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#276 Holger


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 01:35 AM

New try :cheers:
I changed the profile applying so for MOA it should work better now.
However, you have to maybe change the "penetwork.ini" cause on my testsystem the vmware-devices were detected at first.

So long...

Attached Files

#277 pscEx


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 10:58 AM

New try :cheers:
I changed the profile applying so for MOA it should work better now.
However, you have to maybe change the "penetwork.ini" cause on my testsystem the vmware-devices were detected at first.

So long...

Works ok now :cheers:


#278 Alexei


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 12:08 PM

What about Vista/Longhorn?
I tried to build PE from Longhorn using VistaPE project.
Network doesn't work :cheers: Please see http://www.boot-land...?...20&start=20
I also tried PEnetwork.exe
It starts, but shows empty adapter list, though Divice manager shows network adapter and its driver is OK.
Is there any way to diagnose the problem? Can you help me?

#279 Holger


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 02:14 PM

Oh, yeah, I'm always do/did tests with Vista(PE).
It's not finished yet.
However, I already implemented some VistaPE-depended things (i.e. waiting for "wpeinit" to finish, etc.), so I hope the next weeks I can publish a first version or make my WB-script VistaPE-LiveXP-independed.
Greets :cheers:

#280 Brito


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Posted 10 December 2007 - 06:48 AM

Is your API script still being worked? :cheers:

I've translated the modifications that were missing on the portuguese language:

[codebox] [PENetwork] Language ="Português" LangCode ="0816" Author ="Nuno Brito" Version ="1.3" GrpLanguage ="Linguagem" LblLangAuthor ="Autor" LblLangVersion ="Versão" MainTitle ="Gestor de Rede" BtnAdd ="&Adicionar..." BtnAddShort ="&Adicionar" BtnDelete ="&Apagar" BtnApply ="&Aplicar" BtnCancel ="&Fechar" BtnChange ="Mudar..." BtnOK ="&OK" BtnYes ="&Yes" BtnNo ="&No" TIConfig ="Propriedades" TIIdent ="Computador" TISharing ="Partilhar" TIDrives ="Drives de rede" TIOther ="Outros" TIAbout ="Acerca" TTRefresh ="Refrescar lista de adaptadores" LblAdapterState ="Estado" LblAdapterSpeed ="Velocidade" AdapterSpeed ="MBit/s" LblAdapterMAC ="MAC" ChkForceScan ="Forçar a busca de novos adaptadores quando refrescar" RadioDHCP ="Obter endereço de IP automáticamente" BtnDHCPInfo ="&Informação" BtnDHCPRelease ="&Soltar" BtnDHCPRenew ="Re&novar" TDHCPInfo ="Informação DHCP da rede" LblDHCPAdapter ="Dispositivo" LblDHCPDNSSrv ="Servidor DNS" LblDHCPWINSSrv ="Servidor WINS" LblDHCPSrv ="Servidor DHCP" LblDHCPLTO ="Lease Obtained" LblDHCPLTE ="Lease Expires" RadioStatic ="Usar endereço IP estático" LblStaticIP ="Endereço IP" LblStaticSM ="Máscara de Sub-rede" LblStaticDG ="Gateway predefinido" BtnStatic ="&Estático" RadioDNSDHCP ="Obter endereço DNS automaticamente" RadioDNSStatic ="Usar endereço estático DNS" LblDNS ="Endereço DNS" RadioWINSDHCP ="Obter endereço WINS automaticamente" RadioWINSStatic ="Usar endereço WINS estático" LblWINS ="Endereço WINS" LblComputer ="Nome do Computador" LblWorkgroup ="Grupo de trabalho" LblPriDNS ="Sufixo DNS primário" TAddIP ="Endereços IP" TAddDG ="Endereços padrão de gateway" TAddDNS ="Endereços DNS" TAddWINS ="Endereços WINS" TAddIPAddr ="Adicionar endereços IP" TAddDGAddr ="Adicionar endereços Gateway" TAddDNSAddr ="Adicionar servidores DNS" TAddWINSAddr ="Adicionar endereço servidores WINS" TTShareRefresh ="Refrescar a lista de pastas de rede" TTDrivesRefresh ="Refrescar a lista de drives de rede" TTWiFiRefresh ="Procurar e refrescar a lista de redes disponíveis" ChkShowActivity ="Mostrar actividade quando minimizado" TrayShowGUI ="Mostrar janela principal" TrayShowAni ="Animação a acompanhar actividade de rede" TrayExit ="Sair" TrayTT ="Duplo clique para restaurar janela principal." MsgDllNotFound ="Não foi possível encontrar os seguintes ficheiros" MsgWait ="Por favor aguarde..." MsgChangesApply ="As mudanças estão a ser aplicadas ao sistema..." MsgReleaseAddr ="Libertando endereços..." MsgRenewAddr ="Renovando endereços..." TIWiFiAvailable ="Redes disponíveis" BtnWiFiConnect ="Conectar" LVWiFiList ="SSID (Signal Quality)|Security|Encryption" TIWiFiPrefered ="Redes preferidas" TIWiFiService ="Serviço" LblWiFiCurState ="Estado actual" LblWiFiNoDevice ="Este não é um dispositivo WIFI ou o sistema de WIFI não está disponível!" LblWiFiWlanApiNF="WLANAPI não foi encontrado neste sistema!" ServiceNotInst ="Não instalado" ServiceStop ="Parar" ServiceStopped ="Parado" ServiceStart ="Iniciar" ServiceStarted ="Iniciado" TIIPSettings ="IP-Definições" TIWINS ="WINS" TIWiFi ="WiFi" LblCNI ="Identificação de rede" LblPing ="Fazer ping a outro computador (host ou IP address)" BtnPingStart ="Iniciar" BtnPingStop ="Parar" LblPingCount ="Contar" LblPingTime ="Tempo-limite" ChkPingLimit ="Ilimitado" LVPing ="Info" LVIReply ="Resposta de" LVIReplyTime ="Tempo" LVIReplyTimeMS ="ms" LVITimeOut ="O pedido não foi concretizado." LVIUnreachable ="Anfitrião de destino não está disponível." LVIInvalid ="O destino especificado é inválido." LVIGeneral ="Falha geral." LblFileSharing ="Partilha de ficheiros" BtnShareStart ="Iniciar" LblShareUser ="Utilizador" LblSharePW ="Password" BtnShareSetPW ="Definir password" LblShareAdmin ="Nota: Para conectar às partilhas deste computador tem de ter pelo menos uma conta com permissões de Administrador e uma password!" LblSharedFolders="Pastas partilhadas" LVShares ="Partiha|Pasta|Ligações" LblShareName ="Nome da partilha" TTShareName ="Use um "$" no fim do nome da partilha para a tornar oculta" LblSharePath ="Caminho local" MIShareBrowse ="Procurar..." MIShareDel ="Apagar" TTShareUser ="Este é o nome de utilzador para ligar a partir do computador remoto para as pastas partilhadas deste computador" TTShareUserLen ="O tamanho do nome de utilizador está limitado a" TTInputChars ="caracteres" TTSharePWLen ="O tamanho da password está limitado a" LblDriveLetter ="Letra de unidade" TTDriveLetter ="selecciona automaticamente uma letra de unidade livre." TTDriveNoFree1 ="Não há mais letras de unidades livres!" TTDriveNoFree2 ="Por favor desligue primeiro." BtnConnect ="Conectar" BtnDisconnect ="Desconectar" LblDrivePath ="Caminho" LblDriveUser ="Utilizador" LblDrivePW ="Password" LblDrivesCon ="Drives conectadas" LVDrivesCon ="Local|Remoto|Estado|Aberto" MIDriveBrowse ="Procurar..." MIDriveDiscon ="Desconectar" GrpTrayOptions ="Opções da bandeja (área de notificação)" ChkTrayMin ="Ao minimizar 'move' a janela para a bandeja" ChkTrayClose ="Ao fechar 'move' a janela para a bandeja" LblAboutUsing1 ="Para ser utilizado sobre " LblAboutUsing2 ="ou outros ambientes de Pré-Instalação." LblAboutAI3 ="é desenvolvido em "AutoIt3", uma linguagem para automatizar tarefas e muito mais." LblAboutAI3Link ="Encontre mais informações no site" LVIPSM ="Endereço IP|Máscara de sub-rede" WiFiUnnamed ="Rede sem nome" WiFiNone ="Nenhum" ERROR ="ERRO" INFO ="INFO" WARNING ="AVISO" QUESTION ="QUESTÃO" ProfSelTitle ="Selecione Perfil" LblProfSelect ="Por favor escolha um perfil de rede" LblProfDesc ="Descrição deste Perfil" ProfIn ="em" ProfSec ="sec" LblSearchDevice ="Procurando dispositivos instaláveis..." DeviceFound ="Encontrado" DeviceSucces ="Instalação com sucesso de" ErrorNetShared ="Um recurso de rede não pode ser usado!" NetShareOK ="A partilha foi bem sucedida" NetShareOKAs ="como" NetShrNotExist ="A pasta não existe" NetShrAccDen ="Acesso negado" NetShrInvName ="Nome inválido" NetShrPNE ="A pasta não existe" NetShrNameDup ="O nome deste partilha já existe noutra partilha" ErrorNetSharing ="Erro ao partilhar pasta" TTCharsMax ="apenas são permitidos caracteres" TTCharsNoAllow ="Os caracteres seguintes não são permitidos" NetStartNet ="Iniciar suporte de rede agora?" LblStartNet ="Iniciando rede..." NetRegisterObj ="Registando objectos de rede..." NetChkDrv ="Verificando ficheiros necessários à rede..." NetDetectDev ="Detectando dispositivos de rede..." NetDetectNew ="Procurando mais dispositivos de rede..." NetInstTCP ="Instalando o protocolo "TCP/IP"..." NetApplyProfile ="Aplicando as definições do perfil..." NetInstMSClient ="Instalando "Cliente para redes da Microsoft"..." NetChkServices ="Verificando serviços..." NetStartTCPIP ="Iniciando o serviço "TCP/IP"..." NetStartDHCP ="Iniciando o serviço "DHCP-Client"..." NetStartNLA ="Iniciando o serviço "NLA"..." NetStartLMH ="Iniciando o serviço "LMHOSTS"..." NetNoNetcards ="Nenhuma placa de rede foi detectada!" ProgramExit ="O programa irá terminar agora." ShareSelFolder ="Por favor escolha uma pasta para partilhar" ShareChkDrv ="Verificando ficheiros de instalação da "Partilha de Ficheiros"..." ShareInstSrv ="Instalando o serviço da "Partilha de ficheiros"..." ServiceChkSrv ="Verificando se o serviço está correctamente instalado..." ShareStartSrv ="Iniciando o serviço "Partilha de ficheiros"..." ShareStopSrv ="Parando o serviço "Partilha de ficheiros"..." ServiceFinish ="Terminado." ShareSetPW ="A definir password..." ShareStopInfo1 ="Conexões de outros computadores serão desconectadas e os dados em transferência poderão ser perdidos!" ShareStopInfo2 ="Também precisa do seguinte para saber" ShareStopInfo3 ="Se iniciou o(s) serviço(s) há poucos minutos, por vezes demora um pouco mais até poder para e voltar a reiniciar o(s) serviço(s)." ShareStopInfo4 ="Tem a certeza que quer parar o serviço de "Partilha de Ficheiros"?" ShareMsgOpen ="Aparentam estar demasiados recursos abertos nesta partilha!" ShareMsgRemove ="Tem a certeza que quer mesmo remover?" ShareMsgSpecial ="A partilha especial" ShareMsgDel1 ="é reservado para interprocessos de comunicação e não pode ser removido!" ShareMsgDel2 ="é reservado para interprocessos de comunicação e não pode ser removido!" ShareMsgDel3 ="Contudo será apagado apenas temporáriamente e irá ser recriado depois de iniciar o serviço de "Servidor" ou o computador." ShareMsgDel4 ="Tem a certeza que quer apagar esta partilha especial?" ShareMsgDel5 ="Tem a certeza que quer apagar esta partilha?" LblShareRemove ="Removendo partilha..." NetShrNameNotEx ="O nome da partilha não existe" NetErrShareInfo ="Erro ao obter informações de partilha acerca" NetShareRemSucc ="Partilha removida com sucesso" NetShareRemErr ="Erro ao remover a partilha" LblDriveConnect ="Conectando a partilha remota..." NetDriveSucc1 ="Mapeamento com sucesso" NetDriveSucc2 ="para drive local" NetDriveAddErr1 ="Erro desconhecido ao mapear a drive!" NetDriveAddErr2 ="Acesso negado ao caminho de rede!" NetDriveAddErr3 ="O dispositivo já se encontra em uso!" NetDriveAddErr4 ="Nome de dispositivo inválido!" NetDriveAddErr5 ="Caminho de rede inválido!" NetDriveAddErr6 ="Password inválida!" NetDriveMsgDel1 ="Aparentam estar demasiados recursos abertos para esta ligação!" NetDriveMsgDel2 ="Tem a certeza que pretende mesmo desconectar?" LblDriveDel ="Desconectando drive de rede..." NetDriveDelErr ="Erro a desconectar drive de rede!" MsgUtilNotFnd1 ="Ferramenta de rede" MsgUtilNotFnd2 ="não encontrado! NetErrRegister ="Um erro ocorreu ao registar "netcfgx.dll"" NetErrTCPNotFnd =""nettcpip.inf" não encontrado" NetErrMSCNotFnd =""netmscli.inf" não encontrado" NetErrDetDev ="Um erro ocorreu enquanto detectando dispositivo" NetErrTCPInst ="Un erro ocorreu enquanto o protocolo TCP/IP estava sendo instalado" NetErrMSCInst ="Um erro ocorreu a instalar o "Client for Microsoft Networks"" NetErrTCPStart ="Um erro ocorreu a instalar o serviço "TCP/IP"" NetErrDHCPStart ="Um erro ocorreu a instalar o serviço "DHCP-Client"" NetErrStatOnly ="Apenas endereços estáticos irão ser válidos." NetErrNLAStart ="Um erro ocorreu a instalar o serviço "NLA" service" NetErrLMHStart ="Um erro ocorreu a instalar o serviço "LMHOSTS" service" ServiceStopping ="Parando" ServiceDesc ="serviço" ServiceStarting ="Iniciando" ShareErrInf =""netserv.inf" não encontrado" ShareErrInst ="Não foi possível instalar o serviço da "Partilha de ficheiros"" ShareErrInst2 ="Um erro ocorreu ao instalar o serviço da "Partilha de ficheiros"" ShareErrStart ="Um erro ocorreu ao iniciar o serviço de "Partilha de ficheiros"" ShareErrCB ="Um erro ocorreu ao iniciar o serviço de "Browser"" ShareErrStop ="Um erro ocorreu ao parar o serviço de "Partilha de ficheiros"" ShareErrPW ="Um erro ocorreu ao actualizar o utilizador com uma nova password" ShareErrUsr ="Um erro ocorreu ao adicionar o utilizador no sistema" ShareErrAdmin ="Um erro ocorreu ao adicionar o utilizador ao grupo de Administradores" ConStateOK ="OK" ConStatePause ="Pausado" ConStateDiscon ="Desconectado" ConStateErr ="Erro" ConStateNetErr ="Erro de rede" ConStateCon ="Conectando" ConStateRecon ="Reconectando" ChkShareAll ="Compartilhar de todos os drives" TTShareAll ="As drives serão partilhadas usando apenas as letras de unidade." WiFiChkDrv ="Procurando ficheiros necessários para a configuração automática de rede sem fios..." WiFiErrInf =""ndisuio.inf" não encontrado" WiFiErrInf2 =""netwzc.inf" não encontrado" WiFiErrInst ="Um erro ocurreu durante a instalação da configuração automática de rede sem fios." WiFiRegXML ="Registrando Microsoft XML version 6..." WiFiInstSrv ="Instalando NDIS UserMode I/O driver..." WiFiInstSrv2 ="Instalando o serviço automático de rede sem fios..." WiFiStop ="Tem a certeza que pretende parar o serviço automático de rede sem fios?" WiFiStartSrv ="Iniciando o Serviço de Configuração Zero da Rede sem Fios..." WiFiStopSrv ="Parando o Serviço de Configuração Zero da Rede sem Fios..." WiFiErrStart ="Um erro ocorreu ao iniciar o "NDIS Usermode I/O" driver" WiFiErrStart2 ="Um erro ocorreu ao iniciar o "Serviço de Configuração Zero da Rede sem Fios"" WiFiErrStop ="Um erro ocorreu ao parar o "Serviço de Configuração Zero da Rede sem Fios""
IPDHCPAuto ="Activar atribuição automática de IP"


#281 Holger


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Posted 10 December 2007 - 10:56 PM

Hi Nuno :cheers:
thanks for updating.
I think in the future I will change the script to this, that the language files and tools directly are downloaded from the website - if there was a change on one of them and the pc is 'online'
So it's easier to update the files directly on the web instead of update the whole script every time...

#282 Holger


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Posted 09 March 2008 - 05:38 PM

I uploaded a new beta script (v026) to: http://www.holger.bo...etwork_Beta.zip

It's recommend to update the profile-ini with the changed profile editor! (screenshot)

Just added some MAC changing and the possibility to start sharing and adding users/accounts after starting network (only with using profiles).
The 'sharing' setting from a profile overrides the WB script setting.

Please let me know about any problem, questions, suggestions so I can fix/change/add these things before the next v026-release.

Thanks and greets :(

#283 pscEx


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Posted 09 March 2008 - 06:18 PM

I uploaded a new beta script (v026) to: http://www.holger.bo...etwork_Beta.zip

It's recommend to update the profile-ini with the changed profile editor! (screenshot)

Just added some MAC changing and the possibility to start sharing and adding users/accounts after starting network (only with using profiles).
The 'sharing' setting from a profile overrides the WB script setting.

Please let me know about any problem, questions, suggestions so I can fix/change/add these things before the next v026-release.

Thanks and greets :)

I tried with XP SP2 German

First results:

#1 small issue with profile editor:
I manually filled into the PENetwork.ini filebox '%ScriptDir%' and started the editor.
(PENetwork.ini is in %ScriptDir%!)
PENetwork.ini was not opened.
Then I browsed inside the filebox to the PENetwork.ini. Now it was opened.

#2 building the standard nativeEx_barebone project i got an error:

I aborted the build. Attached the log until aborting.


Attached File  log.zip   111.48KB   545 downloads

#284 Holger


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Posted 09 March 2008 - 07:21 PM

Hi Peter :)

thanks for testing.
The first is solved now I think.
The snd was an internal script change which I also fixed.
Uploaded again.


#285 Mati



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Posted 12 June 2008 - 02:56 PM


how i can setup map network map using the ini ?
















how to add for example r: for \tools and next like u: for \movies ?

cos i can use net use ... but maybe its can be done from ini.

for start i use PENetwork.exe /inipatch PENetwork.ini



#286 Krokodox



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Posted 28 June 2008 - 10:51 PM

Hi all,

I am turning to you with my question regarding the PENetwork script, I assure you that I have been beating my head to the wall for quite some time before asking for help ;-)

My problem is that I would like to create a penetwork.ini file with settings for the following:

* autostarting without any user intervention
* reading settings for computername, workgroupname, network path
* DHCP settings for IP address

This is quite trivial, using the "PENetwork Profile Creator" provided in the script, and the penetwork.ini gets nicely filled with my preferences for computer / workgroup name. The .ini gets copied to the target and PENetwork starts as expected from the Startup group when NativeEx is started.

The problem is that it does not use the settings from this .INI file! I do not know what I have done wrong, blame it on me being stupid / tired / drunk (pick your choice :) ) or whatever. So what I would very much like to have is some kind of documentation of the .INI file settings and if possible, some sample .INI file so that I can finish my long journey to PE perfection ;-) Please, help me out, the searchsystem here is unfortunately of no help AFAIK :-/

(I have tried to see if the settings are the same as for penetcfg, but it does not seem so?)

Many thanks in advance!

#287 Holger


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Posted 03 July 2008 - 06:09 PM

Hi Mati, hi Kroko and all the others :)

I'm back in time so far.
To much todo the last weeks - at work and personally.
At the moment I'm writing again on the script.
I already have implement (but not published) the automatically connecting of network drives and some other things.

For the future: if you have any problems please use the "Debug Mode" int the WB-script below under "Other:" option.
Then try to save the logfile (normally PENMDebug.log under %TEMP%) to an USB-stick and post it here

The last days I was ill - but had some new ideas...
So thanks for replies so far.
I will do some tests again.
My next posting should be at the end of the week (you always can remember me if I forget the time - thanks to MedEvil who did that the last month :) )


#288 Galapo


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Posted 11 July 2008 - 09:50 AM

Gday Holger,

I'm wondering if it's possible to get PENetwork to start networking services even if a network card isn't detected. Some apps requires some of the services but cannot be used if a network card isn't detected.


#289 Holger


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Posted 11 July 2008 - 10:10 AM

Good suggestion Galapo :)
should be no problem.
Cause actually I'm working on a new version I will also include this.
Maybe I will include a message that no network cards were detected but the services were started.
This I will make optional so a user can choose between service starting or do nothing if not cards were detected.

#290 Galapo


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Posted 11 July 2008 - 10:37 AM

Thanks Holger! I've been thinking about this for a while, but hadn't gotten around to posting a request. Perhaps a commandline parameter 'force_services' to start services even if no cards were detected, with commandline option applied via option in the script interface?


#291 TheHive


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Posted 13 July 2008 - 03:00 AM

Very good idea!

#292 Holger


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Posted 26 July 2008 - 01:01 AM

After month of doing nothing I just uploaded a new beta version (V27).

Some bugfixing, changes and new features:
- additional commands after starting network
- network device speed setting
- network drive mapping
- starting of services even if not network card was found

Just use the internal editor to set network drive mapping and commands.
Not all stuff is finished so far - however just take a look.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Cause of much internal changes, just let me know about all problems.

Thanks and greets :cheers:

#293 Galapo


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Posted 26 July 2008 - 01:08 AM

- starting of services even if not network card was found

Thank you Holger!


#294 pscEx


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Posted 26 July 2008 - 07:46 AM

After month of doing nothing I just uploaded a new beta version (V27).

Some bugfixing, changes and new features:
- additional commands after starting network
- network device speed setting
- network drive mapping
- starting of services even if not network card was found



#295 Galapo


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 01:02 AM

Hi Holger,

I have another suggestion: Is it possible to add the option where if no physical adapters were found but virtual ones were (eg vmware, VirtNet) that the full gui will open?


#296 Holger


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 07:15 AM

Hi Galapo :cheers:

yes this is possible.
I will change something internal and then it should run.
I will publish a new beta version later today so you can test.

#297 Galapo


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 07:26 AM

Thanks, that would be great!


#298 Holger


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 03:14 PM

:whistling: New Beta script uploaded (11.08.2008).
- Fixed: Some things
- Changed: Some internal things
- Added: Adapter advanced settings tab
Posted Image


#299 pscEx


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 05:57 PM

:whistling: New Beta script uploaded (11.08.2008).

Hi Holger,
schön, dass Du mal wieder richtig aktiv bist!

I tried the new beta and it works for me with XP and W2003 as well as before.
But the 'as well' has to be expained. Id does not mean 'absolutely well'

Well: I have full WEB access.
But locally I have some troubles which may depend on my settings, or on the fact that I'm doing something wrong.

From an emulation qEmu or VBox, I cannot access my host's drives.
I have a local workgroup 'Exec', no domain.
I have (by penetwork.ini) declared the workgroup Exec, and it appears in the corresponding PENetwork dialog.

But when I try to add a shared disk of my local host (either by name or by IP) I do not have success. The 'refuse' seems to be very early, no question for user or PWD.
(What's the correct syntax in the 'Network drive' field?)

BTW: I see 'My Network places'. If I try to explore through 'Microsoft network' or similar, I come to 'Exec', my network. But then Im get the answer that I cannot access it because the list of servers cannot be queried.

Clicking 'Properties' of 'My Network Places' brings no reaction.

Do you have any idea?
Maybe PENetwork adds something to a 'minimized' PE.


#300 Holger


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    - writing poems

Posted 11 August 2008 - 08:52 PM

Hi Peter :whistling:

as I remember you cannot connect network drives while using qemu so easy cause of the internal firewall, for VBox I don't know.
I did here a lot of tests and also can connect under VMWare to some local shared folders.

What do you really mean with 'Network drive' field?

With the network places - I changed some time ago the starting of the 'Browser' - service (maybe I should make it optional).
So at least you have to start this service on one of the PC's in this workgroup.

Greets and thanks for testing out.

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