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"Steal" These Current Paragon Scripts

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#1 Arvy


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 02:26 AM

I've made for my own use a couple of Winbuilder scripts for Paragon Software's latest releases of Backup and Recover 2012 and Hard Disk Manager 11 Suite. FWIW, I'd like to offer them to the Winbuilder community, but since I don't maintain any online Winbuilder project repository myself, I'm hoping that some person or group who does may see fit to "steal" the scripts and maintain them as their own. Anybody is entirely welcome to "customize" them in any way they wish, including the authorship identification. They have been tested with both x86 and x64 builds using the current Win7PE project release, but they should work with any Winbuilder PE1, PE2, or PE3 project. Unlike Acronis, EaseUS and some others, Paragon does not (Thank You!) use clunky device class filters to bypass the operating sytem's own hardware abstraction layer. So these Paragon scripts should support any storage device supported by your OS natively.

For now, they can be downloaded here: Paragon Backup & Recover 2012 Script and Paragon Hard Disk Manager 11 Script They will NOT be maintined there by me for the long term.

PLEASE NOTE: Both scripts include a few support *.dll and *.sys files that are common to all of Paragon's current software and that have been made publicly available in their free CNET download package. These few common files were embedded to facilitate the "Install Universal Image Mounter" option that is included in both scripts. (In fact, the scripts are almost identical except for interface cosmetics.) To actually use either of them, however, the script's "Path to Files" entry must point to the licensed and installed Paragon application, even in the case of their free editions for home users.


Original Download Files Updated 2012-01-23 -- Version=003
History002=Added option for installing Hotcore device class filter
History002=Added msxml4 support for Paragon helpfiles reader
History003=Added RegMulti APPEND handlling for device class filter (for WB version 80+ only)


2012-03-06: Script added for newly released Pargon Hard Disk Manager 12 Suite .
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#2 TheHive


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 07:58 AM

Thanks for the scripts.
Uploaded to the downloads section at
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#3 Arvy


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 02:48 PM

Thanks, TheHive. Much appreciated. Does this mean that they'll now be available for PE builds from within the winbuilder.exe Downloads tab?

There were two small errors in the initial scripts uploaded to my own web site which I corrected as soon as I noticed (fixed now) but I don't think I got them quick enough to prevent them getting into your "relayed" uploads here. They're non-fatal checkbox reference mistakes, but the fixed versions should be re-uploaded for yours when you have time. Errors were the same in both scripts. For any other fast downloaders, lines 38 and 42 should refer to CheckBox1 (not CheckBox2) as follows.




#4 TheHive


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 06:13 PM

Will download and reupload to the Download section as . They will not be available on the Winbuilder download tab, but they will be able to be downloaded using the Reboot.pro Download tab section on this forum.
Will name them v2
Paragon-BR2012 v2.Script
Paragon-HDM11 v2.Script

#5 Arvy


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 06:44 PM

Okay, thanks again. No big deal about the winbuilder.exe Downloads tab. I was just curious. Maybe some of the individual WB projects managers will pick them up for their own HD Tasks inclusions later on.

Sorry about not changing the internal version number. Guess I should have, but thought I caught it quick enough not to bother. If you have a chance to test/verify yourself and find any other goofs, please let me know so I can fix my own originals. :good:

#6 Brito


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Posted 16 January 2012 - 04:59 PM

Hi Arvy,

Thank you for this contribution and thank you TheHive for uploading them to the portal.

Does this mean that they'll now be available for PE builds from within the winbuilder.exe Downloads tab?

Not really, each project author decides which scripts to be included on their projects.

However, the downloads portal from reboot is reachable for users to add the available scripts manually.

What you suggest is possible without any changes on winbuilder.exe - all one would need to do is automatically scrap the list of files available right now and then create an updates.ini file that would make them available as a download server. Then it would just be needed to change the default server list to also provide these files as option.

Maybe one day someone could get around to do this. Time is too scarce lately for me to do it, albeit I would also like to see it available to help users not being dependent on updates from each project.

Long time no see you, hope all is well.
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#7 Arvy


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Posted 16 January 2012 - 05:46 PM

Didn't really intend to suggest any serious need, Nuno, although some kind of "common repository" might might be worth thinking about for scripts that have "universal" applicability for all Winbuilder projects. If nothing else, it might help to provide better focus and consolidation for some of the maintenance and updating efforts for both developers and users. On the other hand, it might be one of those "herding cats" ideas. :dubbio:

I'm fine, but not getting any younger, of course. Been around from time to time and even tried visiting the "breakaway group" a while back. Bitter territory that is. :cold: Wasn't well received. Anyhow, the less said about that the better, I suppose. Hope all's well with you too.
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#8 pscEx


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Posted 16 January 2012 - 05:51 PM

What you suggest is possible without any changes on winbuilder.exe - all one would need to do is automatically scrap the list of files available right now and then create an updates.ini file that would make them available as a download server. Then it would just be needed to change the default server list to also provide these files as option.

Sorry Nuno,

that's not as easy as you think.

I tried it some month ago. But the download portal contains the data only in some "inconsistent" way.
Attached a snapshoot of today. As you see, many scripts are missing, including that ones by Arvy / TheHive.

Maybe some portal changes can be done to help here.



#9 Brito


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 08:15 AM

that's not as easy as you think.

Well, if scrapping the contents from the page doesn't work then why not reading this directly from the mysql database?

A script could run on the server side and produce the updates.ini while grabbing the data directly from our database. I'm not sure if this is possible but seems feasible to accomplish.

What do you think? :)

Didn't really intend to suggest any serious need, Nuno, although some kind of "common repository" might might be worth thinking about for scripts that have "universal" applicability for all Winbuilder projects. If nothing else, it might help to provide better focus and consolidation for some of the maintenance and updating efforts for both developers and users. On the other hand, it might be one of those "herding cats" ideas.

Don't worry, we are just exploring the idea. Would be nice to use the portal since it allows individual developers to update their works and users to vote and grab recent scripts without difficulties. If it is too difficult, then we'll just let it be the way it is.

I'm fine, but not getting any younger, of course.

It seems that time flies too quickly some times. :cheers:

#10 pscEx


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 03:06 PM

Well, if scrapping the contents from the page doesn't work then why not reading this directly from the mysql database?

A script could run on the server side and produce the updates.ini while grabbing the data directly from our database. I'm not sure if this is possible but seems feasible to accomplish.

What do you think? :)

Sounds reasonable :clap:


#11 Brito


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 03:37 PM

Do you have time to work on this goal?

If so, I will start a new topic so that we don't crowd this one.


#12 pscEx


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 03:48 PM

Yes, but as you know, not immediately.

I'll be unavailable for several weeks.

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#13 Brito


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 04:56 PM

Yes, will just open the topic to promote its development. Perhaps more volunteers can step into this effort.

#14 Arvy


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 05:38 PM

If you think I can help in any way, let me know. I think I recall developing a PHP script to do something like this a long time ago just for my own fun. Or maybe it was the opposite: converting from updates.ini file listings into MySQL database records. Can no longer remember the details.

#15 Brito


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Posted 18 January 2012 - 09:26 AM

Thank, your help would be welcome. I also wrote a PHP script that creates an updates.ini from files on a given folder, this saves some time and effort: http://reboot.pro/3246/ (the script code is a bit scrambled after the forum upgrade, it requires some clean up).

We have an SVN repository at http://winbuilder.googlecode.com where we can all contribute with changes/improvements. Let me know your gmail account to add you as an editor on the site.

Let's please continue this talk at http://reboot.pro/16207/


#16 RoyM


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 02:14 AM

How to use these scripts without installing to Host Machine.
Backup & Recovery or Hard Disk Manager 11

I'm using hdm_suite_demo.msi as example, same procedure works for br_free.msi
use uniextract on hdm_suite_demo.msi SELECT, MSI Administrative Installer Extract

UniExtract will extract:

..program filesParagon SoftwareHard Disk Manager 11 Suite Demo
copy ..program filesParagon SoftwareHard Disk Manager 11 Suite Demo* to workbenchParagonHDM
for Backup & Recovery copy to workbenchParagonBR2012

in pFileBox1 on interface use %GlobalTemplates%%ProgramFolder0%

You won't need System32 or Temp for either one.

Now onto the problem:

both of these programs when started in VBox, Unload the ISO in Y:
I have not tried other VM's, "perhaps someone else can post results with other VM's"

The same thing happens when you install into a running PE,
so it doesn't suggest that it is a problem within the script.

You can easily reload the ISO in VM
Use VBoxManagerDevicesCD/DVD Devicesand reload Win7PE_x86.ISO or whatever the name of your build ISO is.

These script must be run from Ram in VM, it may be different when burned to Media, (HAVEN'T TESTED YET)

find and replace in these script:
%Target_Prog% WITH %TargetDir%Progam Files

I have not figured out what is unloading the ISO
but there are some nice log files in the Paragon Directories.

There should be some switches that can be used to extract the files from the .MSI
the same way that I did in WinFE.script, I just haven't found them yet for these.

If anyone is having different results, Please post.
Thanks for sharing Arvy & TheHive

#17 Arvy


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 01:46 PM

Thank, your help would be welcome ...

I looked all over for that old PHP script of mine but can't seem to find it anymore, So guess I can't give you much help after all. But i'm sure you've done something quite similar yourself.

These script must be run from Ram in VM, it may be different when burned to Media, (HAVEN'T TESTED YET)

Not sure that I understand. Are you suggesting that you'd like to see a "Run from RAM" option in the scripts themselves? They work fine for me when either app is installed under the %Target_Prog% folder for the bootable WinPE media. Haven't actually tried them in Vbox myself.

#18 RoyM


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 05:32 PM

Likewise Arvy, "I haven't tested from burned media" I will try this today time permitting.

I have already added a Run from Ram checkbox in my edited scripts.
and then everything runs fine from Ram in VM.

As soon as you start (either App)
The CD Drive looses it's drivers under Device Manager and then of course Y: is now gone.
The same is true when installing either app into running PE from downloaded .MSI
I'm assuming that Paragon is loading a driver that's causing this condition.

I'm just sharing my experiences to help other members with these fine scripts/Apps.
I would like to hear other experiences with these apps (in other VM's)
to see if maybe this is just a VBox peculiarity.

Thanks for the reply.

#19 Arvy


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 10:39 PM

Strange. Does it matter whether or not you select the "Install Universal Image Mounter" option? UIM doesn't appear to be of much use in a WinPE setup anyhow and these scripts don't include any option for installing Paragon's old pre-VSS "hotcore" device class filter. I thought about it and could add if anyone wants it, but one doesn't normally anticipate a requirement for live disc "shadow copying" under a WinPE environment in any case. The only other driver seems to be biontdrv.sys (some kind of video helper I think) and it is included within the program folder but not initialized by the script. Loaded by the proggy startup itself perhaps?

I've also "advertised" availability in Paragon's own forum, but It may be a while before you get many other responses from end users as it's still quite new.

#20 RoyM


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 10:53 PM

Tried with and without UIM and same. x86 only.
However on Install into Running PE, did NOT try without Hotcore

#21 Arvy


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 06:11 AM

UPDATE -- Version 002 -- 2012-01-22 -- Both Scripts -- See OP for download links.

Version 002 adds MSXML4 support for the Paragon help files reader and an option for installing Paragon's old pre-VSS "Hotcore" device class filter service. Usefulness of the latter in a WinPE environment seems questionable, but the option (unchecked by default) has been added in response to a request. Note that selecting the "Hotcore" installation option may overwrite UpperFilters values entered by other applications for the Volume device class GUID={71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}. And, of course, the reverse is also possible depending on the PE build order. It just an inherent problem (for software developers, not just me) in selectively handling such REG_MULTI_SZ registry insertions.

#22 paraglider


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 01:18 PM

Thats why the RegMulti command exists:


Although that assumes its a error if the key value does not exist so you have to write defensive scripting to check if the value exists before using it.

#23 Arvy


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 04:34 PM

Amazing. What will they think of next?! Don't remember seeing that one before. Thanks :1st:

Fixed in version 003. See OP. Original download files updated.

#24 Arvy


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 04:20 PM

Tried with and without UIM and same. x86 only.
However on Install into Running PE, did NOT try without Hotcore

I have a suggestion for you. Before including the Paragon app in your PE build and running it in Vbox, try disabling the application's own virtual mode. You can either do so via the application's user interface: Tools -> Settings -> AllowVirtualMode:Off. Or you can edit the program/settings.xml file directly: <AppVirtualOperations>false</AppVirtualOperations>.

I suspect the combination of "virtuals" (Vbox + the app itself) may be causing a problem for you.

#25 Arvy


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 02:52 AM

I've uploaded a script for the newly released Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 Suite to my own server if The Hive or anyone else would like to add it to the Winbuilder repository with the others.

As before, I've tested it with the current Win7PE SE project (both x86 and x64 builds) but it should work equally well with any other Winbuilder PE1, PE2, or PE3 project. The only changes are in the support driver and DLL files that are embedded in the script. It should be noted, however, that Paragon's utilities run with their own virtualization capabilities which may not run well on top of other virtual environments. That's inherent in the applications themselves, not a script issue.

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