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  • Submitted: Aug 24 2015 02:05 PM
  • Last Updated: Aug 24 2015 02:06 PM
  • File Size: 80.66KB
  • Views: 11365
  • Downloads: 2045

Download ScratchspaceHack-1GB 2

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scratchspace post-build


Increase the scratch space (available, writable space) of X: on your X/Y USBstick, post-build (i.e. on a completed WIM). This script does not use DISM.EXE which has limit of 512MB, and is a totally different script than the previous DISM-WINB Scratchspace. This requires using GimageX to mount the completed WIM. It will modify the Registry in your WIM file (likely you would use the one at Y:\sources\boot.wim -- once your build is running, you can modify the WIM it booted from). Once modified, you Capture to a new, second WIM with a different name. Some error checking is done.

More space on X:

1) Helps you run Installers that insist on using the boot drive (with no option to change).
2) Some large trial apps leave registry entries that won't let you reinstall them after the first expiration date.
3) Many fail to install because of insufficient temporary space on the installation drive.
4) I like to use Winbuilder as a test 'machine' for new apps that I don't yet trust on my 'good machines'.
5) If you ever infect your build, just make another copy by running the final stage, CopyToUSB-Device.

In Winbuilder, changes, installs, modifications, and additions you make on X: and in the registry ARE NOT saved and disappear at next reboot. However, changing the scratch space to your BOOT.WIM file is permanent. This script will modify the same WIM you booted from (unless you change it). I strongly suggest keeping a copy of your original BOOT.WIM just in case.

Scratch space gets set to 1024 MB (1GB); it is not recommended you to go any higher. If the host machine has little RAM, you don't want to run this. (Although consider using Multi-WIM by 2aCD to accommodate several WIM choices). I use this on 8GB machines.

I now have X: 954MB (2.439MB used, 951MB free) and the rest of a 16GB USBstick is for Y: with a RAMdisk B: of 3GB.

(Tested on Winbuilder [080] using Win7 Pro x64. It should work on [082] with no modifications, but I learned the hard way that alternating back and forth between [080] and [082] will mess up some internal Winbuilder scripts because Winbuilder modifies itself)

Based on forum notes at reboot.pro from Joakim from 2009 about using a registry hack to get 1024 MB Winbuilder scratch space, and, M.Greene's website about modifying the Registry in WIM files.

This is for Win7PESE. Win10PESE uses a different FBWF system, and lacks the specific key, WinPECacheThreshold.


What's New in Version 2 (See full changelog)

  • Ver 1 - Proof of concept; Plain batfile.
  • Ver 2 - First public release. Colorized batfile to use with Ansicon.


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