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Ramdisk from boot and formated ?

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#1 arfgh



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Posted 14 November 2009 - 01:56 AM


i am very new using the ImDisk. But i saw how to configure the driver from the registry to get certain values to start a ramdisk on the windows xp boot time.

But now the problem is that i dont see any way to configure the same but with a "ready to use" ramdisk formated on the boot time.

I ask for this because i want to have a ramdisk not backed up from the image just to be non persistent.

thx ahead

#2 arfgh



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 04:34 PM

nobody knows how to do this ?

i hope that exists some way to do it, because otherwise we cant start a non persistent ramdisk on the windows boot time with the use of ImDisk.

For this i am using other ramdisk at the moment, but i wanted to do all with the use of Imdisk.

please help

#3 was_jaclaz



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 04:42 PM

nobody knows how to do this ?

Yes/No. :drunk:

Have you considered that maybe your questions/requests are not clear/detailed enough, and that THAT is the reason why noone answers you? :)

WHAT other ramdisk are you using at the moment?

HOW are you using it?

Just a wild guess on my side, but are you talking about something similar to this? ;):



#4 arfgh



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 04:54 PM

yes, for the non persistent ramdisk on boot i am using the Qsoft Ramdisk.
This software is able to perform a ready to use ramdisk and non persistent.
But i cant see a way to do the same with ImDisk...

#5 was_jaclaz



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 05:46 PM

But i cant see a way to do the same with ImDisk...

The given thread is HOW to replace "normal" BartPE ramdisk with IMDISK.

Isn't ramdisk.cmd what you need?

And imdisk.txt a reference for it?


#6 arfgh



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 05:59 PM

sorry but i dont understand

#7 was_jaclaz



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 06:07 PM

sorry but i dont understand

Which makes a nice, rounded two of us not understanding....:drunk:

Have you read the given thread? :)

If not, read it! ;)

You will find inside CODEBOXes a snippet called ramdisk.cmd and another one called imdisk.txt.

From what (very little ;) ) I can understand of your question, they should be the answer.

If not, try expanding on your requisites/requirements, detail HOW you are currently using the Qsoft ramdisk, try posting something to explain the problem.



#8 arfgh



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 07:10 PM

yes but see the fact that i am notenglish and this thread is not understandable for me.
What i must to do with this cmd file ?

see also teh fact that i want to start the ramdisk on the xp boot time, but must be formated too to be ready to use for the pagefile...

#9 was_jaclaz



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 07:43 PM

yes but see the fact that i am notenglish and this thread is not understandable for me.

That's allright :), I am not English as well, and I cannot understand you as well. :drunk:

We are at a standstill (or STOP).

You don't understand me, I don't understand you. ;)

Do you understand the following?:
Please post some details (actual command lines, registry entries, whatever) you are NOW using with QSOFT ramdisk and that is working for whatever you are trying to do.

Maybe, from that one can understand what you are doing NOW and provide a "translation" to do the SAME thing with imdisk. ;)

Which is your NATIVE language? ;)

Spanish? :)

If yes, start a new thread here:

In any case start a new thread here in the appropriate section:
corresponding to your NATIVE language.

This is an International board where English is used as "common language", if you are not familiar with English enough, do use the "International support" section INSTEAD, or ask a friend (who better knows English) to try and help you.


#10 arfgh



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 07:53 PM

ok, i will try to explain better. I have this registry config for the ImDisk persistent ramdisk.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





I can start another ramdisk from the registry for the non persistent ramdisk that i need but, the imdisk driver creates it but not formated, and then my pagefile cant be created on the widnows boot time. And i want to do this with ImDisk, if it is possible.

At the moment i use the Qsoft Ramdisk driver to create the non persistent ramdisk that i need on the xp boot time.

Hope that is clear now.

#11 was_jaclaz



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 08:18 PM

I can start another ramdisk from the registry for the non persistent ramdisk that i need but, the imdisk driver creates it but not formated, and then my pagefile cant be created on the widnows boot time. And i want to do this with ImDisk, if it is possible.

Creating the pagefile on IMDISK cannot really say.

At the moment i use the Qsoft Ramdisk driver to create the non persistent ramdisk that i need on the xp boot time.

Hope that is clear now.

A bit more, I hope.

You cannot "create" a formatted IMDISK ramdisk out of thin air (not early enough).
What you can do is to create a small NTFS formatted IMDISK ramdisk from an image and then EXTEND the hard disk to the size you need.

See these:
and following...


#12 arfgh



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 08:29 PM

yes, but in this case the ramdisk is persistent.
Because i have not clear how the backup image file works. When it is saved ? in real time ? or only when the windows it is closing ?

In this case that you say the little ntfs ramdisk, convert the same to a persistent as i see.

Anyways i cant understand why the ImDisk cant start a formated ramdisk on the boot time. Maybe because not have this function at the current version ?


#13 Olof Lagerkvist

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Posted 16 November 2009 - 08:13 AM

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





I can start another ramdisk from the registry for the non persistent ramdisk that i need but, the imdisk driver creates it but not formated, and then my pagefile cant be created on the widnows boot time. And i want to do this with ImDisk, if it is possible.

At the moment i use the Qsoft Ramdisk driver to create the non persistent ramdisk that i need on the xp boot time.

If I understand you correctly (which could be wrong), you want to create a RAM disk loaded with the contents of a formatted image file. Your example above creates a virtual disk with contents stored (live) in an image file, no RAM disk is created.

Try to read the following topics:

Particularly the first one shows an example of exactly what you (I think) want to do.


#14 arfgh



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Posted 16 November 2009 - 12:35 PM


this way is not the good one. Because the 'pagefile.sys' must be in a non persistent ramdisk. Also my system temp folder must be in the non persistent one, and also several things more.

I want to use this ramdisk non persistent to improve the system, a thing that i am doing just now with the use of Qsoft Ramdisk.

But i dont understand yet why ImDisk cant start a 'ready to use non persistent ramdisk' during the windows boot time. Why then other ramdisk drivers can do it ?


#15 Olof Lagerkvist

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Posted 16 November 2009 - 12:45 PM


this way is not the good one. Because the 'pagefile.sys' must be in a non persistent ramdisk. Also my system temp folder must be in the non persistent one, and also several things more.

Have you read and tested the topics I linked to?

First post there mentions a few registry settings. If you set "Flags0"=dword:00000200 the image file contents are copied to a RAM disk. If I understand you correctly that will be what you call a "non persistent" RAM disk. In that case changes to the RAM disk will not be saved to the image file, all changes are written in RAM only.

#16 arfgh



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Posted 16 November 2009 - 01:22 PM

ok Olof

so you mean that if i start ramdisk with the flags registry key specified on this topic, the changes on the ramdisk are never saved to the backup image file ? In this case this ramdisk is non persistent the thing that i wanted.

Will try it.

Anyways can you tell me when the other ramdisk that i have save the changes to the bakup file ? When the windows log off or in real time ? If is in real time, will be fine a setting in Imdisk to configure this, because personally i think that in my case must save the content when the windows log off or with a time that we specify.


#17 Olof Lagerkvist

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Posted 16 November 2009 - 01:48 PM

ok Olof

so you mean that if i start ramdisk with the flags registry key specified on this topic, the changes on the ramdisk are never saved to the backup image file ? In this case this ramdisk is non persistent the thing that i wanted.

Will try it.

Exactly what I mean. Try it! :drunk:

Anyways can you tell me when the other ramdisk that i have save the changes to the bakup file ?

In that case it is not any kind of "backup file" or so, it is not a RAM disk at all. It works directly with the image file. Everything is saved there without going through any more buffering than the filesystem drivers provide. It works pretty much in the same way as when an ordinary disk driver for a physical disk writes to a physical disk, but ImDisk driver writes to an image file instead.

#18 arfgh



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Posted 16 November 2009 - 03:49 PM

yes but then what i msut to do to create this ramdisk to hold the temp folder and the pagefile.sys. Usually i set a size of 1 GB of Ram for this ramdisk. But if i must create first the bakup file, this means that i will use 1 GB on the bakup file just to start a non persistent ramdisk ?

If the way that the ramdisk from bakup file works is just using the physical HDD, in this case i cant understand the benefit of the speed on the virtual drive that hold it. Because it supose that the use of ramsik is to improve the speed and to forget the use of the HDD. In this case i want to request again some config in the ImDisk driver to "save the content of the ramdisk when windows log off" and/or "save the content each XX minutes".


#19 arfgh



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Posted 18 November 2009 - 12:50 PM

please, someone to help with my last questions ?


#20 Olof Lagerkvist

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Posted 18 November 2009 - 01:14 PM

yes but then what i msut to do to create this ramdisk to hold the temp folder and the pagefile.sys. Usually i set a size of 1 GB of Ram for this ramdisk. But if i must create first the bakup file, this means that i will use 1 GB on the bakup file just to start a non persistent ramdisk ?

There are ways to create small image files and later expanding the size of the RAM disk. You can search this forum and the 911cd.net forum for discussions about this. You can also create a sparse image file that does not take up disk space for empty areas in the file.

If the way that the ramdisk from bakup file works is just using the physical HDD, in this case i cant understand the benefit of the speed on the virtual drive that hold it. Because it supose that the use of ramsik is to improve the speed and to forget the use of the HDD.

There is of course no speed benefit in that case, rather the opposite. Who told you there would be a speed benefit? I am sorry, but I think you have misunderstood or been mislead by something. In the case you describe it is not a RAM disk, there is no RAM used for the disk image in that case and what you call "backup file" is just a mounted disk image file. The whole point of that is that you might want to mount a disk image file without allocating lots of RAM and waiting for copying the entire image file to RAM.

In this case i want to request again some config in the ImDisk driver to "save the content of the ramdisk when windows log off" and/or "save the content each XX minutes".

You can for example use Windows scheduler to schedule saving. I have a tool called rawcopy on my website that can do this. Again, search this forum and the 911cd.net forum for discussions about this.

Edited by Olof Lagerkvist, 18 November 2009 - 03:09 PM.
Clarified a few things

#21 arfgh



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Posted 19 November 2009 - 12:19 PM

someone here said that we can start a little ramdisk from a little backup image, but if we can make that the changes go only to the ramdisk and not to the backup image, this is good.

But then how to start a little ramdisk and make that it increase its size on demand ?


#22 was_jaclaz



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Posted 19 November 2009 - 12:46 PM

someone here said that we can start a little ramdisk from a little backup image, but if we can make that the changes go only to the ramdisk and not to the backup image, this is good.

But then how to start a little ramdisk and make that it increase its size on demand ?


READING the provided links? :dubbio:

What you can do is to create a small NTFS formatted IMDISK ramdisk from an image and then EXTEND the hard disk to the size you need.

See these:
and following...

Read the WHOLE thread:


#23 arfgh



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Posted 21 November 2009 - 12:43 AM

yes, but the thing i dont understand is if the extending of a little ramdisk prepared from the little backup image, if is automatic or manual.

please help !

#24 bilou_gateux


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Posted 21 November 2009 - 11:35 AM

apiregutil tool by fxscrpt.

#25 arfgh



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Posted 22 November 2009 - 04:40 PM

i dont understand you.

I only need to know if i can start a little ramdisk from a backup image and then the ramdisk extends its size automatically, or not.


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