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Macrium Reflect Free

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#1 2aCD


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Posted 05 December 2011 - 03:41 PM

Posted Image

File Name: Macrium Reflect Free
File Submitter: 2aCD
File Submitted: 05 Dec 2011
File Updated: 16 Jan 2014
File Category: App scripts

Macrium Reflect is a free disk imaging and cloning software


- clone your harddisk, create disk images

- disaster recovery for home computer

- mount MacriumReflect image files

- support for x86 and x64 sources


- container script with included program files (5.2 build 6444)
download: MacriumReflect FileContainer

Confirmed working with:

- Win7PE_SE

- Win8PE_SE

- LiveXP

Known issues:

- screen resolution switch to 1024x768 (x64 only) on start macrium reflect (the starter switched it back to saved resolution)
- automatical autoassign driveletters on start macrium reflect (solved)

Best Regards

Click here to download this file

#2 petiepotamus

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 11:10 PM

hello 2aCD,
long time follower, but first time poster.
I usually am successful using the search engines, but not this time.

I wish to thank you, and all the other script writers for the great job.

Following the instructions, I am getting the following errors.

I hope this information will help.

Winbuilder 082 is installed on:
Windows XP Professional with SP3 x86
Intel Pentium 2.8 with 1 gig of Ram.

Winbuilder XP Source File is Xp Retail SP2 x86
No anti Virus is installed on the host, as it is only used for winbuilder.

LiveXP gives me following error, when trying to use common_app V30 Rev4.
Below is the link to the log file.


Any help would be appreciated.


As a side note, I also use your script in Winpe-se running Windows 7, and it works great.

#3 Arvy


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Posted 08 April 2012 - 07:23 AM

Known issues:

- screen resolution switch to 1024x768 on start macrium reflect

- automatical autoassign driveletters on start macrium reflec

Very annoying. In other ways I like the latest Macrium Reflect proggy very much, but it's insistence on re-assigning drive letters and so forth is just not accptable for many (most?) Winbuilder WinPE multipurpose set-ups. Here's a copy of my inquiry about it and I'll post any response from them if/when i get one.

I've been evaluating the Macrium Reflect "Pro" edition (reflect_pro_v5.0.4368 trial setup) and have a couple of pre-sales questions for you, the second of which may need some input from your technical support staff.

The first relates to multiple installations on a single physical machine. My primary working platform is a multiboot system that can boot to either a 32-bit environment (WinXP or Vista) or a 64-bit environment (Windows 7). My question is whether a single Reflect Pro licence would permit and support installation and registration under all three OSes on that single platform.

My second question relates to Macrium Reflect's behaviour (I'm tempted to call it MISbehaviour) when it runs in a Windows PE environment. I like to create my own WinPE builds (using WinBuilder) and have no problem with including Reflect Pro as one "rescue utility" (among others) in any of my own 32-bit or 64-bit WinPE builds. When initialized, however, it insists on re-assigning drive letters, changing screen resolutions and creating non-functional (* see note) file associations. My question is whether there is any way to disable that strange behaviour or its triggeing mechanism with some kind of start-up switch parameter.

Thanks in advance for you assistance,
Richard Virtue

*NOTE: Tell your developers that file association commands that use environment variables such as %ProgramFiles% in registry entries must be entered as REG_EXPAND_SZ values. Plain REG_SZ entries don't work with envars. Strangely, they've done it properly for the file association icon entries, but not for the actual command entries in the registry. And pre-entering one's own correct REG_EXPAND_SZ values in a WinPE build doesn't help. Macruim Reflect Pro insists on overriding them when it is initialized in a WinPE environment.

#4 Arvy


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Posted 08 April 2012 - 07:46 AM

Well, that was quick. They'll "consider" my request for disabling their WinPE misbehaviour. Here's their brief reply verbatim:


Thanks for your interest in our software.

The licensing is per machine, so a single license will cover all you windows installations on that one machine.

We will consider your requirements regarding the windowsPE behaviour, and thanks for the note on the envar expansion.

Kind regards
John Pendleton - Macrium Support

#5 2aCD


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Posted 08 April 2012 - 10:45 AM

Hi Arvy,

thanks you for your efforts. The answer sounds good.
Perhaps there will soon be a solution for this peculiar behavior.
I keep my fingers crossed.

best regards

#6 TheHive


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Posted 09 April 2012 - 09:08 AM

Thanks for talking to them Arvy.

#7 Arvy


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Posted 09 April 2012 - 02:05 PM

Their current start-up process in WinPE environments seems to be have the "good intentions" of ensuring that the user will see drive letters assignments "as expected" -- i.e., corresponding to those assigned when Windows starts normally. For that purpose, it appears to load and read the SYSTEM hive on what is normally the C: drive. Unfortunately, the process can totally screw up the program drive letter assignment of the Winbuilder PE project itself and it also seems to involve some drive letter mapping that can sometimes result in one or more drives disappearing completely from the Windows Explorer.

The resulting mess can usually be undone manually via the PE build's drive managment interface, but it's one of those cases of "good intentions" paving the path to hell. Otherwise, I like their backup utility very much, especially the user interface which is much superior to Paragon's IMO, and I've purchased a full single Reflect Pro license for further experimenting. It's required for entry into Macrium's own forums, BTW.

I'm still looking for whatever WinPE setting or component triggers that Reflect behaviour, but I've had no luck so far and I've heard nothing further from Macrium. (Typical British reticence. Copy of my follow-up below.) If anyone else succeeds in discovering that trigger, please pass it along.

Hello John.

Thanks for your kind consideration of my developmental inputs. Much appreciated. In the meantime, however, if it's not a deep dark secret, perhaps your developers might be persuaded to reveal the "trigger" for that Reflect behaviour in Windows PE environments. If allowed to know what WinPE component or setting causes it, especially the drive letter re-assignments, I might be able to find a temporary workaround pending the developers' ultimate decision about providing a start-up command switch.

I do realise, BTW, that it is done with the best of good intentions -- i.e., recreating the "normal" drive letter assignments for the end user. Unfortunately, however, it completely messes up Windows PE environments where the application programs drive letter is specified by the PE build itself. Other than that, I like the Macrium backup utility very much, especially the user interface which is much superior to Paragon's IMO. (The less said about Acronis' latest misadventure, the better.) I've now purchased a full single Reflect Pro license for further experimenting since it's required for entry into Macrium's own forums.

Best regards,
Richard Virtue

#8 SIW2


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 12:03 AM

Hi Arvy,

Glad you asked that question.

Let's hope they suggest a way of turning off those behaviours.

Annoying to have to kill explorer to get the drives to show up properly after running reflect in pe.

#9 2aCD


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Posted 11 May 2012 - 10:00 PM

Hi friends,
I have update the Macrium script.
For better handling from reassign of driveletters I switch back the drive Y if it changed. Also screen resolution is switched back.

I hope it works now better.

best regards

#10 vigipirate



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Posted 12 May 2012 - 10:22 AM

tank you verry verry thank you for works

#11 2aCD


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Posted 02 May 2013 - 01:39 PM

Hi friends,

I have update the script with macrium-version 5.1.

For x86-Builds i have found a solution, that MacriumReflect no more switch screen-resolution to 1024, if it starts.


The program to assign driveletters in the latest Win7PESE-Project 2012_07_14 is changed from cdusb.exe to MountPEMedia.exe.

If MacriumReflect start from USB-Device, it reassigned driveletters, also Y->G. To switch back USB to Y: I used cdusb.exe. This is now chanched to MountPEMedia.exe. So is this script compatibel with latest Win7PESE-Project.


Have fun


#12 2aCD


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:59 PM

Hi friends,

the next update is online.

Now I have found a way to prevent reassign drive letters, no switch back drives is needed. Is set regkeys for driveletters of readonly if MacriumReflect start and set readwrite if it close. 

The better Explorer-Integration of Reflect 5.2 is now supported from the script and the message for select Keyboard layout you can surpress.


Have fun


#13 Atari800XL


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 05:30 AM

2aCD, this one's looking good, but I can't make it work (yet). Am I supposed to make the ini file (Variables_INI?) myself, or where can I get it? Also, where do I put 5.2.6314_reflect_setup_free_x86.exe? Thanks!

(Sorry if this was mentioned before...)

#14 2aCD


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 07:06 AM

Hi Atari800XL,


you need also the filecontainer script. The link you see under Requirements.

put both scripts to the same Directory, then it works


best regards


#15 Atari800XL


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 07:14 AM

2aCD, man, is my face red :blush:

I didn't realize there were two seperate files, and thought I had to download the setup exe myself (like with the Acronis scripts).

Sorry!, will test the script ASAP, looking forward to another masterpiece from you!

#16 2aCD


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 07:33 AM

No problem,

I have split the script, because it's something big and
this leaves the WinBuilder quickly

#17 Johnb175



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Posted 22 August 2013 - 03:26 AM

Just curious.  I have Macrium Reflect Professional.  How can I use this script but integrate my pro version that I purchased?  Is that even possible?

#18 2aCD


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Posted 22 August 2013 - 10:33 AM

I don't know if that possible. You can try it.


- in MacriumReflect_File.script set level=5 (now you see the file-script in winbuilder)

- in Attachments exist MacriumReflect_x86.7z

- if you extract the files, you see the programfiles, that are needed for the free version

- copy your programfiles in a temp folder and replace your reflect.exe with my patched version (I think ist the same in free and purchased)

- compress the files to MacriumReflect_x86.7z

- replace the attached MacriumReflect_x86.7z with yours

- and test


But for LiveProtection-service some additional registry Settings are needed.

#19 Mikka


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:25 PM

Johnb175, just out of curiosity, the Pro edition, does it fully support GPT?

Or may I also stick with the Free version in order to backup and restore a GPT partitioned disk (6 partitions)?


Usually I fancy Acronis' TI products, but unfortunately there seems to be some problems with GPT out of PE...

#20 2aCD


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 09:56 PM

Hi friends,


I have update script. Included Macrium-Version now 5.2 Build 6444 


Have fun


#21 scankurban



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Posted 27 April 2014 - 11:42 AM

Hi.Thank you for your work.I'm using aomei backkupper and macrium but macrium faster i think.So i decide to use two scripts with files in win7pese apps folder.If i select macrium script to build,Win7PE_SE stopping and unmounting wim in the middle of the process.

Simply copy reflect files still working but i want mount images too.

Still using Win7PESE_Builder v80.0.3.0.What should i do.Thanks.



Nevermind Win7PESE82 solve my problem good script :D

Edited by scankurban, 27 April 2014 - 06:02 PM.

#22 Rootman


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 08:02 PM

Anyone ever update this for the newest Reflect 5.3?


I've poked around at the container script and am not sure how to update manually.

#23 kvarkk



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Posted 01 October 2015 - 09:18 AM

Friends, I have updated the script with the latest Macrium version - 6.0.753.

Both x86 and x64 architectures are supported. You can download the script via this link.

#24 frpc

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Posted 03 April 2016 - 07:50 AM

Friends, I have updated the script with the latest Macrium version - 6.0.753.

Both x86 and x64 architectures are supported. You can download the script via this link.

Where do the Reflect program files get placed for use of this script?

#25 kvarkk



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Posted 03 April 2016 - 07:46 PM

Where do the Reflect program files get placed for use of this script?


Files are to be placed in the folder %targetdrive%\Programs\Macrium\Reflect for the x86 build and %targetdrive%\Programs\Macrium.x64\Reflect for the x64 one. Actually, you can update the Reflect app without rebuilding your project. Just place the latest Relect program files to the above mentioned folder and that's all.

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