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[project] NaughtyPE

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#26 amalux


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 05:47 PM

Hi MedEvil!

Finally, running tests on NPE as promised!

To keep it simple, downloaded fresh this morning, 'minimum' project and left everything as it defaults. Only thing I did was to set source dir to my XP SP2 folder (same I use for all WB stuff). Results:

Attached File  log52408min.7z   110.41KB   696 downloads

Thoughts, it's interesting that usbstor.sys is one of the 7-8 files that xpe-multimedia script usually prompts to overwrite during the build; this time, no prompt for this particular file, only the others.

btw, am I the only one who gets these annoying prompts? In my personal builds (NOT this test!) I add the following to the xpe-multimedia script to automate the process and works fine in all my other builds (but wouldn't help here). Only mention it in case this annoys others as much as me:


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#27 TheHive


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 07:12 PM

If youre talking about those annoying DOS promps where you have to select "all", every few second while building, then yes. I have been annoyed by them.

#28 amalux


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 07:20 PM

If youre talking about those annoying DOS promps where you have to select "all", every few second while building, then yes. I have been annoyed by them.

Try the patch above, works great! If you have any trouble or questions, let me know - just add text under sections as shown. Covers following pop-ups:


If you get any add'l, I'd like to know ;)

#29 MedEvil


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 07:47 PM

Amalux, Amalux, Amalux don't try funny things with my PE! ;)
As stated clearly in the first post of this topic.

For a plain build choose download level Recommended, if you like to debug naughtyPE or one of it's apps, choose Complete.

Those are the only two download levels supported and tested.
But i assumed until now, that 'minimum' would give one a plain nativeEx_barebone.

btw, am I the only one who gets these annoying prompts? In my personal builds (NOT this test!) I add the following to the xpe-multimedia script to

No everyone get's those, i don't discriminate! :thumbup:
They did never bother me enough to do something about them, not even during development. So they stayed in.
But now that i have a custom solution :thumbup:, i might change that.

Amalux please try NaughtyPE with download level recommended or complete.


#30 MedEvil


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 07:53 PM

btw. Your patch will only work as long as nobody adds any script that copies files in, that the xpe script wants to copy too.


#31 amalux


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 09:23 PM

btw. Your patch will only work as long as nobody adds any script that copies files in, that the xpe script wants to copy too.


It's not your fault but I don't fully understand. Can you give a simple example of where this might occur? btw, why does this script execute overwrite prompts for existing files where others do not? From tests, at least some of these 'existing' files were called by the same xpe-multimedia script! Can you suggest a better way to handle this, the overwrite prompts really are annoying, especially by the 30 or 40th time you run the script :thumbup:

added: OK, will stick with 'recommended' :thumbup:

#32 MedEvil


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 10:43 PM

It's not your fault but I don't fully understand. Can you give a simple example of where this might occur?

No, it isnt. ;) If someone writes a script which needs a certain dll to work which is not included in for instance in LiveXP, then his script will most liekely copy this dll in.
Now lets assume that someone wants to use that script in NaughtyPE and that this dll gets also copied in by the XPE script.
The result would be another prompt asking if it is ok to overwrite this dll.

btw, why does this script execute overwrite prompts for existing files where others do not? From tests, at least some of these 'existing' files were called by the same xpe-multimedia script!

Because the author of the XPE script choose to use 7zip to extract files

Can you suggest a better way to handle this, the overwrite prompts really are annoying

If there exists a parameter for 7zip that supresses the dialog. Adding this parameter to the commands would solve the 'problem' once and for all.


#33 amalux


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 02:21 AM

No, it isnt. ;) If someone writes a script which needs a certain dll to work which is not included in for instance in LiveXP, then his script will most liekely copy this dll in.
Now lets assume that someone wants to use that script in NaughtyPE and that this dll gets also copied in by the XPE script.
The result would be another prompt asking if it is ok to overwrite this dll.

If the other scripts run before xpe-mm, the present dll from the other script(s) will be deleted by the patch but then replaced by xpe-mm script (this is the purpose of the patch). If the other scripts run after xpe-mm, then, of course, the patch has no effect. The only way this wouldn't work is if one of the files deleted by the patch was, subsequently, not called by xpe-mm script but in my tests all of these files are called, even if all options are unchecked in the script interface. :thumbup:

I agree the parameter for 7zip would be cleaner; I'll look for it but in the meantime, I think this patch should be safe.


#34 MedEvil


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 02:23 PM

If the other scripts run before xpe-mm, the present dll from the other script(s) will be deleted by the patch but then replaced by xpe-mm script (this is the purpose of the patch).

And what if the 'other' script copies one of those dll, that you don't delete before xpe tries to copy it in?
For your patch to be universal you would need to delete all the dll xpe will try to copy in.


#35 amalux


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 04:28 PM

And what if the 'other' script copies one of those dll, that you don't delete before xpe tries to copy it in?
For your patch to be universal you would need to delete all the dll xpe will try to copy in.


In theory, you're right; it just doesn't seem to happen. I've already tried it with every script I know thrown in... but, you're right; it could happen and Murphy's just waiting for an opening like this. So, I've found the 7zip parameter (I think); -ao but don't want to mess with the script at that level. I'll post this under support & bug section and stop taking up space here. I will still continue to use the patch in my own builds until a better solution is found or until proven to cause issues. ;)

NOW, back to real topic; I've tried a 'recommended' build of NPE with everything left as it defaults (keep in mind this is only preliminary testing; my goal is to include BootSDI), here are the results:
Attached File  log52408rec2.7z   148.56KB   606 downloads

The urlmon error is caused from older version of MMC; easy to fix with update, should I go ahead? Let me know about the active shell problem too. My main issue is that my mouse won't work and it's hard to test without it. This same mouse is supported in every other build by including USBSupport script but that's included here.

#36 MedEvil


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 09:21 PM

The urlmon error is caused from older version of MMC; easy to fix with update,

It's not really a problem, since another script already copied the file in so everything should work.

should I go ahead?

Of course!

Let me know about the active shell problem too.

This really is a problem, as this variable should get automaticly created upon run of project.
Will have to check. But why only 6 errors? There should be tons, if that variable is missing. ;)

My main issue is that my mouse won't work and it's hard to test without it. This same mouse is supported in every other build by including USBSupport script but that's included here.

I don't have a usb mouse to test.
Could you try the following:
- disable usb in XPE script
- if that doesn't help, uncheck 'Hot-plug USB keyboard and USB mouse' script too


#37 Galapo


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 09:46 PM

Could you try the following:
- disable usb in XPE script
- if that doesn't help, uncheck 'Hot-plug USB keyboard and USB mouse' script too

I haven't checked the ordering of scripts in your project. But note: If enabling 'Hot-plug USB keyboard and USB mouse' script, it needs to run after 'USBSupport' script. This might be the issue with the mouse. 'USBSupport' adds entries which need to be removed for true hotplug of keyboard and mouse and so needs to run later.


#38 MedEvil


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 10:24 PM

I haven't checked the ordering of scripts in your project. But note: If enabling 'Hot-plug USB keyboard and USB mouse' script, it needs to run after 'USBSupport' script.

I know and it does that. But XPE runs after both and has a USB section as well.
Eventhough the XPE usb isn't really working standalone, it might be working just enough to undo the 'Hot-plug USB keyboard and USB mouse' script.

The ActiveShell thing is rather starnge, the variable is properly set before it is used, but can only be found by the next script. ;)


#39 amalux


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Posted 29 May 2008 - 08:14 AM

I don't have a usb mouse to test.
Could you try the following:
- disable usb in XPE script
- if that doesn't help, uncheck 'Hot-plug USB keyboard and USB mouse' script too


Hi MedEvil,

I've tried both suggestions without success, here are the logs:
Attached File  log52408rec4.7z   147.82KB   623 downloads
Attached File  log52408rec5.7z   147.18KB   641 downloads

The first one (...rec4), boots normally, just no mouse. The second one (...rec5) hangs at boot or gives error: 'the windows logon process system process terminated unexpectedly with status of 0xc0000006 ...'

#40 MedEvil


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Posted 29 May 2008 - 03:51 PM

Hi MedEvil,

I've tried both suggestions without success, here are the logs:
Attached File  log52408rec4.7z   147.82KB   623 downloads
Attached File  log52408rec5.7z   147.18KB   641 downloads

The first one (...rec4), boots normally, just no mouse. The second one (...rec5) hangs at boot or gives error: 'the windows logon process system process terminated unexpectedly with status of 0xc0000006 ...'

I just tested and don't get any hangs or error messages.
Also the logs show nowthing that could explain such a problem.
It would also be pretty strange, since the configuration without 'Hot-plug USB keyboard and USB mouse' script and with USB deselected in XPE was the original configuration.
And without those two, USB support script is the sole source of USB related settings and files. And this works for you fine you've said. ;)

You havn't by any chance used your modified XPE script?


#41 amalux


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Posted 29 May 2008 - 07:30 PM

I just tested and don't get any hangs or error messages.
Also the logs show nowthing that could explain such a problem.
It would also be pretty strange, since the configuration without 'Hot-plug USB keyboard and USB mouse' script and with USB deselected in XPE was the original configuration.

'original configuration' of what? Both are selected by default in NPE download.

And without those two, USB support script is the sole source of USB related settings and files. And this works for you fine you've said. ;)

Works for me fine in LiveXP, not NPE.

You havn't by any chance used your modified XPE script?


No, both of these tests were only including scripts that download with NPE with all default settings left as they are except for changes you asked me to make for the tests, including updating MMC to v.10 which did get rid of the urlmon error. I will try the second test again (from scratch) just in case there was some corruption.

Any thoughts on the 'ActiveShell' errors, what is this and do you know which script is causing it?

#42 MedEvil


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Posted 29 May 2008 - 09:45 PM

'original configuration' of what? Both are selected by default in NPE download.

It was. Pastense!
It was the configuration, i used during development. So it's the most tested one.

Any thoughts on the 'ActiveShell' errors, what is this and do you know which script is causing it?

Yes it's caused by a bug in explorer script. The reason you don't see it in LiveXP/nativeEx is because explorer script in LiveXP/nativeEx have Explorer shortcuts removed. My version doesn't.
Tryed today a solution from Peter, but unfortunately it created other problems.

Anyway, it's only a first run bug. Once you run the project for a second time, it's gone.


#43 amalux


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Posted 30 May 2008 - 01:46 AM

It was. Pastense!
It was the configuration, i used during development. So it's the most tested one.

Yes it's caused by a bug in explorer script. The reason you don't see it in LiveXP/nativeEx is because explorer script in LiveXP/nativeEx have Explorer shortcuts removed. My version doesn't.
Tryed today a solution from Peter, but unfortunately it created other problems.

Anyway, it's only a first run bug. Once you run the project for a second time, it's gone.


Hey, that did the trick! Everythings working now :thumbup:

Re-downloaded fresh; updated MMC to v.11 and patched urlmon line (forgot I had to do this before); UNchecked both Hot Plug and Play script and USB option in XPE-MM script. Booted fine and mouse works! Thanks for all your help and patience :thumbup:
Attached File  log52908r3.7z   147.68KB   611 downloads


#44 MedEvil


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Posted 30 May 2008 - 07:44 AM

Thanks for all your help and patience ;)

You're welcome!


#45 MedEvil


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Posted 01 June 2008 - 10:26 PM

"New Version" uploaded.
It contains a bug fix for the explorer script, so NaughtyPE builds now correctly even on the first run in a new location.
Updated MMC script since Amalux said this fixed a problem for him.
(Couldn't verify the error, nor do i see how the new version could fix it, since the changes address a different topic. ;))


#46 amalux


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Posted 02 June 2008 - 12:57 AM

"New Version" uploaded.
It contains a bug fix for the explorer script, so NaughtyPE builds now correctly even on the first run in a new location.
Updated MMC script since Amalux said this fixed a problem for him.
(Couldn't verify the error, nor do i see how the new version could fix it, since the changes address a different topic. :thumbup:)


updated MMC to v.11 and patched urlmon line (forgot I had to do this before)






This is required even though I use a standard XP SP2 source ;)

#47 Galapo


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Posted 02 June 2008 - 03:30 AM






This is required even though I use a standard XP SP2 source ;)

I altered the MMC script on the LiveXP server to include your fix. Version is now at v.12.


#48 amalux


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Posted 02 June 2008 - 07:25 AM

I altered the MMC script on the LiveXP server to include your fix. Version is now at v.12.



#49 MedEvil


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Posted 17 October 2008 - 10:00 PM

Was just downloading the LiveXP archive from winbuilder.net and came across this statistic.
Boy am i off, when it comes to peoples tastes! The only project doing worst is a project for Win3.11!!! :cheers:


#50 Brito


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Posted 17 October 2008 - 11:03 PM


Guess you need to hire a marketing manager.. :confused1:


Why not posting some screenshots or even maybe a good youtube presentation showcasing the features of the project.

Another idea would be posting your project on other similar software related forums like NEOWIN, MSFN and 911CD. Software download sites like Softpedia and Download.com may also help

A tutorial explaining how to create and customize a NaughtyPE wouldn't also be a bad idea to break the ice for those who prefer to read first and try later.

Perhaps in "Deutsch sprechen" software forums it can also be mentioned?

There are also many other forums out there where a good boot disk project like yours could really make a difference, look here:

Also, if you post tutorials and such - they will also end up being mentioned on the weekly newsletter which should in terms of exposure to the other members who don't visit the forums so often.

Just some crazy ideas, hope some of them can help the project move forward and move forward on the stats list.


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