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JonF's BootSDI problems

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#1 JonF


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Posted 15 December 2008 - 04:12 PM

Lancelot wrote:

1) Disable UAC on vista (i guess you already did that before this topic )

Oh, yes, long ago. I like many things about Vista. UAC is unacceptable.

2) Restart computer (whether you disabled UAC already or not restart computer)
3) extract winbuilder_LiveXP_20081214_Rec.rar to C:\
4) C:\winbuilder_LiveXP_20081214_Rec\winbuilder.exe and make the build

I hope at least JonF problem solved now.

Nope. Same result.

Let us not forget that I have a WinBuilder supplied by Amalux in which WimPack and BootSDI work. It doesn't do me a lot of good becasue I can't update or change it without possibly breaking it; I don'e knbow why Amalux's works and mine and Lancelot's don't. Perhaps I'll have some time today to investigate Amalux's versus mine .

Opps, looks as if attaching isn't working yet. Logs. I've included a log from a run of Amalux's version.

#2 Lancelot


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Posted 15 December 2008 - 04:45 PM

Hi JonF

i even tested the winbuilder_LiveXP_20081214_Rec i sent you through pm with enableing uac, still working with my vista32(ultimate) tests (with source xpsp2).

There seem to be no problem with vista32 for now, i hope you find out the reason you fail.

does winbuilder_LiveXP_20081214_Rec works with disableing wimpack and only enableing bootsdi????

#3 JonF


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Posted 15 December 2008 - 05:50 PM

does winbuilder_LiveXP_20081214_Rec works with disableing wimpack and only enableing bootsdi????

Yes. But I really want WimPack. So I guess I have to figure out why Amalux has a version that works.

#4 JonF


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Posted 15 December 2008 - 07:13 PM

I neglected to thank you for all your efforts ...

#5 Lancelot


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Posted 15 December 2008 - 07:27 PM

Nice to read bootsdi works without problem,

Maybe i am mistaken about the reason of your problem.

can you try this:

Enable wimpack and disable 'Pack Wims into VMDK container' wimpack gui
Enable bootsdi

also please post log if fails too.

#6 dera


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Posted 16 December 2008 - 12:29 PM

why Amalux's works and mine and Lancelot's don't.

It is just a suspicion
(I am not fully sure + seems it is a complicated script and I cannot understand this scipt fully correctly).

So in !WimPack.script, in the section [VMDKpack]

in version=46 at the line # 359
only this command used:
Close %FreeLetter% >> #$q%VdkLog%#$q#$q" _linenums:0'>ShellExecute,Hide,"cmd.exe","/c #$q#$q%VdkExe%#$q <strong class='bbc'>Close</strong> %FreeLetter% >> #$q%VdkLog%#$q#$q"

in version=50 at the line # 364
besides the '%VdkExe% Close' command also this command used:
remove >> #$q%VdkLog%#$q#$q" _linenums:0'>ShellExecute,Hide,"cmd.exe","/c #$q#$q%VdkExe%#$q <strong class='bbc'>remove</strong> >> #$q%VdkLog%#$q#$q"

My suspicion:
in Vista
once the 'vdk_WB.exe stop' or 'vdk_WB.exe remove' command used
vdk cannot start again

#7 was_jaclaz



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Posted 16 December 2008 - 12:45 PM

My suspicion:
in Vista
once the 'vdk_WB.exe stop' or 'vdk_WB.exe remove' command used
vdk cannot start again

Very possible. :)
I am experiencing same behaviour on a XP SP2 machine, but haven't found the time to actually try understanding what's happening.
The result of a STOP or REMOVE is a STOP_PENDING_STATUS.

Since VDK commands are "telescopic":
the problem is with the STOP one, like "something" accesses the driver/mounted drive/files on it and prevents it from stopping.

Or maybe it's some sort of timing problem that using the "last" command doesn't give enough time to the CLOSE to end before STOP. :(

A test should be made to "revert" to the CLOSE/STOP/REMOVE set of commands - and in case add some "wait" between them.

A similar thing is here for IMDISK:


#8 Lancelot


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Posted 16 December 2008 - 09:14 PM

Hi dera,

please check new version v42 of wimpack script,

i couldnt reproduce with making 3 builds in a row but maybe you are right, i add stop-remove feature and selected as default (which closes all vdk opened images), stop-remove process before mounting and after mounting finishes. Also i put some wait, lines as jaclaz pointed out. (and a button and a format check after format, and fat32 format feature)

only i couldnt figure out a way to check if image mounted properly in the end of [Open-Free] section, maybe you have an idea !?

Hi JonF

Reminding my old post:
Maybe i am mistaken about the reason of your problem.

Enable wimpack and disable &#39;Pack Wims into VMDK container&#39; wimpack gui

Enable bootsdi

also please post log if fails too.

#9 JonF


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Posted 16 December 2008 - 11:44 PM

Nice to read bootsdi works without problem,

Maybe i am mistaken about the reason of your problem.

can you try this:

Enable wimpack and disable 'Pack Wims into VMDK container' wimpack gui
Enable bootsdi

also please post log if fails too.

Sheesh, I have a life elsewhere, you know! :) :(

And I'm very busy for a few days and don't have a lot of time for WInBuilder.

It works, at least if I run immediately after boot. It appears that it only works once per boot, but I have not tested enough to be sure.

However, the resulting ISO does not boot in qemu. I may not have had the right qemu drivers enabled, but now I have to reboot to try again.

Posted Image

#10 Lancelot


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Posted 16 December 2008 - 11:47 PM


it is qemu's fault (it is in my end of to do list, as it fails only with qemu)
, please test with vmware or virtual box.

#11 Lancelot


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 02:06 AM

@jaclaz and dera

"TxtAddLine - Failed to add line to file: [%BaseDir%\Temp\livexp\$$$.script] line: [[dummy]]"

is because of vdk not mounting image (i figured out that General Galapo put this dummy because of that reason :) ) BUT Holmes, i suspect more about new ntfs6 and vista, someway maybe vista is dealing with fsutil image that dont let vdk.exe do mount it!?

Do you have another suggestion than fsutil :(


It works, at least if I run immediately after boot. It appears that it only works once per boot, but I have not tested enough to be sure.

This prescription:
"Enable wimpack and disable 'Pack Wims into VMDK container' wimpack gui
Enable bootsdi"
should be working without need of first boot. Please send the log file if you fail in your second attempt with same prescription. (When you have time :( )

#12 JonF


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 02:23 AM

I rebooted and ran WInBuilder; it froze on Verify Project, with no green bar showing. I had to kill. That happened thre times. So I deleted all the temporary files myself and restarted, except the system hung on "Logging off". So I pushed the button, really rebooted, and immediately after booting it runs and the ISO boots in Virtual PC.

As an aside, what is it that I see? I see a 123 MB compressed drive X: with volume label BootSDI, which contains a couple of WIMs in the i386 directory. I see a 124 MB uncompressed drive D: with volume label BootSDI that contains a 123 MB bootsdi.img in the i386 directory. What is living on the boot RAMdrive and what is living on the CD? I was kind of expecting that the RAM usage would be smaller with this technique.

Now I'll try another build, having done nothing since boot except run WinBuilder, boo tthe ISO in Virtual PC, and compose this message.

#13 Lancelot


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 02:26 AM

please use wb075b5A or wb075b5B
after B there are some bugies, and error you describe reminds me a bugy with H

.wims can be out of .img file, give some time to find out how.

#14 JonF


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 02:54 AM

This prescription:
"Enable wimpack and disable 'Pack Wims into VMDK container' wimpack gui
Enable bootsdi"
should be working without need of first boot. Please send the log file if you fail in your second attempt with same prescription. (When you have time

Same as usual. Failed. Failed to add line to file: [%BaseDir%\Temp\livexp\$$$.script] line: [[dummy]]. Log-6. "Pack WIMs..." was definitely un-checked. I did not click "Stop and remove VDK", I thought it was unnecessary in this setup.

OK, click "Stop and remove VDK", click "Clean temporary files", notice that "Pack WIMs..." has become checked, un-check it, start build ...

#15 Lancelot


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 03:13 AM

I was kind of expecting that the RAM usage would be smaller with this technique.

You find a feature that is not needed before :)

wimpack method normally puts out .wim files in a .vmdk container , so .wims are out of bootsdi.img which makes bootsdi.img ~100mb and .vmdk file grows with adding new utilities.

Posted Image

Problem is, till you nobody needed .wim files "out of .vmdk" + "out of .img" . As you have creating .vmdk problem you need that feature, sadly galapo didnt to add this feature because it is not needed.

Same as usual. Failed. Failed to add line to file: [%BaseDir%\Temp\livexp\$$$.script] line: [[dummy]]

Ah JonF, this error is same with wimpack, i need to add same things i put to wimpack script as well as to BootSDI script too. Both uses vdk.exe and i only worked on wimpack script. Give me one day, you will see new bootsdi and wimpack scripts on download list tomorrow, and also i will try to put "Stop and remove VDK" option inside "Clean Temporary Files" button to make life easier for you.

I need time and really tired, these are realy complex scripts as dera mentioned.

OK, click "Stop and remove VDK", click "Clean temporary files", notice that "Pack WIMs..." has become checked, un-check it, start build ...

if this works or not, please post. If works now i have a key to solve problem, if not please post log and stop testing till tomorrow :(

#16 dera


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 06:32 AM

It works, at least if I run immediately after boot. It appears that it only works once per boot

I have exactly the same problem
what I have intended to point out in my Post #6

#17 JonF


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 11:54 AM

Hum, I tried to reply to Lancelot's post without realizing my login had timed out, now I can't reply to it even though I'm logged in.

if this works or not, please post. If works now i have a key to solve problem, if not please post log and stop testing till tomorrow

It did not work. Log 7.

I appreciate all your effort, and I understand that fixes take time.

#18 Lancelot


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 05:25 PM

Hi JonF and dera

sorry, i couldnt solve the problem. There are new versions of wimdisk and bootsdi, but they dont solve the problem, so no need for a trial.

Now i can reproduce the problem you have with vista32sp1, before i was testing with vista32sp0 and everything working nice, baaaad sp1 baaad :)

Problem is vdk.exe, and as you and dera pointed out it can be used only 1 time with first boot.

i found a solution, but my script talent dont let me do the solution for now (you all know i am not a master :( ).
Example Solution is whenever vdk.exe used script should copy,
\Projects\Tools\Vdk\*.* to \Temp\livexp\vdk20081217185635\
and start appropriate vdk executable from \Temp\livexp\vdk20081217185635\
This will solve using vdk 2 times (or more) when needed with vistasp1

after downloading new scripts, enable BootSDI + !WimPack scripts (do not enable stopremove checkbox or do not click stopremove button) , they will work with first boot (i just tested) with vista32sp1 (Thanks to dera for that information)

ntfs6 - free space:

I dont now 1) new calculation for vistantfs free space. Without that, you need to increase free space number (a lot) to use it with ntfs6. Make some trials with vista+vdk ( i gave some examples at topic on 911). But i guess fat32 is a better choice as it uses space very much better than ntfs6 and there is a loot way to have "Program Files.wim" to be 4gb.
Best way would be 2) formating ntfs5.1 with vista, but i dont know how!

i give up for a while, but as a rookie i did my best, sorry :(

#19 JonF


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 06:56 PM

Now i can reproduce the problem you have with vista32sp1, before i was testing with vista32sp0 and everything working nice, baaaad sp1 baaad :)

Aha! Yes, SP1 is like a whole different OS.

i found a solution, but my script talent dont let me do the solution for now (you all know i am not a master :( ).
Example Solution is whenever vdk.exe used script should copy,
\Projects\Tools\Vdk\*.* to \Temp\livexp\vdk20081217185635\
and start appropriate vdk executable from \Temp\livexp\vdk20081217185635\
This will solve using vdk 2 times (or more) when needed with vista

I think I do not understand. Are you saying that it will work if we run a different physical copy of vdk.exe? So running \Temp\livexp\vdk20081217185635\vdk.exe will work, then running \Temp\livexp\vdk20081217185947\vdk.exe will work, then running \Temp\livexp\vdk20081217200332\vdk.exe will work, and so on? I haven't looked at the details of how vdk is run, but it seems that it should be easy to do something like that with a AutoIT wrapper.

Or maybe we could talk Peter into putting ShellExecuteFreshCopyOfEXE into WinBuilder's script language... Posted ImagePosted Image

i give up for a while, but as a rookie i did my best, sorry :(

You've been great!

#20 Lancelot


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 07:09 PM

Are you saying that it will work if we run a different physical copy of vdk.exe? So running \Temp\livexp\vdk20081217185635\vdk.exe will work, then running \Temp\livexp\vdk20081217185947\vdk.exe will work, then running \Temp\livexp\vdk20081217200332\vdk.exe will work, and so on?

yes, but more correctly, different folder :)

these would be nice for winbuilder if psc likes :)


i tested this with batch files and it works.

here is a batch file example for you to try



del /q /f /a &#34;test.img&#34;

fsutil.exe file createnew test.img 32901120


vdk.exe open * testb.img /rw /p&#58;0





copy \Projects\Tools\Vdk\*.* to C:\test1vdk\
copy test.cmd to C:\test1vdk\
double click C:\test1vdk\test.cmd
you will see image mounted :(
than double click C:\test1vdk\test.cmd
you will see image not mounted :)

copy C:\test1vdk\*.* to C:\test2vdk\
double click C:\test2vdk\test.cmd
you will see image mounted :(

vista takes folder location information with "VDK.EXE REMOVE" (as jacklaz mentioned giving link) and dont let vdk.exe install again from same location. But changing folder info makes it work :)

Edit: 2

#21 pscEx


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 07:55 PM

these would be nice for winbuilder if psc likes :)

I do not see any reason not to like.
But I have a question:
We already have %Year%, %Date%, %Month%
The question is not 'What's the reason for the additional varaiables'?
The question is 'How often are these new variables used inside a project'?

Imagine, that on EVERY resolution of a variable the COMPLETE list of variables is queried.

And this decreases the overall performance of WinBuilder.

Therefore I need your seriously meant opinion whether the 'simplier use of ?? scripts' beats the 'better performance' of the complete project.

If your explanation looks reasonable, for me it is just a question of 5 German minutes to implement.

But as a developer, feeling responsible for the overall acceptance of WinBuilder, I need convincing, not persuading arguments.

Peter :(

#22 Lancelot


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 08:50 PM

We already have %Year%, %Date%, %Month%

%Date% not working ???

The question is 'How often are these new variables used inside a project'?

Not much, only whenever someone needs a unique file or foldername (year-month-date-hour-minute-milisecond is my favorite unique name method)

And this decreases the overall performance of WinBuilder.

no comment, i guess you dont like childs, besides you wrote less childs makes winbuilder slower. So decision is up to you

i guess JonF may write sth with au3 for this purpose (ahh ah i need to start to learn coding)

#23 pscEx


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 08:56 PM

%Date% not working ???

OOPS! I'll check!

Not much, only whenever someone needs a unique file or foldername (year-month-date-hour-minute-milisecond is my favorite unique name method)

If that is the reason, why not have ONLY ONE new variable '%TimeStamp%'?


#24 Lancelot


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 08:59 PM

OOPS! I'll check!

If that is the reason, why not have ONLY ONE new variable '%TimeStamp%'?


i like %TimeStamp% idea,

a-) %TimeStamp% ----> 200812172256123
b-) %TimeStamp% ----> 2256123 (so i use %year%%month%%date%%TimeStamp% )

a or b you decide :)

#25 pscEx


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 09:12 PM

Appearently you still do not understand my brain! :)

But I have the feeling, you are starting to learn!

I do not really like do be the 'master to decide'. I prefer to realize members' suggestions, if reasonable.
And with 'reasonable' I sometimes have some troubles, need explanations, ...

Back to TOPIC: Of course for me there is only option a usable: It is sortable, and there is no necessarity to add something else!

You'll have a %Timestamp% next (or maybe over next) nightly!
(I know to have some troubles because it is dynamic, but that gives me some exciting force to realize this new variable)


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