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#1 allanf


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 02:16 AM

UPDATE: 1 Nov 2009

Temporarily, the last version, pe21.003g can be downloaded as a zip package including Winbuilder 076 from here:

Thanks to paraglider.

Also see the relevent posts:

An earlier version, pe21.003d can be downloaded from here:

Thanks to wimb for the upload, and for the inspiration to rekindle this project!

ATM, links to pe2.winbuilder.net point to wrong files, or are simply not working. Therefore, DO NOT USE Winbuilder's Download Center for this project.



UPDATE: 8 Apr 2009


A new version compatible with XP and Win7 beta - pe21.003g! (gamma is the third letter. oh well!)

Added to the Programs Selection List:

wincontig Defragmenter

* Double Commander File Manager (has a small error when starting.)

New Users. Download the .zip, extract it, double-click winbuilder.exe and press 'Play'! ... :poke: ...

.zip Package including WinBuilder 076

Old Users. Winbuilder's Download Center - pe2.winbuilder.net

More Credits added:
Credits=www.boot-land.net Community, Nightman for VistaPE, damian666 for the Wallpaper, Filip Hasa for x64, wimb for U_XP_SET, Holger for PENetwork, TheHive for the sheep, nikzzzz for cmd tips, ludovici for the Thanks, jaclaz and script-writers everywhere, all the Open Source and Free Program Developers, Microsoft and Nuno Brito.

Thanks :poke:


UPDATE: 15 Mar 2009

... a delta. Actually should be alpha 1, alpha 2, alpha 3, etc. because not everything has been tested. Anyway, 'delta' it is! What's next? gamma or epsilon?

Added to the Program Selection Menu:
wimb's U_XP_SET Install from USB
Holger's PENetwork GUI Configuration
lee's ViSplore Amazing Explorer (Thanks to Medevil)
Don Ho's Notepad++ Source Editor (with Context Menu, total notepad.exe Replacement, and Explorer and Hex Editor extra Plugins)
Thomas Kolb's jkDefragStarter GUI. (@Filip - x86 and x64 - No more PA.com! ... :) ...)

Enabled BGInfo and damian666's Random Wallpaper in the xoblite and bbLean Shells

Slightly modified bbLean's menu

Moved a lot of Registry Settings from Build-time to Boot-time

The Selected File-Manager and Web-Browser are automatically added to emergeDesktop's Launcher

And a few other things ... :poke: ...

New Users. Install WAIK 1.1 (release for Vista SP1). Download the following .zip, and extract it to a path without spaces. Double-click Winbuilder.exe and Press 'PLAY'! ... :poke: ...


Old Users. Use Winbuilder's Download Center - pe2.winbuilder.net

EDIT: Forgot to mention that emergeDesktop Development Shell was added for x86 and x64 PEs.

UPDATE: 28 Feb 2009

... a beta. Includes Language Pack installation from the 'winpe_langpacks\' folder supplied on the Windows AIK DVD. startnet.cmd is now started at boot-time by a RunOnce entry in the WinPE registry - avoids the bbLean bug of starting startup-folder items twice in Vista.


Install Windows AIK v.1.1, download the .zip and extract to a path with no spaces. Double-click Winbuilder.exe, be online and press 'Play'. The .iso will be found at <Winbuillder Base Directory>\ISO\pe21.iso'.

Also included in the .zip is the pePA.com Project for PortableApps.com®.

Now online in Winbuilder's Download Center.


A new series for pe21 and a new thread. Revamped GUI and compliant with Winbuilder 076.

(For the earlier series, and some useful info see this thread)

The project should be able to create a PE for 64-bit Computers, but I have no way of testing this. Apparently, I have a 32-bit Computer. However, I have taken the back off a few times, and I reckon that there would be at least a hundred bits. I assume they don't count the little screws. Does anyone know?

Here's an alpha which includes Winbuilder 076:


Extract it to a path without spaces. The 'Source' path is the '...\Windows AIK\' folder. WAIK 1.1 (Vista SP1) must be installed. You must be online to download your selected Programs, which are then stored in a '...\Projects\pe2ArchiveDir\' folder so that there is no need for a download the next time one of the Programs is selected.

A vb script is used to create shortcuts at build-time for executables in known locations - like notepad, regedit, wpeutil, etc. Your Anti-virus will probable want to block it, in which case Winbuilder may stop. I'll try to fix it for the next version so that the shortcuts are created at boot-time instead. It was a compomise between build time and boot time.

Here's a log of a build starting from scratch with everything included. A little over 13 minutes to the final .iso - '...\Winbuilder\ISO\pe21.iso'. EDIT: That time does not include download time, because all the Programs are already in my 'pe2ArchiveDir'.


Credits=The Hive for the sheep, Nightman for VistaPE, Damian666 for the Wallpaper, Filip Hasa for x64, jaclaz and script-writers everywhere, all the Open Source and Free Program Developers, Microsoft and Nuno Brito.


#2 Filip Hasa

Filip Hasa

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 09:08 AM

hi allanf,

grate work. I will test it for x64.

#3 allanf


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 09:47 AM

I will test it for x64.

Excellent. I hope it's not too buggy.

Do you think some x86 programs do also work on x64? I wonder because I saw this:

notepad++ official site

Explorer context menu entry (right click)

One of the most demanded features is open from Explorer Context Menu Entry (right click)....

For the x64 OS (xp and vista) users, you can use nppCM 64 bits thanks to Harry B.. Download nppCM 64 bits source if you want to build your binary.

... but no mention at all that notepad++ was also for x64. :poke:

You know that I know absolutely nothing about 64-bit.

ATM, "The Full Suite x86 or x64" will install the full list of programs - those we have done for x64/x86 plus the others for x86 only. If you think it's better to have only the x86/x64 programs when building x64 PE, it will not be difficult to change the script.

Regards :poke:

#4 Filip Hasa

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 12:54 PM

Do you think some x86 programs do also work on x64?

No, it is possiable. Some guy wanted it do run 32bit programs on 64bit live windows XP but without sussces.

you can recognize program which can run in pure 64bit system by this tool: tool
some pictures of this tool: pics

you can use this editor EmEditor

next time i will sand you links/script with 64bit software

I think it better to have same list for x86 and amd64. Then you don't need stars;o)

#5 allanf


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Posted 12 February 2009 - 07:24 AM

you can recognize program which can run in pure 64bit system by this tool: tool

Thanks for the tool.

you can use this editor EmEditor

I would prefer freeware and Open Source, like notepad++. I wait for your list.

I think it better to have same list for x86 and amd64. Then you don't need stars;o)

OK... hmmm... No. I need my favourites! Some are not x64. Ghost? Testdisk? What to do?


PS. Found 2 Bugs so far.

1. EmergeLauncher when NOT 'Programs from RAM'. I have kept a space for FAR Manager in the QuickLaunch, which causes the Launcher to fail after it tries to search for FAR on external media. Hopefully FAR 2.0 x86 and x64 will be available soon.

2. For cmd Shell: Set Path to .exe files instead of create shortcut. The Directory for the WAIK Tools has changed from 'PE Tools' to simply 'Tools'. I forgot to amend the script, and the Set Path fails for the WAIK Tools.

... more to come I think!

#6 Filip Hasa

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 08:55 AM

ok ;o)

editor like notepad++ is notepad2
x86: http://www.flos-free...ip/notepad2.zip
x64: http://notepad2-x64....0.20-x86-64.zip

it true that some programs will not be x64 and will be favorite ;o)

now i plan create amd64 plugin for installing MSI packages, i hope that registry is almost same on amd64 like on x86

please can you send PM with your mail i will sand you my script, there are in development faze here is my list of plugins:

02/02/2009 01:55 PM 1,359 abcommander.script
02/04/2009 12:05 PM 1,311,688 depends.script
02/04/2009 12:05 PM 445,279 emulex.script
02/02/2009 04:24 PM 1,700,822 Firefox.script
02/04/2009 12:05 PM 977,761 graphedit.script
02/04/2009 12:15 PM 1,716 infrarecorder.script
02/02/2009 04:24 PM 1,190,450 JkDefrag.script
02/04/2009 12:05 PM 189,079 MBRWiz.script
02/02/2009 04:25 PM 1,691 mplayer.script
02/02/2009 04:25 PM 1,344 notepad2.script
02/04/2009 12:05 PM 1,157 registryworkshop.script
02/04/2009 12:05 PM 977,298 setresolution.script
02/04/2009 09:29 AM 9,660,653 SpeedCommander.script
02/02/2009 04:19 PM 5,646,827 sysinternals.script
02/02/2009 04:41 PM 1,701,305 thunderbird.script
02/04/2009 12:15 PM 1,597 turboIRC7.script
02/04/2009 10:51 AM 1,586 uAMP.script
02/02/2009 04:44 PM 1,641 UltraDefrag.script
02/02/2009 04:45 PM 1,490 virtualbox.script
02/02/2009 04:45 PM 1,571 winsnap.script
and far

I still have problem with side-by-side applications. a lot of programs need this. temporary solution is create manifest in directory.

I will have vacations during next week. I am afraid I can test it in March ;o(

my source pages are: http://www.start64.com http://www.portable64.com/ http://www.64xsoft.com/

see ya

#7 allanf


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Posted 12 February 2009 - 10:37 AM

now i plan create amd64 plugin for installing MSI packages, i hope that registry is almost same on amd64 like on x86

Yes. After your post in the VistaPE Forum, I tried to install latest Windows Installer redistributable .msu file => requires wusa.exe => requires msi 2.0 or later => Windows Installer 3.1 requires XP! I almost installed 3.1. Error message from expand.exe: not enough storage space?

Can you make your scripts smaller? Remove Attachnents?


#8 Filip Hasa

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 11:44 AM

Yes. After your post in the VistaPE Forum, I tried to install latest Windows Installer redistributable .msu file => requires wusa.exe => requires msi 2.0 or later => Windows Installer 3.1 requires XP! I almost installed 3.1. Error message from expand.exe: not enough storage space?

which post do you think? you can increase size of ram disk for x:
and you can install Windows Installer 4.5 it is for vista. how about this? :poke:

Can you make your scripts smaller? Remove Attachments?

yes, i can it is planned.

#9 allanf


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Posted 12 February 2009 - 12:32 PM

I think your post in VistaPE Forum - you wanted to install vc redistributable .msi

Windows Installer 4.5 is .msu (x86 and x64). It requires wusa.exe which is not present in WinPE 2.1.

It may be possible to install 4.5 to offline mounted winpe with package manager pkgmgr, but I don't think so. It is not possible with peimg.

Windows Installer 3.1 is .exe, (no x64 ... only update and both XP/serv03), but cannot install - even with 512MB FBWF.

I can try a different method. Any more ideas?


#10 Filip Hasa

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 02:30 PM

It may be possible to install 4.5 to offline mounted winpe with package manager pkgmgr, but I don't think so. It is not possible with peimg.

i hope. ;o)

I can try a different method. Any more ideas?

qnxmaxqnx gave mi tip on his own tutorial but it is only for x86

#11 yun



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Posted 14 February 2009 - 02:33 AM

tnx for your project! :poke:
i have error on last process. this's error: "Run - Failed to find section: [Commit_pe2] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\pe21.003a\script.project]"
anyone like me?

#12 allanf


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Posted 14 February 2009 - 03:57 AM

tnx for your project! :poke:

You are very welcome, yun.

You have a very significant error. I cannot reproduce it.

My steps:
1. Download pe21.003a.zip... (actually, I use the same .zip that I have uploaded.)
2. Extract files to a new directory: mine is 'c:\winbuilderdev\', but '<drive>\pe21.003a\' or any other without spaces should be OK.
3. Run the Project as is - no changes in the Winbuilder Interface nor in the left-side ScriptsTree. (My 'Source Directory' is the pre-defined - as an example - 'c:\Program Files\Windows AIK' without quotes.)
4. Click 'Play'.
5. I note that the project's .zip download is set up so that BGInfo and damian666's Random Wallpaper are pre-selected. As is the option to automatically run wpeinit at boot-time, and emergeDesktop is selected as the Shell. While the Project is running, I see downloads for BGInfo Plugins and WallCmd and emergeDesktop.
6. The project continues to completion. The [Commit_pe2] section in 'script.project' performs the following:
a. 'peimg /prep' removes unrequired staged packages.
b. 'imagex /unmount /commit' commits changes to the winpe.wim:1 mounted in %TargetDir%, and unmounts the image.
c. 'imagex /export' exports the winpe.wim to boot.wim in the '<Winbuilder Base>\Temp\pe2\ISO\sources\' folder.
d. 'oscdimg.cmd' - is written during the first build to insert your PATHs. For me it executes:
oscdimg.exe -n -b"C:\WinbuilderDev\Temp\pe2\ISO\boot\etfsboot.com" "C:\WinbuilderDev\Temp\pe2\ISO" "C:\WinbuilderDev\ISO\pe21.iso"
... to create the .iso file. (Note that the .cmd files are not re-written for every build. Therefore, the PATHs are fixed, and the Project cannot be moved from it's original location... another bug I think!)

Apart from the fact, that you cannot successfully complete the Project, the concern for me at the moment is step 6.b - your .wim is not being unmounted. This may cause some difficulties with your host system - depending on your OS and programs you may have running. To unmount manually, you need to enter the cmd - "Start>All Programs>Microsoft Windows AIK>Windows PE Tools Command Prompt". Type in:

imagex /unmount c&#58;\Winbuilderdev\Target\pe21
(replace 'c:\Winbuilderdev' with your own Winbuilder Base folder)

Alternatively, if you are more advanced, and Winbuilder stops right before the [Commit_pe] Section, you can manually carry out the steps in 6. above to complete the Project...

Maybe a full log can reveal the source of your error.

Thanks for your response. ... :poke: ...

#13 allanf


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Posted 14 February 2009 - 05:02 AM

i hope. ;o)

Grrrr! I hate pkgmgr - pathetic pop-up help screen, useless log, few error messages ... :poke: ...

Even the following is simply wrong:

:poke: ...

I give up on pkgmgr, and look forward to dism.

qnxmaxqnx gave mi tip on his own tutorial but it is only for x86

I think it's possible to follow the lead of Max_Real Qnx ... :poke: ... - with the exception that the msi files not be attached/redistributed. The script should download the new redistributable (x86 or x64), and expand/extract the files. At boot-time startup, register the dll files using startnet.cmd. I don't understand the need for InstallShield files. Are they necessary?

It's just an idea. Can you do it?


#14 yun



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Posted 16 February 2009 - 03:05 AM

ah more detail from my post error:
i didn't change anything. i just only check some script and click button Play. but in process had a error before my post error.
it ran "Unzip_Script.vbs" fail. and went to not finish process at section "Commit_pe2"

#15 allanf


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Posted 16 February 2009 - 03:33 AM

... i just only check some script ...

Can you tell me which programs you selected, so I can download copies and test them?

it ran "Unzip_Script.vbs" fail.

This can happen if the project is run once then moved to a different directory. You can delete:
and run the project again.

Can you post a log.html? After the project has stopped, click 'Log' Tab (if not already in that Tab), click 'Save as log.html' button, close the WebBrowser window/tab if it opens, in explorer goto Winbuilder Base Directory (for me 'c:\pe21.003a\...', select log.html and compress/archive it with an archiver program like 7-zip. Attach it to a post.

I will try to reproduce your error, but I need even more details.


#16 yun



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Posted 16 February 2009 - 03:52 AM

i check all program except Gimagex GUi, Opera, FreeCommander, Xammp, Kompozer, FastStone Capture, ExamDiff, mkimg tool and check all config except Program Files in Ram, Windows Tools and Package check all, FBWF=128.
it run unzip_script complete. but section "commit_pe2" not finish.
i attach my log.
tnx for support! :poke:

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#17 allanf


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Posted 16 February 2009 - 04:58 AM


Thanks for the log. You present a very perplexing puzzle. :poke:

The solution is not apparent to me ATM.

I can think of nothing else to try except amending the scripts.

In a text editor open ...\pe21.003a\scripts.project and change the only instance of 'commit_pe2' to something more unique like 'c_mmit_pe2'. Open ...\pe21.script and change the only instance of 'commit_pe2' to the same as the other script. Save and close the scripts and try again.

I hope you don't mind doing this. Please let me know what happens.


#18 yun



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Posted 16 February 2009 - 05:39 AM


Thanks for the log. You present a very perplexing puzzle. :poke:

The solution is not apparent to me ATM.

I can think of nothing else to try except amending the scripts.

In a text editor open ...\pe21.003a\scripts.project and change the only instance of 'commit_pe2' to something more unique like 'c_mmit_pe2'. Open ...\pe21.script and change the only instance of 'commit_pe2' to the same as the other script. Save and close the scripts and try again.

I hope you don't mind doing this. Please let me know what happens.


oh very sorry! it's too hard to take ur free time. :poke:
i delete command "commit_pe2" before bcos i want to copy pe (target) to usb so i delete command i haven't look clearly in "commit_pe2".
i just only want to del /unmount and i'm going to last process again.

#19 allanf


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Posted 16 February 2009 - 06:34 AM

:poke: ... I'm happy the mystery is solved!

Maybe you can write a script to copy to USB for Vista users.


#20 yun



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Posted 16 February 2009 - 07:03 AM

success but iso file cant run in virtualbox.
Windows failed to start!
Info: The boot selection failed bcos a required device is inaccessible!

#21 allanf


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Posted 16 February 2009 - 07:13 AM

success but iso file cant run in virtualbox.
Windows failed to start!
Info: The boot selection failed bcos a required device is inaccessible!

Full log please. :poke:

... something wrong creating boot.wim I think.


#22 yun



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Posted 16 February 2009 - 08:37 AM

Full log please. :poke:

... something wrong creating boot.wim I think.


Here :poke:

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#23 allanf


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Posted 16 February 2009 - 09:50 AM

Here :poke:

Are you trying to modify the project again. I wouldn't like you to portray your bugs as my bugs a second time.


#24 Filip Hasa

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Posted 21 February 2009 - 09:16 PM

It's just an idea. Can you do it?

I thought in same way but problem is I don't know how to get information from MSI about registry changes.

I will use plugin from qnxmaxqnx anyway to report. It don't work.

I am back from vacation I will test next week.

#25 allanf


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Posted 21 February 2009 - 09:58 PM

I am back from vacation I will test next week.

I trust you had a pleasant vacation... seems to have been too short. :poke:

The InstallSheild can be installed in running PE for x86 (x64?).

From Max_Real Qnx:

Hi :poke:

Please copy files %InstallSRC%\msi.dll, msiexec.exe, msihnd.dll, msimsg.dll and msisip.dll to %Windir%\system32\

and run this commands on the cmd.exe

msiexec.exe /regserver - this is option import settings to registry.
msiexec.exe /V - this is option make run service

Please you are download these files and set[up], later try again

InstallShield ®

InstallShield ® Setup Engine

I'll try it.


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