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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Jul 13 2018 06:51 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 18 2018 10:39 PM
  • File Size: 2.48MB
  • Views: 21723
  • Downloads: 27845

Previous Versions

  • 13 Jul 2018 Download Gotcha Data Backup

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Download Gotcha Data Backup

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backup data product keys drivers office reinstall winpe


Gotcha Data Backup

This is a tool I created many years ago to provide Data Backup capabilities from within the WinPE Environment as well as within a running Windows Environment. It can also detect Windows installations on External or slaved drives as well.
It is useful for users that will be reinstalling a computer or when they need to transfer their data to a new computer. GotchaDATA.exe is a completely portable file. It should work in any windows version from Windows 2000 and newer. It should work in most if not all WinPE Environments. It does not require any .NET installations.

Gotcha Data Backup is meant to backup all of the most important areas of the user profiles. For instance... Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Videos, Music, Pictures, Favorites, Internet Favorites/Bookmarks, Microsoft Office PST Files and profile settings, Mapped Drives, and more.

It also has the ability to backup some important System Files and settings. For instance... Windows and Microsoft Office Product Keys, System Drivers, Fonts, WiFi Profiles, and so on.

A great advanced capability is the option to Move files instead of Copy files. This comes in handy if you will be reinstalling a computer without formatting the drive. Since Gotcha will quickly be able to move the files you need backed up into a folder on the same drive very quickly. This can save you hours gathering the backup if you use the normal copy operation that other backup tools use.

Once you have created your backup you will notice it creates a folder in the location you chose called "Gotcha!". In this folder you will have a new file called GotchaRESTORE.exe which is what you will use when you are logged into the Windows User account you wish to restore data to. It will ask you for the path of the Backup. Just browse into this "Gotcha!" folder and select the Dated folder of your backup. Next you just select the profile you will be backing up. Now select any System or User files you wish to restore.

Gotcha does not restore Product Keys... so you can browse through your dated backup folder and find the "System\Keys.ini" file which has the keys in it.

Also Drivers are backed up in "System\Drivers". You will be able to restore them using the built in Windows method for restoring Drivers.

If you have any questions or if you run into any problems please ask here. If you have any requests for improvements I would love to hear them. If you are a developer and are willing to help develop this project please contact me and we can see if it can be worked out. :)

What's New in Version (See full changelog)

  • Implemented more error checking during Desktop Internet Browser shortcut scanning. This will help to prevent shortcuts that try to hijack the internet browser and send you to a site that may be infected.
  • Updated the support link in the program to take you to the correct Discussion thread on Reboot.Pro.
  • Fixed the donation link to properly send you to a page where you can make a donation through PayPal.
  • If you get any false positives from your antivirus programs please submit it to them so they can whitelist GotchaDATA.exe.

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