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#1 sbaeder


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Posted 21 August 2011 - 07:44 PM

Posted Image

File Name: Easus_Todo_Backup.script
File Submitter: sbaeder
File Submitted: 21 Aug 2011
File Updated: 03 Mar 2013
File Category: App scripts

Easeus backup tool, for more information, see their web site at"


:thumbup: :clap:A Very Special Thanks to Aeolis for the bright idea :idea:(and all the hard work :coffee: ) to add the explorer integration registry settings into the script. Makes browsing through previous backups simple and painless!

WILL NOT WORK WITH VERSIONS GREATER THAN 4.5 (i.e. current versions as of January 2013)

Note: At a minimum, you would need to update the innounp.exe and also fix the parsing of the version string. But even after I did this, it still failed to execute properly due to missing configuration information.

As recommended in the support thread, if you need to use this in a PE environment, use the included, LINUX based ISO to do an off-line backup.

(Last update to this description: March 3, 2013)

Click here to download this file

#2 bee4u


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Posted 25 August 2011 - 04:54 AM

i am getting error " easeus agent service not found please reinstall easeus todo backup try again "
in livexp build...?

#3 sbaeder


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Posted 25 August 2011 - 04:12 PM

yes - see my other posting on your issues with the partition master script. As I said there, this tool uses a lot of special drivers to access the disk, and there are version specific ones that are needed.

Go look at the ISS file that is left behind, and maybe you can figure out what is needed, and modify the script (autoit) that parses the *.iss file (used by the Inno installer) to rename the right drivers into the drivers folder.

Good luck!

#4 bee4u


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Posted 26 August 2011 - 12:46 AM

well i dont what to do ,,? :o totally confused ..! kindly guide me..i am new to it..

#5 sbaeder


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Posted 26 August 2011 - 05:16 PM

Well, I am not an XP user anymore (unless I HAVE TO), so not sure how to guide you...

BUT, basically, the normal installation exe was created by a tool called INNO Setup. There is an UNPACKER for that type of exe - this is used by the script. If you follow the actions of the script, they unpack (using the inno unpacker) into the working directory in the workbench area. Go to that folder (i.e. the Workbench\Common\EASEUS\Todo Backup one), and you will see that there is a an unpacker executable (and an htm file that has a lot of info on the tool, and could link you to the authors site).

There is also some executables made with AutoIT - a simple scripting/programming language - the source is in the script and could be extracted from the attached files. There is the setup data file (install_script.iss). IN it you would see things like this...




AppName=EaseUS Todo Backup Free 3.0

AppVerName=EaseUS Todo Backup Free 3.0


DefaultDirName={pf}\EaseUS\Todo Backup

DefaultGroupName=EaseUS Todo Backup  3.0





Source: "{app}\EaseUSToolDll.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion

Source: "{app}\bin\LinuxISO\image.iso"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\LinuxISO"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4;

Source: "{app}\bin\Agent.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\bin"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion

Source: "{app}\bin\Agent.exe.manifest"; DestDir: "{app}\bin"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion




Source: "{app}\drv\EuBakup,1.sys"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "EuBakup.sys"; Check: "IsWin2k"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\EUBKMON,1.sys"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "EUBKMON.sys"; Check: "IsWin2k"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\eudisk,1.cat"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "eudisk.cat"; Check: "IsWin2k"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\EuDisk,1.inf"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "EuDisk.inf"; Check: "IsWin2k"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\EuDisk,1.sys"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "EuDisk.sys"; Check: "IsWin2k"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\EuDskAcs,1.sys"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "EuDskAcs.sys"; Check: "IsWin2k"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\EuFdDisk,1.sys"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "EuFdDisk.sys"; Check: "IsWin2k"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\Eufs,1.sys"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "Eufs.sys"; Check: "IsWin2k"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\EuBakup,2.sys"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "EuBakup.sys"; Check: "IsWinxp"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\EUBKMON,2.sys"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "EUBKMON.sys"; Check: "IsWinxp"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\eudisk,2.cat"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "eudisk.cat"; Check: "IsWinxp"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\EuDisk,2.inf"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "EuDisk.inf"; Check: "IsWinxp"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit

Source: "{app}\drv\EuDisk,2.sys"; DestDir: "{app}\drv"; DestName: "EuDisk.sys"; Check: "IsWinxp"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0 Service Pack 4; Flags: ignoreversion 32bit




Notice that the drivers (in the drv folder) are renamed when installed so that *IF* it is XP, the right file gets installed! That is the whole point of the Au3 file - to find the vista/win7 lines and to use that information to "rename" the right files (notice the section of the file I listed - as an example above - has the files for win2k and xp...BUT, they are just a small part of the files content) The autoit script creates a shell command batch file that is then executed - although I just as easily could have had the autoit file do the rename and delete.

That cmd file is also left behind so it could be looked at. Here is a snip of it...

DEL ".\{app}\bin\TBFVSS,1.dll

REN ".\{app}\bin\TBFVSS,2.dll" "TBFVSS.dll"

DEL ".\{app}\bin\TBFVSS,3.dll

DEL ".\{app}\bin\TBFVSS,4.dll

DEL ".\{app}\bin\TBFVSS,5.dll

REN ".\{sys}\fbnative,1.exe" "fbnative.exe"

DEL ".\{sys}\fbnative,2.exe

REN ".\{app}\res\PBD-icon,1.ico" "PBD-icon.ico"

REN ".\{app}\res\icon\TB,1.ico" "TB.ico"

DEL ".\{app}\drv\EuBakup,1.sys

DEL ".\{app}\drv\EUBKMON,1.sys

DEL ".\{app}\drv\eudisk,1.cat

DEL ".\{app}\drv\EuDisk,1.inf

DEL ".\{app}\drv\EuDisk,1.sys

DEL ".\{app}\drv\EuDskAcs,1.sys

DEL ".\{app}\drv\EuFdDisk,1.sys

DEL ".\{app}\drv\Eufs,1.sys

DEL ".\{app}\drv\EuBakup,2.sys

DEL ".\{app}\drv\EUBKMON,2.sys

DEL ".\{app}\drv\eudisk,2.cat

So for all the files that might be version specific, we have to "clean up" (DEL) the ones we do NOT want, and possible rename some of the others...

You MIGHT be able to modify the AU3 script, or manually modify the command file, and manually unpack, copy over, etc. Or you might be able to modify the script...

BUT, this really isn't a job for a "newbie"...Since I don't use (or have any experiance) with any of the XP based projects, I can't really test it for you. Even if you get the right driver into the system32 space, there MIGHT be some sort of special registry settings - I can't be sure.

BUT, I hope this puts you at least on the path to starting to figure it out. - OTHERWISE, if you really need the EASEUS backup, you could just use their own bootable ISO image, and make it be a separate bootable choice...

Good Luck!

#6 bee4u


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Posted 27 August 2011 - 01:06 AM

yes ur right ..this thing is really geeky........ :o :( i dont understand it....its for programmer not for newbie like me....there should be some easy solution for it ...may be some other geek will find solution for xp based project..and help guys like me...THX.. anyway.

#7 bee4u


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Posted 29 August 2011 - 10:25 PM

i have found other member script working as smooth as butter in Live XP based project... :1st: :clap:

#8 sbaeder


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Posted 30 August 2011 - 05:50 PM

i have found other member script working as smooth as butter in Live XP based project... :1st: :clap:

Which members scripts? Did it work for newest version, or was it older version of tool? Was it specific to LiveXP or generic? As I mentioned, it is difficult to handl ALL cases in the script, since projects are different, and the base PE really matters here since they use custom drivers to manage the disk access.

There are lot of other less complex backup tools to use if you really need access to so many different OS's.

#9 pscEx


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Posted 30 August 2011 - 06:05 PM

I really like :dubbio: such posts:
  • "I have some troubles" (not telling which troubles and not adding a log)
  • "I solved the issue" (not telling what the issue really has been and how it has been solved)
  • "Other scripts are running well": That is no news, we all know.
Does the author of the above ask for some help?
Or is he telling his employees what they should do?

For me the result:
When the author of the above is posting a new question:
"Maybe interesting, go to next post in the forum"


@sbaeder: Should I test / debug in nativeEx_mulltiPE_XP?

#10 sbaeder


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Posted 30 August 2011 - 08:47 PM

@sbaeder: Should I test / debug in nativeEx_mulltiPE_XP?

Thanks for the offer, but for me, the script is clearly marked as Win7 and x*^ (due to the driver issues), so no need to bother at this point. It would involve reworking the scripting to read the ISS file to figure out what files need to be renamed, etc. Maybe if I get "bored" this winter, it might be a fun project...But for now, I think we are OK...

Again, thanks for the offer!

#11 bee4u


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Posted 02 September 2011 - 01:12 AM

@ sbaeder ..the script is for live xp vista pe its EASEUS Todo backup 1.1 script v 7.

link is http://reboot.pro/10...2789#entry92789.... :)

#12 sbaeder


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Posted 02 September 2011 - 03:56 PM

Yes - BUT, this is a really old version of the tool, and not the current one (version 3)...If it is OK for you - GREAT...if not, then as I said, it would take more work to properly ID the source OS, and filter the drivers, and copy/install them.


#13 bee4u


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Posted 04 September 2011 - 02:24 AM

yes its old version but ur latest version does not support Live xp .....?
so mean while i will use it and wait for updated support for Live xp... -_-

#14 Aeolis


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Posted 30 October 2011 - 04:01 PM

Hello folks,

Dear sbaeder, thank you very much for your script, it's very good. I would like to ask you, if possible, to add to this script the ability to integrate EaseUS ToDO Backup into Win7PE_SE explorer, so we could open .PBD backup image files inside explorer and restore single files or folders.

Best regards,


#15 sbaeder


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 07:53 PM

Dear sbaeder, thank you very much for your script, it's very good. I would like to ask you, if possible, to add to this script the ability to integrate EaseUS ToDO Backup into Win7PE_SE explorer, so we could open .PBD backup image files inside explorer and restore single files or folders.

I'll see what I can figure out, after I finish off some other projects I am working on...

#16 Aeolis


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 09:31 PM

Hello folks,

Thank you very much for your attention sbaeder! I hope you can figure it out.

Best regards,


#17 jakosc123

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Posted 01 January 2012 - 08:57 PM

Error when creating an image.
Log: http://www.mediafire...v62iwa9br4rq0rz

#18 sbaeder


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Posted 02 January 2012 - 12:00 AM

This looks like just an error in removing files it doesn't need. This is due to changes in version 4 of the application, since they don't ship those files any more. You can try it with unchecking the "stop Build on Errors" flag in the Tools screen (lower right corner)...I will add in an check to see that the directory exists before deletion...(you could also go in and comment out that line for now if you are comfortable doing that.

FYI. Aeolis and I are working on an update we hope to have out in a few more days...


Edited by sbaeder, 02 January 2012 - 02:32 AM.
updated cause

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#19 Chefkeks



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Posted 02 January 2012 - 02:49 PM

Nice tool, especially because it's free for commercial use :1st:
Great to hear a update will come out soon :clap:

Thanks in advance!


#20 Guillaume

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 05:05 PM

Err... now what? (using v12)

Posted Image

#21 sbaeder


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 10:07 PM

sorry for late response - I hadn't been checking for a few days...

It should have extracted the unpacking tool from the script. Can you post a LOG (since that has a lot more useful information). I'm going to assume you looked in the folder above to make sure it wasn't there? Without a log, can't really tell much more than to just double check your build and make sure it is a Win7 project!

#22 Guillaume

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 05:38 PM

Sorry, I lost the log, but I can tell you this:
- when I didn't download the tb_free.exe file 'manually' (via the script's interface in WinBuilder) before starting the build, it gave me this error
- when I downloaded the .exe manually first, it still gave me this problem
- when I used the option to Extract before I started building, it DID work.

So, basically, it's working now. The only thing I see now is that I HAVE to initialize the network devices and all (so I have to start PENetwork) before I start Todo Backup, otherwise it will just show the splash screen. When I try to start it again (still without having run PENetwork), it gives me two error messages, one stating that Todo Backup is still trying to start, the other, shortly after, that it couldn't initialize and I should try to install it again. However, after having run PENetwork, all works just fine :)

#23 sbaeder


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 06:32 PM

thanks for the update - I will look into it...Yes, if you manually point to the exe, you also might have to (depending on what was left behind from previous runs) manually extract to get the new version. But thanks for the info, and I'll look into it more.

On the networking - that is also good to know. Not sure if this is the newest version as a requirement, or something to do with the browsing of previous backups using "network" like facilities to access the backup or ???

I will also look at that...

Again, thanks for the info!

#24 Guillaume

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 08:58 PM

Yeah it does look like there's some network feature or maybe even a service/driver of Todo Backup that actually requires a network connection, which is quite odd I reckon... I haven't looked into it myself, but I can give you some additional info on my build:
Source = Win7 SP1 x86 English
Builder = Win7PE_SE 2011-11-26 from http://w7pese.cwcodes.net/Compressed/index.php

#25 awscorp



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Posted 16 May 2012 - 06:34 PM

I downloaded v12 of the script but ran into this error in the log.

DirMake - Failed to create directory: [%BaseDir%TargetWin7PE_SEProgram Files{cm:CompanyName}{cm:ProductName}bin]: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

I noticed that the TB_free version is 4.5 although the error doesn't seem to be related, I think..

I also tried doing the Extract first but got the same error when running the build.

Thanks for your time.. :)

Edited by awscorp, 16 May 2012 - 07:00 PM.

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