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#26 TheZeDD



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Posted 25 October 2010 - 03:22 AM


I hear ya, but then I miss somethign that I would additionaly have to decipher and in computing terminlogy, thats not good if the menu's are in french too :dubbio:

Thats what I was tryign to get at previous. If you come across some info or options along the way its better to reference that info upfront and be able to understand it in your native language :hi:

No harm intended... I applaud your ideas and your work!

** 2 Thumbs Up! **

#27 Wh1t3c0d3r



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Posted 25 October 2010 - 05:03 AM


I hear ya, but then I miss somethign that I would additionaly have to decipher and in computing terminlogy, thats not good if the menu's are in french too :dubbio:

Thats what I was tryign to get at previous. If you come across some info or options along the way its better to reference that info upfront and be able to understand it in your native language :hi:

No harm intended... I applaud your ideas and your work!

** 2 Thumbs Up! **

I can place an english text at the bottom for the instruction only in english (I think is not the better idea I'v got...). Or you can simply do what I do. I am thinking on making an english version.

#28 iNf3kt0r

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Posted 25 October 2010 - 02:52 PM

Hi all,

I've an idea of making a Podcast for the Forum. It may be Audio only or Video. Also I'm thinking about use it for providing:
1. News like what we are doing in the Newsletter.
2. Make Video Tutorials for some popular/top posts (a picture is worth a thousand words).
3. etc

So what do you think about the idea? Also about what topics should we do there?

I think having both a Podcast as well as Video Tutorials would be awesome. Having the popular\top posts as the material for them is also a great idea too. Another option to include would be to have polls\surveys to help decide on the next material to cover.

#29 Wh1t3c0d3r



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Posted 25 October 2010 - 03:05 PM

I think having both a Podcast as well as Video Tutorials would be awesome. Having the popular\top posts as the material for them is also a great idea too. Another option to include would be to have polls\surveys to help decide on the next material to cover.

A poll? Good idea!

#30 Ariom



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Posted 27 October 2010 - 01:51 AM

A poll? Good idea!



#31 TheZeDD



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Posted 27 October 2010 - 11:55 PM

@gael043: "I can place an english text at the bottom for the instruction only in english (I think is not the better idea I'v got...). Or you can simply do what I do. I am thinking on making an english version."

Hey thanx again for the reply! I do no want to persuay your idea. I would be interested either way. Be nice if you could find a 'simple' language converter to do the job.

And really, you could make a video, and just extract the audio as you were wondering. You may have to do a weeee little more on explaining your moves, but really, your just annotating what you would be doing anyways right!? Unless you were going to do this with no audio? :)

But if you were planning on audio ...Then, just extract the audio from the video and vuala! You have both your Audio and Video downloads ready for the choosing :D

Good Luck and Happy Trails!!

#32 fmbOOtfan



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Posted 30 October 2010 - 08:14 PM

Hi. I think a video or audio podcast would be great but my preference would be an audio one so then I could listen to it while I'm working out or driving in my car.

I joined bootland recently and have found a ton of interesting info on the site. However, since there is so much active development in the areas of WinPE, WinBuilder, ISO boot, USB boot, Multi-boot, etc.. it's sometimes hard for me to decide what threads I want to read. Personally, I would love to see an audio podcast created which highlights the latest developments and interesting discussions happening on the bootland site. Then I could listen to this and it would help me determine what threads I'd like to focus on.

My current interests are centered around USB booting and multi-OS booting and virtual machines. Also, live boot OS environments that allow application installations and saving data across sessions via alternate storage.

I look forward to seeing what develops and could be willing to get involved if you want some help...

#33 Wh1t3c0d3r



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Posted 30 October 2010 - 10:06 PM

@gael043: "I can place an english text at the bottom for the instruction only in english (I think is not the better idea I'v got...). Or you can simply do what I do. I am thinking on making an english version."

Hey thanx again for the reply! I do no want to persuay your idea. I would be interested either way. Be nice if you could find a 'simple' language converter to do the job.

And really, you could make a video, and just extract the audio as you were wondering. You may have to do a weeee little more on explaining your moves, but really, your just annotating what you would be doing anyways right!? Unless you were going to do this with no audio? :hyper:

But if you were planning on audio ...Then, just extract the audio from the video and vuala! You have both your Audio and Video downloads ready for the choosing :cheers:

Good Luck and Happy Trails!!

The idea is good I will not replace the audio since I will have problems of syncing. I will write in french and english the step I am doing and how to do it.

Hi. I think a video or audio podcast would be great but my preference would be an audio one so then I could listen to it while I'm working out or driving in my car.

I joined bootland recently and have found a ton of interesting info on the site. However, since there is so much active development in the areas of WinPE, WinBuilder, ISO boot, USB boot, Multi-boot, etc.. it's sometimes hard for me to decide what threads I want to read. Personally, I would love to see an audio podcast created which highlights the latest developments and interesting discussions happening on the bootland site. Then I could listen to this and it would help me determine what threads I'd like to focus on.

My current interests are centered around USB booting and multi-OS booting and virtual machines. Also, live boot OS environments that allow application installations and saving data across sessions via alternate storage.

I look forward to seeing what develops and could be willing to get involved if you want some help...

It is too difficult to explain evrything in audio but you can play the video on a device and simply listen the audio! (The video have French audio)

A podcast about new thing on the forum will take too much time because every day, there are a new post and/or reply.

If you want multi-boot on a computer with every system you want (Macintosh Included, yes Mac work on PC), you can use UBCD (Ultimate Boot CD) from the original site by clicking here. If not work, search "UBCD" on google.

#34 fmbOOtfan



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Posted 30 October 2010 - 10:19 PM

The idea is good I will not replace the audio since I will have problems of syncing. I will write in french and english the step I am doing and how to do it.

It is too difficult to explain evrything in audio but you can play the video on a device and simply listen the audio! (The video have French audio)

A podcast about new thing on the forum will take too much time because every day, there are a new post and/or reply.

If you want multi-boot on a computer with every system you want (Macintosh Included, yes Mac work on PC), you can use UBCD (Ultimate Boot CD) from the original site by clicking here. If not work, search "UBCD" on google.


I think you misunderstood me. My post was directed to the original poster (Extremee) of this thread who was asking for general comments and suggestions about podcasts. My comments were not directed to you. I thought it would be interesting to hear a summarized podcast of the latest bootland projects, maybe some interviews, and other stuff.

My multiboot interest has nothing to do with ubcd, though I am well aware of the project.

No offense, but I'm not interest in any french tutorials. I'm sure they will be of intererst to whatever group of french readers views this site, though you might be interested to know that the language of this site is english and that is the lingua franca these days :-)

#35 Wh1t3c0d3r



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Posted 30 October 2010 - 10:29 PM


I think you misunderstood me. My post was directed to the original poster (Extremee) of this thread who was asking for general comments and suggestions about podcasts. My comments were not directed to you. I thought it would be interesting to hear a summarized podcast of the latest bootland projects, maybe some interviews, and other stuff.

My multiboot interest has nothing to do with ubcd, though I am well aware of the project.

No offense, but I'm not interest in any french tutorials. I'm sure they will be of intererst to whatever group of french readers views this site, though you might be interested to know that the language of this site is english and that is the lingua franca these days :-)

I am just saying my comment but yes I thinked you wanted to reply to me (without using quote).

As I say, if we use podcast for new post, it will be good if the person will make a sumary of new post and important information one time by week (Sunday recommended).

I know that the site language is english but french is coming! If I don't know this, why I am writing in english? Be sure that it will be on a reserved section.

#36 Brito


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 12:26 AM

I like the idea of interviews.

As I say, if we use podcast for new post, it will be good if the person will make a sumary of new post and important information one time by week (Sunday recommended).

Maybe in the future. I've talked about this matter with xtremee and we've come to conclusion of some drawbacks at this moment:

- using voice is difficult to share links
- a podcast gets outdated very quickly
- our resources are very limited to do it on weekly basis

Taking those reasons into consideration, we decided to try first with videos to see how it goes. Preferably tutorials since they can last far longer and be really useful when compared to podcasts, nevertheless, if enough conditions appear in the future then why not?! :hyper:

I know that the site language is english but french is coming!

+1 from me.


#37 Xtremee



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Posted 08 November 2010 - 01:07 AM

Thanks all for all your's feedbacks. Here are the main points:
1. Video Tutorial is needed
2. Best Video size is 10 MB.
3. Using Poll for the next Tutorial.
4. Some votes for Audio.

Here is the scenario:
1. Making a video Tutorials based on the Polls
2. First we're going to start with only one tutorial then we may expand.
3. Tutorials will have English/ French Subtitle.
4. We will have interviews with Developers, programs, Hardware, etc.
5. A small intro about The most effective persons in the Technology.
6. Showing some tricks (hardware/software).
7. Making Audio Tutorial of main news for forum Newsletters only.
P.S> for news we may make some deals with other Tech Bloggs to provide us with it.

btw, here are the highest demand topics
1. WinBuilder
2. Grub4Dos and imageX
3. Windows 7 (out of our Scope)
So what do you think?

#38 LarryL

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Posted 08 November 2010 - 02:42 AM

I think it's perfect, Anything you guys provide is helpful for us that are not as sharp as the rest.

#39 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 08 November 2010 - 12:59 PM

I think it's perfect, Anything you guys provide is helpful for us that are not as sharp as the rest.

If I may there is NOTHING "sharp" about any member, there is just that someone has some more knowledge and experience on a specific topic.

Booting, partitioning, formatting etc. is NOT "brain surgery".
Posted Image

ANYONE can do it, expecially if he/she avoids "quick an' easy" videos, that can only show a (very small) part of the story, and actually study and learn HOW to do things, WHY they should be done in such a way, WHAT are the pre-requisites, etc., etc.

"Easy" video howtos are fine for "easy" things.
They don't fit for "complex" (though still doable by everyone) things.

Just check on the board to see how many people come here because they followed an "easy" video or "easy" howto found "somewhere" and got stuck in a loop or in a no-way-out situation, check also the post by TheZeDD :lol: in this same thread:


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