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Make-PE3 Program to Create Portable Windows 7 PE

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#26 wimb


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 09:07 AM

*** Update of Make_PE3 package to Create Portable Windows 7 PE ***

  • Changed - X:\Program Files in Links was changed to %programfiles% or %programfiles(x86)%
    Thanks to Lancelot for giving this solution to have correct Links fot IE8 and PENetwork
  • Changed - imagex parameters in Make_PE3.exe are now absolute path with surrounding double quotes
    Hopefully this helps to solve problem in x64 environment in some cases
  • Changed - Setting Locale TimeZone is removed in case of winre.wim ,because of long timeout delay
  • Added - Program Version is now visible in running program - latest version is 1.0

#27 PaPeuser


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 02:36 PM

Make_PE3 - July 04 2010 – wimb

I had no problem building a Make_PE3 x64 build

Ok IE8 shortcut on desktop does not work - EDITED
Shortcut target %programfiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe
Now I have
\Program Files\Internet Explorer (only contains sqmapi.dll) files are not copied over
\Program Files (x86) does not contain a Internet folder

When booted to Make_PE3 x64 build i have
X:\Program Files
X:\Program Files (x86)

Drivers Fix
Shortcut on desktop points to
This file does not exist

This file does not exist ..

Shortcut is correct
%programfiles%\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe
but I can not launch wordpad.exe from the folder

File does not exist

I think this list is complete and everything else work... :cheers: :cheers:

Make_PE3.cmd dated June 24 2010 with a x64 build, IE8 shortcut on desktop did not work But if i went to the Program Files (x86) folder .. i could launch IE8.. and it worked

Make_PE3.com dated July 01 2010 x64 build i lost the availability to launch IE but files were copied over,

Make_PE3.com dated July 04 2010 x64 build IE files are not copied over

I need to take a break,,, :rofl: :cheers:

Thanks for all your hard work,,,,,

#28 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 03:09 PM

If I may, using brackets () in a file (or directory) name is not a very smart thing to do, as it will likely create problems in batch scripts parsing (an possibly in other scripting languages too) :cheers:.

As well using spaces in file or directory names, is not very smart (no matter if the good MS guys do it).

Look a lot better, at least to us dinosaurs. :cheers:


#29 wimb


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 09:38 AM

I had no problem building a Make_PE3 x64 build

Thanks a lot for testing and giving detailed info. :cheers:

That is good news, so it means the program seems OK
Let us wait for paraglider to confirm .....

Make_PE3.cmd dated June 24 2010 with a x64 build, IE8 shortcut on desktop did not work But if i went to the Program Files (x86) folder .. i could launch IE8.. and it worked

This confuses me, since I believe there was no change in parsing or copying files in the different versions that you have used for testing. Strange that in later versions IE8 files were not copied ....

The driver_fix Shortcut is working in BS Explorer in pe3_amd64.iso build here in x86 environment,
but I have not yet been able to get Explorer shell to work in such build.
I have on my own computer only folder Windows of Win7 x64 NL available as source and not yet Program Files ....
This week I hope to test on x64 Win 7 NL machine of a friend of mine,
and then for the first time get Explorer Shell to work in pe3_amd64.iso or 7pe_amd64.iso
Also then I hope to be able to fix the Driver fix Shortcut on Desktop and test IE8 and wordpad .....

driver_fix.cmd is occurring in SysWOW64 folder and can be launched with %windir%\system32\driver_fix.cmd
If you have a good set of working Links for amd64 builds,
then I am very interested and may be you can send such set of Links :unsure:

I agree that it would be better to avoid spaces and brackets in folder or filenames,
but unfortunately we have to deal with reality in winre.wim and winpe.wim

In PE making shortcuts will give "X:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
which can be changed to "%programfiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
This should help already as proposed by Lancelot, to find IE8 program
The parameters are given by MS as %programfiles% and %programfiles(x86)%
- the latter being used for 32-bits programs in x64 environment which reside in folder X:\Program Files (x86)

Mixing 32-bits and 64-bits as is done in x64 OS makes everything rather complicated and easily leads to confusion.

#30 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 09:52 AM

Yep :cheers:, the point is not about spaces (which however makes life easier), spaces can be easily used managing carefully variable expansion and quotes, whilst brackets are a real PITA.


#31 paraglider


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 11:37 AM

Still getting the same errors from the exe when using win7 x86 source + aik on win7 x64.

It also incorrectly detects my x64 source as x86 initially. After running for a minute or two it correctly changes to x64. It also seems to get very confused about where the output should go. It created a very small iso named e:\ZIP\Make_PE3\win7pe_amd64\7pe_amd64.iso in the make_pe3 directory. Did not create any directory on f: where I requested the output to go.

#32 MedEvil


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 11:49 AM

A bit off topic, but i never understood, why the heck people want to have a 32Bit subsystem in a 64Bit PE.
If they don't have the proper 64Bit programs, why not using a 32Bit PE in the first place?

Same goes btw. for the 16Bit subsystem in a 32Bit PE.


#33 paraglider


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 11:55 AM

Be nice if the exe remembered the source /aik directories either in an ini file or in the registry. Also be nice if itcreated a log file of the commands its executing. That way it would be easier to debug why its not working correctly.

Similarly for the batch file. For the batch file it would be nice to have an option to specify the aik directory as I don't install to the c drive. its on the d drive.

#34 paraglider


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 12:01 PM

Because the list of truely 64 bit applications is very small. So many programs do the minimum necessary to work on 64 bit. May just be drivers or a service that are 64 bit. The rest is 32 bit.

One reason to go 64 bit is memory. Its common these days to have more than 3GB of ram installed. 64 bit os uses it all. 32 bit does not. of course a 64 bit os uses more memory so I would not go 64 bit with 4GB of ram. If I had 6 or 8GB or more then 64 bit for sure.

#35 MedEvil


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 12:12 PM

paraglider, valid reasons for a full blown OS, but not for a PE, imo.


#36 paraglider


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 12:16 PM

Quite correct. I only ever build a 64 bit PE just to prove it can be done. Don't think I have ever burnt an iso for a 64 bit PE or copied it to a USB stick.

#37 MedEvil


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 12:24 PM

Ok, so 64Bit PE purely for fun and educational purposes. :cheers:


#38 wimb


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 12:42 PM

Still getting the same errors from the exe when using win7 x86 source + aik on win7 x64.

It also incorrectly detects my x64 source as x86 initially. After running for a minute or two it correctly changes to x64. It also seems to get very confused about where the output should go. It created a very small iso named e:\ZIP\Make_PE3\win7pe_amd64\7pe_amd64.iso in the make_pe3 directory. Did not create any directory on f: where I requested the output to go.

Thanks for testing Make_PE3 on Win7 x64
Strange that the exe is Not yet working for you,
where PaPeuser and Lancelot have good results for the Make_PE3.exe on x64 OS
and you have good results with Make_PE3.cmd on x64 OS

May be you can copy the source AutoIt3 code from Make_PE3\makebt\au3scr\sources_au3 to Make_PE3 folder.
Then you can run the source code with F5 in AutoIt3 environment.
May be by setting MsgBox pauses showing value of parameter $PEWork, you can find out what is going wrong.
I think the external copype.cmd routine of AIK used in Func _Make_PE3() has to do with the problem.
Especially Path setting can have caused the problem.
Can you help me in trying to solve this particular issue ?

What is your source ?
You say Win7 x86 copied to harddrive. Does that mean you copied Installed Win 7 to a folder or did you copy DVD content to folder ?

In case of DVD it will mount install.wim and then detect the Architecture (that will take few minutes).
When Getting Windows 7 files, then also folder Make_PE3\win7pe_amd64 is filled with some files (boot.wim and ISO folder) usefull for fiuture use when you want to remake 7pe_amd64.iso
So that is Not confusing, it was done on purpose (a logical step in collecting files) allthough you have selected to make pe3_amd64.iso using AIK

Fast and easy building of 7pe_x86.iso direct from drive where 32-bits Windows 7 is installed
is the most easy way to build your PE. (use first radio button and Checkbox selected for making 7PE)
In that case no AIK needed and no mounting of install.wim needed.
Everything will be faster and more reliable for you to build.
So I advice to use this option if possible.

#39 wimb


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 12:56 PM

Be nice if the exe remembered the source /aik directories either in an ini file or in the registry. Also be nice if itcreated a log file of the commands its executing. That way it would be easier to debug why its not working correctly.

Similarly for the batch file. For the batch file it would be nice to have an option to specify the aik directory as I don't install to the c drive. its on the d drive.

Yes, I will make for batch file the option to specify the AIK directory as done in Make_PE.exe


#40 PaPeuser


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 01:18 PM

Quite correct. I only ever build a 64 bit PE just to prove it can be done. Don't think I have ever burnt an iso for a 64 bit PE or copied it to a USB stick.

This is another topic X86 v x64

I stated building Win7PE with the Win7 RC (Release Candidate)
Then the gods offered or had a free OEM builders test package that allowed installation on so many work machines. Fine I tested x86 and x64.

When I updated my test machine at home I just went and purchased a full Win7 x64 Pro.

If you went out and purchased a new computer today.. Price X86 and X64 there is not much difference. What would you buy?

It comes down to what a user has availably to build a Win7PE

When I test a Make_PE3 it is always built and booted to CD. I have never tried an ISB stick yet…..

On first run with a new Make_PE3 , I have had trouble with first build. I always thought it was me and being new to Make_PE3. But changing options trying a build and going back to settings I want,, worked. This is just odd behavior at this time and I can not put my finger on what is happening,, I figured it was me,,,,,,,,,,,, I use default settings and Paths to build. - Follow directions.

Disclaimer – this is a link just for a list of possible Win7 and prices to compare

#41 MedEvil


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 02:40 PM

If you went out and purchased a new computer today.. Price X86 and X64 there is not much difference. What would you buy?

It comes down to what a user has availably to build a Win7PE

Well the retail version contains both versions, 32 and 64 Bit and OEM sources aren't usable for WB projects. Unless this has changed with Win7.


#42 PaPeuser


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 09:39 PM

First today I tried using an Windows 7 Pro OEM source with 3 different build
JFX,, Yahoouk,, and Make_PE3
All booted and I did not have any problems. :rofl: :cheers:

Next I took Make_PE3 and changed source to x86
With default setting for target
C:\winpe3_x86 was created correctly and ISO booted
IE8 was only thing that did not work,,, again only file in Program Files\Internet Explorer folder was sqmapi.dll

This was my first build with a x86 source,,, Great job wimb :unsure: :rofl:

When changing source in I did notice I had to make a change and click go ,, and change showed up in Make_PE3 interface…. I will switch back and forth from x86 to 64 to see why or whats up……..

#43 paraglider


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 01:00 AM

I get an error about PE3_mod\WIN7_add\x86\win7_add_explor.txt not being found when I try to run Make_PE3.au3 directly.

#44 PaPeuser


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 01:17 AM

Sorry I do not know how to explain this

tools must be gathered on first run, and first build ISO, after first run ,, i can change source folder and target with out a problem

read first post this part again

Required as Source - Drive where 32-bits Windows 7 is Installed - Or Folder with content of such drive

32-bits Windows 7 Setup DVD can be used as well as Source, but requires for XP to auto-collect AIK_Tools,
by Running once Make_PE3 in Windows 7 Or in environment with Installed Windows 7 AIK
AIK_Tools folder in Make_PE3 is the place where used tools as Dism.exe and imagex.exe are collected.

First run i chose get windows files - and without aik -- make 7PE.ISO was checked
second run i could pick a source files and build either a x86 or x64

#45 wimb


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 08:10 AM

I get an error about PE3_mod\WIN7_add\x86\win7_add_explor.txt not being found when I try to run Make_PE3.au3 directly.

Strange. This error is different from your previous errors.
At first you reported imagex errors
and second you reported: Did not create any directory on f: where I requested the output to go.

I tried to use your configuration, but in my case with 32-bits Windows 7 as OS
That means AIK is not located on C: but on other drive, in my case on I:
Source is content of 32-bits Windows 7 DVD located as in your case in F:\win7x86 folder
pe3_x86.iso is made in folder F:\winpe3_x86
Program is in E:\ZIP\Make_PE3 folder

Everything is working correct here.
So I don't know how to solve your problem from here.
The best is you try to find out by experiment why the AutoIt3 source code fails in your particular case with x64 OS.
Or you have got to rely on the Batch Program Make_PE3.cmd which is working OK for you


Make_PE3.exe Program with AIK and Source on different locations
Posted Image

#46 wimb


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 08:27 AM

IE8 was only thing that did not work,,, again only file in Program Files\Internet Explorer folder was sqmapi.dll

Thanks for testing and reporting nice results :cheers:

I cannot understand why only file sqmapi.dll is copied and not all other files of same folder.
In the code file sqmapi.dll is not treated differently.
Apparently the path was recognised OK but the DirCopy was not carried out correctly.
Is there any difference when instead of using the Make_PE3.exe,
you use the Batch program Make_PE3.cmd (as Administrator of course) for testing ?

#47 wimb


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 10:55 AM

I get an error about PE3_mod\WIN7_add\x86\win7_add_explor.txt not being found when I try to run Make_PE3.au3 directly.

You did not copy Make_PE3.au3 to Make_PE3 folder

May be you can copy the source AutoIt3 code from Make_PE3\makebt\au3scr\sources_au3 to Make_PE3 folder.
Then you can run the source code with F5 in AutoIt3 environment.

#48 paraglider


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 11:53 AM

Thanks. Now its get stranger. When I run the au3 source unchanged it works. Its just the supplied compiled exe that fails.

When I compile the au3 source in x64 mode myself the generated exe also works.

When I compile the au3 source in x32 mode myself the generated exe also works. It generates a smaller iso though 192mb instead of 223 mb.

iso built with batch file is 223mb.

I used autoit to compile / run the au3 source script.

#49 wimb


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 12:37 PM

Thanks. Now its get stranger. When I run the au3 source unchanged it works. Its just the supplied compiled exe that fails.

When I compile the au3 source in x64 mode myself the generated exe also works.

When I compile the au3 source in x32 mode myself the generated exe also works. It generates a smaller iso though 192mb instead of 223 mb.

iso built with batch file is 223mb.

I used autoit to compile / run the au3 source script.

Thanks, now it is getting more interesting. Happy to know that the code is OK.
My version of AutoIt3 is
I will make next version with and let us see if that works for you.

What compression did you use to compile ?
Mine is Normal with Checked UPX Compress .exe stub

And does the smaller iso boot correctly and has it all functionality ?

#50 PaPeuser


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 01:04 PM

Thanks for testing and reporting nice results :cheers:

I cannot understand why only file sqmapi.dll is copied and not all other files of same folder.
In the code file sqmapi.dll is not treated differently.
Apparently the path was recognised OK but the DirCopy was not carried out correctly.
Is there any difference when instead of using the Make_PE3.exe,
you use the Batch program Make_PE3.cmd (as Administrator of course) for testing ?

I use the make_PE3.cmd,,, to build a x64???
IE8 Files are copied over correctly to X: \Program Files\Internet folder


When clicked IE8 Shortcut on desktop has a warning
X:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\ iexplorer.exe
This patch does not exist

Properties of shortcut say target is
%programfiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe

So Make_PE3.cmd does work differently

Hope this helps.

Edited - something is wrong here
Make_PE3.cmd is alot different than Make_PE3.exe

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