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What dependencies are there for TeamViewerQS_en.exe?


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#1 Guest_Boot_Monkey_*

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 04:43 AM

Hi All,

I would like a script to enable TeamViewer support. I've seen various scripts for the TeamViewer program itself, but what I would like is purely to give support for the Teamviewer stub that you download when you need to be assisted by someone.

I ran Dependency Walker on the stub file and it said that the ieshims.dll was missing. That file wasn't missing, so I got a fresh copy of it and then that error went away by the stub program was still unable to run. I don't quite understand how to use Dependency Walker properly.

What was happening when I ran the stub, it just didn't load at all.

The stub is called "TeamViewerQS_en.exe" and it's what the person wanting to be assisted downloads when they need assistance.

Has anyone been able to work out what other dependencies this programs requires?

#2 florin91


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 05:34 AM

So, you downloaded TeamViewer Quick Support. The file downloaded is an executable archive, extract it with 7-Zip. Inside it, you get $PLUGINSDIR and $[34]
Inside $[34] there is another $PLUGINSDIR and another tvqsfiles.7z archive. Extract it and you get executables and drivers for x86 and x64.

I hope I helped a bit! That was a quick inspection. I don't know if those drivers work in a pe or can be made to work.

#3 amalux


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 05:36 AM

Previous versions of Quick Support work in PE by adding avicap32 and sensapi dll's to system path (virtual e.g. ThinApp or real path) but what is the purpose? QS only allows another computer to connect, what is the point of remotely accessing a PE? It makes more sense to run TeamViewer from PE to access other machines.

#4 pscEx


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 07:39 AM

Has anyone been able to work out what other dependencies this programs requires?

Depends.exe tells you which other files are used by your app.

If they are not in the "Standard" PE files, your script has to add them to the build.

Caution: Do not just look whether they are in %target%.
It could be, that a different app script has added the file(s).
And when this different script is unselected next build ??? :dubbio:


#5 Guest_Boot_Monkey_*

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 10:31 AM

@ All,

Thanks all.

That's sound advice. Reasons to have someone connect to your PE Session?


You are a newbie Desktop Tech working for a large firm and this firm using Encryption.

The user stuffs the computer and it doesn't boot.

newbie Desktop Tech loads the WinPE disc and runs the encryption tool to view the drive. There are many options there and as you're a newbie Desktop Tech, you're not sure which option to choose. ( Very easy to F the drive ). You call up the Security Team at your Firm and they can remote in and help you make the right moves. The Security team usually don't like dealing with newbies, like many forums. But with them being able to remote in and make sure shit is done right, the WinPE disc has saved the day.

As, I created this beast, I need to Document every little aspect, so no one stuffs a drive. :/

I'll have a few options to connect to the WinPE Session, but I'd like a few to make sure the SecTech is able to connect.

I like being able to do things at the runtime, incase I've forgotten to do something in the build. Like the ability to install MSI's. That is awesome and used that today to install UltraVNC at the runtime.

Thanks all

#6 amalux


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 09:47 PM

The Security team usually don't like dealing with newbies, like many forums.

Hey, not here! We love newbies around here ;)

That's an interesting scenario I hadn't thought of, thanks for explaining.


#7 MedEvil


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 11:15 PM

Look into the log of teamviewer for what the problem is.

My guess it's the same as with the full package.
Read here: http://reboot.pro/16830/#entry153903


#8 Guest_Boot_Monkey_*

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 02:39 AM

Thanks MedEvil,

I've reviewed the issue and suggested something, but I don't beleive that the current solutions are viable ones.

We should not need to log out and back in and all that just to use a piece of software.

We just need a way of starting the program under a different account to begin with.

RUNAS [ [/noprofile | /profile] [/env] [/savecred | /netonly] ]
/user:<UserName> program
RUNAS [ [/noprofile | /profile] [/env] [/savecred] ]
/smartcard [/user:<UserName>] program
RUNAS /trustlevel:<TrustLevel> program
/noprofile specifies that the user's profile should not be loaded.
This causes the application to load more quickly, but
can cause some applications to malfunction.
/profile specifies that the user's profile should be loaded.
This is the default.
/env to use current environment instead of user's.
/netonly use if the credentials specified are for remote
access only.
/savecred to use credentials previously saved by the user.
This option is not available on Windows 7 Home or Windows 7 Starter Editions
and will be ignored.
/smartcard use if the credentials are to be supplied from a
/user <UserName> should be in form USER@DOMAIN or DOMAINUSER
/showtrustlevels displays the trust levels that can be used as arguments
to /trustlevel.
/trustlevel <Level> should be one of levels enumerated
in /showtrustlevels.
program command line for EXE. See below for examples
> runas /noprofile /user:mymachineadministrator cmd
> runas /profile /env /user:mydomainadmin "mmc %windir%system32dsa.msc"
> runas /env /user:user@domain.microsoft.com "notepad "my file.txt""
NOTE: Enter user's password only when prompted.
NOTE: /profile is not compatible with /netonly.
NOTE: /savecred is not compatible with /smartcard.

Also a reference here, that I'll try

Dang! : Build doesn't have RunAs.exe in it.

Update: After copying the runas.exe to the runtime, I was able to make the shortcut, but it asks for the Administrator password and who know what that is.

I think that we may need to create a standard user account in our builds and have the shortcut use that account.

What your your thoughts on this?

Edited by Boot_Monkey, 14 June 2012 - 03:29 AM.

#9 MedEvil


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 11:27 AM

The problem is, that there is no Admin account in Win7PE_SE.

In the other thread, a few things are posted that might help.


#10 ChrisR


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 01:13 PM

Update: After copying the runas.exe to the runtime, I was able to make the shortcut, but it asks for the Administrator password and who know what that is.

I believe that there is no password by default for the administrator account.

On Win7pese, there's a thing for switching on the administrator account but it remains experimental ;)
In the display script (tweaks folder), click on the Advanced options button and enable the 'Switch user'.
at startup, it will login into account system then automatically close the session to reconnect in administrator account (a bit long).
With "At startup automatically 'switch user'" enabled, the Administrator account is renamed to Admin (without password).

Log in as admin, I can have transparency, for example (as in this screenshot).

Win7PE SE-2012-06-14-14-48-22.png

The solution is not ideal but it can perhaps help you.

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#11 MedEvil


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 01:28 PM

Chris, wasn't it that the drivers needed to be installed before switching or they can't be installed, not to mention that transparency won't work without drivers installed first?


#12 ChrisR


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 02:25 PM

Yep, the driver must be loaded before switching and indeed without drivers, no transparency.


#13 SIW2


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 04:49 PM

In my build I can switch back and forth between Admin and System .

I can also load the drivers either way as described on this thread http://reboot.pro/16830/


It works fine for me in both my x86 and x64 builds.

I am using pecmd and my build is not the same as Chris project.

If I get time I will have a look and see if I can get it to work in win7 pese.

I think if you use the Switch User option in Chris project when you make your build , then put in batch equivalents of my pecmd scripts - it should work.

I am not sure what you have in your builds to handle the Switch User option from the shutdown button?

Edited by SIW2, 14 June 2012 - 05:05 PM.

#14 MedEvil


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 05:44 PM

When you're loged into the Admin Account, can you still install drivers, does sidebar and wallpaper still work?

If you like to know, what's different, to get the switch user and the log off option, just get the script pack from dera, i linked to, and use them instaed of the original ones. Might even work, if you run them after the original ones, but not sure.


#15 SIW2


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 06:19 PM

The pecmd script relaunches explorer as system first - then installs the drivers ,transparency comes in after stop and start uxsms .it is quite quick and is all part of one little script.

It might work as a regular.cmd file something like this:

::Restart shell under system -there should be no space between system32 and tskill
%windir%system32 tskill explorer
%windir%system32psexec -i -d -s explorer
::load drivers
drvload.exe X:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositorynv_lh.inf_x86_neutral_bbe628dbdd6fce25nv_LH.inf
drvload.exe X:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositoryatiilhag.inf_x86_neutral_1d882551ede2c65batiilhag.inf
drvload.exe X:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositoryigdlh.inf_x86_neutral_2d255f193700d214igdlh.inf
::stop and start uxsms
net stop UxSms
net start UxSms

Edited by SIW2, 14 June 2012 - 06:24 PM.

#16 MedEvil


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 07:35 PM

Why do you restart explorer in the system account? It's already running in the system account. when PE boots up.
Or is this different in your PE?


#17 amalux


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 10:14 PM

Trying to follow along...

This gets me from system to admin (TV7 and QS working OK)
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonSpecialAccountsUserList" /v HelpAssistant /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >NUL

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonSpecialAccountsUserList" /v Guest /t REG_DWORD /d 000000 /f >NUL

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon" /v AutoAdminLogon /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f >NUL

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon" /v DefaultUserName /t REG_SZ /d "Administrator" /f >NUL

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon" /v DefaultUserName /t REG_SZ /d "LsaSetupDomainAdministrator" /f >NUL

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon" /v DefaultPassword /t REG_SZ /d "" /f >NUL

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon" /v DefaultDomainName /t REG_SZ /d "DOMAIN" /f >NUL

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon" /v ForceAutoLogon /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f >NUL

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon" /v StartMenuLogOff /t REG_SZ /d 0 /f >NUL


and this gets me back to system
pskill explorer

psexec -i -d -s explorer
(of course I have the pstools setup in my PE)

So this seems to be a fine solution to TV7/QS.

Now I'll look into the transparency bit...

#18 SIW2


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 12:48 AM

Hi ,

Why do you restart explorer in the system account? It's already running in the system account. when PE boots up.
Or is this different in your PE?


It was in answer to this:

When you're loged into the Admin Account, can you still install drivers, does sidebar and wallpaper still work?

The answer is , no - the pecmd script above - puts you back in system first , then loads drivers, then stops and starts uxsms.

Edited by SIW2, 15 June 2012 - 01:10 AM.

#19 SIW2


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 12:50 AM


Yes that is the equivalent to what I have been doing with pecmd script.

There is another way:

It is easier with pecmd - but it does work with Win7PE_SE_20120416 like this:

Under Tweaks, tick "Display"
in the script section on the right, tick "enable switch user" - I did not tick "At startup automatically switch user"

Under the Drivers tab, tick "original display drivers"
in the script section on the right, tick your driver ( or all 3 if you like ) - tick start menu box - I did not tick load at startup.

I think Chris normal way is :

1.Load your driver- ( using shortcut in start menu )
2.Switch to admin - ( either with switch user start menu shortcut, or switch user under shutdown button)
3.Switch back to system - (using Restart shell as system shortcut in start menu.)

You can't then go back to admin acct with switch user shortcut or by using switch user under shutdown button.

You can go back to admin with ctrl+alt+del, logoff.

You can then return to system with Restart shell as system shortcut - switch back and forth at will.

It is also possible to load drivers and get transparency after your first admin login like this:

Switch back to system using Restart shell as system shortcut, then run this


"X:Program FilesPEShellPEShell.exe"
:: again - there should be no space between system32 and tskill
%windir%system32 tskill explorer
%windir%system32psexec -i -d -s explorer
drvload.exe X:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositorynv_lh.inf_amd64_neutral_bc69f20e3115af59nv_LH.inf
net stop UxSms
net start UxSms

Works fine here - ( tho on one attempt I did end up with two instances of peshell running, one as admin and one as system.)

Edited by SIW2, 15 June 2012 - 01:13 AM.

#20 SIW2


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 03:05 AM

Ooops correction- posted the wrong file- the .cmd file should be only these three lines:

drvload.exe X:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositorynv_lh.inf_amd64_neutral_bc69f20e3115af59nv_LH.inf
net stop UxSms
net start UxSms

Obviously it needs to point at your graphics driver. That one is for nvidia 64 bit

#21 amalux


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 03:26 AM

Hi SIW2 :)

I had some troubles with your examples but saw what you were trying to do; thanks for pointing the way ;)


#22 SIW2


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 03:39 AM

Glad you got it working - what build are you using your reg file in?

#23 amalux


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 08:02 AM

This one: http://www.mediafire...u9fztu4y4nnmb2p with the following changes. In Tweaks -> Display script, I enabled 'switch user' option; auto switch at startup is off because it caused problems. In fact, I don't use the switch user shortcut but rather the batch script to avoid manual login (logon?).

I have had troubles with this script's advanced options, most leaving me stuck at a login screen asking for a password I don't possess; unable to logon to Admin or Guest user offerings. I don't understand this behavior and assume the script is broken, ChrisR did say the thing was experimental ;)

I have, as yet, not been able to get transparency working. I don't understand what driver is required; the ones you cite are obviously specific to your system. I don't have corresponding drivers in my source which are compatible with my old video card (transparency is not supported on this machine even in full Windows 7). I'm going to try on a different machine which does support transparency in Windows 7.

#24 MedEvil


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 10:33 AM

The answer is , no

Was just wondering if you got things working better than dera.


#25 SIW2


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 11:41 AM

Hi Amalux,

I use the standard drivers that are already in the win7 dvd.

Just copy them to Filerepository of your pe3 build.

Load them after you have booted up - these are 32 bit drivers on the dvd


If your video card drivers are not one of those - you might find you you can't load them in pe - it might require a reboot.

Those 3 above work for most setups.

Edited by SIW2, 15 June 2012 - 11:44 AM.

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