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Will You Switch To Windows 8?

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Poll: Will You Switch To Windows 8? (54 member(s) have cast votes)

Will you switch to windows 8?

  1. Voted As soon as it's available... (11 votes [20.37%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.37%

  2. NEVER!!!!! (30 votes [55.56%])

    Percentage of vote: 55.56%

  3. Eventually (12 votes [22.22%])

    Percentage of vote: 22.22%

  4. WOt Is this Wisowz 8 thin ? (1 votes [1.85%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.85%

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#26 Brito


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 09:48 AM

Somehow they had to place a start menu again, now this is called "charms" so it seems..

#27 SIW2


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 11:34 AM

Yes that is one of the things I was referring by "limiting"

All of this stuff has been debated ad nauseam on the various Windows 8 forums.

I know this is not a "Windows 8 tips" thread, but I'd like to sneak in a little tip:
- Turning off the Metro start screen is not easy, but you can still get the system to boot up to the desktop (it still shows the metro screen for a few seconds though, no way around that [yet]):

Make a text file with this in it:





Save it as desktop.scf and copy it to
C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup

This works for me in the Release Preview version. A previous tip (involving a linkfile: desktop.lnk) worked in Consumer Preview, but stopped working in Release Preview.

With this .scf file, your Windows 8 system will boot to the desktop, and if you play your cards right, you don't have to look at the Metro screen again all day, until you shut down :smiling9:

Edited by SIW2, 15 June 2012 - 11:46 AM.

#28 SIW2


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 12:10 PM

For those of you who are new to win8 - sadly MS has made a hash of this.

Not just in the implementation of the o/s , but also in the handling and PR.

With a few exceptions - most of the existing user base who have tried it have been alienated.

To save you going through thousands of pages on the various win 8 forums, in a nutshell:

Investors do not think it is going to fly - the share price has not leapt to 50 or 60 bucks in anticipation of a panacea for MS.

It stays around the 30 buck mark because cash flow from their previous deals will continue for some time.

The most thorough analysis for users I have come across is from the former head of Mac platform - of course he is an Apple guy - nevertheless, it is very thorough and well thought out - it is quite long , but definitely worth a read.

Put the $%*!# Start menu back

you'd think that Microsoft would do everything in its power to make current Windows users feel comfortable and excited about moving to Windows 8. Instead, they're being confronted with deliberate incompatibilities, indifference toward their needs, and a preview campaign for Windows 8 that has already disenchanted some of the most enthusiastic Windows users.

Edited by SIW2, 15 June 2012 - 12:26 PM.

#29 mr-roboto



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Posted 15 June 2012 - 02:14 PM

For those of you who are new to win8 - sadly MS has made a hash of this.

Not just in the implementation of the o/s , but also in the handling and PR.

With a few exceptions - most of the existing user base who have tried it have been alienated.

To save you going through thousands of pages on the various win 8 forums, in a nutshell:

It would be so simple for them to make Metro an install time option, then to be re-enabled/disabled via a Control Panel applet, so one can choose his/her own learning curve for Win8. This will cost them big time, unless they fix it well before the RTM milestone, which is still achievable.

Investors do not think it is going to fly - the share price has not leapt to 50 or 60 bucks in anticipation of a panacea for MS.

It stays around the 30 buck mark because cash flow from their previous deals will continue for some time.

The most thorough analysis for users I have come across is from the former head of Mac platform - of course he is an Apple guy - nevertheless, it is very thorough and well thought out - it is quite long , but definitely worth a read.

Put the $%*!# Start menu back

Thanx for the link to the 'Fear and Loathing' article. I look forward to reading it thoroughly and digesting it completely this weekend.

I don't think Wall Street is paying much attention to Win8 for now, certainly not as closely as developers and power/large-scale users They [Microsoft] can fix particular complaint this VERY easily. I hope they do....

#30 Tripredacus


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 02:45 PM

I can tell you this, I will definately be using Server 2012 when it RTMs!

#31 homes32


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 06:22 PM

I can tell you this, I will definately be using Server 2012 when it RTMs!

care to tell us why? As a IT Manager I'm curious myself.

I have been playing with the WIn8 previews for awhile now and appreciate the fact that if feels snapper speedwise. The ribbon in explorer gets in the way and takes up way more space than the old skool menu bar and the commands it contains are seldom used or have better alternatives like keyboard shortcuts and context menu options. I can live with it though cuz i can hide it. But I just can' get over how annoying metro is. seems like it goes to extremes to get in the way and make once simple tasks a multi-step nuisance. Even with classic shell installed metro is still there, just waiting for a chance get in the way. Forcing metro on desktop users is ridiculous. M$ seems to have confused itself into thinking that desktops == tablets. Can you seriously see ANYBODY sitting at their desk at work or at home and poking at their monitor all day? Suffice to say that I will not be touching Win8 with a 10ft pole, for personal use or for deployment in my network infrastructure unless I can turn metro completely off!

#32 Brito


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 07:11 PM

When I was using OSX in full time, I kind of started enjoying widgets. Over there you press a key and quickly have a dashboard filled with information that is relevant because one can customize it with widgets that can be fun, informative or whatever else one sees fit.

Later, while using Android on the cellphone I got to enjoy widgets once again. They give me info on the number of steps that I already walked on that day, the weather forecast and other nifty (useful or not) news that I like reading on a glance.

MS already provides widgets since Vista that were badly expanded and ignored. If the new style provides information that I customize to my liking, then it might be a fun tool.

If one can build a dashboard with indicators that we customize, let it be information about my servers, the weather and quick news then I will be happy.

Nowadays it seems that we can't rely in desktop apps any longer. As admins, we might be headed to just use the command line or a web interface for administration tasks.

The so called "power users" will have an icon to start Word/Excel/Powerpoint, an icon to the browser and little else. Changes never seem good or easy.

For me, I just hope that enough feedback is gathered to make available a good OS interface. Already had enough disappointment with the recent UI changes on Ubuntu and the total lack of changes on the OSX UI since years.


#33 AceInfinity


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 12:50 AM

I don't like the Metro apps to be honest, they stay open and pinned in that oddly oriented tileview, not to mention by default being fullscreen (how do you multitask like that without minimizing and opening the other app?). Personally if I had a Windows Phone, Windows 8 would be perfect, but being a desktop computer enthusiast, uh-uh... That's what i've always been saying too. I've tried to accustom myself to the feel of Windows 8 but it's not working for me.

Maybe if I was in a situation where I had to present business powerpoints and slideshows, then Windows 8 would be good as well. But it's definitely not suited for me when I have a mouse and keyboard.

With SO many previews though, and not even an official 'beta' out though, i'm starting to wonder what they are doing here? Some kind of marketing technique, or are they wanting the most out of user feedback because they really don't know the outcome of something so new and diverse from previous Windows NT family versions? After some time, i'm hearing that an upgrade from Windows 7 should only cost $15?

Something is not right, i'm thinking they are starting to realize the value and possible ideal purposes for this Operating System, and it's not too special on it's own, outside of the cool new features within Windows 8 that they are providing... (Those i'm interested in, but when the actual OS doesn't cut it, then it kind of ruins the rest of the features for me, and I have to start thinking, "How do I now try to cheat these features into my Windows 7?" lol)


For what it's worth now though, i'm kind of hoping they completely disregard Metro and go back to Aero by Windows 9, making Windows 8 the ideal Windows Phone OS... Metro had it's chance, but now I personally think it's just a disgrace (as it now holds a representation of what they've done to Windows as of Windows 8...)

Before they keep digging this hole deeper too, I think they should climb up out of it and try not to change their image too much here. Change is good sometimes, but when it's not working you have to know when to pull the plug.
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#34 DarkPhoeniX


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 09:20 PM

I think the metro user interface is made for the first time computer user
Simple and easy to understand,
I got my mom a new pc last month ant for 3 weeks now thy keep calling me every day to ash me how to do this or how to do that

At my work too ,a looooooooooooot off ppl come in and ask us how to do the dumbest stuff ever
Please note that some of these ppl are doctors and shuts so thy are by no means dumb
They just don't understand how to do things because the current os's is hard to learn

#35 Tripredacus


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 03:12 PM

care to tell us why? As a IT Manager I'm curious myself.

Server 2012 supports ARM and UEFI x64 PXE boot. My short-term plan is to implement low end child WDS servers to bolster the ability to image UEFI based hardware once the NIC support is there. Unless the ability to smartly identify the different types of boot options (Server 2008 R2 won't be able to) I might even end up using PXELinux to handle the detection, and send off boot requests to either the 2008 R2 or 2012 servers.

#36 u2o


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Posted 19 June 2012 - 08:37 AM

I don't understand that Micro$oft strives to create something new in the top layer. while maintaining the same base.
It would be better to redesign the kernel from scratch, instead of doing the same with Minesweeper (correct all the buggy, with patches, thousands of patches, but without starting from scratch).
There is little logic in having an army of professional programmers, who may have good ideas and code so wonderfully fast and lightweight, only to conclude that it must touch the top.
It starts to stink, becoming something like corporate negligence against users.
I understand that may be simple to make an operating system that is used throughout hardware, but the use of different hardware is also different.
Not to mention I want to use the software that I think meets my needs and not wait for a company that cares only for their profit, by chance note what I want individually.

Maybe the advertising slogans for Windows8, can be ...

Join to the virtual prison (for all users) ... use Windows8

You can finish with the diversity and your own freedom, use WIndows8.

Would you like you do not have to decide which application to use? Many companies are making software that performs the same function (all may compromise your privacy)... Use Windows 8 and your troubles are over.

#37 homes32


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Posted 19 June 2012 - 02:46 PM

Server 2012 supports ARM and UEFI x64 PXE boot. My short-term plan is to implement low end child WDS servers to bolster the ability to image UEFI based hardware once the NIC support is there. Unless the ability to smartly identify the different types of boot options (Server 2008 R2 won't be able to) I might even end up using PXELinux to handle the detection, and send off boot requests to either the 2008 R2 or 2012 servers.

ahhh. cool!
thanks for the reply.

#38 SIW2


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Posted 19 June 2012 - 05:13 PM

It didn't take long - not perfect by any means , but someone will make a great one:



#39 Tripredacus


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Posted 19 June 2012 - 08:51 PM

Hey something I just figured out... might be interesting for some people (maybe)... About this Microsoft Surface thing, they say it can come with Windows 8 32bit or Windows 8 RT. You know what this means right? The Windows 8 32bit Surface won't have UEFI, which means it won't have SecureBoot either. Just sayin'... ;)

#40 Blackcrack


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Posted 15 August 2012 - 11:01 AM

W8 kick ... (sorry, if i be offtopic, it's an W8 Tread) ..no, fire on the trash.. i wait for Reactos .. apropo,
Reactos need support in code and money to be faster finish for using and downloading for free and for all..
If anywere be an event who be diffrent peoples, can you are call for support please,
do be have fastly an Free GPL Win NT for all.
At last to have all a Possibility to download a free without pay any money for an Win32/64/ARM WinNT Computersystem.
But therefor we need to have enough money and support for Universitys, Private Facilitys and so on,
can you are Call for support may by ? Like i did say, sorry for this but the degree of fit so nice to have an alternative :D
We need all of the World and Reactos it is a Open Source Project who can and should all help on the world,
just because we are building our own in network an Win-NT system together :)
At last to have a Win NT system without pay any money for it, for free,gpl like even Linux,
but Linux it is an other Architecture and Reactos it is an WinNT Win32/64 Arch.
But to be faster finish we sholdt look for a big supporter an Privateperson or an Private Facility's and University's
and here can help you to question if it's known and whant an Infomail with Links on it
to read out what it is and how can help/supporting.
Please, help Reactos.org

Edited by Blackcrack, 15 August 2012 - 11:05 AM.

#41 hydeist



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Posted 15 August 2012 - 12:42 PM

I will there's already port of windows 7 explorer in windows 8


#42 Mikorist


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Posted 24 December 2012 - 07:00 PM

i have it !

fast as hell on SSD drive.

Don't know what is metro after this :


now it is same as win7 but a lot faster

#43 paraglider


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Posted 25 December 2012 - 10:25 AM

I used the start screen for months but finally gave up and brought stardock start8. Much prefer it to classic shell although its not free.

#44 Blackcrack


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Posted 25 December 2012 - 10:33 AM

prefer to give your power in reactos, before your puts in a purely commercial system.

later have all from it as MS take his Win back into a closed room like want

come like W7 .. the Updates, why, do you think, it is come no Servicepacks anymore like in XP ?


no, so the best direcktion it is realy Reactos.org


best regards



#45 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 27 December 2012 - 06:28 PM

prefer to give your power in reactos, before your puts in a purely commercial system.
later have all from it as MS take his Win back into a closed room like want
come like W7 .. the Updates, why, do you think, it is come no Servicepacks anymore like in XP ?
no, so the best direcktion it is realy Reactos.org
best regards
Any particular news I am missing since your post on 15th of August? :dubbio:
Or are you going to reply to each new post in this thread telling us over and over how good ReactOS is?
(please consider that a large number of reboot.pro members used ReactOS since it's very first ALPHA release, 0.0.7 in 1998, hey wait, they are still in ALPHA - after what? 14 years?)
NO offence intended to the good ReactOS guys :thumbsup:, but they - for whatever reasons - failed to deliver a substantially working build for so long that the hopes of ever seeing what they initially promised are dimming :(.
Starting with 0.3.0, the first having actually some use in August 2006 they released:
2 minor releases in 2007
3 minor releases in 2008
4 minor releases in 2009 <- the trend up to here seemed like getting some "pace", then :(:
1 minor release in 2010
1 minor release in 2011
1 minor release in 2012

The meeting minutes appear (again with all due respect to the good guys that do this in their free time and for free :worship:) to me like some aliens (real aliens, coming from other worlds) took part to them, and without having their babelfish on :(.

Since you already got Start8 it is late, but for the next occasion, consider trying Tihiy's little app, StartisBack:


#46 DarkPhoeniX


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 06:39 AM


I have to agree with you their,Even if reactOS is finished today and it deliverers what it promised(100% win xp) not to many ppl  is going to adopt it

My Favorite Linux Dist has to be Android (i have it on my tablet) you get a ton of free stuff (apps) And its so Good, windows 8 amr is ripping it off, It's way better than the ipad too..

All it needs Is the function to install Windows games then it would be perfect !!

So you know support android & Wine or someting

Ps: startisback  is REALY good

#47 Blackcrack


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 07:48 AM

why do you not go on the reactos project and tell ever it is to slow on developing,

why do you not go by self and help for develping. Therefor i say ever, you are bring

in you work in a kommerzial System, why not directly in a system who it is worth to bring

it and work furter on it(on you work) therefor i had say. hey, you are bring so much into

a commerzial system, why not in a system who have you work a stock.

and DarkPhoenix, i work with Linux too, i was Linuxmember cince Suse 3.4 and

later Mandriva 6.0 and was on the Linuxday's Germany by Stuttgart at 2000and 2001 ;)

and at the last day's i have testet kubuntu, LinuxMind, Chakra and Rosa ...why, to be

know at last to be better to have a independed configurations platform

like MCC / drakconf as it have only all in,

one Windomanager and no possibilitys to configurate in an other running windowmanager..

therefor I will stay with OpenMandriva ..

said on Linux, but....

it's be so much software, Games so far in Win32 to be shold fast as possible to have

a independed Winnt System.. and now to say.. hey, why, they are so slowly, this project

dropwise to himself, it is nothing else to search a to seek an apology for himself...

towards this project consists already.. and what it is better,

-> stay by side and do nothing (and speaks against bad) or helping active with it to developing it.

Imho, the biggest problem it is the generate boddleneck from diffrent programmers :\

this it is indeed what i see on it..


best regards



startisback -> but it's commerzial, but funny movie !*bg*

Edited by Blackcrack, 28 December 2012 - 08:03 AM.

#48 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 28 December 2012 - 09:44 AM

Just for the record, startisback is Commercial, but the Author (Tihiy) :worship: is a long time contributor (for Free) to any number of Windows related projects, just like everyone else he never got any real contribution/donation for his work, and this time he decided to make a few bucks.


The price is anyway IMHO "right", 3 bucks for 2 PC license, 5 bucks for 5 of them.

The "advantage" -as I see it - over other "normal" Commercial tool (and also many Freeware ones) is that Tihiy develops "in the open", communicating with users and promptly correcting/fixing/modifying his thingies with the feedback of the users.



JFYI, only seemingly unrelated:





#49 Agent47


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 01:35 PM

I won't switch to Win8. Recovery options in Win8 is difficult-even accessing safe mode is a pain in the ass.Today i got a UEFI secure boot Win8 laptop with boot failure.I have to mess with the BIOS to finally figure out how to turn off secure boot and enable CD boot!!!!.I warn you all-UEFI+Secure boot Win8=Total disaster.


I miss the old good F8 safeboot and Win XP's repair install option so much.

Edited by Agent47, 28 December 2012 - 01:36 PM.

#50 Tripredacus


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 05:09 PM

Windows 8 does have the F8 menu of previous OS, but on UEFI hardware the boot sequence is usually too fast to get to press the key. So to run recovery on Windows 8 on a UEFI, you typically need to do it from the OS, or let the AutoFailOver boot to it for you. If you have an Ultrabook, you can forget about getting into that F8 menu.

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