[PENetwork] Language ="Русский" LangCode ="0419" Author ="Holger Kotsch (Holger.Kotsch@GMX.de)" Version ="0.1" GrpLanguage ="Язык" LblLangAuthor ="Автор" LblLangVersion ="Версия" MainTitle ="Сеть Менеджер" BtnAdd ="&Добавить..." BtnAddShort ="Д&обавить" BtnDelete ="&Удалить" BtnApply ="&Применить" BtnCancel ="&Отмена" BtnChange ="Изменить..." BtnOK ="&OK" TIConfig ="Параметры" TIIdent ="Компьютер" TISharing ="Обмен" TIDrives ="Сетевые дисководы" TIOther ="Другие" TIAbout ="Об этом" TTRefresh ="Обновить список адаптер" LblAdapterState ="Состояние" LblAdapterSpeed ="Скорость" AdapterSpeed ="Мбит/с" LblAdapterMAC ="MAC" ChkForceScan ="Force scanning for new devices on adapter list refresh" RadioDHCP ="Получить IP-адрес автоматически" BtnDHCPInfo ="&Инфо" BtnDHCPRelease ="&Освобождение" BtnDHCPRenew ="Re&new" TDHCPInfo ="Сеть DHCP информация" LblDHCPAdapter ="Устройство" LblDHCPDNSSrv ="DNS-сервер" LblDHCPWINSSrv ="WINS-сервер" LblDHCPSrv ="DHCP-сервер" LblDHCPLTO ="Аренда получена" LblDHCPLTE ="Аренда истекает" RadioStatic ="Использовать следующий IP-адрес" LblStaticIP ="IP-адрес" LblStaticSM ="Маска подсети" LblStaticDG ="Основной Шлюз" BtnStatic ="&Static" RadioDNSDHCP ="Получить адрес DNS-сервера автоматически" RadioDNSStatic ="Использовать следующие адреса DNS-серверов" LblDNS ="DNS-адрес" RadioWINSDHCP ="Получить адрес WINS-сервера автоматически" RadioWINSStatic ="Использовать следующие адреса WINS-серверов" LblWINS ="WINS-адрес" LblComputer ="Имя компьютера" LblWorkgroup ="Рабочая группа" LblPriDNS ="Основной DNS-суффикс" TAddIP ="IP-адрес" TAddDG ="Основные шлюзы" TAddDNS ="DNS-адреса" TAddWINS ="WINS-адреса" TAddIPAddr ="Добавить IP-адрес" TAddDGAddr ="Добавить Gateway-адрес" TAddDNSAddr ="Добавить DNS-сервер-адрес" TAddWINSAddr ="Добавить WINS-сервер-адрес" TTShareRefresh ="Refresh shared folders list" TTDrivesRefresh ="Refresh network drives list" TTWiFiRefresh ="Scan and refresh available network list" ChkShowActivity ="Show connection activity in tray" TrayShowGUI ="Show main GUI" TrayShowAni ="Animation on network activity" TrayExit ="Выход" TrayTT ="Double click to restore main window." MsgDllNotFound ="Could not find the following libraries" MsgWait ="Пожалуйста, подождите..." MsgChangesApply ="Changings are being applied to the system..." MsgReleaseAddr ="Releasing address..." MsgRenewAddr ="Renewing address..." TIWiFiAvailable ="Available Networks" BtnWiFiConnect ="Подключите" LVWiFiList ="SSID (Signal Quality)|Security|Encryption" TIWiFiPrefered ="Prefered Networks" TIWiFiService ="Служба" LblWiFiCurState ="Текущее состояние" LblWiFiNoDevice ="This is not a WiFi device or WiFi functionality is disabled for this device!" LblWiFiWlanApiNF="WLANAPI not found on this system!" ServiceNotInst ="Не установлено" ServiceStop ="Стоп" ServiceStopped ="Остановлено" ServiceStart ="Начало" ServiceStarted ="Текущие" TIIPSettings ="IP-параметры" TIWINS ="WINS" TIWiFi ="WiFi" LblCNI ="Network identification" LblPing ="Ping other computer (host or IP address)" BtnPingStart ="Начало" BtnPingStop ="Стоп" LblPingCount ="Всего" LblPingTime ="Timeout" ChkPingLimit ="Неограниченный" LVPing ="Инфо" LVIReply ="Ответ" LVIReplyTime ="Время" LVITimeOut ="Request timed out." LVIUnreachable ="Destination host unreachable." LVIInvalid ="Destination specified is invalid." LVIGeneral ="Генеральная провал." LblFileSharing ="File Sharing" BtnShareStart ="Начало" LblShareUser ="Имя пользователя" LblSharePW ="Пароль" BtnShareSetPW ="Установить пароль" LblShareAdmin ="Note: to connect to the shares of this host you must at least enter an administrative user account with a nonblank password !" LblSharedFolders="Общие папки" LVShares ="Share|Folder|Connections" LblShareName ="Share name" TTShareName ="Use a "$" at the end of the share name to create a hidden share." LblSharePath ="Local path" MIShareBrowse ="Browse..." MIShareDel ="Удалить" TTShareUser ="This is the username to connect from the remote host to the shared folders of this computer." TTShareUserLen ="The username length is limited to" TTInputChars ="characters" TTSharePW ="You must not use a blank password!" TTSharePWLen ="The password length is limited to" LblDriveLetter ="Drive letter" TTDriveLetter ="automatically select an unused drive letter." TTDriveNoFree1 ="There are no more free available drive letters!" TTDriveNoFree2 ="Please disconnect one at first." BtnConnect ="Подключение" BtnDisconnect ="Отключение" LblDrivePath ="Путь" LblDriveUser ="Имя пользователя" LblDrivePW ="Пароль" LblDrivesCon ="Connected network drives" LVDrivesCon ="Local|Remote|Status|Open" MIDriveBrowse ="Показать..." MIDriveDiscon ="Отключение" GrpTrayOptions ="Tray (notification area) options" ChkTrayMin ="On minimizing 'move' main window to tray" ChkTrayClose ="On closing 'move' main window to tray" LblAboutUsing1 ="For using under" LblAboutUsing2 ="or other Preinstall Environments." LblAboutAI3 ="is written in "AutoIt3", a scripting language for automating tasks and much more." LblAboutAI3Link ="More info you can find on it's website" LVIPSM ="IP Address|Subnet Mask" WiFiUnnamed ="Unnamed network" WiFiNone ="Никто" ERROR ="ОШИБКА" INFO ="Инфо" WARNING ="ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ" QUESTION ="ВОПРОС" ProfSelTitle ="Profile Selector" LblProfSelect ="Выберите сетевой профиль" LblProfDesc ="Профиль описание" ProfIn ="в" ProfSec ="сек" LblSearchDevice ="Searching for installable devices..." DeviceFound ="Найдено" DeviceSucces ="Successfull installation of" ErrorNetShared ="A network resource cannot be shared!" NetShareOK ="Successfully shared local path" NetShareOKAs ="as" NetShrNotExist ="The local path does not exist" NetShrAccDen ="В доступе отказано" NetShrInvName ="Недопустимое название" NetShrPNE ="The local path does not exist" NetShrNameDup ="The share name is already in use" ErrorNetSharing ="Error while sharing local path" TTCharsMax ="characters are allowed only" TTCharsNoAllow ="The following characters are not allowed" NetStartNet ="Start network support now?" LblStartNet ="Starting network..." NetRegisterObj ="Registering network objects..." NetChkDrv ="Checking for needed network driver files..." NetDetectDev ="Detecting network devices..." NetDetectNew ="Scanning for new added devices..." NetInstTCP ="Installing TCP/IP protocol..." NetApplyProfile ="Applying profile settings..." NetInstMSClient ="Installing "Client for Microsoft Networks"..." NetChkServices ="Checking services..." NetStartTCPIP ="Starting "TCP/IP" service..." NetStartDHCP ="Starting "DHCP-Client" service..." NetStartNLA ="Starting "NLA" service..." NetStartLMH ="Starting "LMHOSTS" service..." NetNoNetcards ="No network cards detected!" ProgramExit ="Program will be Exit now." ShareSelFolder ="Please select a folder to share" ShareChkDrv ="Checking for needed "File Sharing" service installation files..." ShareInstSrv ="Installing "File Sharing" Service"..." ShareChkSrv ="Check if service is properly installed..." ShareStartSrv ="Starting "File Sharing" service..." ShareStopSrv ="Stopping "File Sharing" service..." ShareFinish ="Завершенные." ShareSetPW ="Setting password..." ShareStopInfo1 ="Connections from other PC's will be disconnected and transferred data could be lost !" ShareStopInfo2 ="You also need the following to know" ShareStopInfo3 ="If you started the service(s) a few minutes ago, sometimes it takes some more minutes again (5-10min) before you can stop and restart the service(s)." ShareStopInfo4 ="Are you sure you want to stop the "File Sharing" service ?" ShareMsgOpen ="There seems to be open resources on this share!" ShareMsgRemove ="Are you sure you want to remove it nevertheless?" ShareMsgSpecial ="The special share" ShareMsgDel1 ="is reserved for interprocess communication and cannot be deleted!" ShareMsgDel2 ="is reserved for interprocess communication and should not be deleted!" ShareMsgDel3 ="However it will be deleted only temporary and will be re-created after restarting of the "Server" service or the computer." ShareMsgDel4 ="Are you sure you want to delete this special share?" ShareMsgDel5 ="Are you sure you want to delete the share" LblShareRemove ="Removing share..." NetShrNameNotEx ="The share name does not exist" NetErrShareInfo ="Error while retrieving share info about" NetShareRemSucc ="Successfully removed the share" NetShareRemErr ="Error while removing the share" LblDriveConnect ="Connecting remote share..." NetDriveSucc1 ="Successfully mapped" NetDriveSucc2 ="to local drive" NetDriveAddErr1 ="Unknown error while mapping drive!" NetDriveAddErr2 ="Access denied to the remote path!" NetDriveAddErr3 ="The device is already in use!" NetDriveAddErr4 ="Invalid device name!" NetDriveAddErr5 ="Invalid remote path!" NetDriveAddErr6 ="Invalid password!" NetDriveMsgDel1 ="There seems to be open resources on this connection!" NetDriveMsgDel2 ="Are you sure you want to disconnect it nevertheless?" LblDriveDel ="Disconnecting network drive..." NetDriveDelErr ="Error while disconnecting drive!" MsgUtilNotFnd1 ="Network utility" MsgUtilNotFnd2 ="not found" NetErrRegister ="An error occured while registering "netcfgx.dll"" NetErrTCPNotFnd =""nettcpip.inf" not found" NetErrMSCNotFnd =""netmscli.inf" not found" NetErrDetDev ="An error occured while detecting devices" NetErrTCPInst ="An error occured while installing the TCP/IP protocol" NetErrMSCInst ="An error occured while installing the "Client for Microsoft Networks"" NetErrTCPStart ="An error occured while starting the "TCP/IP" service" NetErrDHCPStart ="An error occured while starting the "DHCP-Client"" NetErrStatOnly ="Only static IP addresses will work." NetErrNLAStart ="An error occured while starting the "NLA" service" NetErrLMHStart ="An error occured while starting the "LMHOSTS" service" ServiceStopping ="Остановка" ServiceDesc ="Служба" ServiceStarting ="Запуск" ShareErrInf =""netserv.inf" not found" ShareErrInst ="Couldn't install the "File Sharing" service" ShareErrInst2 ="An error occured while installing the "File Sharing" service" ShareErrStart ="An error occured while starting the "File Sharing" service" ShareErrCB ="An error occured while starting the "Browser" service" ShareErrStop ="An error occured while stopping the "File Sharing" service" ShareErrPW ="An error occured while updating the specified user with the new password" ShareErrUsr ="An error occured while adding the specified user to the system" ShareErrAdmin ="An error occured while adding the specified user to the admin group" ConStateOK ="OK" ConStatePause ="Приостановлено" ConStateDiscon ="Отключено" ConStateErr ="Ошибка" ConStateNetErr ="Ошибка сети" ConStateCon ="Подключение" ConStateRecon ="Повторное"