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No GRLDR after I installed Hiren's on my USB key

grldr hiren grub4dos mbr

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#1 kangaroo_wilder

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Posted 10 February 2013 - 10:45 PM



I had a few monthes ago installed Hiren's boot CD on a USB key.


But after that, every time I have ran the computer without this USB key in my computer, I have had the following message:


Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: No GRLDR

Try (hd0,1): NTFS5: No GRLDR

Try (hd0,2): NTFS5: No GRLDR

Try (hd0,3): invalid or null

Cannot find GRLDR.

Press space bar to hold the screen, any other key to boot the previous MBR...


I only have to press a key to skip this screeen. But I would prefer not to have it at all. I guess the installation of Hiren's boot on the USB changed something on my MBR and the previous MBR seems to have been saved somewhere. Maybe I can watch out where. 


By the way, I happen to no more have this USB key. Was probably lost when I moved home in summer, isn't to be found again.


(As it is my first post, if for any reason it was to rejected please explain why. I hope I will not)

#2 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 10 February 2013 - 11:11 PM

Well, no.

Somehow you managed to install grub4dos to your internal hard disk's MBR (how much this is due to the use of WAREZ or to a mistake of yours while using those WAREZ is open to discussion).


Simply re-write the original MBR code.


When it installs grub4dos writes a copy of the original MBR (both CODE and DATA) on second sector.

If it cannot find grldr, it then defaults to this previous MBR and executes it.


All you have to do is to copy the second sector of your hard disk over the first one. (if you prefer, you need to overwrite sector LBA 0 with the contents of sector LBA1).


Since you didn't state which OS you are running the specific tool/way is difficult to suggest.




#3 kangaroo_wilder

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 09:27 AM

I run Windows Seven Family Edition Premium 64 bits.


It's a TOSHIBA laptop.

#4 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 10:17 AM

Well, you need an app capable of accessing the disk.


dsfo/dsfi (part of the dsfok toolkit) though 32 bit should run normally in 64 bit.

Most likely you will need Administrator privileges.


Get the files here:


unzip in (say) C:\dsfok


Open a command prompt (elevated) and in it type:



CD /D C:\dsfok






dsfo \\.\Physicaldrive0 0 1024 first2sectors.bin





dsfo  first2sectors.bin 0 512 firstsector.bin



dsfo first2sectors.bin 512 0 secondsector.bin


Compress the three files first2sectors.bin, firstsector.bin, secondsector.bin into a .zip archive, upload them to a free file hoisting, such as (example):


post a link to the download.


WAIT until I can review the files and give you an OK to proceed.



IF (and WHEN) you get the OK from me (OR IF you decide to ignore the check and go ahead anyway), the tricky part:




dsfi \\.\Physicaldrive0 0 512 secondsector.bin

Be VERY careful. DO NOT make typos.

IF you have any doubts, post them BEFORE making something that you may later regret.


Alternatively, you can use a disk editor, but cannot say which free one is availalble (and working on 7 64 bit).




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#5 kangaroo_wilder

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 03:12 PM

I'd prefer to write down all I do, so that I am sure I am not making mistakes. It's my first time with the bootmgr, I want to be careful.


I downloaded dsfok and unzipped it in C:\dsfok: OK.


I then opened the command prompt with administrator privileges.


In the following transcript, bold characters are what Windows tells me(the machine's input) and underlined characters are what I tell the machine.




C:\>cd dsfok

C:\dsfok>dsfo \\.\Physicaldrive0 0 1024 first2sectors.bin

OK, 1024 bytes, 0.031s, MD5 = aec07567ee9638545ecc645aa9039981



File first2sectors.bin has been created in C:\dsfok.



Link for forums: first2sectors.bin - 1.0 Kb

Direct Link: http://www2.zshare.ma/ouw5b2efl7df


I want your go-ahead for the two next commands.

#6 steve6375


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 03:21 PM

Grub4dos is installed to the mbr! RMPrepUSB will replace it with the Win7 boot code.




Select HDD




but suggest you make a backup first. Or you can restore the MBR which should be in sector 2.


Actually, the easiest and safest thing to do is just create a file called  \menu.lst  and put inside the file


chainloader /bootmgr

#7 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 05:43 PM

but suggest you make a backup first. Or you can restore the MBR which should be in sector 2.

What do you think EXACTLY is first2sectors.bin ? :dubbio:

What do you think that the posted instructions actually do (if not restoring the MBR from second sector or LBA1)? :unsure:



The idea is to always compress files to be exchanged into .zip files, so that they won't have a series of limitations (for uploading, or downloading or both).

The file is OK. (I wanted to make sure that the second sector was "right").

To save you some time, find attached (in a ,zip file ;)) the "right" secondsector.bin.

Expand it in C:\dsfok\ and proceed with:




dsfi \\.\Physicaldrive0 0 512 secondsector.bin

Please note how what you issued before is a dsfo command, while now you are issuing a dsfi one 




Attached Files

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#8 kangaroo_wilder

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 09:53 PM

Thank you for your help, Wonko.


The file secondsector.zip has been downloaded on my computer and unzipped.


Before I write in the command prompt the dsfi......... (with a i like Internet, insane...) I would like to know where to write it.


When I am in the command prompt, I am at:




Shall I return on:



as I did the first time, before I type the dsfi (like Internet, insane..) command?


I prefer to be sure because it's not my computer. I'm not used to the command prompt like you guys.



#9 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 10:13 PM

Shall I return on:



as I did the first time, before I type the dsfi (like Internet, insane..) command?

Yes. :)

If you try the command when you are not in C:\dsfok\ the result will be:



 "dsfi is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file"

because C:\dsfok\ is not in your "PATH" environment variable (i.e. Windows doesn't know where to find the dsfi.exe program).


Please remember that also the file secondsector.bin needs to be in C:\dsfok, otherwise you will get an error from dsfi like "cannot find file secondsector.bin".


Changing to a directory where all the related/needed files are is to "simplify" the command line, avoiding absolute paths (and thus reducing possibiliy of typos).

JFYI, you could do (from *anywhere*)



C:\dsfok\dsfi \\.\Physicaldrive0 0 512 C:\the_path_where_I_put_the_file\secondsector.bin

but it is simpler to change directory to C:\dsfok.... ;)




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#10 kangaroo_wilder

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 10:38 PM



I did as you told me. I then instantly restarted the computer to check it and IT WORKED.





I'm glad it did. Frankly I was feeling like a newbie in reboot. 



#11 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 10:48 PM



I did as you told me. I then instantly restarted the computer to check it and IT WORKED.



Sure it did :thumbup:, as the good MS guys would have put it, it is by design ;).


I'm glad it did. Frankly I was feeling like a newbie in reboot. 

Well, since this kind of procedure is potentially dangerous/destructive, I prefer to be on the safe side and assume that on the other side there is a complete newbie, better be safe than sorry.




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#12 ejat



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Posted 05 May 2013 - 07:20 AM

hi wonko.i also have this same problem.few days ago,i try to put the hirenboot cd to my usb and suddenly when I restart the problem just like wilder say

Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: No GRLDR

Try (hd0,1): NTFS5: No GRLDR

Try (hd0,2): NTFS5: No GRLDR

Try (hd0,3): invalid or null

Cannot find GRLDR.

Press space bar to hold the screen, any other key to boot the previous MBR...


so,i try to use the same method just like you state above but suddenly when I restart again,it become worst."missing operating system" began to appear.i think I missed something when follow your method but I hope you can help me to recover my pc.please help me.thank you

#13 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 09:45 AM

so,i try to use the same method just like you state above but 

Well, no.

IF you were following the method above you had made a backup of the two first sectors and posted them for review BEFORE anything else.


Which OS were you running BEFORE you attempted using those WAREZ?

HOW it was booted?

Which is the EXACT message you get? Exactly "missing operating system"?

Can you boot from USB?

Do you have a "spare" USB stick to put grub4dos on it?




#14 ejat



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Posted 05 May 2013 - 10:07 AM

oh well,maybe that my mistake.sorry.actually im just a newbie and don't have knowledge in this.

im using windows 7 home premium 64 bit.

#15 ejat



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Posted 05 May 2013 - 10:11 AM

now,i cannot boot to my windows 7 and it say "missing operating system".im confuse and don't know what to do.i think its my mistake for trying to fix myself without post here.but can I still save my file and my data?

#16 ejat



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Posted 05 May 2013 - 10:26 AM

what do you mean by spare usb stick?

#17 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 11:51 AM

what do you mean by spare usb stick?

A USB stick (pendrive) which contents are not important (or that you have already have a copy/backup of) and you can use (partitioning/formatting/deleting current contents) to make a bootable stick with grub4dos to try and inspect (and hopefully repair) your PC's booting chain.

BTW, my previous post contained 5 (five) questions, here they are again, this time numbered to avoid possible misunderstandings, the ones striken are those (that) for which you already provided an answer:


  1. Which OS were you running BEFORE you attempted using those WAREZ? windows 7 home premium 64 bit.
  2. HOW it was booted?
  3. Which is the EXACT message you get? Exactly "missing operating system"?
  4. Can you boot from USB?
  5. Do you have a "spare" USB stick to put grub4dos on it?

I need an answer to EACH and EVERY of them, in order to be able to help you further




#18 ejat



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Posted 05 May 2013 - 02:03 PM

ok.i try to answer your question.please correct me if Im wrong.


1 .for your information im currently using win 7 home premium 64 bit

2. i quiet don't understand your second question about booted?do you mean boot from usb or dvd?

3. after I trying above method,i instantly restart just like kangaroo_wilder do.after restart,i can see some page where you can press  f2,f12,etc.lastly,the black screen with "missing operating system" appear without going to my normal windows page.its hard because I cannot see windows starting,watching my c and d drive

4.  yes,i can boot from usb.

5. yes,i have spare usb stick.

#19 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 02:35 PM

2. i quiet don't understand your second question about booted?do you mean boot from usb or dvd?

No, asking if the previous working Windows was a "default" install or if you had a dual/multi-boot system using some third party bootmanager.
If I get it right before you botched it by running those WAREZ (BTW "improperly") you had a "plain", "normal" Windows 7, right?

3. after I trying above method,i instantly restart just like kangaroo_wilder do.after restart,i can see some page where you can press  f2,f12,etc.lastly,the black screen with "missing operating system" appear without going to my normal windows page.its hard because I cannot see windows starting,watching my c and d drive

The page with F2, F12 comes from the BIOS of your machine, it is perfectly normal and should be the same you saw before you botched your install.
The issue, again is if the message is EXACTLY "missing operating system" or something SIMILAR to it.
The string "Missing operating system" (please note the capital M) is embedded in the "standard" Windows 7 MBR, if that (with the capital M) is what you see then it likely comes from the "standard" Windows 7 MBR, if it has NOT the capital M, then it comes from "something else".

4.  yes,i can boot from usb.

Good. :)

5. yes,i have spare usb stick.

Good. :)
and use it to create a bootable USB stick with grub4dos.
It doesn't matter which filesystem you choose, but select "2PTN" and after having prepared the stick install to it grub4dos.
Just follow the video:

You should be able to boot from it and get to a grub4dos menu.
From the menu by pressing "c" key you should get to the grub4dos prompt:

grub> _

Post when you get there.

Please also detail what EXACTLY you did BEFORE asking for help, i.e. each and every action you performed that made you post this:

so,i try to use the same method just like you state above but suddenly when I restart again,it become worst."missing operating system" began to appear.i think I missed something when follow your method but I hope you can help me to recover my pc.please help me.thank you

(please don't tell me that you downloaded the file attached to post #7 and that you applied it to your hard disk (and did that without first making the backup)  :ph34r:


#20 ejat



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Posted 06 May 2013 - 03:56 AM

No, asking if the previous working Windows was a "default" install or if you had a dual/multi-boot system using some third party bootmanager.
If I get it right before you botched it by running those WAREZ (BTW "improperly") you had a "plain", "normal" Windows 7, right?


== no,im not using a multiboot or dual boot.it just boot like normal.

The page with F2, F12 comes from the BIOS of your machine, it is perfectly normal and should be the same you saw before you botched your install.
== I see.

The issue, again is if the message is EXACTLY "missing operating system" or something SIMILAR to it.
The string "Missing operating system" (please note the capital M) is embedded in the "standard" Windows 7 MBR, if that (with the capital M) is what you see then it likely comes from the "standard" Windows 7 MBR, if it has NOT the capital M, then it comes from "something else".


== yes,i can see the "missing operating system" have the capital letter of M instead of m.

and use it to create a bootable USB stick with grub4dos.
It doesn't matter which filesystem you choose, but select "2PTN" and after having prepared the stick install to it grub4dos.
Just follow the video:

==  just now,i would like to do it more careful since im just new to this.ok,now im already download the Install_RMPrepUSB_Full_v2.1.665.zip.and now what should I do?there are many version in  this link http://www.rmprepusb...b-beta-versions. is it the the file that i download correct one?i have to do this using other computer right?


Edited by ejat, 06 May 2013 - 04:06 AM.

#21 ejat



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Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:07 AM

Post when you get there.

Please also detail what EXACTLY you did BEFORE asking for help, i.e. each and every action you performed that made you post this:

(please don't tell me that you downloaded the file attached to post #7 and that you applied it to your hard disk (and did that without first making the backup)  :ph34r:

==ok,firstly I try to use method like post #4

#22 ejat



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Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:18 AM

Well, you need an app capable of accessing the disk.


dsfo/dsfi (part of the dsfok toolkit) though 32 bit should run normally in 64 bit.

Most likely you will need Administrator privileges.


Get the files here:


unzip in (say) C:\dsfok

== ok I download the file using the link you provide and create a dsfok folder to in local c: and extract the file


Open a command prompt (elevated) and in it type:



CD /D C:\dsfok






dsfo \\.\Physicaldrive0 0 1024 first2sectors.bin





dsfo  first2sectors.bin 0 512 firstsector.bin



dsfo first2sectors.bin 512 0 secondsector.bin

==i copy paste all the code that you give above and followed exactly like you do but I think I just repeat this step because I afraid im missing something,i just do it first sector and second sctor 2 times each but the first2sector just once

Compress the three files first2sectors.bin, firstsector.bin, secondsector.bin into a .zip archive, upload them to a free file hoisting, such as (example):


post a link to the download.

I compress the 3 .bin file which mean first2sector,firstsector and second sector.but I haven't upload them on free file hosting because of it takes long time to upload that file so cancel it  I try to backup the compress file in my hard drive only which mean now unable to  going to my hard drive and windows  because of "Missing operating system" problem.

WAIT until I can review the files and give you an OK to proceed.



IF (and WHEN) you get the OK from me (OR IF you decide to ignore the check and go ahead anyway), the tricky part:




dsfi \\.\Physicaldrive0 0 512 secondsector.bin

Be VERY careful. DO NOT make typos.

IF you have any doubts, post them BEFORE making something that you may later regret.


Alternatively, you can use a disk editor, but cannot say which free one is availalble (and working on 7 64 bit).




#23 ejat



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Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:34 AM

can it be the boot problem if i use some repair disc?or it will make it worst?

#24 alacran


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:35 AM

Wonko and ejat


Booting from USB any WinPE from 1.0 to 4.0, and having BootIce on root of USB, it's posible to run BootIce, select the HDD,  select Process MBR, select  Windows NT 5.X MBR/NT 6.x MBR, select Instal / Config then Windows NT6.x MBR as in the picture:




Of course in this pictue I'm selecting my USB drive not HDD but, it's the same, and that's all, we get an standard Win 6.x MBR installed. I have done it before.




Forgot to put the link

Edited by alacran, 06 May 2013 - 04:44 AM.

#25 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 06 May 2013 - 06:46 AM


the OP is already confused enough.


The (BTW nice solution) you provided might be valid IF all the issue is with the MBR CODE, BUT IF it was that, he wouldn't have had that error message

It is more likely that the issue is with MBR DATA.

If you prefer right now the issue is not "HOW" to fix the problem, but rather understanding "WHICH" problem it is, once dignosed the problem, it can be fixed, one way or the other.




==  just now,i would like to do it more careful since im just new to this.ok,now im already download the Install_RMPrepUSB_Full_v2.1.665.zip.and now what should I do?there are many version in  this link http://www.rmprepusb...b-beta-versions. is it the the file that i download correct one?i have to do this using other computer right?

yes, the "final goal" is to have a bootable USB stick that can boot to grub4dos, the version of RMPREPUSB you use is not that important, 2.1.1665 is OK, I presume that since you are taking part to this thread you do have another computer working and running, right?




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