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"Steal" These Current Paragon Scripts

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#26 Brito


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 02:31 PM


You can upload them by yourself at http://reboot.pro/fi.../1-app-scripts/

This ensures that you get proper recognition and credits for your work while ensuring that you can update any file without depending on others.

Take care,
Nuno Brito

#27 Arvy


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 05:31 PM

Howdy. And thanks for the info. Recognition and credit isn't really any concern to me, but I guess I should do my own uploading work. I didnt know that I had that option here myself. I couldn't add it to the scripts that The Hive had already uploaded for me. So I created a new one at http://reboot.pro/fi...aragon-hdm127z/

#28 Brito


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 07:05 PM

It is only a fair recognition of a good developer. :)

Thank you for making the script available at the portal.

#29 TheHive


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Posted 09 March 2012 - 06:15 AM

Put a link on the older script to the new one on the Download page. Thanks! Arvy.
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#30 Arvy


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Posted 09 March 2012 - 02:57 PM

And thank you too. Don't hesitate to add the new HDM-12 script to your own download listings if you wish. You're entirely welcome to do so. I really don't care one bit about having my name on anything.

#31 Erik_FL



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Posted 28 March 2012 - 04:28 PM

FIrst, thank you Arvy for all your hard work on developing a script for Paragon HDM 12.

I am using a slightly different version of software, called Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 Professional. Unfortunately, because I purchased that version, Paragon does not easily support running in Windows PE. I ran into two problems using the script that you posted.

Here are the two problems.
  • The software will not start up unless I delete the following registry key.
  • The software will only run on a 32-bit x86 version of Windows PE and not a 64-bit x64 version.
If you attempt to run Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 Professional with the registry key defined, or on 64-bit it will hang, and also usually hangs the Windows desktop (explorer).

This is actually not something new. I have the same problems trying to run versions 11 and 2010 of the "professional" version with Windows PE. I have been using Windows XP PE, but I observed the same problems trying to run on Windows 7 PE.

To work around the problems I start the software using a batch file.

reg delete hklmsystemcurrentcontrolsetcontrolminint /f
start /min %SystemDrive%ProgramsHDM12Programlauncher.exe
REM reg add hklmsystemcurrentcontrolsetcontrolMiniNT /ve

Your WinBuilder script is very helpful, since I have never used WinBuilder before and have not written any scripts for it. I am going to work on modifying the script to work with the "professional" version of Hard Disk Manager 12. I posted something here, not as a criticism, but hopefully to help others who have purchased the software. The features for the purchased version of the software state that it supports Windows PE, but I have not been able to get any help from Paragon to make that work (other than their locked down boot disc that comes with the software).

Edited by Erik_FL, 28 March 2012 - 04:33 PM.

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#32 Arvy


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Posted 28 March 2012 - 07:45 PM

Thank you, Erik, for that very clear explanation of the situation you've encountered. As the "non-pro" edition of Paragon's HDM-12 Suite starts and runs fine under both 32-bit and 64-bit Winbuilder PE builds using a normal shortcut for its "launcher.exe" executable, I would expect these issues must be related to some component of the "pro" edition only. Possibly even a deliberate effort to limit its portability,

Unfortunately, I don't currently have a copy of that "pro" edition myself to confirm. If you are successful in developing a script modification that can rcognise and compensate for the "pro" versus "non-pro" differences and will post a follow-up here, I'd certainly be interested in adopting any such solution.

All users of Paragon products should also be aware that they have recently announced termination of their redistribution agreement with Microsoft for their own pre-packaged WinPE "rescue and recovery" package. Apparently they'll be providing some kind of WinPE self-building alternative in the future (presumably requiring a full WAIK download by the user) but the details remain somewhat unclear at this point. See this thread in the Wilder Security forums.

#33 Erik_FL



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Posted 28 March 2012 - 08:39 PM

All users of Paragon products should also be aware that they have recently announced termination of their redistribution agreement with Microsoft for their own pre-packaged WinPE "rescue and recovery" package. Apparently they'll be providing some kind of WinPE self-building alternative in the future (presumably requiring a full WAIK download by the user) but the details remain somewhat unclear at this point. See this thread in the Wilder Security forums.

I certainly hope that Paragon will do better at answering questions from their paying customers trying to build their own Windows PE systems. This is also an unfortunate decision because newer hard disks will require using at least Windows 7 PE to support the 4K sector size. I would happily continue using my Windows XP PE system except for that reason. Sometimes I feel a bit foolish for buying the software when I get better help from people outside of Paragon.

#34 SIW2


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Posted 28 March 2012 - 08:45 PM

Pro is different from Suite. Windows 8 refuses to run Pro main launcher - yet it is quite happy to run Suite.

I have been in contact with Paragon support, and Anna says they are looking into the whole area of win 8 support.

I posted already with pics on the Paragon site how I got Pro working - it is very simple.

1. Make a folder in your pe build program files x86 called e.g. Par ( or any name you like ).

2. Copy into Par - the following:

i) Paragon "program" folder
( Make sure your paragon "program" folder includes prgiso.dll, wnaspi.dll and qtp-mt334.dll - iirc they are already there , except prgiso which you can get from your system32 or sywow64 directory.
From your paragon winpe cd - copy p2padjust.exe and p2padjust.lib into the "program" folder as well.)

ii) Paragon "nls" folder

iii) Paragon layout.ini ( you might want to make some adjustments to the layout ini - saves doing it every time in pe , e.g. turn off image splitting - whatever your prefences are).

3. If your pe build does not already have System32Winscard.dll and System32en-usWinscard.dll.mui - you need to put those in.(And into syswow64 and syswow64en-us if you are using 64 bitpe)

[ Optional - if you want to use paragon defrag - also copy paragon "program2" folder in.]

That's it.

You probably want a shortcut of some kind - so if you are using winbuilder - add it to winpe.cfg.

#35 SIW2


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Posted 28 March 2012 - 09:00 PM

I don't think Paragon - or any software vendor will provide support for your own custom pe builds - why should they?

They will provide the program installer , and in future - their own pebuilding app. They will support those of course.

Anything else you do - is up to you.

#36 Erik_FL



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 01:05 AM

I found out why I'm having a problem with Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 Professional, and found a better solution.

The problem is because Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 Professional ejects the CD from the drive when the "MiniNT" key is defined in the registry. That causes a problem because the program is being loaded from the CD ROM (in my case).

The solution to the problem is to add a command line option when running "launcher.exe" or "explauncher.exe".

For example:
launcher.exe Dont_Eject
explauncher.exe Dont_Eject

I also found that Paragon's express launcher menu has the same problem and does not use the "Dont_Eject" parameter.
I modified the menu file for the express launcher, "programExpLauncher.ini".

Change these lines.
Name_6=Open Advanced Interface
Hint_6=Advanced partitioning and hard disk management

Change to this.

Name_6=Open Advanced Interface
Hint_6=Advanced partitioning and hard disk management

The only script change that I made was to the shortcuts.

I added the "Dont_Eject" option to the shortcuts.
This solution works for me with Windows 7 PE 32-bit and Windows 7 PE 64-bit.

Arvy, perhaps adding the "Dont_Eject" option will not cause any problem with other versions of the Paragon software. It seems to be necessary when loading the program directly from the CD-ROM. You may want to consider adding it to the script. I think that the Paragon software assumes a "MiniNT" system will be running from RAM and defaults to ejecting the CD on launching of the software. Depending on how fast the CD is ejected it may cause the program to hang.

Edited by Erik_FL, 29 March 2012 - 01:32 AM.

#37 Arvy


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Posted 29 March 2012 - 06:17 AM

WOW! That was quick detective work. Looks like you've nailed it dead on the money, Erik.

Pargon's own WinPE package for their HDM-12 Suite ("non-pro" edition) already includes that "Params_6=Dont_Eject" entry in its ExpLauncher.ini file and, in fact, a similar "Dont_Eject" entry for almost ALL of the sub-menu items in that .INI file. Maybe they figured the "pros" didn't need it. Or else they just forgot. :dubbio:

Anyhow, in the circumstances, it seems unlikely to be any problem with including that parameter in the shortcuts that are created by the script. I'll verify that directly within the next day or two and, if confirmed as I expect, I'll definitely revise and repost the script accordingly.

THANK YOU very much for your excellent and most welcome contribution. Great effort! :1st:

#38 Arvy


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Posted 29 March 2012 - 11:21 AM

Confirmed. The Paragon HDM-12 script has been revised (current version 005) and uploaded at http://reboot.pro/16493/

Once again, thanks very much, Erik.
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#39 BobxT



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Posted 04 July 2012 - 07:43 AM


I am trying to alter Arvy's script for the "Hard Disk Manager 11 Suite" to be used for "Paragon Hard Disk Manager 11 Server".

From the topics above it would appear I would be required to add the parameter "Dont_Eject" to the two lines below in Arvy's script. But, I am at a loss as to where they should go, scripting is not my strong point.



Could someone please advise..?

I have had the "Paragon Hard Disk Manager 11 Server" working when it was copied from Drive Y: (CD drive)
to the Ram Drive X: but the CD drive Y: immediately vanishes as soon as I run Paragon (as previously mentioned above).


#40 SIW2


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 12:07 PM

I don't know anything about scripting, but it looks to me those lines just add shortcuts.

If you are using the hdm files directly from your installed Paragon folder, the express launcher.ini is a little different from the one that is used in pe.

You need to change the entries in explauncher.ini .

Like in this post #36

#41 BobxT



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Posted 04 July 2012 - 08:38 PM

I have already done that, changing the entries in explauncher.ini as in the post #36.

But I still need to change the shortcuts as well. I think the explauncher.ini entries only apply to selections made from the internal menu system of Parargon.

When I launch the first time, I have to run "launcher.exe Dont_Eject" to get Paragon to operate without ejecting the CD drive.

So I still have to change the shortcuts to include Dont_Eject as a parameter. But I don't know how to add this to the two lines.


#42 SIW2


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 09:56 PM

That's weird.

I have Paragon HDM Pro 12 in my pe build - before that I had HDM2010 server.

Never had it try to eject the cd tray.

You might be better just putting it by hand - like I do.

My pe build is not the same as Chris project.

However, I have had a look at win7 pese and paragon runs just fine in there.

Not sure what is causing your issue.

#43 BobxT



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Posted 04 July 2012 - 11:01 PM

Well, it does not work unless I either manually change the shortcut before using Paragon or use the commandline with the parameter.

So, all I need is for someone who knows more than I do, how to change the two lines to include the parameter "Dont_Eject".

Please where or how, in the two lines below, do I insert "Dont_Eject"..??




#44 SIW2


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 11:16 PM

Sorry, no idea.

I use pecmd - create shortcuts with it too.

I don't know how to do that with wnbuilder.

You could just make the shortcuts by hand next time you are in winpe - copy them down onto your hd - mount the wim and pop them in.

#45 Erik_FL



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Posted 04 July 2012 - 11:38 PM

Add the "Dont_Eject" parameter before the comma just before the icon path. Do not add or delete any commas.


You also have to change the file "programExpLauncher.ini", or copy that file from the Paragon boot CD. It has a modified version of the file.

Name_6=Open Advanced Interface
Hint_6=Advanced partitioning and hard disk management

Edited by Erik_FL, 04 July 2012 - 11:39 PM.

#46 BobxT



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Posted 04 July 2012 - 11:50 PM

Thanks, Erik_FL.

I have already changed the ExpLauncher.ini file and in my case it is currently:-

I have inserted your shortcut lines and I am running a build now. I have every expectation it will work.

Add the "Dont_Eject" parameter before the comma just before the icon path. Do not add or delete any commas.


You also have to change the file "programExpLauncher.ini", or copy that file from the Paragon boot CD. It has a modified version of the file.

Name_6=Open Advanced Interface
Hint_6=Advanced partitioning and hard disk management


#47 BobxT



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Posted 05 July 2012 - 12:42 AM

Hi Erik_FL,

Mostly success, very one minor problem. The Program icon in the Start Menu works but now it will not put an icon on the Desktop.

Your suggestion that I used was:-

Could there be too many commas after Desktop..?

Something is screwy, the selection box to Put Icon On Desktop is still ticked (ie True).


#48 BobxT



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Posted 05 July 2012 - 05:46 AM

Hi Erik_FL,

Mostly success, very one minor problem. The Program icon in the Start Menu works but now it will not put an icon on the Desktop.

Your suggestion that I used was:-

Somehow the 2% was changed to 3%, now changed back to the correct 2% as below...


ALL Working now.

#49 Mikka


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 06:29 AM

So I created a new one at http://reboot.pro/fi...aragon-hdm127z/

Does this script have any special requirements?
Something's wrong, as soon as selecting it in WB 082, I get this error messsage
The archive was created with a different version of ZLBArchive (v2062617145)
preventing me from using it.

Or has my WinBuilder project gone corrupt... ?

#50 BobxT



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Posted 05 July 2012 - 08:57 AM

A google search showed up this topic that might help:-


Essentially it seems to indicate your script is corrupted.


Does this script have any special requirements?
Something's wrong, as soon as selecting it in WB 082, I get this error messsage
The archive was created with a different version of ZLBArchive (v2062617145)
preventing me from using it.

Or has my WinBuilder project gone corrupt... ?

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