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[PortableApps] photoshop 5.5 Trial

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#1 rawr


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Posted 10 August 2008 - 02:24 PM

photoshop release-history
& http:// appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=17

file's photoshop needs to run :

photos55.ini <---- of not found this is created !!

the above 5/6 files are the minimum
*ther may be some loss of function (eg no plugins) with 'just' thes files but ! it works!!
the total size of minimum files is 10.4 mb

the ps55try.exe -(photoshop 5.5 Trial) install is 70mb (compresed )
un compresed (installed) its closer to over 100mb

photoshop 5.5 was the first photoshop to include ImageReady

the files ImageReady needs to run :

AGM.dll <---- photoshop also uses
CoolType.dll <---- photoshop also uses

to get the files from
ps55try.exe -(photoshop 5.5 Trial)
note**to extract the demo files with uniextract

1st) extracting \ps55try.exe to \ps55try\
2nd) extracting \ps55try\data1.cab to \ps55try\data1\

after folowing the above steps all files can be found within \ps55try\data1\

the information above was gained through trial and error process
adobe PhotoShop v5.5 Trial & Full, :> why not, only 9 mb [App Script] (Lancelot)


#2 TheHive


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Posted 10 August 2008 - 05:36 PM

I remember carrying Photoshop in my Zip Disk. lol!

#3 rawr


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Posted 15 August 2008 - 05:48 PM

strange enough .. the first time i got to use photoshop(5.5) it was stored on zip
i had (with pc) from sk8er who got a web design job in sum caribian island ;)
shure it might still around sumplace ..
:whistling: almost forgot about that niceone!

#4 Brito


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Posted 15 August 2008 - 07:14 PM

Good results.. ;)

Have you also tried using UPX compression?

If you're keen on command line apps, try the UPX GUI from Damian: http://damian666.boo.../downloads.html

Hope this shaves out some Mb's from disk size.. :whistling:

#5 rawr


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Posted 15 August 2008 - 09:50 PM

:whistling: as it goes i hav had in the back of my mind to test out upx with this n that & also link2 this

[How to] UPX compress all files in subfolder
thanx ;)

iv been trying to perfect my cmd/batch 4 this sort of situation
also upx via cmd looks graphicly kind of smooth all ready


#6 Lancelot


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Posted 16 August 2008 - 07:29 AM

Everyday learning a new thing ;)

Here is a link

Openin a folder named
and writing these lines to photos55.ini

stops Photoshp.exe ask plugins directory at startup :whistling:

I also tried image ready 5.5 and photoshop 5.5 trial under LiveXP
Image ready v2.0 (from ps55try.exe) works nicely under LiveXP
Photoshop 5.5 trial insists on Giving "There is not enough memory (RAM) to launch Photoshop" under LiveXP
(i tried fbwf 512mb, also bootsdi with 193mb free space, also some other trials )

Thanks rawral, ;) ;)

Nuno: may i ask is it legal to distrubute ps55try.exe ?
i read ReadMe.wri, sorry if i missed sth.

#7 rawr


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Posted 16 August 2008 - 09:09 AM

thanx for testing

"There is not enough memory (RAM) to launch Photoshop"

i think this is a criptic way of photoshop leting you know
it needs to have a 'page file' set ! :whistling:
thanx to paraglider
who has made this easy enough with SetPageFile Plugin

-legal to distrubute
i have found the same files @- mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/
so at least it can be downloded from non adobe site

also im not shure how or if this will work under 'live' enviroment ect,ect
but ... i have just found in the readme.wri

Multiprocessor Extension-MThread.8bx 'provides support for systems with multiple processors' ;)

#8 Brito


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Posted 16 August 2008 - 11:37 AM

Nuno: may i ask is it legal to distrubute ps55try.exe ?
i read ReadMe.wri, sorry if i missed sth.

Let's read and understand what their license restricts or not regarding redistributing their software.

Would you send me by email their license file?

I can only find this page here: http://www.adobe.com...ds/license.html

But it's too generic, think there might be some other license exclusively for photoshop.


#9 Lancelot


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Posted 16 August 2008 - 11:59 AM

Nuno Brito

Sorry, i should send these before

in us.txt file there is this expression:
4. ....... You may, however, transfer all your rights to use the Software to another person or legal entity provided (1) that you transfer this Agreement.....

also Portugal.txt in it :whistling:

i hope these helps.

#10 Brito


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Posted 16 August 2008 - 04:01 PM

Thank you for the license.

It is not explicit about distribution by third party on a public site but assuming the same spirit of the law that they imply for home server I'd say that hosting them elsewhere is not seen with good eyes from Adobe (unfortunately).

But nevertheless, this download can be automated from their FTP site which should work almost as good and uniextract along with other UPX features can also be scripted if required.


#11 Lancelot


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Posted 17 August 2008 - 07:13 PM

Nuno Brito

oki, no need to think about license issue for now till adobe decide not to provide photoshop trial 5.5 from its servers. :whistling:

#12 Brito


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Posted 17 August 2008 - 09:07 PM

Great, a solution that is legal and doesn't bother so much people trying to use this program.

Thanks!! :whistling:

#13 Lancelot


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Posted 19 August 2008 - 04:59 PM

I started preparing script today,

For now i am trying things with .cmd first :whistling:.

Here are steps i go:
i extracted ps55try.exe with 7z
i expand _sys1.cab, _user1.cab, data1.cab to 3 different folders (using uniextract).

Than i copy required files (rawral's 1st message) to a new folder,

everything went nice, next step will be my first upx, but

i decide to put 3 files too (which are only 336kb), MThread.8BX, MMXCore.8BX, FastCore.8BX after reading rawral's last message, but i couldnt find them in any of unpack folders (see picture 02)
also there is not any .cab files inside these folders too

When installed, MThread.8BX, MMXCore.8BX, FastCore.8BX files are in "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 5.5 Tryout\Plug-Ins\Adobe Photoshop Only\Extensions", as i obey distributive laws i cant use them .

it is the first time i use uniextract to expand a .cab file,
any ideas what i am missing?

#14 Brito


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Posted 19 August 2008 - 07:12 PM

From the command prompt you can call expand.exe

To view the correct command line syntax, type:
expand /?
You can use it just to extract just the files that you require from the inside the .cab without need to extract them all.

7zip also allows to extract files from .CAB


#15 Lancelot


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 06:04 PM


My first usage of universal extractor and upx is a nice success.
My plan was first making a .cmd tool to easly reproduce,
than use this .cmd tool with winbuilder to make a script for livexp
I success with my 1st mission
I failed with my 2nd mission, it seems winbuilder dont like long folder
example: D:\winbuilder_LiveXP\Workbench\Common\Photoshop055\5_ImageReady_Trial55_Unpack_Mini_upx
I will shorten folder names and will write the script in future (hopefully everything is ready for the 2nd trial now:).

Anyway, here is a nice .cmd tool that works nicely for preparation of portable adobe photoshop 5.5
I hope you like it

i use 7za for a long time and dont use expand, :whistling:, than by your tip i tried expand,
i couldnt expand photoshop 55 cab file with expand,
also 2k3x64 dont like /? with expand i guess ;)

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
© Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>expand /?
Microsoft ® File Expansion Utility Version 5.2.3790.1830
Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Unrecognized switch -1.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>

no problem nuno, just reporting for awerness ;).

#16 rawr


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 04:53 PM

i couldnt expand photoshop 55 cab file

see this

the setup.exe for photoshop5.5 type is installShield
to extract this format winpack is needed (uni extract uses -winpack= :a i3comp.exe :b i5comp.exe :c i6comp.exe)

also i have looked for ... '' FastCore.8BX MMXCore.8BX MThread.8BX ''
and could not find them apart from ... inside (as txt/list) data1.hdr

... using winpack 2.31 gui
got them !
- Group[47]: Plugins_PS_Extensions

Posted Image

so the files are in (data1.cab) but uniextract do not use the needed options to extract by default thes files

#17 Lancelot


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 05:04 PM

Thanks a lot rawral,
good news, i will investigate the info you provide.
I decided to make 4 source to avoid missing files problem (as you already know)
now it will be better to make it all with 2 source
here is newer version of my utility for now, including a fix and wb compatibility rename feature.


also a question, is there xcopy in all versions of windows?, i use it in my cmd a lot

#18 Brito


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 06:11 PM

This is an interesting discussion, didn't know that a .CAB could bring so many troubles.. ;)

WinBuilder is using win32 API to decompress .CAB files, maybe it would be able to unpack this file? :whistling:


There is also the open source expand.exe from the ReactOS project that should also work under win2003 and you would be allowed to redistribute, you can get the reactOS files from here: http://www.reactos.org

I failed with my 2nd mission, it seems winbuilder dont like long folder


Can you tell what was the command you we're trying to use?

Maybe I can help with ideas.

There are also variables that can ease long path handling, I often use %scriptdir% to get the same folder where my script is placed, hopefully this could also be used as need.

also a question, is there xcopy in all versions of windows?, i use it in my cmd a lot

Yes, you find it in all windows versions (or reactOS for that matter), there is also a very interesting open source programs that could be used for that task that was made available by Olof, the same author of Imdisk.

This tool is called strarc.

webpage: http://www.ltr-data.se/opencode.html
direct link: http://www.ltr-data....iles/strarc.zip


#19 was_jaclaz



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Posted 21 August 2008 - 07:11 PM

My usual semi-off-topic remark:
apart from the pure fun of it ;), what is the "real" utility of this? ;)

I mean, we are "forcing" a "trial" (which is for "trial" purpose only) to work on LiveXP/whatever Winbuilder Project.

Now, I would understand the work for having a "full" version (for the few morons lucky, rich hobbyists or PROFESSIONAL guys that can afford it), if I am not mistaken it retails for around US$650, but as I see it, a PROFESSIONAL application has only one use:
PROFESSIONAL USE, for which a Full, expensive license is required (and the expense may be justified by the incomes coming from the work done with it).

To retouch the (poorly made - no offence intended ;) ) photos you made at your Mom's birthday party or to do whatever is normally needed with graphics, included most PROFESSIONAL work, there are alternatives, Freeware/Open Source, who often have the same capabilities of Photoshop:
The Gimp
or Portable:

And this expecially applies to a (everyday increasingly inaccurate definition) smallish portable environment, suited for recovery, troubleshooting and maybe safe browsing, pardon me, but I completely fail to imagine anyone doing high-level graphics or photo retouching on a 15" screen with NO graphical tablet and pen, with a normal, possibly not hi-re, mouse.



#20 pscEx


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 07:31 PM

My usual semi-off-topic remark:
apart from the pure fun of it ;) , what is the "real" utility of this? :whistling:

I mean, we are "forcing" a "trial" (which is for "trial" purpose only) to work on LiveXP/whatever Winbuilder Project.

Now, I would understand the work for having a "full" version (for the few morons lucky, rich hobbyists or PROFESSIONAL guys that can afford it), if I am not mistaken it retails for around US$650, but as I see it, a PROFESSIONAL application has only one use:
PROFESSIONAL USE, for which a Full, expensive license is required (and the expense may be justified by the incomes coming from the work done with it).

To retouch the (poorly made - no offence intended :) ) photos you made at your Mom's birthday party or to do whatever is normally needed with graphics, included most PROFESSIONAL work, there are alternatives, Freeware/Open Source, who often have the same capabilities of Photoshop:
The Gimp
or Portable:

And this expecially applies to a (everyday increasingly inaccurate definition) smallish portable environment, suited for recovery, troubleshooting and maybe safe browsing, pardon me, but I completely fail to imagine anyone doing high-level graphics or photo retouching on a 15" screen with NO graphical tablet and pen, with a normal, possibly not hi-re, mouse.



Two remarks
#1: Before you post a reply like the actual one, ask me. As a result you can sign with 'Jaclaz and Peter' ;)
#2: I tried Gimp, and it is a very powerful app. But I do not like to wait around half a minute until it is ready to work. Therefore it currently is not in the collection of my favorites. Maybe that changes anywhen.

Some more ideas to #1:

I sometimes ask me on new posted apps:
"Who needs them?"

Ok, I understand the fact (as somebody explained to me): I go to any PC, put my CD / Stick into it and have my favorite music. That makes a bit sence to have working audio drivers on the PE (inspite I treate the WB produced PE as recovery system which does not necessarily has to offer some entertainment during recovery).

But I do not see any sence in putting my (Recovery) CD / Stick into a PC and e.g. and play Hearts

Maybe I'm too much a technician and do not understand the needs of a 'normal' person.
And therefore:
My PE will always fit onto a CD.
And I'm waiting for the request 'How divide my PE into 4 DVDs?' ;)

Peter :)

#21 Lancelot


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 08:20 PM


Thanks for advices, i will try them after trying advice of rawral

also here is the command:


which should check

I already fix this by renaming 5_ImageReady_Trial55_Unpack_Mini_upx to 5TU2 with all other folders i used (look v2 for download to see my folder name changes).
so now checking this (and also other commands i used) works fine.

Jacklazz & Peter:

Doing is learning as far as i know in many things and i guess in script writing too, that is why i start to write a script of photoshop55.

I dont think one desperatly needs this in pe environment.

I am a learnin newbie, and i thought it will be fun to write a livexp script for photoshop55, for fun/learning purposes, 'cause minimum imageready 2.0 and photoshop 5.5 is about 7mb :whistling: which would be suitable for anyone (who have a cd of max 690 mb :>) i guess who want to put it in livexp. (Full or Trial both ~7mb - ~9mb. Same .cab issue in Full too)

My aim was both to write for "portable application preparation of photoshop55" and also "script for livexp" by using source. One can also install this application and copy installed files to use in portable/script which will be easier to make.

After success writing script for mini, i want to expand this script so if one asks to use all rather than mini, than why not :). This is the time i had .cab issue.

In the final of script i plan to put 3 options (image ready mini, photoshop mini, all), and 2 options for source (if source is trial it will be downloaded automatically, if source is full it should be provided.

Also i like gimp, i adviced gimp when ever one asks for photo editor.

But for my simple purposes i even mostly use paint, mwsnap and others ;).

but dont forget OpenCanvas1 too ;), it will be easier to write a script for opencanvas1, i know it is free but will search for distributable or not later (very later).

Anyway, so far with this project i learned many things about writing .script and using tools, and still learning, which will be useful in further projects i guess.
I will try to prepare a script for livexp which will include only mini before working on rawral and Nuno's advices.


;) 1cd is/was/always enough for me too so far ;) .

#22 Brito


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 10:43 PM

I also like GIMP, glad to hear you mention it. So many people say it's nowhere comparable to photoshop and such but I like using it for my graphical needs and it has the advantage of being free.


#23 rawr


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 02:41 AM

:) + http://www.gimpshop.com/ ;)

My usual semi-off-topic remark:
apart from the pure fun of it :whistling:, what is the "real" utility of this? ;)

'one use:
PROFESSIONAL USE' , true however maby some time lurning the trial will give
any-(moron lucky, rich hobbyists or PROFESSIONAL)and more dreemers, artist's + the grate unwashed(student)masses cheep expreance with pro-tools :)

some must 'try' work
with A)PROFESSIONAL B)expensive license holder's

who use not just photoshop but -photoshop+afterFX & Premiere(pro).
;) the wiki explains better

Photoshop has strong ties with other Adobe software for media editing, animation, and authoring. Files in Photoshop's native format, .PSD, can be exported to and from Adobe ImageReady, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects

photoshop- was not allways 'PRO' but photoshop5.5+imageready(2)
was the start of it becoming 'pro' alot has changed so its intresting perspective

fianly i have salvaged/been given (free ... saved from being garbage) :)
photoshop5 +license (and 'slow' pc!-Vold )
and more recently Premiere6 +license(and 'slow' pc!-Vold )

and runing programs that used to 'slow' the pc 10ish years ago on new multi ghz box ;)

is faster than runing new programs on new multi ghz hw

Wirth's law

&because http://www.boot-land...?...ost&p=40914


#24 was_jaclaz



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Posted 22 August 2008 - 10:12 AM

I am happy to see that my comment was not that much "off-topic". ;)

But all of you seem to fail to have spotted the underlying polemical vein under it. ;)

One of the points I was trying to make is that to use PROFESSIONAL software (or hardware) you need to have PROFESSIONAL skills.

I am notoriously a "NO-GRAPHIC" man, I simply miss the artistic capabilities to use drawing software, but give me a CAD or pseudo-CAD like SketchUp, and I can show you something. ;)

But the point is the same, though I use normally in my job, PROFESSIONAL Software, like Excel or AutoCAD, I use OpenOffice, Spread32 and Intellicad at home.

And I know perfectly well that although I can be defined an "extremely advanced" Excel user, having started to use (after LOTUS 123) Excel from release 3.0, more than 15 years ago, and having spent on it thousands of hours of work, developing my own functions, writing my own macros and VB apps, creating databases and extremely complex workbooks, I use maybe 60 to 70% of it's potentialities.

In my opinion the majority of people that affirm to know "well" Excel rarely go beyond 20 to 30% of it's potentialities.

Though I am not a "CAD drawer", I use a CAD software on average 8 to 10 hours per week, and I perfectly know that I use, to say the most, 20 to 25% of it's potentialities.

A comparison I often like to make is between WinHex and a Ferrari, they are both exceptionally good works of engineering, but none of them is of practical use unless you know HOW to drive them.

Do me a favour, try using for a week or so Spread32:
(1.4 Mbytes, self-standing, can be run from within a .zip file)
And report what you missed (of the real needed functions, not about nifty icons or nosy assistants :whistling:)....



#25 Lancelot


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 10:45 PM

Thanks a lot rawral, i will probably not find this missing files without help from you. it is interesting that uniextract couldnt extract in proper way.

Only registration left when full source used, 'cause photoshop 5.5 registers by editing executables during setup :whistling:.
I put an option to copy registered executables, i guess it will be enough.
Also i fix some mini bugs, repairs, canceled some options etc.

Here is final, ;), i hope you all like it.


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