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NaughtyPE and errors

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#26 Lancelot


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Posted 17 January 2010 - 02:53 AM

Hi Iamwithin,

try this :confused1:

btw, for some reason, your ff and ie (and maybe other things) not work there for boot-land servers !!

#27 Iamwithin



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Posted 17 January 2010 - 04:35 AM

Okay Lancelot, LiveXP booted good except could not find my Network card.
Build had three errors:

(MMC) Expand - Failed to copy [C:\WinXP\I386\SP1.cab] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\LiveXP\I386\System32\dmutil.DLL]
   (qEmu Network Driver (pxe-rtl8139.bin)) Expand - Failed to copy [C:\WinXP\I386\SP1.cab] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\LiveXP\I386\System32\drivers\rtl8139.sys]
   (HWPnP) Expand - Failed to copy [C:\WinXP\I386\SP1.cab] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\LiveXP\I386\System32\drivers\swenum.sys]

But everything else seemed to work well.
File tasks - good
HD tasks - good
Resolution - good

I had to add a script for my network card for VistaPE maybe I need to add the same script for LiveXP

#28 Lancelot


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Posted 17 January 2010 - 04:45 AM

Hi Iamwithin,

good to know things start to work there :confused1:

for your errors:
please update your source to xpsp2 or xpsp3

here is a short tutorial:

How to obtain XPsp2 source from XPSP0 or XPSP1 source CD:
copy your cd to c:\xpsp2
download WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe (assuming your xp cd is english)
put WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe to C:\temp
open command line in temp and write
WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe -s:c:\xpsp2

if your xp cd is not english, download the appropriate sp file with the language of the cd :rolleyes:.

for your network:
currently project do not provide ready network driver package.

at \Components\Core\1 System\Network\
there is penetwork script,
click the button shown with red arrows (Explore button)
a folder will open,
put your network drivers for xp/2k3 to there.


#29 MedEvil


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Posted 17 January 2010 - 02:13 PM

Congrats Iamwithin!

When you're still game, try LiveXP but select the SATA script instead of the DP MassStorageDriver script.

btw. How did you manage to download NaughtyPE inside Winbuilder, if you can't access naughtype.winbuilder.net with your browser?
There's someting weird going on, on your computer. :rolleyes:


#30 Iamwithin



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Posted 17 January 2010 - 03:10 PM

WinBuilder works just fine. I can download anything - all day.
It's Fire Fox has the problem. Perhaps Kaspersky doesn't like boot land.

No need for congratulations, I wasn't looking for LiveXP, I was looking to get NaughtyPE,
I wanted something that worked with AUDIO, and I have yet to get it working.

#31 MedEvil


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Posted 17 January 2010 - 03:50 PM

Yes Kaspersky can be a pesky fellow.

OK, to get NaughtyPE to work properly on your new machine too, we first need to nail down the problem.
LiveXP working, is a very good starting point.

Now we need to narrow down, what your computer likes about LiveXP better than NaughtyPE. :rolleyes:

First test would be to bring LiveXP to fail too.
For this unselct in LiveXP\Drivers\4.Storage\ DP's MassStorageDrivers and select SATA.

If this brings a BSOD, the fix for NaughtyPE is easy.


#32 Iamwithin



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Posted 17 January 2010 - 05:04 PM

I unselcted in LiveXP\Drivers\4.Storage\ DP's MassStorageDrivers and selected SATA.

This is the first time I can ever remember being happy to see a BLUE SCREEN! :confused1:

#33 MedEvil


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Posted 17 January 2010 - 06:00 PM

OK seems i made some mistake while trying to port the Intel drivers from DP MSD script.

Go to YourLiveXP\Projects\LIveXP\Drivers\4.Storage folder and copy
- DPs-Build_MassStorageDrivers.script
- DPs-Build_MassStorageDrivers-Bin.script
to YourNaughtyPE\Projects\NaughtyPE\Drivers

Then go to YourLiveXP\Projects\LIveXP\Basic\Build and copy
- CommonAPI.script
to YourNaughtyPE\Projects\NaughtyPE\Basic\Build

Last but not least take the attached archive and copy the included script.project file to YourNaughtyPE\Projects\NaughtyPE.
Overwrite the existing one.

Attached File  script.rar   102.86KB   557 downloads

Now the DP MSD script should be happy enough to work flawless in NaughtyPE.


PS: You will need to reselect the source.
Also check again that DP MSD is selected and SATA is unselected before trying a new build.

#34 Iamwithin



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Posted 17 January 2010 - 07:31 PM

After finalizing I ran it in qEmu and finally got to see the good looking chic in the red pants. :rolleyes:

Then I burned the CD and rebooted:

STOP: 0X0000007B (0XF78AE528, 0XC0000034, 0X00000000, 0X00000000) :confused1:

#35 MedEvil


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Posted 17 January 2010 - 08:26 PM

And no error messages during build?

I'm fresh out of ideas. :confused1:


#36 MedEvil


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Posted 18 January 2010 - 01:05 AM

Iamwithin, try to unselect the 'Virtual Machine Drivers' script. It's a longshot, but the only thing left, that would make at least some sense.

If that doesn't work. You can try unselcting the 'XPE-pnp multimedia' script, LiveXP doesn't have that.

I'm severely :confused1: and start going :rolleyes: with this. :cheers:


#37 Iamwithin



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Posted 18 January 2010 - 06:35 AM

Hey Progress! At least it booted this time.
I doubled checked everything and there were two places for DP's MassStorageDrivers, so I checked both.

I got two errors for the first time which were:

(Partition Find and Mount) DirDelete - Failed to delete directory [%BaseDir%\Projects\NaughtyPE\Apps\Recovery\Partition Recovery\partition_find_and_mount.script_Files]: The operation completed successfully

   (DPs-MassStorageDrivers.script) Access violation at address 004041F4 in module 'WinBuilder.exe'. Read of address E1969D3F: [Run,%ScriptFile%,BinCheck]

But it actually booted with NO BSOD!

There is no Network and no audio, but I'm half way home.

My Network card is: Intel® 82562V-2 10/100 Network Connection
And my audio is: High Definition Audio Device: SB Audigy

How do I add these?

#38 Iamwithin



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Posted 18 January 2010 - 07:33 AM

I built it one last time and got only 1 error:

Failed to delete directory [%BaseDir%\Projects\NaughtyPE\Apps\Recovery\Partition Recovery\partition_find_and_mount.script_Files]: The operation completed successfully

After booting, there were several rrors which popped up:

1) Main() critical error trying to load shared objects ViSplate
2) Active x can't create object
3) when I click on start orb, the box pops up on RIGHT hand side (is that WindowBlinds) and can I turn that off?
4) Disk Management does not work
5) RPC Server is unavailable.
LC can not play mp3
6) PNE cannot find my network card, even after I moved the script file from VistaPE to NaughtyPE (I might have put it in wrong place)

Other than that, it is just fine. :confused1:

#39 MedEvil


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Posted 18 January 2010 - 03:22 PM

Finally some good news! :confused1: :rolleyes:

The partition_find_and_mount error can be ignored, it is caused by a slight case of incompatibility with the commonAPI.
In the old api the folder had to be erased by an extra command, the new api does it automaticly, so the command does not find any folder to delete.

1) Main() critical error trying to load shared objects ViSplate
2) Active x can't create object

For now let's turn of the 'get pretty script' until we have the basics all working!

3) when I click on start orb, the box pops up on RIGHT hand side (is that WindowBlinds) and can I turn that off?

No that's ViOrb and maybe ViStart(Menu)

4) Disk Management does not work

What exactly does not work?

5) RPC Server is unavailable.

Who complains about that?

VLC can not play mp3

You've said your sound is not yet working, so VLC can't play mp3.

6) PNE cannot find my network card, even after I moved the script file from VistaPE to NaughtyPE (I might have put it in wrong place)

Don't EVER move stuff between projects which are meant for different OS!
Once you have a handle on the whole PE thing and know how things work, you can start adapting scripts from Vista/Win7 projects.

How to add the drivers for your network and sound is described in the link in my signature.
(Remember that you will need the XP drivers, Vistadrivers won't do!) Since you have HD Audio, you will also need to select the HD-Audio-Support script.


#40 MedEvil


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Posted 18 January 2010 - 03:43 PM

:confused1: Why two places?
Why do you have DP MassstorageDrivers in two places?
There should only be scripts like that in the NaughtyPE\Drivers folder!
If you have some some place else, remove them.


#41 Lancelot


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Posted 18 January 2010 - 08:03 PM

Hi MedEvil,

:confused1: Why two places?

I guess what Iamwithin means is 2 scripts.
DPs-Build_MassStorageDrivers.script has a Title=Build DPs Mass Storage Drivers script
it does what it is meant to, builds a new dps mass storage drivers script (DPs-MassStorageDrivers.script.)
so when user make a build 2nd time, DPs-Build_MassStorageDrivers.script not processed again, only DPs-MassStorageDrivers.script processed.

somehow, Iamwithin forced the procedure break but than on his last post shows everything worked as expected.

If that doesn't work. You can try unselcting the 'XPE-pnp multimedia' script, LiveXP doesn't have that.

Lieeee :) LiveXP have 'XPE-pnp multimedia' script , only it is not selected as default.

#42 Iamwithin



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Posted 18 January 2010 - 08:22 PM

I wanted to say thank you to everyone here who has helped me learn in the last two weeks, especially MedEvil and Lancelot. So far I have successfully: installed WAIK and learned to build iso's with the PE Tools command prompt, downloaded and installed 4 versions of WinBuilder and built successful running Win7RescuePE (used under my copy of VMware, VistaPE (which I ported to my Flash drive), LiveXP, and now this sort of working NaughtyPE.

Understand that I am a great grandfather living in the mountains of NC, USA where the neighbors feel a high tech person is the guy who installs their DirecTV satellite dish. :-)

I have 2 foster children with WinXP machines, 1 daughter and 1 son with XP machines,
my wife has Vista 64 and I have Vista 32 and am playing with Win7 to see if I like it, so what you have taught me will help me rescue their computers, (they have asked for help many times).

MedEvil, I think I'm going to take a break from trying to figure out all the bugs I have with NaughtyPE. I may give it another try later, but I have taken up way too much of your time. I thank you very much.

You have all taught this old dog some new tricks, you are awesome and this site ROCKS!

I will now go back to lurk mode.


#43 MedEvil


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Posted 18 January 2010 - 08:46 PM

Lieeee :rolleyes: LiveXP have 'XPE-pnp multimedia' script , only it is not selected as default.

Let's agree that LiveXP has some sort of XPE-pnp multimedia script, if one wants to. :) ;)

Wish you the best of luck for your lurking, Iamwithin and hope that you will get NaughtyPE fully working also on your Vista machine.


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