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If you were the Author ...

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Poll: If you were the Author ... (15 member(s) have cast votes)

... how would you call the new Winbuilder?

  1. Billy-Bob or Billy-Bob Builder (shortened to BBB) (3 votes [20.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 20.00%

  2. Winbuilder Next Generation (WinbuilderNG) (3 votes [20.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 20.00%

  3. Winbuilder Java Edition (WinbuilderJE) (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  4. Winbuilder Mark II (1 votes [6.67%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.67%

  5. Winbuilder (no need to change it's name to distinguish it from the earlier version) (5 votes [33.33%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 33.33%

  6. The unnamed thing (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  7. Other (please specify) (3 votes [20.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 20.00%

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#1 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 09:17 AM

Let's see what the Forum members think about the matter.


Please understand how the present poll is completely UNofficial and definitely UNauthorized.




#2 DarkPhoeniX


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 09:39 AM


#3 paraglider


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 11:59 AM


#4 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 12:17 PM


Perfect :frusty:




name (nm)
1. A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others.






#5 MedEvil


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 12:25 PM

I think this was meant as a joke, Billy-Bob.
I'm sure paraglider knows the jBuilder.


#6 MedEvil


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 12:31 PM

PS: Winbuilder-rebooted as Nuno suggested. :devil:


#7 Brito


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 12:40 PM

Nuno suggests "Winbuilder".

Winbuilder is distinguishable through version numbers.

For the past three years or so we had only the 082 release officially available, now we are changing to a version system based on date of release to ease keeping track of when it was released.

For example, the version compiled yesterday is known as 2013.05.02

If you pick on a project meant to run with wb 049 it won't work with version 082. Same thing nowadays, projects for wb 2013 are not meant to be supported on wb 082 nor vice-versa.

Best effort applies to preserve some compatibility. On this case, three years have passed since changes on the script engine were frozen and now changes are being applied. It is possible to introduce compatibility with old scripts, let's how many people here will volunteer for this task if there is real interest to proceed.


#8 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 02:23 PM

Nuno suggests "Winbuilder".
And not only this is perfectly fine, it also needs NOT any explanation.

The point being that the poll is (obviously) reserved to anyone that is NOT the Author.
That's the idea of the "If you were ....would" it doesn't mean "Since you are ....", it is called hypothetical/conditional sentence, it simply doesn't apply if you are already for sure the Author.

In a perfect world you should delete your vote.


#9 Brito


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 02:39 PM

Well, MedEvil invited the devil to this house when invoking his name. :cheers:

#10 Tripredacus


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 03:42 PM

Winbuilder 8.1 (Winbuilder 6.3 SP2)

#11 TheHive


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 12:05 AM

WinbuilderNG, has a nice ring to it.  Sounds like Winbuilder Engine. Might purr like a cat or dog. It will depend on how you build it. :eek:

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#12 Voltaire



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 02:57 AM

Other - as it is UNofficial naming - how about WinbuilderUN (Un-named). :loleverybody:

#13 DarkPhoeniX


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 01:53 PM

Seems that "Winbuilder" wins the race so far

And i like the idea of date ver. over number ver.

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#14 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 04 May 2013 - 03:00 PM

Seems that "Winbuilder" wins the race so far
And i like the idea of date ver. over number ver.

To me it seems like out of 55,948 only 13 members voted, which confirms how high is the interest for the matter in the Community :whistling:, BUT also that out of the 13 people that have an opinion on the matter and expressed it in this poll 9 want to have the completely new, not backwards-compatible, script engine named *something* different from "Winbuilder".

Which nicely confirms how the idea of keeping it's name the same is considered foolish by the majority of those that voted.  :smiling9:

In the tradition of the board this poll won't make any difference whatsoever, the decision to keep the "Winbuilder" name anyway, and no matter what, for the new version has been already taken by the Author long before this poll was started.


When you fight against windmills, there are a few rules to follow:

  1. you should know from the beginning that the fight is completely futile and will bring no result whatsoever
  2. nonetheless you should fight as if it was possible to change something
  3. once a fight is started, it should be fought, bravely and to the end
  4. you don't talk about fighting windmills *oops*   :w00t: this was #1 and #2  :blush:







Just for the record, out of the current 5 votes in  favour of using the Winbuilder name to the completely new script engine, two must be detracted, as one corresponds to Nuno (which is abusively voting in this poll BUT that was "mentioned" by Medevil - which at least is a form of excuse :dubbio:) and one to pscEx (which noone mentioned and thus cannot even use the flimsy excuse that Nuno used :whistling:).

AND we need to add a vote to the "Others" since Medevil, besides providing the base for Nuno's lame excuse, additionally did not vote at all in the poll... :frusty:

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#15 pscEx


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 05:02 PM

Some general considerations about "who and when creates polls".


I remember some remarkable time ago, that a member Jaclaz decided to change his name to "Wonko the Sane".

Just a question to Jaclaz / Wonko the Sane:


How would the reaction have been, when Billy-Bob from the community would have created a poll, asking members to vote for a different new name?


Is the situation now different?


IMO it is not.

One "Owner" of a name / product / ??? decided for a (not new) name for his product.


Peter :smart:

#16 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 04 May 2013 - 05:37 PM

Is the situation now different?

Yes, it is, for two reasons:

I would have NOT voted in that poll.


And the poll you described is VERY different from this one, as said this is not about asking members their opinion on using an appropriate name for a new tool instead of re-using the old one (or for their opinion on the name that the new character born from the ashes of jaclaz should have assumed).


We all know that the Authors (and this is perfectly within their rights :thumbup:, BTW) already took this decision and that this won' t change.


The fact that a decision has been taken (and that won't be changed) doesn't in any way prevent from asking what other people would have done IF they were the Author.


If you want :unsure: we can start a similar poll for my nick, even now, given that it was jaclaz and that it has already become Wonko the Sane because jaclaz needed to change his online character on boot-land reboot.pro (and that there are REASONS for this) and that this WILL NOT be changed, NO MATTER the results of the poll:



IF you were jaclaz, and you had to change your nick because you are going to play another character, which nick would you use? 




#17 pscEx


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 06:08 PM

Yes, it is, for two reasons:

I would have NOT voted in that poll.


And when you created the poll, your magic crystal ball told you that the author of the item in question would vote.


Sorry, I do not intend to discuss with magicians or aliens.



#18 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 04 May 2013 - 06:17 PM

And when you created the poll, your magic crystal ball told you that the author of the item in question would vote.
No, in this case I didn't need my faithful :) (though often out of tune :() crystal ball.
I am familiar enough with the "main characters" on the board to know for sure how some would post before having fully read and understood the poll, this is experience/psychological analysis rather than merely looking into the crystal ball.... :smiling9:
Sorry, I do not intend to discuss with magicians or aliens.
That's a pity :dubbio:, often magicians and aliens have a much wider view on things (better perspective) and tend to have interesting - though often "queer" :w00t: - ideas.


#19 MedEvil


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 09:41 PM

IF you were jaclaz, and you had to change your nick because you are going to play another character, which nick would you use?
If i were jaclaz, i would choose "Nuno Brito".
If you can't see the perks, better stay jaclaz. :lol:

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#20 mikeserv



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Posted 05 May 2013 - 04:07 AM

This thread apparently has nothing to do with rebooting whatsoever. 

#21 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 09:55 AM

This thread apparently has nothing to do with rebooting whatsoever. 

Wow, exceptionally acute observation.


It's very good to have a new member that sums up threads for the masses:




Continue the good work! :)




#22 mikeserv



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Posted 05 May 2013 - 10:56 AM

Update: still nothing.

#23 DarkPhoeniX


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 05:20 AM

Here is a observation
mikeserv has a other account on this forum

:cheerleader: :cheerleader:


Cause it seems for the short time that mikeserv is here
he dose NOT do what a noob would ,ask something...
Instead he attacks users with the same intensity as a well known User
And always seems to jump into action when some help is needed by sed user



And here is something about rebooting:




:clap: :clap: :clap:

#24 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 06 May 2013 - 06:52 AM

Here is a observation
mikeserv has a other account on this forum

How do you know? :dubbio:




#25 Brito


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 09:00 AM

mikeserv has a other account on this forum



Strong claim. might be true but I find no evidence of this scenario (I checked from the admin logs and writing style). What would be the well-known reboot member that is using a different account? (you're welcome to pm privately to me and Wonko if you don't want to disclose this detail publicly).


Also, I wouldn't immediately co-relate that a member with few posts is a person that just asks questions on the beginning (albeit this is of course the frequent situation). We have members with scarce number of posts and outstanding participation on each writing.



From what I see, mikeserv is a genuine user that simply disagrees with some contributions from MedEvil and Wonko. As long as this disagreement is expressed in a polite manner, I don't see a problem. On this board we value a productive argumentation between opposing views, one has to know how to place emotions aside to defend arguments with logic and facts in the public square.   :)


If you survive here, you increase your survival skills in real-world debates.  :lol:


Heck, I have my own share of disagreement with these two members but feel that this kind of raised issues is a good opportunity to reflect on what is being done. I'd rather have a good debate than plain silence and no feedback on what can be improved (or not).



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