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"Panther" XP/2003 (deployment system)

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#1 thunn


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 06:05 AM

Posted Image

CPU independent Windows XP using WDS Beta from Longhorn



Hello all...
For awhile now I've been working on a system to utilize the early (WIM based) Panther engine as a means of deploying WinXP and other NTLDR based Windows NT systems to hardware with different CPU types. After only a gahzillion test cycles... It's finally done. :thumbup:

Discovering the system HAL type (when the wrong HAL is installed) was the main issue at hand. Most system builders have, to date, used data stored in the registry to determine the system HAL type for similar image based deployments. This is not always a reliable means of checking the number of physical CPU cores though. If the wrong HAL is installed or used in a preinstallation environment, the registry will reflect the incorrect HAL type when queried. For this reason a small 3rd party tool was was discovered for the task of checking the number of CPU cores reliably (A huge thanks to Galapo for pointing me to Crystal Dew World). With this task performed correctly, sysprep may install a new HAL on request if needed.

For those curious, scripted (autoit3) HAL swaps were also successfully tested, but sysprep works fine if the CPU type is reported accurately.

With the HAL detection issue overcome, I'm now updating some supporting web documents.

If this sounds like something interesting to you, a demo client image has been tested and uploaded. (please pm)

attached is a preliminary readme.

more details will follow.

attached readme is from an early release
the current client image readme is online here.


Attached Files

#2 TheHive


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 06:26 AM

Sounds like a great project.

#3 felix



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Posted 28 May 2008 - 12:21 PM

Long time no see my friend.
So you did it..Nice

#4 thunn


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Posted 29 May 2008 - 10:01 AM

these are the cpu detect and cmdlines scripts...

&#58;&#58; ..............................................................

&#58;&#58;  ************************************************************

&#58;&#58;   &#34;Panther&#34; XP/2003 Postrest.cmd

&#58;&#58;   Copyright &#40;C&#41;2008 thuunderboy


&#58;&#58;   CrystalCPUID &#40;C&#41;2008 hiyohiyo

&#58;&#58;   SpDrvScn &#40;C&#41;2006 Joseph Dowden

&#58;&#58;   7za &#40;C&#41;2007 Igor Pavlov

&#58;&#58;  ............................................................

&#58;&#58; **************************************************************

@echo off


for %%d in &#40;C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z&#41; do if exist %%d&#58;\SOURCES\sysprep.inf &#40;

set dist_root=%%d&#58;


set srcdir=%dist_root%\SOURCES\DIST

set oemdir=%srcdir%\$OEM$

cd %systemdrive%\sysprep || exit


&#58;&#58; Get sysprep.inf from Dvd\SOURCES and add InstallFilesPath entry


for %%a in &#40;sysprep.inf unattend.txt&#41; do if exist %dist_root%\SOURCES\%%a copy /y %dist_root%\SOURCES\%%a %~dp0

inimod.exe /F&#58;&#34;%systemdrive%\sysprep\sysprep.inf&#34; /AC /S&#58;&#34;Unattended&#34; /K&#58;&#34;InstallFilesPath&#34; /V&#58;&#34;%srcdir%\&#34;


&#58;&#58; Detect CPU type and update HAL if multi processor


start /wait CrystalCPUID.exe /s /e

if %errorlevel% neq 0 ver >nul

findstr /c&#58;&#34;Physical Core &#58; 1&#34; temp.txt

if %errorlevel% equ 0 &#40;

start presetup.exe -splash_uni

&#41; else if %errorlevel% equ 1 &#40;

inimod.exe /F&#58;&#34;%systemdrive%\sysprep\sysprep.inf&#34; /AC /S&#58;&#34;Unattended&#34; /K&#58;&#34;UpdateHAL&#34; /V&#58;&#34;ACPIAPIC_MP,%WINDIR%\Inf\Hal.inf&#34;

start presetup.exe -splash_multi


ren temp.txt CrystalCPUID_%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.log

for %%l in &#40;*.log&#41; do xcopy /y %%l %systemroot%\debug\


&#58;&#58; Copy and expand OEM files to the install drive


if exist %oemdir%\$$ xcopy /y /e %oemdir%\$$ %systemroot%\

if exist %oemdir%\$1 xcopy /y /e %oemdir%\$1 %systemdrive%\

if exist %oemdir%\$docs xcopy /y /e %oemdir%\$docs %systemdrive%\DOCUME~1\

if exist %oemdir%\$progs xcopy /y /e %oemdir%\$progs %systemdrive%\PROGRA~1\

for %%A in &#40;7z cab rar zip&#41; do &#40;

for %%F in &#40;%oemdir%\$$.%%A&#41; do 7za.exe x %%F -y -o%systemroot%

for %%F in &#40;%oemdir%\$1.%%A&#41; do 7za.exe x %%F -y -o%systemdrive%

for %%F in &#40;%oemdir%\$docs.%%A&#41; do 7za.exe x %%F -y -o%systemdrive%\DOCUME~1

for %%F in &#40;%oemdir%\$progs.%%A&#41; do 7za.exe x %%F -y -o%systemdrive%\PROGRA~1



&#58;&#58; Expand compressed drivers to the install drive


start presetup.exe -splash_instdrvs

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\drivers\&#34; %%C in &#40;*.7z *.cab *.rar *.zip&#41; do &#40;

for %%D in &#40;%systemdrive%\sysprep\drivers\%%~nC&#41; do &#40;

7za.exe x &#34;%%C&#34; -y -o&#34;%%D&#34;




&#58;&#58; Add driver folders to DevicePath key for Setup


for %%d in &#40;



&#41; do if exist %%d &#40;

start /wait spdrvscn.exe /p %%~fd /e inf /i /f /a /s /q




&#58;&#58; ..............................................................

&#58;&#58;  ************************************************************

&#58;&#58;   &#34;Panther&#34; XP/2003 pxpinst.cmd

&#58;&#58;   MiniSetup Cmdlines.txt script

&#58;&#58;   Copyright &#40;C&#41;2008 thuunderboy

&#58;&#58;  ............................................................

&#58;&#58; **************************************************************

@echo off

setlocal enableextensions

set srcdir=%~d0\SOURCES\DIST

set oemdir=%srcdir%\$oem$

set boot_text=XP Professional


set msi_args=/qn /norestart ALLUSERS=1

set type1_args=/q /n /o /z

set type2_args=/Q

set inst_drivers=no

set drivers_path=%oemdir%\drivers

set add_reboot=no

set add_shutdown=no

if &#34;%1&#34;==&#34;-c&#34; goto _clnup

if &#34;%1&#34;==&#34;-r&#34; goto _reboot

if &#34;%1&#34;==&#34;-s&#34; goto _shutdown

cd %oemdir% || goto _end

if %inst_drivers% equ yes &#40;

for /r &#34;%~d0\&#34; %%i in &#40;dpinst*.exe&#41; do &#40;

for %%d in &#40;%drivers_path%&#41; do if exist %%d start &#34;%%~ni&#34; /wait /min cmd /c %%i /Q /LM /SA /SE /SW /C /PATH %%d



for %%B in &#40;C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z&#41; do if exist %%B&#58;\boot.ini if exist %%B&#58;\ntldr &#40;

attrib -s -r -h %%B&#58;\boot.ini

findstr /c&#58;&#34;Longhorn&#34; %%B&#58;\boot.ini && replace.vbs %%B&#58;\boot.ini &#34;Longhorn&#34; &#34;%boot_text%&#34;

findstr /c&#58;&#34;/DETECTHAL&#34; %%B&#58;\boot.ini && replace.vbs %%B&#58;\boot.ini &#34;/DETECTHAL&#34; &#34;%boot_args%&#34;

for %%V in &#40;30 3 0&#41; do &#40;findstr /c&#58;&#34;timeout=%%V&#34; %%B&#58;\boot.ini && replace.vbs %%B&#58;\boot.ini &#34;timeout=%%V&#34; &#34;timeout=10&#34;&#41;

attrib +r +s +h %%B&#58;\boot.ini

if exist %%B&#58;\boot.bak &#40;

attrib -s -r -h %%B&#58;\boot.bak

move /y %%B&#58;\boot.bak %systemroot%\debug



move /y %systemdrive%\$WINDOWS.~BT\sources\Panther %systemroot%\debug

for %%D in &#40;BT LS&#41; do rd /s/q %systemdrive%\$WINDOWS.~%%D

start /wait %systemdrive%\sysprep\sysprep.exe -clean

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v z_spSrcPath /d &#34;hidec /w reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup /v ServicePackSourcePath /d %srcdir%\ /f&#34; /f

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v z_srcPath /d &#34;hidec /w reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup /v SourcePath /d %srcdir%\ /f&#34; /f

for %%R in &#40;&#34;HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion&#34; HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup&#41; do reg add %%R /v SourcePath /d %srcdir%\ /f

for %%V in &#40;&#34;Installation Sources&#34; ServicePackSourcePath&#41; do reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup /v %%V /d %srcdir%\ /f

for %%D in &#40;hotfixes updates&#41; do if exist %oemdir%\%%D set udpdir=%%D

for %%D in &#40;kbtype1 kb_type1 kb-type1 type1&#41; do if exist %oemdir%\%udpdir%\%%D set kb1dir=%%D

for %%D in &#40;kbtype2 kb_type2 kb-type2 type2&#41; do if exist %oemdir%\%udpdir%\%%D set kb2dir=%%D

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\%udpdir%\%kb1dir%\svcpack\&#34; %%K in &#40;*.exe&#41; do start &#34;%%~nK&#34; /wait /min cmd /c &#34;%%K&#34; %type1_args%

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\%udpdir%\%kb2dir%\svcpack\&#34; %%K in &#40;*.exe&#41; do start &#34;%%~nK&#34; /wait /min cmd /c &#34;%%K&#34; %type2_args%

if exist %oemdir%\%udpdir%\%kb1dir%\runonceex &#40;

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\%udpdir%\%kb1dir%\runonceex\&#34; %%K in &#40;*.exe&#41; do &#40;

reg add &#34;HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\%%~nK&#34; /ve /d &#34;%%~nK&#34; /f

reg add &#34;HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\%%~nK&#34; /v &#34;%%~nK&#34; /d &#34;&#34;&#34;&#34;%%K&#34;&#34;&#34; %type1_args%&#34; /f


rundll32 iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess


if exist %oemdir%\%udpdir%\%kb2dir%\runonceex &#40;

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\%udpdir%\%kb2dir%\runonceex\&#34; %%K in &#40;*.exe&#41; do &#40;

reg add &#34;HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\%%~nK&#34; /ve /d &#34;%%~nK&#34; /f

reg add &#34;HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\%%~nK&#34; /v &#34;%%~nK&#34; /d &#34;&#34;&#34;&#34;%%K&#34;&#34;&#34; %type2_args%&#34; /f


rundll32 iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess


if exist %oemdir%\runonceex &#40;

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\runonceex\&#34; %%I in &#40;*.exe&#41; do &#40;

reg add &#34;HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\%%~nI&#34; /ve /d &#34;%%~nI&#34; /f

reg add &#34;HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\%%~nI&#34; /v &#34;%%~nI&#34; /d &#34;&#34;&#34;&#34;%%I&#34;&#34;&#34;&#34; /f


rundll32 iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess


for /r &#34;%oemdir%\svcpack\&#34; %%R in &#40;*.reg&#41; do regedit /s &#34;%%R&#34;

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\svcpack\&#34; %%I in &#40;*.inf&#41; do rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 &#34;%%I&#34;

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\svcpack\&#34; %%D in &#40;*.dll *.ocx *.ax&#41; do copy /y %%D %systemroot%\system32 && regsvr32 /s &#34;%systemroot%\system32\%%~nxD&#34;

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\svcpack\&#34; %%I in &#40;*.msi&#41; do start &#34;%%~nI&#34; /wait /min cmd /c msiexec /i &#34;%%I&#34; %msi_args%

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\svcpack\&#34; %%I in &#40;*.exe *.vbs *.bat *.cmd&#41; do start &#34;%%~nI&#34; /wait /min cmd /c &#34;%%I&#34;

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\%udpdir%\%kb1dir%\runonce\&#34; %%K in &#40;*.exe&#41; do reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v &#34;%%~nK&#34; /d &#34;&#34;&#34;&#34;%%K&#34;&#34;&#34; %type1_args%&#34; /f

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\%udpdir%\%kb2dir%\runonce\&#34; %%K in &#40;*.exe&#41; do reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v &#34;%%~nK&#34; /d &#34;&#34;&#34;&#34;%%K&#34;&#34;&#34; %type2_args%&#34; /f

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\runonce\&#34; %%R in &#40;*.reg&#41; do reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v &#34;z_%%~nR&#34; /d &#34;regedit /s &#34;&#34;&#34;%%R&#34;&#34;&#34;&#34; /f

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\runonce\&#34; %%I in &#40;*.inf&#41; do reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v &#34;z_%%~nI&#34; /d &#34;rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 &#34;&#34;&#34;%%I&#34;&#34;&#34;&#34; /f

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\runonce\&#34; %%D in &#40;*.dll *.ocx *.ax&#41; do reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v &#34;z_%%~nD&#34; /d &#34;hidec /w cmd /c copy /y &#34;&#34;&#34;%%D&#34;&#34;&#34; %systemroot%\system32 && regsvr32 /s &#34;&#34;&#34;%systemroot%\system32\%%~nxD&#34;&#34;&#34;&#34; /f

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\runonce\&#34; %%I in &#40;*.msi&#41; do reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v &#34;z_%%~nI&#34; /d &#34;hidec /w cmd /c start &#34;&#34;&#34;%%~nI&#34;&#34;&#34; /wait /min msiexec /i &#34;&#34;&#34;%%I&#34;&#34;&#34; %msi_args%&#34; /f

for /r &#34;%oemdir%\runonce\&#34; %%I in &#40;*.exe *.vbs *.bat *.cmd&#41; do reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v &#34;z_%%~nI&#34; /d &#34;hidec /w cmd /c start &#34;&#34;&#34;%%~nI&#34;&#34;&#34; /wait /min &#34;&#34;&#34;%%I&#34;&#34;&#34;&#34; /f

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v _cfg_hkcu /d &#34;rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %~d0\SOURCES\pxpinst.inf,PCL,PCU&#34; /f

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v z_cleanup /d &#34;hidec /w %~f0 -c&#34; /f

rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %~d0\SOURCES\pxpinst.inf,DefaultInstall

if %add_shutdown% equ yes reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v zzz_shutdown /d &#34;hidec /w %~f0 -s&#34; /f &goto _end

if %add_reboot% equ yes reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v zzz_reboot /d &#34;hidec /w %~f0 -r&#34; /f

goto _end


for %%D in &#40;&#34;%tmp%&#34; %systemroot%\Temp&#41; do &#40;

attrib -r -s -h /s /d %%D

rd /q/s %%D

if exist %%D &#40;

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v &#91;%%D_zap&#93; /d &#34;hidec /w cmd /c rd /q/s %%D && md %%D&#34; /f

&#41; else md %%D


for %%D in &#40;%systemroot%\$hf_mig$&#41; do rd /q/s %%D && md %%D && attrib +h /s /d %%D

for %%F in &#40;*.old *.tmp&#41; do del /q /s %systemroot%\%%F

move /y %systemroot%\*log.txt %systemroot%\debug

goto _end


hidec /w shutdown -r -f -t 90 -c &#34;Rebooting momentarily, please wait...&#34;

goto _end


psshutdown -f -k -t 300



goto &#58;eof


#5 kickarse



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Posted 13 June 2008 - 05:26 PM

Sounds great... but you still need to boot into PE after laying down an image in order to do this, no??

#6 Galapo


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Posted 13 June 2008 - 09:09 PM

No need to boot into PE.


#7 kickarse



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Posted 13 June 2008 - 09:16 PM

Well if you need a beta tester just let me know. I've been doing the whole driverpacks/sysprep/hal thing for a while now. I'm also on the msfn.org forums (I wrote AutoWifi, UpdateHammer and DriverForge, USBeSafe).

Oh and do you think that it could be used for something like Acronis or Ghost imaging solutions?

#8 thunn


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Posted 20 June 2008 - 05:13 AM

Galapo has seen the project image,

You might think of Panther XP as an alternative to 'universal restore' by Acronis.
It uses the longhornpe, but does not have to. (These deployment systems all use sysprep, *just updated by MS)

Panther XP requires 1 reboot to go from PE to WinXP MiniSetup plus one more to finish and load the desktop. Thats.. err, um, ... 2.


Please PM me and I'll provide a link for the client image.

I'm now creating a set of support tools to mount the beta wim image(s) and inject new files... :)

here's a peek ...

&#58;&#58; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

&#58;&#58;  &#34;Panther&#34; XP/2003 WinPE WIM Beta 1 Mount

&#58;&#58;  Copyright &#40;C&#41;2008 thuunderboy

&#58;&#58; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

@echo off

title %~0

set safety=on

set wim_image=WinPE

set wim_index=1

set build_root=..\..\..

cd %build_root%

set build_root=%cd%

set svc_dir=%build_root%\support\service\svcres

if not exist %svc_dir%\%~n0%~x0 goto &#58;eof

call %svc_dir%\_set_env.cmd -def

set pthrxpdir=%workdrive%\PantherXP

set linkd_dir=%pthrxpdir%\%wim_image%

for %%i in &#40;C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z&#41; do if not exist %%i&#58; &#40;

set tmpdrv=%%i


echo.&echo.&echo  &#34;Panther&#34; XP/2003 %~n0%~x0 &echo.

echo _______________________________________________________ &echo.

if exist %build_root%\sources\%wim_image%.wim &#40;

if %safety% neq off echo.&echo Ready to mount %wim_image%.WIM to Drive&#58; &#91;%tmpdrv%&#58;&#93; &echo.&echo. &pause &echo.

for %%L in &#40;%linkd_dir%&#41; do &#40;

if exist %%L_bak rd /s/q %%L_bak

if exist %%L ren %%L %%~nL_bak

md %%L


echo.&echo VDCmd &#91;Version; Copyright 2005 Kana Solution

%svc_dir%\vdcmd.exe -d=%tmpdrv% -p=&#34;%linkd_dir%&#34;

&#41; else echo.&echo %wim_image%.WIM file missing! &echo.

if exist %tmpdrv%&#58; &#40;

echo.&echo Virtual Drive&#58; &#91;%tmpdrv%&#58;&#93; mapped to&#58; &#91;%linkd_dir%&#93; &echo.

echo.&echo xImage &#91;Version 6.0.4059.0&#93; Copyright 2003 Microsoft Corporation

echo.&echo Applying&#58; &#91;%build_root%\sources\%wim_image%.wim {Index %wim_index%}&#93;

echo.&echo To Drive&#58; &#91;%tmpdrv%&#58;&#93;

%svc_dir%\ximage.exe /apply %build_root%\sources\%wim_image%.wim %tmpdrv%&#58; %wim_index%

&#41; else if exist %build_root%\sources\%wim_image%.wim &#40;

echo.&echo A drive letter must be made available to continue.

echo.&echo Ready to exit. &echo. 


if &#34;%1&#34; neq &#34;-q&#34; pause


--and no. 2 ...

&#58;&#58; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

&#58;&#58;  &#34;Panther&#34; XP/2003 WinPE Mass Storage Driver Injector

&#58;&#58;  Copyright &#40;C&#41;2008 thuunderboy

&#58;&#58; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

@echo off

title %~0

set build_root=..\..\..

cd %build_root%

set build_root=%cd%

set svc_dir=%build_root%\support\service\svcres

if not exist %svc_dir%\%~n0%~x0 goto &#58;eof

call %svc_dir%\_set_env.cmd -def

set pthrxpdir=%workdrive%\PantherXP

set drvrep=%build_root%\sources\dist\$oem$\drivers\boot

set drvarc=%build_root%\support\service\driver_arc

set sys32_rep=%build_root%\sources\dist\$oem$\$$\system32

set pebld_tag=boot\system32\drivers\wimfsf.sys

for %%I in &#40;C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z&#41; do if exist %%I&#58;\%pebld_tag% &#40;

set pebld_root=%%I&#58;


echo.&echo.&echo  &#34;Panther&#34; XP/2003 %~n0%~x0 &echo.

echo _______________________________________________________ &echo.

if exist %pebld_root%\%bld_tag% &#40;

echo.&echo Install target located at Drive&#58; &#91;%pebld_root%&#93;

&#41; else echo.&echo Install target not found. &echo.&pause &exit

for /r &#34;%drvarc%\&#34; %%C in &#40;*.7z *.cab *.rar *.zip&#41; do &#40;

for %%D in &#40;%drvrep%\%%~nC&#41; do &#40;

%sys32_rep%\7za.exe x &#34;%%C&#34; -y -o&#34;%%D&#34; >nul

echo.&echo Extracting %%~nC%%~xC to&#58;

echo %%D



echo.&echo Preparing to install driver packages . . .&echo.

for /r &#34;%drvrep%\&#34; /d %%D in &#40;*&#41; do &#40;

if exist %%D\*.inf cd %%D && for %%B in &#40;*.inf&#41; do &#40;

echo %%~nB

set drvsfound=true



if &#34;%drvsfound%&#34; neq &#34;true&#34; &#40;


echo No drivers found. &echo.

echo Please place drivers into subfolders of&#58; &echo.&echo &#91;%drvrep%&#93;



goto &#58;eof




ren &#34;%pebld_root%\boot&#34; &#34;Windows&#34;

ren %pebld_root%\Windows\system32\setupreg.hiv SYSTEM

move %pebld_root%\Windows\system32\SYSTEM %pebld_root%\Windows\system32\config\

md %pebld_root%\Users &#34;%pebld_root%\Program Files&#34;

for /r &#34;%drvrep%\&#34; %%M IN &#40;*.inf&#41; do &#40;

%svc_dir%\peimg.exe %pebld_root%\Windows /inf=&#34;%%M&#34;



ren &#34;%pebld_root%\Windows&#34; &#34;boot&#34;

ren %pebld_root%\boot\system32\config\SYSTEM setupreg.hiv

move %pebld_root%\boot\system32\config\setupreg.hiv %pebld_root%\boot\system32\

rd /s/q %pebld_root%\Users &#34;%pebld_root%\Program Files&#34;

rd /s/q %pebld_root%\boot\system32\DriverStore

set winpeoem_sif=%pebld_root%\boot\system32\winpeoem.sif

echo.&echo.&echo Updating &#34;%winpeoem_sif%&#34;. . . &echo.

if not exist %winpeoem_sif% &#40;

echo &#91;Version&#93;> %winpeoem_sif%

echo signature=&#34;$Windows NT$&#34;>> %winpeoem_sif% &echo.>> %winpeoem_sif%

&#41; else echo.>> %winpeoem_sif%

for /r &#34;%drvrep%\&#34; /d %%D in &#40;*&#41; do &#40;

if exist %%D\*.sys &#40;

cd %%D

for %%B in &#40;*.sys&#41; do %svc_dir%\inimod.exe /F&#58;&#34;%winpeoem_sif%&#34; /AC /S&#58;&#34;massstoragedrivers.append&#34; /K&#58;&#34;MassStorageDriver_%%~nB&#34; /V&#58;&#34;%%B&#34; >nul



type %winpeoem_sif% &echo.

if %errorlevel% neq 0 echo Exit code %errorlevel%.

echo.&echo Done.&echo.

if &#34;%1&#34; neq &#34;-q&#34; pause


and unmount ...

&#58;&#58; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

&#58;&#58;  &#34;Panther&#34; XP/2003 WIM Beta 1 Unmount

&#58;&#58;  Copyright &#40;C&#41;2008 thuunderboy

&#58;&#58; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

@echo off

title %~0

call %~dp0\_set_env.cmd -def

set pthrxpdir=%workdrive%\PantherXP

set tagfile_1=boot\system32\drivers\wimfsf.sys

set tagfile_2=sysprep\setact.exe

set unmount=all

set tmpdrv=

echo.&echo.&echo  &#34;Panther&#34; XP/2003 %~n0%~x0 &echo.

echo _______________________________________________________ &echo.

if not exist %pthrxpdir% md %pthrxpdir% &set pxpdir=removed

if not exist %pthrxpdir%\winpe md %pthrxpdir%\winpe &set pedir=removed

if not exist %pthrxpdir%\install md %pthrxpdir%\install &set instdir=removed


for %%I in &#40;C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z&#41; do &#40;

if exist %%I&#58;\%tagfile_1% set tmpdrv=%%I

if exist %%I&#58;\%tagfile_2% set tmpdrv=%%I


if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=Z

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=Y

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=X

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=W

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=V

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=U

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=T

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=S

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=R

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=Q

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=P

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=O

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=N

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=M

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=L

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=K

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=J

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=I

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=H

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=G

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=F

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=E

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=D

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=C

start /wait /min subst /d %tmpdrv%&#58;

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; &#40;

goto _result

&#41; else set tmpdrv=Z

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=Y

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=X

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=W

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=V

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=U

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=T

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=S

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=R

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=Q

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=P

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=O

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=N

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=M

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=L

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=K

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=J

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=I

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=H

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=G

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=F

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=E

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=D

if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; set tmpdrv=C

start /wait /min subst /d %tmpdrv%&#58;


if not exist %tmpdrv%&#58; &#40;

echo.&echo Virtual Drive &#91;%tmpdrv%&#58;&#93; unmounted.

if %unmount% equ all goto _unmount

&#41; else if %unmount% equ all &#40;

echo.&echo All Virtual Drives unmounted.

&#41; else echo.&echo Done.


if &#34;%pedir%&#34;==&#34;removed&#34; rd /q/s %pthrxpdir%\winpe

if &#34;%instdir%&#34;==&#34;removed&#34; rd /q/s %pthrxpdir%\install

if &#34;%pxpdir%&#34;==&#34;removed&#34; rd /q/s %pthrxpdir%

if &#34;%1&#34; neq &#34;-q&#34; pause


--there are now over a dozen servicing commands in all, plus new docs.

Once everything is finalized it will be made available for widespread use.
So far it's going good and is quite fun to work on, so it'll be done soon and something posted here.


* The new xp.5512 sp3 opk update is now out
It has a new sysprep (v 5512) which adds an update cycle to my project.
what the hell.



#9 Galapo


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Posted 20 June 2008 - 06:14 AM

Your project continues to impress me! Seems a good idea to me to automate mounting and injection so as to prevent mistakes people might make. A side effect is that such automated commands help to document the process and what is carried out without actually writing a help file per se (I personally hate writing documentation!).


#10 kickarse



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Posted 17 July 2008 - 12:12 AM

Any updates??

I'm looking forward to trying this, but I'm not familiar with deploying WIM images. Could this work with ghost or acronis??

#11 was_jaclaz



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Posted 17 July 2008 - 07:51 AM

Any updates??

I'm looking forward to trying this, but I'm not familiar with deploying WIM images. Could this work with ghost or acronis??

Updates about what? :cheers:

A bit of advice, if I may:
before attempting modifying a method, always try it EXACTLY as it is, get the hang of it, try understanding how it works, then, and only then you can try starting to modify it to suit your expectations.


#12 kickarse



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Posted 17 July 2008 - 02:48 PM

Updates about what? :cheers:

A bit of advice, if I may:
before attempting modifying a method, always try it EXACTLY as it is, get the hang of it, try understanding how it works, then, and only then you can try starting to modify it to suit your expectations.


I completely agree and understand that. I feel the same way. The questions was just that, a question to find out if it'll work with ghost. That's all.

I was just curious if WIM was the only way this would work. But it seems that that's the only method he's working on or will be working on.

#13 was_jaclaz



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Posted 17 July 2008 - 06:08 PM

I completely agree and understand that. I feel the same way. The questions was just that, a question to find out if it'll work with ghost. That's all.

I was just curious if WIM was the only way this would work. But it seems that that's the only method he's working on or will be working on.

As I see it, but I may be completely and utterly wrong, of course :cheers:, the same approach could work with .img (RAW images) or .sdi images, that can be read through RAMDISK or through filedisk, IMDISK or VDK.

AFAIK both Ghost and Acronis use proprietary format images, for which I cannot say if a "filedisk like" driver capable of mounting those images exists (or is given together with the respective Commercial product).

FYI, this "Panther XP" project has some points in common with a project born on MSFN:


#14 thunn


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Posted 08 September 2008 - 02:56 AM

I know this project present confusion to some. Please understand this is somewhat intented.

Currently a project webpage is in progress to answer a few common question Ive received.


#15 Galapo


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Posted 08 September 2008 - 04:46 AM

Looks like it's coming together nicely! As always, good work.


#16 Siginet


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Posted 09 September 2008 - 11:25 PM

Hey thunn... long time no see. :huh: My username over at 911cd.net was L3th4l I used to be a big time user of the bart disk and used many of your plugins. :huh: So I am sure this project is a great one as well. :)

This may be a little off topic but it is a question I have wondered for a while...

Is it possible to change the HAL info on a hard drive that is allready installed without having to re-image the drive and re-deploying it to the system? Currently I use Acronis True Image with the Universal Restore option when I need to transfer a drive from one machine into a new system. But I think it would be great if there was a simple way for me to rip out the HAL info from the drive... remove the drive from the system... pop the drive into the new system... boot it up... and not get a blue screen of death due to mismatching HAL types. Your project seems to deal with the same issue but from a different angle. Is there any way possible for me to accomplish this without re-imaging?

#17 Galapo


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Posted 09 September 2008 - 11:43 PM

Hi Siginet,

You may use OfflineSysPrep to set HAL of your choosing or let it set the one matching your hardware.


#18 Siginet


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Posted 10 September 2008 - 12:43 AM

sweet! Thanks Galapo!

#19 MedEvil


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Posted 10 September 2008 - 12:53 AM

Or simply in the boot.ini HAL=...


#20 kickarse



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 06:22 PM

Or simply in the boot.ini HAL=...


I'm curious if this options
/numproc = number
/NUMPROC= Specifies the number of CPUs that can be used on a multiprocessor system. Example: /NUMPROC=2 on a four-way system will prevent Windows from using two of the four processors.
/ONECPU = Causes Windows to use only one CPU on a multiprocessor system.

would enable a multiprocessor machine the ability to boot a uniprocessor hal?

#21 MedEvil


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Posted 19 September 2008 - 07:08 PM

Don't know, if i've got you right.
But you can use a uniprocessor hal + a uniprocessor kernel also on a multiprocessor machine. (look at PE)
But only 1 CPU will work of course.


#22 kickarse



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 07:48 PM

I know I was just stating that I was curious if these options in boot.ini would work with a multiprocessor machine.

#23 MedEvil


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Posted 19 September 2008 - 09:01 PM

I know I was just stating that I was curious if these options in boot.ini would work with a multiprocessor machine.

I would suspect so, as they were pretty useless on a single processor system.


#24 kickarse



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Posted 20 September 2008 - 11:35 AM

I would suspect so, as they were pretty useless on a single processor system.


I meant in regards to sysprep... :)

#25 MedEvil


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Posted 20 September 2008 - 06:33 PM

I meant in regards to sysprep... :huh:

:huh: What has sysprep to do with boot.ini parameters?


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