) :)

#33 Lancelot


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 06:27 PM

now it would be nice to be able to burn a saved ISO from a list in Create ISO......

than click burn iso ;)
than click burn iso :)
after these things, to reset back to original settings:

Then add Vista7PE to a Win7pe in a boot list for grub4Dos,,, i know i ask for alot,,

check otheros scripts to make your own otheros script, they are easy.



TXTAddLine,"%MenuFile_GRUB%"," ","Append"

TXTAddLine,"%MenuFile_GRUB%","title Vista7PE.iso ...."



#34 pscEx


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 06:40 PM

That is a good working solution ;)

The idea of overwriting the built-in variable %ISOFile% by a self created (temporary) variable %ISOFile% is great and proofs a lot of knowledge, how WinBuilder works internally. :)
But I have some worries, that this is senceful in CodeBox only, not in scripts.

My friend Lancelot, please do not send me a killer, if I add: "But it is a quick and dirty solution, too"

In scripts, a hardcoded ISO filename is a nightmare for me.
In scripts there should be a dynamically created list of actual ISOs or whatelse.

Peter ;)

BTW: Or is there something which I did not understand or miss in your suggestion?
Should better be done by
The "IniDelete" variant will preserve the current %ISOFile% for the subsequent scripts in the actual build

#35 PaPeuser


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 06:52 PM

I am happy now

And yes I see how to change code - makes sense

This never was a problem before when I had a few Winbuilder folders with different builds - well maybe 5 or 6

But when MultiWin7 was introduced and being able to build from Multi Sources… saving Multi ISO’s became a problem..

I just use Ultra ISO to burn…. A renamed saved build now

But I think of Enduser and when they download Winbuilder they should not have to use or download any other programs…

I would think the end result with WB would be a self contained complete Multi project builder.

But that’s just me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Thanks again,,,

#36 Lancelot


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 07:23 PM

Hi Peter,


Should better be done by
The "IniDelete" variant will preserve the current %ISOFile% for the subsequent scripts in the actual build

Thanks a lot. :)

In scripts, a hardcoded ISO filename is a nightmare for me.

This is not the case here, PaPeuser gives his "own" (hardcoded) names to iso files so I put examples with the file name he gave

My friend Lancelot, please do not send me a killer, if I add: "But it is a quick and dirty solution, too"

No it is not a quick and dirty solution. It is clean and quick solution :) . Quick because **all projects uses %ISOFile% variable on finalize scripts (iso burning, emulator and iso builder scripts). Clean because all done with variables.
**all projects exception: nativeex_barabone and naughtype. LiveXP is currently hybrid ;) (on emulator and burn iso scripts LiveXP uses %isofile% , on iso creation hybrid)

BTW: Or is there something which I did not understand or miss in your suggestion?


Let me explain the "Clean" part more with an example from Multi7PE:

I do not know PE2/3 project variables very well, but I know all uses %SourceArch% now.
lets say a user (example PaPeuser) makes 2 builds with win7x64 and winx86 sources,
eventually this user would like to have 2 different named iso files in the end at iso folder instead of last one overwriting previous.

Keeping in mind, The only hardcoded iso file name must be on script.project [Main] ISOfile=
and remembering on win7pe (Multi7PE) project

Title=Multi 7PEs

a mandatory script at \Projects\win7pe\Build\8-ISO_Filename.script (or lines to the end of 0-preconfig.script)


will solve the issue. (Well this is my plan for LiveXP in future).
following example with multi7pe project result will be

This is a "dynamic" creation :)

and all finalize scripts of multi7pe (iso burning, emulator and iso builder scripts) will work without problem.

I do not know how Win7PE detects sources (vista-win7-2008 and maybe waik) ,
just to expand the example, let me call them %sourcetypeofpe% (there is also api call available)

as a result one can use this:


following example with multi7pe project result will be

"dynamic" and "NOT hardcoded"

#37 pscEx


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 07:29 PM

We are on the same way!
The only physical difference is that your %ISOFileGivenName% is my %BurnISO%

Ad that is really no logical difference!

Peter :)

#38 pscEx


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 08:04 PM

Just for the record:
I ICQed some details with Lancelot, and he will prepare a solution meeting our both opinions.


#39 Lancelot


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Posted 03 January 2010 - 12:10 PM

with Lancelot, and he will prepare a solution meeting our both opinions.

Here is a good and dirty solution for PE2/3 multi sourced projects (Win7PE, Vista Leopard) :).
because I believe clean method is making these settings on iso creator scripts. Probably with second interface :)
because it takes a long time to get things with clean method by communicating, keeping in mind project administrators are very busy and may not be available all the time.
PE2/3 multi sourced projects uses only 1 iso creation method so script works nicely. As long as projects keeps using 1 iso creation method than this solution is nice.

Put "00-5_ISO_Name_Dynamic.script" to "Finalize" folder

For Multi7PE project use this
( ps: 0-preconfig.script has a minor bugy, use this one, I will inform yahoouk.
http://lancelot.winb...0-preconfig.rar )

For VistaPE Leopard projects use this

(both scripts are same, only level changed, I believe yahoouk will change multi7 finalize scripts to level=8 when he is more available, already informed long time ago)

I believe other projects (Win7Rescue, nativeex_win7, VistaPECapi) do not need this script. Winbuilder can be used to change iso name. But maybe someone around may decide to expand the features of the script. :)

ps: Reminding: This script is useless for nativeex_barabone and LiveXP . These projects currently do not need source type/architecture distinction and have more than 1 iso creation method where iso re-naming done by the respective scripts.


#40 PaPeuser


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Posted 03 January 2010 - 02:24 PM

Hello and thanks

I did not mean for you to go out of your way to find a solution or fix.. Just because I complain or b….

But you have the right idea,,

I just tried and built a default ISO named 7PE_86.iso.

I also built another one and changed name so what you did works,

Thanks again,,,

EDITED with a PS: next would be able to view different builds in VMware or what ever and burn that ISO again,,,

EDITED Ps: Grub4Dos list ,, there has been allot of activate in the multi-boot section and I am not sure which way to go at this time,,,

#41 Lancelot


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Posted 03 January 2010 - 02:39 PM

I did not mean for you to go out of your way to find a solution or fix.. Just because I complain or b….

Well not only for you, for me too. I was tired to rename iso files when testing Vista_Leopard and Multi_Win7 , and current topic you created became a nice reason to create an easy to use solution.

Any maybe Peter may decide to add a last option to the script for sourcetype (longhorn, vista, waik, win7). I checked WimInfo.exe tool of psc which can be used for such a task but since it does not save information(s) to an .ini file and under development I leave the task to peter (or other admins) who knows PEx (x>1) better.

Next steps up to project admins :)


#42 PaPeuser


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Posted 03 January 2010 - 02:51 PM

Be careful saving all ISO’s.. My ISO file is 1.2 gigs with 5 saved ISO’s :) :) :)

My test WB folder with Win7 and RescuePE totals at 12.1 gig

#43 PaPeuser


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 04:57 PM

Hello Lancelot

I added a text lable and file box ;)
text Lable (Select and delete current saved ISO's)
Now i can check current iso names and delete older saved versions right from script..

Now i am thinking about adding ;) :)
- Run Selected ISO in VMware--Button
- Burn Selected ISO to CD\DVD --Buton
- Make Bootable UBS Device -- Button

But to make a button call a different script, this may take me awhile,,, :) ;) :)

#44 pscEx


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 05:17 PM

But to make a button call a different script, this may take me awhile,,, ;) ;) :)

Is the next .script developer coming up?
If you have any (see below: there are no stupid) question, do not worry to ask.

Peter :)

#45 PaPeuser


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 06:08 PM


I learn better the HARD way.. let me figure it out,, for a bit,,,
Just let me know if it is possible to RUN or CALL another script from a interface?
or run a script from a script, when building
if i do a
"Selected ISO in VMware" and "Run Button"
would or could it run the script "run the ISO in VMware script"

I use to do a LITTLE,,,, VB

#46 pscEx


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 06:28 PM

I do not understand (maybe a lack of my English knowledge) the sence of you question completelly.
(And I hope that because misunderstanding, I do not under-estimate your knowledge about WB scripts)

Do you only want to display an already built ISO in VMWare?
Then there is no need to do anything else, but check the "VMWare" script in your project tree.


#47 Lancelot


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 06:38 PM

Hi Peter,

I guess PaPeuser is modifying script at post 39 (only guessing) ;) , else green play button (or triangle) is enough. ;)


Just let me know if it is possible to RUN or CALL another script from a interface?
or run a script from a script, when building

yes :) (well at this point I should stop writing for just the fun ;) , anyway lets continue )

we have exec, command for that task
more detail here http://winbuilder.ne....html#RUN__EXEC

Also here is a simple script I use on LiveXP (at \LiveXP\Finish\3 Emulation), I guess this will be a good & basic example for your task, feel free to rename, modify etc. :)

#48 PaPeuser


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 06:41 PM

Could that be done by adding a Button in the ISO Management script?

This Button would launch another script or "Run ISO in Vmware" and run it right from the ISO Management script?

Or would I have to include the "Run ISO in VMware" script in ISO Management script to be able to launch it from a Button?

O I changed the name of Lancelot script to "ISO Management"

Hey I am Pennsylvania Dutch (they say I talk funny) or I guess, I type even funner??

#49 pscEx


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 06:46 PM

Could that be done by adding a Button in the ISO Management script?

This Button would launch another script or "Run ISO in Vmware" and run it right from the ISO Management script?

Or would I have to include the "Run ISO in VMware" script in ISO Management script to be able to launch it from a Button?

O I changed the name of Lancelot script to "ISO Management"

Hey I am Pennsylvania Dutch (they say I talk funny) or I guess, I type even funner??

Can you try to explain for a "Computer" (Understands only 256 words of simple English) what you want to do?
Sorry, that is no kidding, I really do not understand yet.


#50 PaPeuser


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 06:50 PM

[attachment=10259:00_5_ISO..._Dynamic.script] This is what i am working on if i can attach file

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