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project winpe3 win7pe winpe pe3

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#26 esgaroth


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Posted 08 January 2013 - 10:05 PM

I am unable to reproduce any problems with the taskbar when building from win7x64sp1. Are there any errors in the log file?


Wim FS filter driver does not exist in xp. I will add a check for the existence of the driver and ask for the users permission to install it.

#27 pscEx


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Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:27 AM

Wim FS filter driver does not exist in xp. I will add a check for the existence of the driver and ask for the users permission to install it.

When you mean the WimFltr service, it is installed. I need it to mount with ImagEx.

So the troubles must have a different root.



#28 esgaroth


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Posted 09 January 2013 - 07:17 PM

So you have the file wimmount.sys in your System32/Drivers folder? The exit code indicates that the /Mount-Wim option is unknown to dism. I have seen few references to this issue while searching google but have not come across a solution or cause. I will have to keep testing in my XP environment. I assume you have the Windows AIK installed? Is it the latest version?

At any rate, I have uploaded a new version that will log exit codes and check for the existence of the Wim FS Filter driver.

#29 pscEx


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Posted 09 January 2013 - 07:23 PM

I assume you have the Windows AIK installed? Is it the latest version?

At any rate, I have uploaded a new version that will log exit codes and check for the existence of the Wim FS Filter driver.

No, I use that one from Vista, because it mounts boot.wim within less than 1 second, and install.wim within less then 10 seconds. That makes copying of a WIM unnecessary.


BTW: wimmount.sys is not from the Vista WAIK. I installed from a Win7 CD.


I'll try the new version tomorrow.



#30 esgaroth


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 08:15 AM

Thats probably the problem then. Dism needs wimmount.sys driver installed and that version of Waik uses wimfltr.sys. 

But if that version of imagex is really that much faster and it will work with windows 7 images then I might just switch to that instead.

Do you use the original waik or the one for vista sp1?



#31 pscEx


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 09:01 AM

Yes, it mounts also Win7 SP0 and SP1 WIMs so fast. :smiling9:


I use Vista SP1 files.


The WAIK is not installed, only wimfltr.sys:


You can download http://multipe.exec-...kFilesEx.Script.

You can see how this extracts the necessary files from the WEB and installs wimfltr.



#32 esgaroth


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 07:22 PM

Wow, that version of imagex is so much faster. Total project build time is under 3 minutes. I wonder why there is such a speed difference.

I will switch to imagex for mounting and then I can remove the option to copy source files.

#33 pscEx


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 07:40 PM

Wow, that version of imagex is so much faster. Total project build time is under 3 minutes. I wonder why there is such a speed difference.

I will switch to imagex for mounting and then I can remove the option to copy source files.

Congratulations! :cheerleader:


Welcome in the group of "Creative Builders".


Peter :cheers:

#34 Thurge

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 01:47 AM

Whenever I run this build a second time I get this error from the Mount Wims script "DirDelete - Failed to delete directory [%BaseDir%\Temp\InstallFiles]: Unknown error." I then tried to delete these folders manually and I get.  " Folder Access Denied. You need permission to perform this action. You require permission from TrustedInstaller to make changes to this folder etc" When I check the ownership of the folder somehow the owner has been changed to TrustedInstaller and inheritance is broken. this happened on two different machines.


Additionally, any scripts I try to add fail to extract their attachments. What am I doing wrong???


Edit: I tried changing the setting of the Mount Wims script to copy that seemed to fix the first problem. I also took a look at the error that I was getting from the script I added. it seems I have to manually create the folders "Target\Program Files" in order for it to extract the file from the script. Is that normal?


Finally what is the procedure to add additional scripts? I tried to add one for bluescreen view and it failed every time. I'm going to try the same thing I did with the other script and create the program folder manually. It's a bit annoying to have to do that though.

Edited by Thurge, 11 January 2013 - 01:50 AM.

#35 esgaroth


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:59 AM

You will not be able to delete the temp folder since the files inside are not of an actual file system but the mounted wim files themselves.. You should be able to run the unmount wims script to remove these temp files. Trusted Installer is the correct owner.

Are you saying that the "Program Files" folder was not in the target folder? Or that a folder was not created in the program files folder for that program? If you are having to create the "Program Files" folder then that is not normal and is probably related to the mounting/unmounting issue you were having before. 

#36 Thurge

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 03:29 AM

The folder for the program is not being created in the "Program Files" folder. If I manually create the target folder inside "Program Files" it works and the files are extracted if found. NOTE: I can't use the mount Wim feature I have to use copy because mounting the Wim fails per my previous post. Could it be that the previous file didn't unmount properly?



I've been testing this primarily with a Virtual Machine to get it right. I have downloaded the Dell WinPE 3.0 driver pack and placed the network drivers in C:\EzPE3\Projects\EzPE3\Drivers\Drivers\x86 but when I make a cd or usb stick and boot a dell computer I get no IP address. It seems to only detect the NIC in the virtual machine. So I changed the NIC in the VM and then it didn't detect that one either. How do I fix that? i noticed a check box on the Add Driver Script options that says "Process Drivers on Boot" I'm going to try unchecking that. Will that make it integrate the drivers into the wim file?



Nope that didn't fix the problem either. My drivers are not being integrated into the wim file. Could it be because I'm not mounting the wim file because I put it into copy mode? I think something is wrong with how file copying is handled in the scripts. Neither of my two test machines has produced a fully working PE environment and I doubt that the same thing is wrong on both machines. 

Edited by Thurge, 11 January 2013 - 03:41 AM.

#37 esgaroth


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 04:02 AM

If the folder is not being created in Program Files then it might be a bug in my api script. Can you link me a particular script that isn't working?

The temp folders must be empty for the mount option to work correctly. You can click the Clean Temp button on the check requirements script to delete files that were copied there. This will not remove files that were mounted.

Leaving the copied temp files there will make build times faster so you can leave them and not worry about mounting them.


That is the correct location for the driver files but they must be extracted. Don't just place the .cab file there. Open the cab file and extract the contents of the x86 directory to the drivers\x86 folder.

The checked box will make sure that the device manager is refreshed on pe boot. 

#38 neofita



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Posted 11 January 2013 - 04:56 PM

i retry the build to find log




#39 esgaroth


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:12 PM

I don't see any problems in the log file. Does the winpeshl.ini file exist in the target system32 directory? Is there any information in it?

What happens when the pe boots, do you get the command prompt?

#40 esgaroth


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:30 PM

I have been trying to use imagex.exe for mounting but have been running into some problems. I get a bootable pe but I found that computer management and internet explorer were broken. I found that the files ieui.dll and compmgmt.msc are a different size that they were when I mounted with dism.

I mounted the same image with dism and imagex and compared those files. sure enough with imagex ieui.dll is 32kb. With dism it is 173kb.

Same problem with compmgmt.msc, it is only 4kb instead of 111kb. There are probably other files too.

I can extract these files with 7zip and they are the normal size.

The same thing happens when I move my project to another computer. I don't know why only a few specific files are affected and everything else is fine. I will probably have to stick with the slow mounting dism for now.

#41 pscEx


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:58 PM


That never happened to me on my XP host.


Tomorrow I'll try on an Win7 host.


But I'm rather sure that users of multiPE on a Win7 host do not have this issue. There is no complain right now.



#42 esgaroth


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 07:33 PM

I just downloaded multipe and had the same problem. It must be something on my system that is being moved with my project. Maybe the version of wimfltr that I have. I will have to try on another clean system and test imagex without my project files to interfere.

#43 esgaroth


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Posted 12 January 2013 - 08:57 AM

I just attempted again from a freshly installed windows 7 x64 VM. I installed the windows aik sp1 for vista and redownloaded a new windows 7 x86 sp1 iso from the digital river site. No other outside files were used for this test. I simply mounted the install.wim with imagex.exe. Browsing to the System32 directory I see that ieui.dll is 32kb still. compmgmt.msc is 4kb. These are of course incorrect. 

It seems that this version of imagex might not be sufficient for this type of project.

Oddly enough sp0 wims do not seem to be affected. 


Looks like it had been noted here before that the wimfltr driver cannot be used on windows 7 sp1 wims due to a format change by microsoft.


#44 neofita



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Posted 12 January 2013 - 10:20 AM

this is winpeshl.ini file

"hstart /NOCONSOLE /SILENT startnet.cmd"

during the build it gives an error message " Message: Installing x64 drivers failed. ExitCode: 2147549445", then build goes on normally

the pe boots fast, then wallpaper appears and nothing else, no explorer, no taskbar, no command prompt

i need to reset my desktop to work again


i tried with a win7x86-sp1 source, same result (installing x86 drivers failed)

#45 neofita



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Posted 12 January 2013 - 01:27 PM

attempted with a win7x86-sp0 source, same error, but all works correctly

i hope this helps

#46 pscEx


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Posted 12 January 2013 - 03:29 PM

Looks like it had been noted here before that the wimfltr driver cannot be used on windows 7 sp1 wims due to a format change by microsoft.


I tried with multiPE under win7 Sp1 x86 host and built a PE from Win7 SP1 source.


I found an issue due to Win7 SP1. The PE reboots when the desktop appears.

When writing into loaded registry hives, the Win7 SP1 host generates some magic log files.


When I delete these magic files before creating the ISO, everything works well.



Win7 SP1 x86 host.

Win7 SP1 or SP0 source CD

Imagex & co from Vista WAIK Sp1 (6.0.6001) with installed wimfltr.sys, mounts within seconds.

Before creating the ISO:


PE boots well and runs fine.


And now the bad news:

Including MMC brings an error in the PE, that compmgmt.mmc is corrupt. It has really only 2 kb size.


As result:

Until no new fixes, work arounds, the Vista imagex / wimfltr method can be used ONLY on hosts BELOW win7sp1.

I'll change in multiPE accordingly.



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#47 esgaroth


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Posted 12 January 2013 - 06:36 PM

Regarding the driver installation error, I have found that dism will return an error code if it does not find any drivers to install. I will change the error checking within the drivers script.

Does explorer only fail to start when an x64 source is used?


And Peter, thanks for confirming my results.

#48 neofita



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Posted 12 January 2013 - 07:42 PM

explorer fails on x86-sp1 and on x64-sp1 sources

it runs on x86-sp0 source

always on my host win7x64-sp1 desktop

#49 sebus


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 02:29 PM

Winbuilder on W7 x64

Source W7 x86


%BaseDir% changed to local drive W:\EzPE3 (note the double \\ )


If that is left at %BaseDir% it builds OK (but is dangerous as Clean Temp/Target simply deletes the whole Target/Temp folder, NOT just it own files (so I lost other project files)


It also creates iso from ALL the files in ISO folder (so if it happens that there is another project created iso, script just bangs it in). Please use your own project name for Target/Temp/ISO if %BaseDir% is unchanged!

 [Failed]  (Files.Script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [W:\EZPE3\\Temp\BootSRC\Program Files] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target]: Unknown error
 [Failed]  (Files.Script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [W:\EZPE3\\Temp\BootSRC\ProgramData] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target]: Unknown error
 [Failed]  (Files.Script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [W:\EZPE3\\Temp\BootSRC\Users] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target]: Unknown error
 [Failed]  (Files.Script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [W:\EZPE3\\Temp\BootSRC\Windows] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target]: Unknown error
 [Failed]  (Files.script) FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\x86\hstart.exe] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target\Windows\System32]: The directory name is invalid.
 [Failed]  (Files.script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [W:\EZPE3\\Temp\InstallFiles\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.760*] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target\Windows\winsxs]: Unknown error
 [Failed]  (Files.script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [W:\EZPE3\\Temp\InstallFiles\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.760*] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target\Windows\winsxs]: Unknown error
 [Failed]  (Files.script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [W:\EZPE3\\Temp\InstallFiles\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.760*] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target\Windows\winsxs]: Unknown error
 [Failed]  (Files.script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [W:\EZPE3\\Temp\InstallFiles\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.760*] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target\Windows\winsxs]: Unknown error
 [Failed]  (Explorer.script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [W:\EZPE3\\Target\Users\Default\*] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile]: Unknown error
 [Failed]  (Explorer.script) DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [W:\EZPE3\\Temp\InstallFiles\Program Files\Internet Explorer] to: [W:\EZPE3\\Target\Program Files]: Unknown error

#50 pscEx


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 03:27 PM

Maybe the double backslash is accepted / processed differently by win7x86 and win7x64 host?



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