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[project] NaughtyPE

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#1 MedEvil


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Posted 02 February 2008 - 01:56 AM

NaughtyPE - The Multimedia PE!


NaughtyPE is meant to be a portable EmergencyOS, to be carried around on a MiniCD and is therefore just 210MB in size, while it still features such cool things as sound and requires just 128MB RAM to operate, 256MB to use the video players.
For a plain build choose download level Recommended, if you'd like to debug NaughtyPE or one of it's apps, choose Complete. Download level Minimal is not supported.

The list of goodies includes:
- explorer as shell
- working sound
- mp3 player included
- video player included (actually 2 at the moment)
- internet radio included
- browser to surf the net and even watch youtube
- picture browser
- picture retouching programs
- CD/DVD burning software
- pdf reader
- a ton of fixing and emergency tools
- ....

How to use Quickscript:
Quick script is located in the Apps folder of NaughtyPE and it's use is rather trivial.
You simply navigate to an application that you wish to include in NaughtyPE, select the .exe and choose where you wish to create a shortcut to the named .exe.
Quickscript will then copy the folder, including the .exe and everything else that's in it, to NaughtyPE, using the foldername as name for the shortcut.

On the subject of drivers:
NaughtyPE comes with a full set of drivers for all virtual machines, as well as a set of drivers for the most common sound cards.
Since there is no such thing as common network cards. No network drivers, besides the ones for the VM, are included!!!

Because of the above, there's a simple way build into NaughtyPE to add own drivers for network, sound, ...
Put all drivers you wish to include into NaughtyPE into some folder. (Please note that the driver can not be an archive! i.e. you should have a bunch of files ending of inf,sys,dll and so on)
In WB go to NaughtyPE\Apps\Network\PENetwork. (Yes, sounds like it is for network only, but works for all drivers!)
Scroll down to "Add drivers from this directory (including subdirs):".
Browse to the "some" folder. :D

Server: naughtype.winbuilder.net

:thumbsup: Warning: NaughtyPE requires the use of WB080!!! You can find a suitable WB version inside NaughtyPE\Tools\WB Version
Other versions may or may not work as good, but are definitly not tested and therefore here not recommended!

Have fun!

:D :D

News: For some reason, during the last server move, some scripts have been replaced by older versions. Here are the latest files.
Download, unzip and replace the files in your NaughtyPE.

#2 MedEvil


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Posted 10 February 2008 - 06:03 PM

Uploaded a bugfix release.

Major changes:
- new CD-Opera version
- new XMPlay version
- new VLC version
- added WBversion.script (a script containing the version of WB, this project was tested with)
- removed ExplorerSpeedup.script since it is no longer necessary for browser file associations to work


PS: Since i hardly see here any complains, the project must be eighter error free or nobody uses it.
Can't believe it's error free! :D
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#3 TheHive


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Posted 11 February 2008 - 07:16 PM

You should consider using instead the one recommended by pHk Ninja from


That one works better it seems and looks it also.

#4 MedEvil


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Posted 11 February 2008 - 09:47 PM

Screamer wants to save to own folder, so one has to run it from ramdisk.
Fishradio reads and saves to wherever you want.


PS: Especialy the statement about the looks is wrong. :D

#5 carfan


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Posted 16 February 2008 - 06:08 PM


your project is unique in that vlc actually works. the only other project that i ve got it to work in is bartpecore.
what other scripts did you add to your project that are needed for vlc???


#6 MedEvil


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Posted 16 February 2008 - 07:55 PM


If your project already has sound, the VLC script should be all you need.
In naughtyPE, VLC depends on AudioXPE, XPE-AIO, UniVBE and depending on your settings on USB-Support.


#7 MedEvil


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 02:11 PM

QuickScript (How to)
Simply use the file box to select the desired executable and check the boxes for the links you want created.
Quickscript will then copy the folder containing the exe to 'programFiles' and created the requested shortcuts.


#8 MedEvil


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Posted 05 March 2008 - 02:41 PM

Some people reported an annoyance with VLC, a message box popping up complaining about a missing dll.
This problem is not caused by the script, but by a bug in VLC itself.
Instead of loading the configuration first and then only the needed dll, VLC loads the dll it usually needs and then uses only the ones specified in the configuration file. That'S why after clicking the messages away, VLC works flawless.
I hoped to solve this problem by including the plugin cache file into the script, which get's processed like the configuration file should.
Unfortunately, this will only work if you have a german source too, else the absolute paths in the cache will not be correct anymore and the cache file is not used for startup.

At the moment the only solution i see, is to include the 'missing' dll, eventhough it is not used. :(

For doing this, you do not need to redownload anything, just enable the OpenGL checkbox on the XPE-AIO script.


#9 MedEvil


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Posted 05 March 2008 - 07:01 PM

Updated NaughtyPE.

- FishRadio now German/English
- XPE-AIO script OpenGL selected by default to fix the VLC message box
- Removed ForceGuest from Explorer Tweaks and Settings
- Updated FindOnClick with Galapos newest version, should now work fine from ro media as well.


#10 MedEvil


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Posted 12 March 2008 - 10:16 PM

Small Bugfix Update.

Changed the USB-Support script, the previous one had problems with Hotplug.


#11 MedEvil


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Posted 02 April 2008 - 10:36 PM

NaughtyPE has now a new server: NaughtyPE.winbuilder.net

Took the chance and fixed a few glitches.


#12 Rashed

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Posted 28 April 2008 - 05:21 PM

MedEvil: bro i just tried ur naughtype and i must say its awesome. only 1 thing it lacks is good sound driver. it doesnt provide sound driver for my pc. my pc got realtek high definition sound card builtin. is it possible to add this driver?? as many of recent board are using this builtin souncard. cheerz bro.

#13 MedEvil


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Posted 28 April 2008 - 11:36 PM

Before me going into writing a script for a driver that i can not test, let's try it the simple way.
There are already 2 ways included with naughtyPE to add own drivers.
- naughtyPE\Drivers\Audio XPE - "Add extra Drivers to %ScriptDir%\drivers"
- naughtyPE\Apps\Network\PENetwork - "Add drivers from this directory (including subdirs):" (Though this wasn't meant for Audio drivers, but should still work.)

In both cases the driver has to be already expanded! (You need to have a folder with a bunch of files, instead of a setup.exe)

Let me know, how it goes. :lol:

#14 Rashed

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Posted 29 April 2008 - 06:41 AM

MedEvil: i have already tried this. I copied the driver files with Double Driver option and created the folder with bunch of files then created the project. but it dint work.

#15 MedEvil


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Posted 29 April 2008 - 12:57 PM

MedEvil: i have already tried this. I copied the driver files with Double Driver option and created the folder with bunch of files then created the project. but it dint work.

Don't use Double Driver it's not reliable.
Get the driver from your manufacturers homepage or from you Install CD. If it is still packed, try unpacking them. (If you have problems with that, post back.)
Now add the driver folder by one of the described ways to NaughtyPE.


#16 MedEvil


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Posted 29 April 2008 - 02:23 PM

@Rashed most drivers require just the sys and the inf files to work.
Since the mentioned 2 methodes didn't work for you, it's highly likely that your driver is more complicated and may ever require some system files or services that are not included.


#17 MedEvil


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 11:06 PM

For weeks i was wondering, how could i possibly make NaughtyPE any cooler, than it already is? :lol:
:thumbup: How about a Windows folder, actually called Windows? :thumbup:

Other news include:
- a fix, for the last time fixed VLC script :thumbup:
- augmented the VLC script with file association, for at least the most common video file types
- included as a second video player choice MPlayer (script by Amalux)
- augmented the MPlayer script also with the same file association as VLC
- included the new and improved SetResolution script :thumbup: (Thanks Galapo!)
- included new script 'medevil my PE' :thumbup:


MPlayer is a video player, that's a bit easier on the resources than VLC. And though it does not support, to my knowledge, as many file types as VLC, it's still highly unlikely that you will run into anything MPlayer can't handle.

SetResolution supports now hotkeys, to change the resolution and color depth on the fly, as well as a hotkey to start the taskmanager.


PS: Because it happend before. The server is: naughtype.winbuilder.net

#18 Galapo


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 11:22 PM

How about a Windows folder, actually called Windows?

Interesting! Will have to take a peek at what you've done.


#19 Galapo


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Posted 14 May 2008 - 03:49 AM

Just downloaded the project and notice a few scripts are out-of-date:

WB Manager
Verify Project
Build Model
Copy and Expand files
Driver Signing



#20 TheHive


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Posted 14 May 2008 - 07:11 AM

- included new script 'medevil my PE'

lol! Windows

i386 is still resident in the build, but only has three files.

Thanks for the updates.

#21 MedEvil


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Posted 14 May 2008 - 09:53 AM

i386 is still resident in the build, but only has three files.

Never said there wouldn't. :lol: Just that Windows can now run from a folder called Windows. :thumbup:

btw. If you really hate it, use BootSDI and there will be no more 1386 folder in your drive X:.


PS: If you happen to have an idea how to hide the i386 folder, i'm all ears.

#22 MedEvil


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Posted 14 May 2008 - 10:06 AM

Just downloaded the project and notice a few scripts are out-of-date:

WB Manager
Verify Project
Build Model
Copy and Expand files
Driver Signing



Thanks for the list Galapo, but this is not a bug, it's a feature! :lol:
NaughtyPE is not LiveXP. It's main intend is not to be up to date with the newest gadgets, but to be stable. And therefore i employ, for NaughtyPE, the old handyman rule, if it isn't broken, don't fix it! :thumbup:
Next update of system scripts will happen when NaughtyPE switches to WB076.


#23 Galapo


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Posted 14 May 2008 - 10:19 AM

Thanks for the list Galapo, but this is not a bug, it's a feature! :lol:

Sorry, I wasn't at all trying to suggest a bug -- just giving an idea of what could be added if you were in the process of updating things. A couple of the scripts below do have bugs, though, I think from memory. Program scripts are mainly just updates.


#24 MedEvil


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Posted 14 May 2008 - 10:31 AM

Sorry, I wasn't at all trying to suggest a bug

Nothing to be sorry for. Please read smileys too!

A couple of the scripts below do have bugs, though

So far i didn't discover any, nor did anyone report one to me.
Anything that you'd remember from the top of your head?


#25 Galapo


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Posted 14 May 2008 - 10:47 AM

HoJoPE and Build Model had issues with spaces (or was it numbers?) in the path I think. WB Manager had something happening with it too. Peter will know better, of course.


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