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AntiVirus PE Disk

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#26 Moon Goon

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 08:42 PM

I don't really trust Vista/Win 7 to deal with file permission issues. I'd suggest integrating a Linux live CD as a boot menu option in a VistaPE/Win7 PE project.

Maybe have the project download and use something like this:

#27 _deXter_



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Posted 15 March 2010 - 10:10 PM

I don't really trust Vista/Win 7 to deal with file permission issues. I'd suggest integrating a Linux live CD as a boot menu option in a VistaPE/Win7 PE project.

Maybe have the project download and use something like this:


Also, make sure that the live cd has the latest version of ntfs-3g 'cause the newest version has important features like compressed file support, bug fixes and performance improvements. All live cds have ancient versions...

#28 Seifer

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 11:36 PM

There is a Nod32 on Demand Scanner program which is just one exe file. i have it on my usb and am using it with no problems so far. But its not bootable alone you need win to run it.

#29 breaker


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Posted 16 March 2010 - 07:02 AM

This project looks like something I might want to try, but I have not yet ventured into the WinBuilder, etc. script land.

Until then, I usually boot a Linux usb or CD and use ClamAV (http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/) to scan my windows disks. It works well, and runs from the command line, so it uses low resources. Now the ClamAV team have a new version for Windows, please consider testing it on this project; http://www.clamav.ne...en/about/win32/

Unfortunately at this time, it runs off the cloud, but an off-line version will be available. But if you can connect to the internet from your boot usb, perhaps it will work...

Otherwise, try ClamWin - http://www.clamwin.com/ I use it on BartPE...

#30 odino

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Posted 16 March 2010 - 04:33 PM

There is a Nod32 on Demand Scanner program which is just one exe file. i have it on my usb and am using it with no problems so far. But its not bootable alone you need win to run it.

You are talking about the "ecls.exe" command line utility? :thumbup:

#31 Seifer

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Posted 16 March 2010 - 05:43 PM

You are talking about the "ecls.exe" command line utility? :thumbup:

it is not a command line utility. it is more like a portable app but same as nod32 av. i've cleaned several pcs using this. use google for further info.

#32 patsch


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Posted 16 March 2010 - 07:10 PM

perhaps this thread could be useful for a PE project:
in that thread a way is presented to add portable apps to a win7rescuepe-build ...

#33 vaikz



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Posted 17 March 2010 - 03:34 AM

Hi, this is a good idea. Just like Amalux's projects for livexp w/ portable apps. I hope that it will be compatible with win7pe or win7rescuepe.

This what I am doing right now. Create a small livexp and run my portable apps in it. By doing this, it is very easy to update the antivirus softwares.

#34 Brito


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Posted 17 March 2010 - 04:41 AM

These are all very interesting ideas.

How about if we work on a project to make this possible?

This is the type of project that would surely come handy for my admin tasks.


#35 SiM99



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Posted 21 March 2010 - 09:11 PM

I prefer to run most of my apps from a usb drive (separate from the PE)- All of my PE's are very basic, mainly with networking, partitoning, imaging, and offline tools onboard. That way , the PE doesn't have to be updated very regularly, and it is quicker and smaller to boot up.

My portables, all on usb disk, are updated every day on their home machine, which then mirrors onto the USB drive when it gets plugged in at night. This fusion between PE, Portable, and a "home" machine works very well - and it causes me to only have to update the stick (and that automatically), while assuring that all of my PE's have the same worthy repertoire available to them all. Equally important, that stick works in any windows installation, so it is also useful when the guest machine is booted on it's own (w/o PE).

Jellybean works fine from a stick. So does virtually ANY portable app. It really is the way to go. The thing I am working on is trying to get the PE to recognize the stick, always putting it on the same drive, redirecting My Docs and etc onto the stick, and having personalized network settings and etc automatically determined by inifiles found in a particular place on the stick - A sort of "autorun" if the stick is found...


I have thought about doing something like this for a while. Am I right in thinking that you only use portable apps on the usb disk? Just wondering because that must limit your choices...

A thought I had while reading through this thread was "virtual machines". If there was a way to boot a virtual machine emulator (VrtualBox/VMWare/VirtualPC/etc) directly from a boot disc or usb drive, then that would greatly simplify the process of updating anti-virus definitions etc. I'd also imagine that any program could be used via this method - not only the programs that have a portable version or a PE script.

I'm sure that there would be some other issues, like like getting all of the required usb drivers into the boot disc or accessing the hard drives of the host computer from within the virtual machine... but it seems like it would be a possibility, right? Or do I just not know enough about virtualization to dismiss my own idea? :wodoo:

#36 _deXter_



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Posted 21 March 2010 - 11:14 PM

I have thought about doing something like this for a while. Am I right in thinking that you only use portable apps on the usb disk? Just wondering because that must limit your choices...

A thought I had while reading through this thread was "virtual machines". If there was a way to boot a virtual machine emulator (VrtualBox/VMWare/VirtualPC/etc) directly from a boot disc or usb drive, then that would greatly simplify the process of updating anti-virus definitions etc. I'd also imagine that any program could be used via this method - not only the programs that have a portable version or a PE script.

I'm sure that there would be some other issues, like like getting all of the required usb drivers into the boot disc or accessing the hard drives of the host computer from within the virtual machine... but it seems like it would be a possibility, right? Or do I just not know enough about virtualization to dismiss my own idea? <_<

You'll be surprised what portable apps can achieve these days! :wodoo: For starters, there are portable VMs around, based on QEMU and VirtualBox.

Also, I don't understand how updating the antivirus would be made more simpler from a VM? Most anti-malware products have pretty straightforward update procedures that work fine if they're already working fine in WinPE, others have equally simple offline-updates and usually come with a script to update the definitions.

The usb drivers issue can be solved if they're added into WinPE during build time, but I'm sure there are other alternatives as well. For instance, you could map your usb drive to vmdk and attach the vmdk to VirtualBox.

Personally though, I would use a VM only when I want to have a single boot interface to do all tasks, for example, running DBAN on a drive by booting from the respective image and attaching the host drive via vmdk, or running Parted Magic from within WinPE, or install XP from WinPE while surfing the internet and doing other stuff at the same time.. :wodoo:

#37 roamer_1



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Posted 22 March 2010 - 01:13 AM

I have thought about doing something like this for a while. Am I right in thinking that you only use portable apps on the usb disk? Just wondering because that must limit your choices...

Not at all - There are tons of portable apps. Not just portableapps.com, btw... Softpedia has a pretty big portable section, and there is portablefreeware.com, and a host of others. A very large portion of utility software is naturally portable - anything that saves/can save it's settings to an inifile in it's own directory is already portable by nature - and I prefer and look for such applications anyway.

A thought I had while reading through this thread was "virtual machines". If there was a way to boot a virtual machine emulator (VrtualBox/VMWare/VirtualPC/etc) directly from a boot disc or usb drive, then that would greatly simplify the process of updating anti-virus definitions etc. I'd also imagine that any program could be used via this method - not only the programs that have a portable version or a PE script.

As I said, I find it best to have a mirror of the thumb on a "home" machine. While my thumb can update, it is slow and burdensome to do so. The home machine updates itself every day in the early morning 1 AM, just before my backup routines kick in... one of which mirrors the local directory out onto the thumb(s). All I have to do is plug my sticks into a USB hub at night, and it all just happens... Quick and painless, and far easier than grinding a new Live disk every day.

For the actual updating I use "Ketarin" http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/ ... For any of y'all that haven't heard of it, it is absolutely the cat's pajamas when it comes to updating installables, and it has inbuilt scripting, and the ability to work with externals internally (think 7-zip, cmdline tools, scripts...). I wrote my own downloader that is similar, but it doesn't stand a chance against Ketarin. It is a serious keeper.

As far as the mirroring goes, there's a million of them...

Thx for the reply...

#38 Seifer

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 01:23 AM

i thought i should add the website that has latest builds of antivirus softwares as portable:






#39 breaker


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Posted 24 March 2010 - 05:28 AM

i thought i should add the website that has latest builds of antivirus softwares as portable:






That's just links to links on the official pages. Smells like spam to me. <_<

#40 vaikz



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Posted 25 March 2010 - 02:09 AM

portable apps runs very well in livexp using the ppAppsGen.

is there a way we can use the ppappsgen script to win7rescuepe?

#41 amalux


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Posted 25 March 2010 - 06:35 AM

portable apps runs very well in livexp using the ppAppsGen.

is there a way we can use the ppappsgen script to win7rescuepe?

Yes :)

Working on it...

#42 patsch


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Posted 25 March 2010 - 07:37 AM

portable apps runs very well in livexp using the ppAppsGen.

is there a way we can use the ppappsgen script to win7rescuepe?

perhaps you should have a look at post 32 in this thread

#43 vaikz



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Posted 27 March 2010 - 01:52 AM

Yes :)

Working on it...

good to hear. and thanks a lot amalux.

most of livexp is based on your projects. cheers.

#44 vaikz



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Posted 27 March 2010 - 01:58 AM

perhaps you should have a look at post 32 in this thread

Thanks a lot patsch, I already saw that thread. But I prefer to use
Amalux's ppAppsgen since this is the one I used on my livexp. :)

#45 amalux


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Posted 27 March 2010 - 02:34 AM

most of livexp is based on your projects. cheers.

Thanks vaikz :)

Though my ego loves this sort of praise :) , I must correct this assertion; livexp was here long before I came and will remain long after I'm gone. I'm just one of many who have contributed to its success and present it in a way that's easy for newcomers to access. Thanks again for the kind words :)

p.s. I'll start a new topic on the ppApps stuff when ready, please be patient as there are some issues to work out.


#46 TomT64



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 04:50 PM

How did you get Malwarebytes to work with Win7RescuePe on USB? I cannot.. First it won't put itself into the Start Menu.. and then when I navigate to the USB/Program Files and try to run MBAMstart.exe it fails with an error 0.. Any help would be great.

A working MBaM can be found here, but be careful to NOT download the updates currently, as updating it does not work from this script. rules.ref is stored in the RAM boot so if you can replace that with a 1.45 compatible version it should work. Bear in mind the reason this script won't update properly is because of the file it downloads: that file does not have compatible rules in it.

#47 TomT64



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 05:14 PM

I am trying to do the same thing. Currently I have MalwareBytes and SpyBot, both of which work fine thanks to scripts found here and here to add to Win7RescuePE. I removed anything I didn't want and have basically created my own project as a result. I'm still trying to see if I can add Kaspersky 2010 and some other standalone tools. Currently I have found nothing indicating Kaspersky 2010 has been installed on a Win7RescuePE, and I don't know enough yet about the scripts to even get standalone tools installed properly but I'm working on that :cheers:

#48 _deXter_



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 11:03 PM

I'm still trying to see if I can add Kaspersky 2010 and some other standalone tools. Currently I have found nothing indicating Kaspersky 2010 has been installed on a Win7RescuePE, and I don't know enough yet about the scripts to even get standalone tools installed properly but I'm working on that :cheers:

You don't need a full-blown Kaspersky in a rescue environment - Just get the standalone Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. :cheers:

Posted Image

#49 Brito


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Posted 12 April 2010 - 12:51 AM

What about if we add a new forum section called AntivirusPE?

Other projects are usually binded to a specific OS but this project could continue evolving as newer windows PE also appear as long as the goal of remaining as an antivirus tool remains similar.

What do you guys think about this?


#50 Ariom



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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:29 AM


Thats it, I like that.
A PE exclusive for Antivirus only. LiveXP or Win7RescuePE or other WinBuilder projects..

But Of course for USB bootable. :)


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