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Virtual Machine

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#26 amalux


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Posted 06 December 2010 - 05:32 AM

very great amalux..can u plz post a tutoral from start2finish..from download --install--use..so every1 knows how 2 use qemu..sertanly many many want this tutoral..appresiat this :worship:

I think you assume it's more difficult than it really is, just download the 8MB file; double-click on it (works in Windows or PE) and you'll see the program interface (shown in first image). Now click on the 6th button (Launch selected Virtual Machine using quick media) in the toolbar to view the drop down menu shown and select 'Boot Selected Virtual Machine From CD-ROM Media'. This opens an 'Open File' dialog for selecting which ISO you want to boot in Qemu. This can be any bootable media e.g. LiveXP, XP install etc. I have not had as much luck with Win7 type media but I assume this is a limitation in Qemu (reported issue with the qemu BIOS not supporting ACPI 2.0). If anyone knows a fix for this, let me know and I'll (try to) incorporate it into the program :worship:


#27 Master of Disaster

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:37 AM

from a corporate pc it is imposible 2 start qemu without admin rights :worship:

Posted Image

from a win7 pc with no admin rights if the qemu on diferent drive other than my desktop it gives same results as above..acess denied. :smart:

but from my desktop with no admin rights it fails 2 install the acelerator files (kqemu.sys and kqemu.inf :frusty: and when start qemu after that it fails 2 load anything :worship:

Posted Image
Posted Image

so conclusion..jamal was right that there is no program at all that can bypass admin rights and start a vurtial machine..i should have known hes completly right..he never say a statment without hes 100 persent sure..hes very acurate in his saying..sory guys :hyper:
my respects 2 jamal :ph34r:

#28 steve6375


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Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:42 AM

If you have Win 7 - can you install XP Mode and then run Qemu from within XP?

#29 amalux


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Posted 06 December 2010 - 03:43 PM

from a corporate pc it is imposible 2 start qemu without admin rights :smart:

so conclusion..jamal was right that there is no program at all that can bypass admin rights and start a vurtial machine..i should have known hes completly right..he never say a statment without hes 100 persent sure..hes very acurate in his saying..sory guys :frusty:
my respects 2 jamal :worship:

Yes, you and jamal are right, you can't install anything on a corporate pc that the network admin has blocked; at least if you want to keep your job. This is a separate topic, not raised by bleeding_me in original post which I was responding to. This happens a lot where subsequent posters raise other issues and the thread gets bogged down and confused.

I believe I have answered the original question and subsequent on topic queries; just to re-cap:

Right now I have Oracle VirtualBox 3.2.8 and I have created a Virtual Machine running Windows XP .

I have a Western Digital External Hard Drive with 640GB, and my idea was to put the virtual machine in this HD and run it from the HD. The problem is I don't find a program that can run the VM without having to install the program (because many computers that i use, i don't have admin rights to install). I have tried VirtualBox 3 (and i think i did it right) but it didn't work :hyper:..

Is this possible? And is there any App to do this ?


I took this to mean (I think accurately) that he wanted to launch VM on external HD because he couldn't install directly on corporate machine.

As stated in my original response, there is a way to run VM on external HD without installation from LiveXP (or similar). If you wish to get answers on how to skirt corporate rules and regulations on corporate owned machines, you should start another thread on this topic but I don't expect you'll get the response you're looking for :ph34r:


#30 Jamal H. Naji

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 10:54 PM

you can't install anything on a corporate pc that the network admin has blocked; at least if you want to keep your job.

This is a separate topic, not raised by bleeding_me in original post which I was responding to.

This happens a lot where subsequent posters raise other issues and the thread gets bogged .

If you wish to get answers on how to skirt corporate rules and regulations on corporate owned machines, you should start another thread on this topic but I don't expect you'll get the response you're looking for

Hi amalux,
It is very strange that you are pointing out that the main topic is not about installing or using virtual machines on corporate PCs ? This is bleeding_me own words, that started the subject, and his only problem he hoped to be solved:

(because many computers that i use, i don't have admin rights to install). I have tried VirtualBox 3 (and i think i did it right) but it didn't work)

And he is trying or thinking that he might use an external HDD and start the virtual machine from there to bypass the admin rights, and he failed using Virtual Box, and he is asking if there is any other program that can work around this limitation, then you came and answered, and thankfully gave us the link to your new self made(not official) new version of portable Virtual Box, so I tried it and gave my results, that it doesn't work also on corporate PCs, and I assured everyone that there is no program to date that can bypass admin rights on corporate PCs that can run a Virtual Machine, then Nuno Brito came with a suggestion to use Qemu, as he thought it doesn't need admin rights, then came our good friend Master of Disaster with his test, that proves with no doubts what I stated before, that there is no program yet to bypass admin rights, not just on corporate PCs but also on personal PCs with no admin rights, that can run a Virtual machine.

Am I missing something here? Wasn't that the main subject? my answer is wrong and not in place and this is not the topic main concern? I may ask all members that were involved in answering on this thread to give their opinion if I was wrong here, and this is not the subject, that includes the topic writer bleeding_me, so I be carefull next time, and not give an answer to no related subjects.

#31 amalux


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Posted 07 December 2010 - 12:27 AM

Hi jamal :hyper:

If you read the original post by bleeding_me, it seems obvious (to me), he's asking how to run VB from his external hard drive (plugged into corporate machine); I simply responded that booting to LiveXP will allow him to run VB there (not on corporate machine OS). Maybe he can confirm this one way or the other to clear things up :worship:

This has happened before and I'm not saying it's you, maybe it's me (not communicating effectively) but one way or the other we're talking past each other. I keep trying to say that even on a corporate machine, booting LiveXP on a UFD/USB drive, running my portable VB works (because I've done this myself). You and others keep responding that you can't run VB on the corporate machine (meaning host OS controlled by network admin). These are two different things, are you saying that you booted LiveXP on an external drive, plugged into a corporate machine and it still fails? If so, it's some issue with the LiveXP, no? How could any network administrator controls block running VB on LiveXP? In the few tests I've made, booting LiveXP from UFD plugged into corporate machine (with strict controls), the UFD/LiveXP booted fine and I was able to run programs from there normally without issue. Are you saying that some corporate controls will prevent this?

#32 Jamal H. Naji

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 01:39 AM

Hi jamal :worship:

On the contrary amalux, these are my words and you can refer to them in my first reply, it seems you have missed them:
The only way to start a virtual machine with no admin rights is by doing that offline, means using any PE/OS or LiveXP or MOA, but if you are working from a corporate PC, I doubt that you can even restart your working PC to start your virtual machine offline.

So what I am saying is clear, you can, yes, but only offline, if you have the rights to reboot the corporate PC.


#33 amalux


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Posted 07 December 2010 - 02:20 AM

On the contrary amalux...

Happy to see it was clear all along then :worship:


#34 Master of Disaster

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 09:46 AM

If you have Win 7 - can you install XP Mode and then run Qemu from within XP?

sory steve6375 i kept u waiting..but i had 2 wait untill the clash of the 2 titans ended peacfuly between amalux and jamal..thnx god..with no blood shed..and with total understanding :hyper:
as4 xp mode itself u cant start it on personal pc that has no admin right..so u cant test qemu on it..same goes on corporat pc..unless the admin allow u 2 use xp mode..but also with limitation of use..depends how policies aplied..if strict..then u cant use qemo..on normal win7 personal pc with ful admin rights u can start qemu..but didnt try yet to start a virtual machine inside xp mode..i will try later and tell u..despite that virtual pc should not be able 2 work inside another virtual pc..as a concept..but i will try..hopfuly it works.. :worship:

#35 Master of Disaster

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 10:30 PM

If you have Win 7 - can you install XP Mode and then run Qemu from within XP?

steve6375 my frend..hi :smart:
bad news..it doesnt work..qemu loads up inside xp mode and start to accept to instal new xp vertual machine inside xp mode as u c in first pic..then when reaches the moment that u have 2 begin instal ..then everything colapse :worship: :worship: and xp mode black screen and disapear.. :worship: when i start xp mode again it do the same when reach same point..i tried many times maybe 6 times on diferent pcs ..but no luck.see pics so u know exatly what hapened.
Posted Image

Posted Image

this second pic is where the xp mode get black screen and disapeer..
that mean u realy cant start virtual machine from inside another virtual machine :worship: u have other experince u suxceed with making virtual work from inside other virtual?

#36 Jamal H. Naji

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 11:34 PM

Very nice my friend Master of Disaster, as a first speculation for the results of your test, I see nothing wrong happened first steps, and that's a good sign, and I admit I didn't even expected that you would reach that far with trying to run a virtual machine from inside another virtual machine, but I need to make sure if you have done things right or not, so I am going to ask you: have you made sure that the needed memory for both XP MODE & the QEMU virtual machine are correct? means the XP MODE for example should be 1 GB, but the Qemu that is working from inside XP MODE should have less memory, let's say 512 MB or less? so to make sure XP MODE doesn't collapse because of insufficient memory as I am expecting that's what happened with you?
Please give it a try and report back if possible.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.

#37 me4833



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Posted 01 January 2011 - 03:46 AM

I just came across this article about VMlite that may answer your needs...

VMLite VBoot - Boot any Windows from VHD/VMDK/VDI/Raw



Hope this helps.... Jerry

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