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winpe3 winpe winre boot winpe4

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#26 erwan.l


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Posted 22 January 2014 - 08:00 PM

New version out : 0.8.


As I needed to build a x64 winpe to perform tests on a UEFI computer, I compiled tinyshell.exe for x64 hosts as well.


Next to that, _RUN_ME.CMD now offers 2 extra options : Built a x64 winpe from an ISO, build a x64 winpe from a DVD.


Remember, a x64 winpe does not have a WOW32 subsystem.


The zip files contains explorer++ and penetwork in both x86 and x64 versions.



#27 Vikram



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Posted 06 May 2014 - 03:47 PM

Hi Erwan.

Thanks for your work.


I think something's wrong with QuickPe 0.9.1, at least for the 64 bits architecture.


When running make_pe4.cmd, I get "sed: can't read wim-update_x64.txt: No such file or directory".


I'm running Windows 8 x64 with ADK for Windows 8.1 Update installed, so I have updated setenv4.cmd accordingly (the path is %ProgramFiles%\Windows Kits\8.1\).


When testing winpe4.iso from the folder AMD64 in a VM, I realized that the files in the folder "pe_files_x64" were not added.


Could you fix it please?

#28 erwan.l


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 04:07 PM

Hi Vikram,


Testing it as we speak.

Do you have wim-update_x64.txt in main folder?





EDIT : I believe wim-update_x64.txt was missing in the zip file.

just fixed the zip and reuploaded it (direct link).

#29 erwan.l


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 04:14 PM

New version uploaded :

-using wimlib 1.6.3

-added extra.sample (to be renamed to extra.cmd).


The idea is to have a quick tool (hence the name ...) but to keep it modular.


Basically a user can use WAIK or ADK or an ISO or a DVD, all this x86 or x64.

Next to that (ADK/WAIK only), the user can add packages or drivers.

And last but not least, the user can stuff softwares in the pe_extra folder so that they will be part of his WinPE (in the x:\extra folder).

Now, the user can also customize extra.cmd which will be called right before creating the iso.


Here below an example (using wimlib + offlinereg) which will modify the registry for forensic purposes (I could may be then renamed QuickPE to QuickFE :)

@echo off
rem SANPolicy 3 is used with WinPE 2.*/3.* 
rem SANPolicy 4 is only supported in WinPE 4.0/5.0.
rem see more here http://reboot.pro/topic/19687-winfe-sanpolicy-and-noautomount-combinations/?hl=sanpolicy
echo Extracting %1
call pe_tools\wimlib\wimextract.cmd %1 1 \windows\system32\config\system --dest-dir=temp
echo Modifying offline registry
OfflineReg temp\system currentcontrolset\Services\MountMgr setvalue NoAutoMount 1 4 nobackup
OfflineReg temp\system currentcontrolset\Services\partmgr\Parameters setvalue SanPolicy 3 4 nobackup
echo Updating %1
call pe_tools\wimlib\wimupdate.cmd %1 1 --command="add temp\system \windows\system32\config\system"

#30 erwan.l


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Posted 30 August 2014 - 03:58 PM

New version uploaded : 0.9.2


added : support for UEFI


When "burning" an ISO for UEFI boot with rufus, dont forget to choose GPT as partition type and FAT32 as file system.

#31 sebus


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Posted 30 December 2014 - 07:15 PM

WinRE iso build from en_windows_8.1_with_update_x64_dvd_6051480.iso


It is NOT EFI bootable under Workstation 11


Ofcourse I can "cheat" &


open en_windows_8.1_with_update_x64_dvd_6051480.iso in PowerISO => delete /sources & /support => add QuickPE\x64\iso\sources => save as different name


the resulting iso IS EFI bootable in Workstation 11 (as is the original original media)



#32 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 30 December 2014 - 08:23 PM

The issue is in the used mkisofs command line.
To make a cd/dvd bootable in both BIOS and UEFI two boot images are needed, one for BIOS (where the no-emulation etfsboot.com image is used) and one for UEFI (where the efisys.bin image is used, which is actually a floppy image containing the \EFI\BOOT\*.EFI file).<br />&nbsp;<br />With OSCDIMG the needed switches/parameters are documented:


With mkisofs, it is needed to add something *like*:



-eltorito-alt-boot -e efi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin


but I don't think that the enclosed mkisofs has the -e option nor the other ones listed here



I guess a more recent build is needed, which possibly can be found only as Cygwin (wrong, in the sense that will amount to the usual bloat), and not MinGW (right, in the sense that it will just work without stupid .dll dependencies)

Edit: cdob's :worship: latest build, which WAS here:


seemingly has the needed switches, i.e. these need to be added:

-eltorito-alt-boot -eltorito-platform efi -no-emul-boot -b efi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin


I have no way if it actually boots in a UEFI environment but the .iso analyzed with Isobuster seems fine.





P.S. : STUPID, STUPID board editor :frusty:

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#33 erwan.l


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Posted 30 December 2014 - 08:34 PM

I use my winpe iso's thru rufus so the iso not being efi compliant was not an issue so far.
Still i will see how to remediate to this.


#34 sebus


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Posted 30 December 2014 - 08:40 PM

Great, thanks, would be good, especially that project states: -added : support for UEFI


I assume OSCDIMG is not used due to licensing? Maybe add it as option (for the user to actually provide executable?)



#35 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 30 December 2014 - 08:42 PM



See my edited post above.




#36 erwan.l


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Posted 30 December 2014 - 08:46 PM

Oscdimg is part of waik and adk.
So adapting the command line there should not be too hard thanks to Wonko's link in previous post.

Mkisofs might be another story as i need to check my version first.


#37 erwan.l


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Posted 30 December 2014 - 08:59 PM

The issue is in the used mkisofs command line.
To make a cd/dvd bootable in both BIOS and UEFI two boot images are needed, one for BIOS (where the no-emulation etfsboot.com image is used) and one for UEFI (where the efisys.bin image is used, which is actually a floppy image containing the \EFI\BOOT\*.EFI file).<br />&nbsp;<br />With OSCDIMG the needed switches/parameters are documented:


With mkisofs, it is needed to add something *like*:



-eltorito-alt-boot -e efi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin


but I don't think that the enclosed mkisofs has the -e option nor the other ones listed here



I guess a more recent build is needed, which possibly can be found only as Cygwin (wrong, in the sense that will amount to the usual bloat), and not MinGW (right, in the sense that it will just work without stupid .dll dependencies)

Edit: cdob's :worship: latest build, which WAS here:


seemingly has the needed switches, i.e. these need to be added:

-eltorito-alt-boot -eltorito-platform efi -no-emul-boot -b efi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin


I have no way if it actually boots in a UEFI environment but the .iso analyzed with Isobuster seems fine.





P.S. : STUPID, STUPID board editor :frusty:



Thanks Wonko for these goodies :)


Here below my mkisofs command line help. Not sure yet it has the correct switches...

C:\_quickpe>mkisofs -help
Usage: mkisofs [options] file...
  -nobak                      Do not include backup files
  -no-bak                     Do not include backup files
  -abstract FILE              Set Abstract filename
  -A ID, -appid ID            Set Application ID
  -biblio FILE                Set Bibliographic filename
  -cache-inodes               Cache inodes (needed to detect hard links)
  -no-cache-inodes            Do not cache inodes (if filesystem has no unique unides)
  -duplicates-once            Optimize storage by encoding duplicate files once
  -check-oldnames             Check all imported ISO9660 names from old session
  -check-session FILE         Check all ISO9660 names from previous session
  -copyright FILE             Set Copyright filename
  -debug                      Set debug flag
  -b FILE, -eltorito-boot FILE
                              Set El Torito boot image name
  -eltorito-alt-boot          Start specifying alternative El Torito boot parameters
  -B FILES, -sparc-boot FILES Set sparc boot image names
  -sunx86-boot FILES          Set sunx86 boot image names
  -G FILE, -generic-boot FILE Set generic boot image name
  -sparc-label label text     Set sparc boot disk label
  -sunx86-label label text    Set sunx86 boot disk label
  -c FILE, -eltorito-catalog FILE
                              Set El Torito boot catalog name
  -C PARAMS, -cdrecord-params PARAMS
                              Magic paramters from cdrecord
  -d, -omit-period            Omit trailing periods from filenames (violates ISO9660)
  -dir-mode mode              Make the mode of all directories this mode.
  -D, -disable-deep-relocation
                              Disable deep directory relocation (violates ISO9660)
  -file-mode mode             Make the mode of all plain files this mode.
  -f, -follow-links           Follow symbolic links
  -gid gid                    Make the group owner of all files this gid.
  -graft-points               Allow to use graft points for filenames
  -root DIR                   Set root directory for all new files and directories
  -old-root DIR               Set root directory in previous session that is searched for files
  -help                       Print option help
  -hide GLOBFILE              Hide ISO9660/RR file
  -hide-list FILE             File with list of ISO9660/RR files to hide
  -hidden GLOBFILE            Set hidden attribute on ISO9660 file
  -hidden-list FILE           File with list of ISO9660 files with hidden attribute
  -hide-joliet GLOBFILE       Hide Joliet file
  -hide-joliet-list FILE      File with list of Joliet files to hide
  -hide-joliet-trans-tbl      Hide TRANS.TBL from Joliet tree
  -hide-rr-moved              Rename RR_MOVED to .rr_moved in Rock Ridge tree
  -gui                        Switch behaviour for GUI
  -i ADD_FILES                No longer supported
  -input-charset CHARSET      Local input charset for file name conversion
  -output-charset CHARSET     Output charset for file name conversion
  -iso-level LEVEL            Set ISO9660 conformance level (1..3) or 4 for ISO9660 version 2
  -J, -joliet                 Generate Joliet directory information
  -joliet-long                Allow Joliet file names to be 103 Unicode characters
  -jcharset CHARSET           Local charset for Joliet directory information
  -l, -full-iso9660-filenames Allow full 31 character filenames for ISO9660 names
  -max-iso9660-filenames      Allow 37 character filenames for ISO9660 names (violates ISO9660)
  -allow-leading-dots         Allow ISO9660 filenames to start with '.' (violates ISO9660)
  -ldots                      Allow ISO9660 filenames to start with '.' (violates ISO9660)
  -L, -allow-leading-dots     OLD Pre-POSIX.1-2001 option - don't use -L
  -log-file LOG_FILE          Re-direct messages to LOG_FILE
  -m GLOBFILE, -exclude GLOBFILE
                              Exclude file name
  -exclude-list FILE          File with list of file names to exclude
  -pad                        Pad output to a multiple of 32k (default)
  -no-pad                     Do not pad output to a multiple of 32k
  -M FILE, -prev-session FILE Set path to previous session to merge
  -dev SCSIdev                Set path to previous session to merge
  -N, -omit-version-number    Omit version number from ISO9660 filename (violates ISO9660)
  -new-dir-mode mode          Mode used when creating new directories.
  -force-rr                   Inhibit automatic Rock Ridge detection for previous session
  -no-rr                      Inhibit reading of Rock Ridge attributes from previous session
                              Inhibit splitting symlink components
  -no-split-symlink-fields    Inhibit splitting symlink fields
  -o FILE, -output FILE       Set output file name
  -path-list FILE             File with list of pathnames to process
  -p PREP, -preparer PREP     Set Volume preparer
  -print-size                 Print estimated filesystem size and exit
  -publisher PUB              Set Volume publisher
  -P PUB, -publisher PUB      OLD Pre-POSIX.1-2001 option - don't use -P
  -quiet                      Run quietly
  -r, -rational-rock          Generate rationalized Rock Ridge directory information
  -R, -rock                   Generate Rock Ridge directory information
  -s TYPE, -sectype TYPE      Set output sector type to e.g. data/xa1/raw
  -sort FILE                  Sort file content locations according to rules in FILE
  -split-output               Split output into files of approx. 1GB size
  -stream-file-name FILE_NAME Set the stream file ISO9660 name (incl. version)
  -stream-media-size #        Set the size of your CD media in sectors
  -sysid ID                   Set System ID
  -T, -translation-table      Generate translation tables for systems that don't understand long filen
  -table-name TABLE_NAME      Translation table file name
  -ucs-level LEVEL            Set Joliet UCS level (1..3)
  -udf                        Generate UDF file system
  -dvd-video                  Generate DVD-Video compliant UDF file system
  -uid uid                    Make the owner of all files this uid.
  -U, -untranslated-filenames Allow Untranslated filenames (for HPUX & AIX - violates ISO9660). Forces
  -relaxed-filenames          Allow 7 bit ASCII except lower case characters (violates ISO9660)
  -no-iso-translate           Do not translate illegal ISO characters '~', '-' and '#' (violates ISO96
  -allow-lowercase            Allow lower case characters in addition to the current character set (vi
  -force-uppercase            Do not allow lower case characters
  -allow-multidot             Allow more than one dot in filenames (e.g. .tar.gz) (violates ISO9660)
  -use-fileversion LEVEL      Use file version # from filesystem
  -v, -verbose                Verbose
  -version                    Print the current version
  -V ID, -volid ID            Set Volume ID
  -volset ID                  Set Volume set ID
  -volset-size #              Set Volume set size
  -volset-seqno #             Set Volume set sequence number
  -x FILE, -old-exclude FILE  Exclude file name(depreciated)
  -hard-disk-boot             Boot image is a hard disk image
  -no-emul-boot               Boot image is 'no emulation' image
  -no-boot                    Boot image is not bootable
  -boot-load-seg #            Set load segment for boot image
  -boot-load-size #           Set numbers of load sectors
  -boot-info-table            Patch boot image with info table
  -XA                         Generate XA directory attruibutes
  -xa                         Generate rationalized XA directory attruibutes
  -z, -transparent-compression
                              Enable transparent compression of files
  -hfs-type TYPE              Set HFS default TYPE
  -hfs-creator CREATOR        Set HFS default CREATOR
  -g, -apple                  Add Apple ISO9660 extensions
  -h, -hfs                    Create ISO9660/HFS hybrid
  -map MAPPING_FILE           Map file extensions to HFS TYPE/CREATOR
                              OLD Pre-POSIX.1-2001 option - don't use -H
  -magic FILE                 Magic file for HFS TYPE/CREATOR
  -probe                      Probe all files for Apple/Unix file types
  -mac-name                   Use Macintosh name for ISO9660/Joliet/RockRidge file name
  -no-mac-files               Do not look for Unix/Mac files (depreciated)
  -boot-hfs-file FILE         Set HFS boot image name
  -part                       Generate HFS partition table
  -cluster-size SIZE          Cluster size for PC Exchange Macintosh files
  -auto FILE                  Set HFS AutoStart file name
  -no-desktop                 Do not create the HFS (empty) Desktop files
  -hide-hfs GLOBFILE          Hide HFS file
  -hide-hfs-list FILE         List of HFS files to hide
  -hfs-volid HFS_VOLID        Volume name for the HFS partition
  -icon-position              Keep HFS icon position
  -root-info FILE             finderinfo for root folder
  -input-hfs-charset CHARSET  Local input charset for HFS file name conversion
  -output-hfs-charset CHARSET Output charset for HFS file name conversion
  -hfs-unlock                 Leave HFS Volume unlocked
  -hfs-bless FOLDER_NAME      Name of Folder to be blessed
  -hfs-parms PARAMETERS       Comma separated list of HFS parameters
  -prep-boot FILE             PReP boot image file -- up to 4 are allowed
  -chrp-boot                  Add CHRP boot header
  --cap                       Look for AUFS CAP Macintosh files
  --netatalk                  Look for NETATALK Macintosh files
  --double                    Look for AppleDouble Macintosh files
  --ethershare                Look for Helios EtherShare Macintosh files
  --exchange                  Look for PC Exchange Macintosh files
  --sgi                       Look for SGI Macintosh files
  --macbin                    Look for MacBinary Macintosh files
  --single                    Look for AppleSingle Macintosh files
  --ushare                    Look for IPT UShare Macintosh files
  --xinet                     Look for XINET Macintosh files
  --dave                      Look for DAVE Macintosh files
  --sfm                       Look for SFM Macintosh files
  --osx-double                Look for MacOS X AppleDouble Macintosh files
  --osx-hfs                   Look for MacOS X HFS Macintosh files

#38 erwan.l


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Posted 30 December 2014 - 09:08 PM

Using "my" mkisofs binary, I get


mkisofs.exe -iso-level 4 -l -R -J -joliet-long -D -volid "WINRE" -b boot/etfsboot.com -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 8 -hide boot.catalog -eltorito-alt-boot -eltorito-platform efi -no-emul-
boot -b x64\iso\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin -o x64\winre.iso x64\iso
mkisofs: Warning: -rock has same effect as -rational-rock on this platform.
mkisofs.exe: unrecognized option `-eltorito-platform'
Usage: mkisofs [options] file...

Use mkisofs -help
to get a list of valid options.

Will now try the binary Wonko provided.

#39 erwan.l


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Posted 30 December 2014 - 09:15 PM

I confirm that using the mkisofs binary from Wonko, the below command line works.

mkisofs.exe -iso-level 4 -l -R -J -joliet-long -D -volid "WINRE" -b boot/etfsboot.com -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 8 -hide boot.catalog -eltorito-alt-boot -eltorito-platform efi -no-emul-
boot -b efi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin -o x64\winre.iso x64\iso

Since it needs cygwin (a different version from mine), I need to carefully redo the whole package...

#40 sebus


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Posted 30 December 2014 - 09:22 PM

...I need to carefully redo the whole package...


Sorry :)

#41 erwan.l


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Posted 30 December 2014 - 09:41 PM

oki, seems to work.

i'll release a new package tomorrow.


not too happy about this line (localized) but it will do to start with :)

pe_tools\wimlib\wimlib-imagex.exe extract %dest%\iso\sources\boot.wim 1 /Windows/Boot/DVD/EFI/en-US/efisys.bin --dest-dir=%dest%\iso\efi\microsoft\boot

#42 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 08:25 AM

I confirm that using the mkisofs binary from Wonko, the below command line works.

mkisofs.exe -iso-level 4 -l -R -J -joliet-long -D -volid "WINRE" -b boot/etfsboot.com -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 8 -hide boot.catalog -eltorito-alt-boot -eltorito-platform efi -no-emul-
boot -b efi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin -o x64\winre.iso x64\iso

Since it needs cygwin (a different version from mine), I need to carefully redo the whole package...

No it needs it not.

The .7z contains BOTH the MinGW (right) version and the Cygwin (wrong) version.

I tested the MinGW one, which works fine here (though I don't have a way to test if it actually boots on a UEFI system).




#43 erwan.l


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Posted 31 December 2014 - 09:26 AM

No it needs it not.

The .7z contains BOTH the MinGW (right) version and the Cygwin (wrong) version.

I tested the MinGW one, which works fine here (though I don't have a way to test if it actually boots on a UEFI system).





I tested the cygwin version which works fine as well (I cannot boot the iso thus as I dont have the platform for that).

Why do you state the cygwin as wrong? apart from cygwin being fat/bloated?


By repackaged, i also meant re test all cases/scripts.


EDIT : tested the mingw version, works the same. tested dependencies and indeed there are none with mingw.

#44 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 10:00 AM

I tested the cygwin version which works fine as well (I cannot boot the iso thus as I dont have the platform for that).


Why do you state the cygwin as wrong? apart from cygwin being fat/bloated?


By repackaged, i also meant re test all cases/scripts.

No, of course it works fine, it is only about the bloat/dependency to cygwin1.dll.

If the MinGW version can do in 371200 bytes the SAME EXACT things that the Cygwin version does needing (366080+1109385=) 1475465 bytes, it is obvious to me which one is smarter.

In this specific case not even the usual "but having a shared .dll will allow you to run more programs, so if you have more programs it is good" stands, 371200 vs. 366080, come on :), I mean at least the .NET bloat allows to have (set aside the stupid amount of space needed by the subsystem) to have smallish apps/programs.


Think of it in carpenter's terms :w00t:, all  you have to do is to join two planks of wood by means of three screws, which tool do you prefer to carry with you in your toolbox? 





And sure both the MinGW and the Cygwin version work fine and work the same, I mean, have you ever seen anything coming from cdob that was not delivering the expected results? :dubbio:


Of course testing is needed as always, but the "source" is reliable. :)




#45 erwan.l


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Posted 31 December 2014 - 10:13 AM

If I have 3 screws to take care of, I'll go for a basic screw driver ;)


Off topic but I feel this is a modern man curse : my electric screw driver is always unloaded when I need it...

That usually makes me say the Fxxx word.

My second curse is that shortly after I hear my wife saying something like "I told you last time...".


Back to topic, I'll go for the mingw version for sure.

I am done with the mkisofs + efi part.

Currently adapting the oscdimg command line now.


I am also making sure that if the efisys.bin cannot be found (for whatever reason...), the iso will still be generated (but a warning will appear on screen).

In such case, the iso will be ready for use for usb+efi booting but not for iso+efi booting.

#46 erwan.l


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Posted 31 December 2014 - 10:44 AM

Ok, QuickPE  updated to 0.9.3 so that generated iso is now UEFI compliant.


Having an X86 non UEFI system, I could not test it all thus.


Hopefully, Sebus can report success.

#47 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 10:45 AM

If I have 3 screws to take care of, I'll go for a basic screw driver ;)


Sure :), and still for just the three screws, I will anyway have a smaller, more compact screwdriver than you have :smiling9:.





#48 sebus


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Posted 31 December 2014 - 03:30 PM

Thanks, works perfectly fine in UEFI mode



#49 erwan.l


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Posted 31 December 2014 - 05:47 PM

Thanks, works perfectly fine in UEFI mode




Great, thanks for the feedback.


Most credits goes to Wonko who provided all the materials.

I only had to assemble it :)

#50 erwan.l


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 06:21 PM

Small update.

TinyShell which is a small launch bar has been updated.


By default, it will look like this :




One can customise it by creating a tinyshell.ini (next to the exe) like below :


to make it look like this :




%programfiles%, %systemroot%, %systemdrive% system variables are supported.


This should give a bit more flexibility to customize one's winpe.


Idea/Request is from Sebus.



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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: winpe3, winpe, winre, boot, winpe4

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