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@DED-LEGO@ - flexible configuration (the gfxboot with the configuration directly from "menu.lst")

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#1 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 07:29 AM

It is gfxboot @DED-LEGO@

(the gfxboot with the configuration directly from "menu.lst")

1. @DED-LEGO@ can be configured directly from the menu.lst. For this purpose, a few recent titles of menu.lst are used as "technical".
2. @DED-LEGO@ allows each item in menu.lst to associate with a logo (Logo_xx.jpg) and with a text file (Logo_xx.txt).
3. @DED-LEGO@ provides three types of timers: circular, linear and numeric.
4. @DED-LEGO@ provides marquee for promotional purposes. The text for marquee is taken from the file RLineDef.txt.
5. @DED-LEGO@ allows you to use WaitPanel for a brief description of the menu item.
6. @DED-LEGO@ expands design options of gfxboot through the use of animation.
7. @DED-LEGO@ has a built-in multi-font support. <NEW!>...view fonts from 01 to 14...
8. @DED-LEGO@ has a built-in multi-background support. <NEW!> ...more...
9. @DED-LEGO@ extends the security capabilities of gfxboot through the use of hidden menu entries and customizable hot keys.

Posted Image
...Click to view full image

Download links:

links are corrected :clap: Video tutorial: menu.lst with @DED-LEGO@ style

Options... options... options... More flexibility means more options. :dubbio:
So many options, so many headaches. :pressure:
To manage a large set of parameters produced program RIPPER-GFX :fine:

New topic: RIPPER-GFX with GUI (gfxboot editor) with video tutorials

Attention! RIPPER-GFX includes a newer version of the kernel of the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@

about gfxboot-3.3-custom from guru Bean123 http://reboot.pro/7155/

#2 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 09:12 AM

"Step-by-step" instructions:


This is a Christmas version of the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@. So, it includes the words "Merry Christmas!" in different languages. Try to find a version in your language.
# Ded0003-COLORED glass
title [ded0003] :01:=1 :99:=12
configfile /menu.lst

This example is for the Spanish language. Value of 13 - gives the French version. There are also Italian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian and German versions. Just change the value from 11 to 18. This is the first lesson on setting-up the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ directly through the file menu.lst.

#3 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 10:21 AM

Below are the contents of the file Settings.txt(download it)

Posted Image

...Click to view full image

# ****** MAIN modules of @DED-LEGO@ *******


# ****** Separate modules *******

# Electric spark (electric flash) ##########################

#Creeping line (Run line) ##########################

#COLOR PIECES OF GLASS ##########################

#The LINEAR TIMER ##########################

#The CIRCULAR TIMER ##########################

#The NUMERIC TIMER ###############

# Wait Panel ##########################

# Animation ##########################

#4 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 10:34 AM

FAQ about gfxboot @DED-LEGO@

Q: What is @DED-LEGO@?
A: @DED-LEGO@ is a modernized gfxboot, which is designed to expand the design options of gfxboot.

Q: What is inside of the @DED-LEGO@?
A: Like any gfxboot, @DED-LEGO@ is a cpio-archive. So, its components can be removed, changed or replaced and re-assembled.

Q: How to work with cpio in Windows?
A: Generally we need only three commands. The order of the steps is normally as follows:
1. cpio -it -F MyGfxboot > temp.txt (get a list of gfxboot components)
2. cpio -i -F MyGfxboot (spread out of gfxboot, extract components)
......Working with components: ...editing ...removing ...changing ...replacing
3. cpio -o < temp.txt > MyGfxboot (assemble components to gfxboot)

Q: Can I replace the jpg-files of the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@?
A: Of course! Only one remark: jpg-files can have different compression methods and may contain additional (meta) information, thumbnails etc. So, not every jpg-file can be displayed using gfxboot. To prepare the jpg-files, I recommend using the free utility "nconvert". For simple replacement of the background ("back.jpg"), you can also use a utility BackChanger (http://reboot.pro/12589/).

Q: Can you help with the methods of use of "nconvert"?
A: I'll do my best. In addition there is a forum of support of "nconvert". (http://newsgroup.xnv...af51a71b1698ef2)
Some commands you may need:
1. Obtain information about the graphic file
nconvert -info FILE_NAME
nconvert -fullinfo FILE_NAME
2. Convert any image file (SOURCE_FILE_NAME) in jpg (NEW_NAME.jpg) with resizing.
nconvert -out jpeg -overwrite -q 70 -dpi 72 -resize WIDTH HEIGHT -rmeta -rexifthumb -o "NEW_NAME.jpg" "SOURCE_FILE_NAME"
quality factor = -q 70
dots per inch = -dpi 72
new dimensions: -resize WIDTH HEIGHT
remove the meta-information =-rmeta
remove thumbnails =-rexifthumb
3. Save the content of the clipboard as jpg-file ("NEW_NAME.jpg")
nconvert -out jpeg -overwrite -clipboard -q 70 -dpi 72 -rexifthumb -o "NEW_NAME.jpg"

Q: Well, I replaced the background. How do I change the colors of the elements and their location now?
A: There are several ways to do this. The file Settings.txt is a list of all the settings that you can change.
1. The first way is to edit Settings.txt. This can be done in any text editor, such as Notepad. Then you can translate this file into a set of files DEDxxxx.CFG using utility DED-SET.exe.
2. The second way is to use "technical" menu items.

Q: What are "technical" menu items?
A: Let's have a look at your menu (usually it is a menu.lst file):
1. The menu file consists of a sequence of commands.
2. It clearly identifies two parts.
- The first part is called "common". It is a sequence of commands from the beginning of the file to the first "title"-command.
- The second part is called "body". The "body" consists of several blocks. Each of these blocks starts with the command "title". Argument to "title" is a menu item. After the command "title" there should be a sequence of commands, that GRUB4DOS must execute when you select this menu item.
I think you know all this. But! Did you know that not all the content of the menu is transmitted to gfxboot? Gfxboot gets the values of "default" and "timeout" commands, and a list of menu items.
Conclusion: To send in gfxboot some information we need to use the arguments of the commands "title".
This is one of the main ideas of the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@!
So, let's summ up. Declare the last few menu items "technical" and use them to pass parameters to the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@.
These items must have a special syntax. These items will not appear in the menu (it is valid for gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ only).

Q: What is the syntax of "technical" menu items?
A: The syntax is:
Example 1:
title [ded0000] :19:Help.OnOff=0 :42:=15 :43:=10 :41:=25 :54:=645
# This is "technical" entry. [ded0000] - main section of Settings txt.
# IDs :42: and :43: - coordinates of the upper-left corner of the MenuPanel
configfile /menu.lst

- Between "[" and "]" you must specify the name of section from Settings.txt;
- Between the " :" and ":" you must specify a parameter's ID (NB: the first " :" contains leading space!)
- Between the second ":" and "=" you can write the name of the variable (this is optional and can be omitted);
- After the "=" you must indicate the value (positive, integer, decimal or hex)

Q: Gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ has too many designer "tricks". Can I disable some of them?
A: Yes, here are two ways. Each "trick" is associated with the data-section of Settings.txt. In each of these section there is an option to disable it (s.___.is.ON).
Method 1. Give the desired parameter value = 0;
Method 2. Remove DEDxxxx.CFG, which is associated with the switchable section.

Q: Let's talk about Logo. Why do I have the same logo shown for all menu items?
A: Well. Use the DED-prefix.
First, make sure that the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ contains a set of several Logo_xx.jpg.
Second, each normal (not "technical") menu item you must associate with any Logo_xx.jpg.
Example 2:
[6:] RECALL MENU.lst
configfile /MENU.lst

title [11:] REBOOT

title [3:] SHUTDOWN PC

In this example, the number "xx" of associated Logo is specified between "[" and ":]"

Q: My menu item is as follows:
title [3:] SHUTDOWN PC n Just shutdown PC

Why does the menu item show only "SHUTDOWN PC"? In text-mode, or splash-mode of GRUB4DOS, the "Just shutdown PC" string appears at the bottom of the screen. But when using gfxboot it just disappears. Can I use the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ to display such hints?
A: Yes, it is possible. To do this in the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ WaitPanel is used. It will also use the DED-prefix. However, the syntax would look like this:
title [3:Just shutdown PC:] SHUTDOWN PC

Note: WaitPanel has its own section in the file Settings.txt. You can change its location on the screen, its size, exposure time, color. You can also specify which of the embedded fonts should be used in WaitPanel.

Q: By this token! Can I make "fnt"-files from fonts installed in my system?
A: Yes. For this purpose use mkblfont.exe utility. HERE (http://reboot.pro/13307/) is a topic about ways of creating fonts.

Q: You have removed help support from the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@. How do I restore it?
A: Gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ offers an alternative approach to help.
Once you associate a menu item with a certain logo, then you have in mind that the picture expresses some idea of the menu item. To describe the details of this idea you can use simple text files that have the same name as the Logo (Logo_01.txt, Logo_13.txt, Logo_07.txt ...).
To call HelpPanel with Logo_xx.txt use key F1. I remind you, that brief remarks to menu items you can place on WaitPanel.

Q: In my language diacritical signs (national letters) are used . Can I use them in gfxboot?
A: Yes, these characters should be included in the set of characters while creating the fnt-file.
In addition, all text files should be saved in UTF-8 encoding.

Q: Can a @DED-LEGO@ to change the screen resolution?
A: Like any gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ has no video drivers. Working with graphics done in VESA mode. Innovation in working with video is a preliminary finding back.jpg's size and the beginning of attempts to switch the graphics mode from those data. Thus, to switch the graphics mode to 1280x1024 or 1024x768 should prepare back.jpg with dimensions of 1280x1024 or 1024x768.
Note: Virtual PC QEMU does not have proper support for video modes greater than 800x600. Therefore, a more serious video modes check on a real computer.

Q: Why @DED-LEGO@ does not always have the same behavior when working on a real computer, and when working in a virtual PC?
A: Some algorithms of @DED-LEGO@ involve video memory. If the video memory is not enough, some functionality is lost. Video BIOSs for Virtual PCs, are different, so the behavior of @DED-LEGO@ is not always unique. However, this applies only to design options.

Q: What virtual machine do you use for development?
A: My choice is a QEMU.

Q: MobaLiveUSB_0.2 is based on QEMU, but many design options of @DED-LEGO@ are disabled when I use them. Why?
A: My response - video BIOS. MobaLiveUSB uses too simple video BIOS.

Q: How do I know how much memory video BIOS declares?
A: Start gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ and press Ins.

Q: Cpio, nconvert, QEMU... Many different tools are used for preparation and modification of gfxboot. Can you list the tools that you use?
A: Yes, of course. I'll post the whole package of my favorite utilities. You can download it HERE (later).

Q: To use all the tools and to manipulate gfxboots, a program with a GUI could have been developed. Have you ever thought about it?
A: At first I made cmd-files for repetitive actions. Then I combined them into one big cmd-file and got a DOS-like program with a text interface. It's called RIPPER-GFX. However, there are big problems with its localization, because Windows responses are often analyzed in these files. These responses are different for various localizations of Windows. In addition, there are problems with its porting to Windows Vista and Seven. So, I plan to develop a new program NEW-RIPPER-GFX with a GUI.

Q: It seems to me, you have a strange English?
A: It's not me, it's Google-translate :). As for my English... for me, like for Winnie-the-Pooh, the shorter the sentence is - the better ;-{)

Q: In this case, how are you going to write manuals?
A: There's a good idea of Nuno Brito (http://reboot.pro/11...8796#entry98796). I will try to make video manuals and video answers.

Sequel "Questions from steve6375" is located on the second page :smart:

#5 steve6375


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 11:02 AM

Great job! but first two links do not seem to work for me?

#6 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 11:13 AM

That's all backgrounds are integrated into this gfxboot version

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Use "technical title" to background replacement
title [ded0000] :99:=3
configfile /menu.lst
where "3" is number of your choice :)

#7 steve6375


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 11:38 AM

gfxboot file is not in the download rar file?

#8 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 11:39 AM

Great job! but first two links do not seem to work for me?

Thank. Links are corrected :)


gfxboot file is not in the download rar file?

File @DED-LEGO@_v3.0 - it is already compiled gfxboot, in other words, a ready message-file
Just try
gfxmenu ()/@DED-LEGO@_v3.0
from your menu.lst or GRUB4DOS commandline

#9 steve6375


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 11:59 AM

Sorry - what is name of the file that I need to copy to usb flash drive and where is the file? The rar download just has lots of jpgs and text files, etc. - it does not have any gfxboot file (as in your instructions) or any @DED-LEGO@_v3.0 file???

OK, sorry - there is a single file in the download, your instructions were confusing me as your instructions say to copy gfxboot file to flash drive not @DED-LEGO@_v3.0 file. I understand now!

#10 steve6375


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 12:24 PM

It would be better not to have such a complicated filename which has @ and hyphen and underscore and version number. Why have the version number in it at all? If you change the version number we will have to change all our menu.lst files when we update to the new version? Suggest just a simple name of dedlego.mnu would be better? So you download dedlego_v3.0.rar and extract dedlego.mnu file and place it on flash drive?

#11 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 12:36 PM

It would be better not to have such a complicated filename which has @ and hyphen and underscore and version number. Why have the version number in it at all? If you change the version number we will have to change all our menu.lst files when we update to the new version? Suggest just a simple name of dedlego.mnu would be better? So you download dedlego_v3.0.rar and extract dedlego.mnu file and place it on flash drive?

As for the version number, then I completely agree. I usually use just the name @DED-LEGO@. This is the name used on the Russian-speaking forum http://greenflash.su/forum/2-492-1 As for the "@", I like that the sign looks like a smiley. In addition, you can rename the file @ DED-LEGO@_v3.0 as you like :)

#12 steve6375


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 12:58 PM

Q: My menu item is as follows:
title [3:] SHUTDOWN PC \n Just shutdown PC
Why does the menu item show only "SHUTDOWN PC"? In text-mode, or splash-mode of GRUB4DOS, the "Just shutdown PC" string appears at the bottom of the screen. But when using gfxboot it just disappears. Can I use the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ to display such hints?
A: Yes, it is possible. To do this in the gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ WaitPanel is used. However, the syntax would look like this:
title [3:Just shutdown PC:] SHUTDOWN PC
Note: WaitPanel has its own section in the file Settings.txt. You can change its location on the screen, its size, exposure time, color. You can also specify which of the embedded fonts should be used in WaitPanel.

Is this correct? Wait panel is 7 in settings file and this syntax does not look correct or work when used in menu.lst?

Could you post an example menu.lst which has lots of technical entries please to help me understand what you mean ?

#13 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 01:19 PM

Is this correct? Wait panel is 7 in settings file and this syntax does not look correct or work when used in menu.lst?

Yes? it is correct. Look at the previous example (Example 2:). It explains how to associate a menu item with a logo. Here, 3 - is the number of the logo. However, in the same prefix, which is framed by "[" and "]" you can specify a short comment to the menu item. Sign ":" is a separator options for this prefix ( [Logo№: comment to this title:] )

Could you post an example menu.lst which has lots of technical entries please to help me understand what you mean ?

Example of Menu.lst with 15 "technical" items and some items for PgUp, PgDn, Home, End demonstration

### COMMON PART #####

### Visisble Entries ###

##### Tecnichal ENTRIES ########


#14 steve6375


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 02:10 PM

Thanks, what is significance of the configfile /menu.lst lines in technical menu? Is this just a dummy entry or does it have a purpose? why not use root () instead or just leave blank?

can you have more than one [ded0000] entry in a menu.lst (as in your example) and if so what purpose does it serve? Or should you only have one [dedxxxx] entry?

i.e. are all [dedxxxx] entries global (apply to whole menu) and not specific to each indvidual menu entry?

e.g. does it make any sense to have

title [ded0000] :01:=1 :99:=3 :02:=315 :03:=90 :11:=0 :12:=730 :13:=90

configfile  /menu.lst

title [ded0000] :01:=0 :19:Help.OnOff=0  :99:=2

configfile  /menu.lst

In above example the last entry overrides first and I get back2.jpg.

#15 steve6375


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 02:40 PM

A suggestion.

if you provided a Technical proforma file which had all the technical default settings for all the DEDxxxx sections, then the user would not need to refer to the settings file at all and the settings would be easy to understand and change:


# ded0001 Electric spark (electric flash)

title [ded0001] :01:is.ON=0 :99:time=20 :02:#1AXi=537 :03:#1AYi=81 :04:#1BXi=558 :05:#1BYi=134 :06:#1Ri=3 :07:#1Ti=10 :12:#2AXi=505 :13:#2AYi=93 :14:#2BXi=487 :15:#2BYi=137 :16:#2Ri=3 :17:#2Ti=7 :22:#3AXi=35 :23:#3AYi=480 :24:#3BXi=100 :25:#3BYi=546 :26:#3Ri=1 :27:#3Ti=3 

# ded0007-WAIT PANEL

title [ded0007] :01:ON=1 :02:x=40 :03:y=530 :04:w=720 :05:h=60 :06:back.color=0x84a2c6 :07:back.transp=170 :08:color=0xff609E :09:fnt=10 :11:sec.wait=1 :22:color2=0xffff88 

  configfile  /menu.lst

... and more for all other dedxxxx entries

Then user could just cut and paste these default entries into menu.lst and can easily change them?

#16 steve6375


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 02:43 PM

Why does RESTART (first menu choice in your example) continuously loop and keep reloading?

#17 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 03:23 PM

Thanks, what is significance of the configfile /menu.lst lines in technical menu? Is this just a dummy entry or does it have a purpose? why not use root () instead or just leave blank?

Technical items will be visible in normal gfxboot, so they must be executable. It seems to me that the most simple command for this configfile /menu.lst, but you can change it to any other.

can you have more than one [ded0000] entry in a menu.lst (as in your example)?

Yes, it is allowed

i.e. are all [dedxxxx] entries global (apply to whole menu) and not specific to each indvidual menu entry?

Yes, technical entries used to configure the gfxboot and not for separate menu items. However, with DED-prefix of any menu item we can be link it with Logo_xx.jpg + Logo_xx.txt and write a short comment

#18 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 03:28 PM

A suggestion. ...

# ded0007-WAIT PANEL

title [ded0007] :01:ON=1 :02:x=40 :03:y=530 :04:w=720 :05:h=60 :06:back.color=0x84a2c6 :07:back.transp=170 :08:color=0xff609E :09:fnt=10 :11:sec.wait=1 :22:color2=0xffff88 

  configfile  /menu.lst

Then user could just cut and paste these default entries into menu.lst and can easily change them?

It seems to me that such an option is un-read-able. However, anyone can make similar items yourself :( (Personally, I have done something similar :) )

#19 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 03:38 PM

Why does RESTART (first menu choice in your example) continuously loop and keep reloading?

This menu item is useful when configuring gfxboot @DED-LEGO@ directly in the virtual machine QEMU. In this case, in a text editor, edit the technical menu entry, save, then in the QEMU window use this menu item to Menu Restart :)

#20 ded


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 04:54 PM

Actual Version gfxboot @DED-LEGO@: :) ;)

Examples of animation:

Clocks with LOGO :(

Posted Image

Creeping line :rofl:

Posted Image

Lightning and color glass :cheers: & :(

Posted Image . Posted Image

#21 steve6375


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Posted 22 December 2010 - 11:09 AM

Some more queries about Technical settings in menu.lst

1. I cannot seem to change or turn off the digital clock or digital date at the top of the menu using [ded0000] :01:=0 or :11:=0 - I also cannot change their color or position???

2. How do I disable the icon for a menu item but still get help text in the WAIT panel?

3. On loading, there is a rectangular bar which appears and disappears
Posted Image
how can I suppress this?

4. On loading, all the icons seem to be displayed and then the icon for the selected menu is displayed. How can I stop all the icons from cycling through on startup?

5. On startup a bar appears at the bottom saying @DED-LEGO@ with a number of small rectangles - how can I suppress this?

6. How can I add some top text as a menu heading? So I can have different menu.lst files with a different heading at the top of each one - e.g. linux, diagnostics, DOS, Antivirus menus?

7. Can you explain what [ded0000] :30: :34: :35: :40: are?


Sorry for all Q's but I think language barrier is not helping.

#22 ded


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Posted 22 December 2010 - 04:04 PM

Questions from steve6375

Q1: I cannot seem to change or turn off the digital clock or digital date at the top of the menu using [ded0000] :01:=0 or :11:=0 - I also cannot change their color or position???
A1: Try this option to disable the CLOCK and DATE
# disable time and date
title [ded0000] :01:=0 :11:=0

#That's how you can turn on CLOCK, set the font number 10, and set yellow color on blue background
title [ded0000] :01:=1 :09:=10 :08:=0xffff00 :06:=0x0000ff

NOTE1: Syntax must be exact: <space>:id:=value Without the spaces at the end!
NOTE2: If you specify the same parameter twice or more, then use only the last values.

Q2: How do I disable the icon for a menu item but still get help text in the WAIT panel?
A2: For a complete "Help" uses text files Logo_xx.txt. WaitPanel intended for brief comments. As I understand it, you had in mind a comment. In this case, just specify the number of non-existent Logo_xx.jpg (for example 99)
title [99:Here is your comment:]
If you mean "help" as Logo_xx.txt, then you can use Logo_nn.jpg without Logo_nn.txt and vice versa.

Q3: On loading, there is a rectangular bar which appears and disappears how can I suppress this?
A3: I would not want to disable this indication. This indicator shows the status of the plug-in inc-modules like the BIOS sound signals. This simplifies the search for errors. It doesn't affect the gfxboot's loading speed.

Q4: On loading, all the icons seem to be displayed and then the icon for the selected menu is displayed. How can I stop all the icons from cycling through on startup?
Q5: On startup a bar appears at the bottom saying @DED-LEGO@ with a number of small rectangles - how can I suppress this?
A4-5: At this stage, logos startup process combined with a background image and stored in memory. Therefore, this procedure can not be disabled. If only disable visualization, then there is an unpleasant pause.

Q6: How can I add some top text as a menu heading? So I can have different menu.lst files with a different heading at the top of each one - e.g. linux, diagnostics, DOS, Antivirus menus?
A6: While that is only in the plans.

Q7: Can you explain what [ded0000] :30: :34: :35: :40: are?
A7: They are:
:30:s.logo.style - reserved for future versions
:34:s.arrow.RW - RadiusWidth - length of the second hand in a horizontal position (for an elliptical shape)
:35:s.arrow.RH - RadiusHeight - length of the second hand in a vertical position (for an elliptical shape)
:40:s.menu.slit - additional spacing between lines of menu (in pixels)

#23 steve6375


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Posted 22 December 2010 - 05:25 PM

NOTE1: Syntax must be exact: <space>:id:=value Without the spaces at the end!

Ah - so
title [ded0000] :01:=0      :11:=0

would not work as too many spaces?? Could this be changed please so you search up to first colon : symbol when you parse and not assume always one space between parameters? This restriction was not stated before and it may cause much confusion. If you could change it that would mean I can arrange the entries better with comments.


title [ded0007] :01:ON=1                  :02:x=40         :03:y=530          :04:w=720  :05:h=60 

root ()

title [ded0007] :06:back.color=0x84a2c6 07:back.transp=170 :08:color=0xff609E :09:fnt=10 :11:sec.wait=1

root ()

which makes it more readable.

I would also strongly suggest you use root () rather than configfile /menu.lst in your example file for two reasons

1. It confuses the user who may wonder if menu.lst must exist or be in correct location
2. user may feel he has to change all entries if he uses say menu1.lst instead of menu.lst.

#24 steve6375


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Posted 22 December 2010 - 05:33 PM

re cycling through logos when loading - It is not desirable to show user all logos as they may not be relevant (e.g. linux logo breifly displayed when a pure DOS menudos.lst file is loaded). Could we have an OnOff setting for this please or ideally a setting for logos to load - e.g.

[ded00xx] :xx:logo load list=01,02,05 

This would mean faster loading as not all logos would be loaded. I could have a DOS menu and load say logo_01 Logo_02 and a linux menu which would only load logo_09.

#25 steve6375


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Posted 22 December 2010 - 05:52 PM

Just to explain - for me personally the grub4dos menu and default GFXboot menu does not provide good functionality. I am not interested in animated logos or fancy clocks, etc. but I am interested in a good menu system.

1. Displays full colour background image of choice
2. Ability to provide several background images (800x600, 1024x768, etc) and menu system used the highest resolution possible as supported by VESA BIOS. This means it will work on any system.
3. Ability to have a title for a menu
4. Help text shown when each menu item selected
5. General help text displayed using F1 key specific to each menu
6. user can select any menu item using a shortcut hotkey - e.g. 1,2,3..9,A,B,..Z
7. Ability to preselect a default menu item but not execute it
8. as 7 but with countdown timer
9. Ability to chain to another menu and use BACK button to go to previous menu or another button to select Main menu.
10. Ability to debug using grub4dos e, c etc, modes + enable/disable.
11. Ability to set and change default menu item
12. No fancy gadgets and ability to turn off any messages - e.g. no DED-LEGO text or scroll bars, etc. or text. User just sees a menu screen with no confusion.

Many of these are covered by your system, but some are not. There is a real need for a good menu system. In particular neither grub4dos or GFXMenu use hotkeys well (e.g. dummy menu items change hot key assignments, no consecutive numbering).

title [0:"D"Seek and load IO.sys from current drive :] BOOT DOS from this flash

so pressing D would select and run this menu item.

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