WinBuilder Beta 4 - Build 051
Log of process on 11.28.2007

%BaseDir% (winbuilder's path is converted to make the log easier to read)


#0001 [Script] Processing script: 0 - Retrieve Project Info
#0095 [Script] Processing script: L - Log script process
#0098 [Script] Processing script: H - Empty Hive
#101 [Script] Processing script: 5 - Process WinSxS files
#117 [Script] Processing script: USB Mass Storage Devices
#220 [Script] Processing script: Set CMD.EXE as default shell
#238 [Script] Processing script: Autoruns
#247 [Script] Processing script: Display Properties
#472 [Script] Processing script: 16 Bit support
#591 [Script] Processing script: RAMDisk
#658 [Script] Processing script: Small CD Writer
#676 [Script] Processing script: Go2PDF Virtual PDF Printer
#719 [Script] Processing script: Notepad
#776 [Script] Processing script: Registry Editor
#794 [Script] Processing script: Task Manager
#811 [Script] Processing script: Explorer
#906 [Script] Processing script: Shortcuts
#912 [Script] Processing script: Misc Settings
#954 [Script] Processing script: Create ISO
#985 [Script] Processing script: Run ISO in qEmu

20 scripts processed.


#104 [Failed] INIRead - Failed to read value from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [OS] Key: [Type] to variable: [%OS%] #134 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #135 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #136 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #137 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #138 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #139 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #140 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #141 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #142 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #143 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #144 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #145 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #146 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #147 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #148 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #149 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #150 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #151 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #152 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #153 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #154 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #155 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #156 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #242 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [Tmp_software] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\config\software] #243 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\500] Key: [200=hiderun.exe autorun.cmd..] #244 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [Tmp_software] #249 [Failed] INIRead - Failed to read value from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [OS] Key: [Type] to variable: [%OS%] #261 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\config\software] #262 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] Key: [NoActiveDesktop=0x0..] #263 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] Key: [NoDesktopCleanupWizard=0x1..] #264 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] Key: [NoThemesTab=0x1..] #265 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] Key: [WallPaperDir=%SystemRoot%\System32..] #266 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}] Key: [=Windows Theme Manager API..] #267 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #268 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #269 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #270 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\ProgID] Key: [=Theme.Manager.1..] #271 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\TypeLib] Key: [={40643250-8D23-47fb-895C-EAF48E2C8892}..] #272 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\Version] Key: [=1.0..] #273 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\VersionIndependentProgID] Key: [=Theme.Manager..] #274 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{4c892621-6757-4fe0-ad8c-a6301be7fba2}] Key: [=Windows Settings Page..] #275 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{4c892621-6757-4fe0-ad8c-a6301be7fba2}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #276 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{4c892621-6757-4fe0-ad8c-a6301be7fba2}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #277 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{4c892621-6757-4fe0-ad8c-a6301be7fba2}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #278 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{41E300E0-78B6-11ce-849B-444553540000}] Key: [=PlusPack CPL-Erweiterung..] #279 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{41E300E0-78B6-11ce-849B-444553540000}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #280 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{41E300E0-78B6-11ce-849B-444553540000}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #281 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{5a3d988e-820d-4aaf-ba87-440081768a17}] Key: [=Windows Screen Resolution Fixer..] #282 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{5a3d988e-820d-4aaf-ba87-440081768a17}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #283 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{5a3d988e-820d-4aaf-ba87-440081768a17}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #284 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{5a3d988e-820d-4aaf-ba87-440081768a17}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #285 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{ADB9F5A4-E73E-49b8-99B6-2FA317EF9DBC}] Key: [=Windows ScreenSaver Properties..] #286 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{ADB9F5A4-E73E-49b8-99B6-2FA317EF9DBC}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #287 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{ADB9F5A4-E73E-49b8-99B6-2FA317EF9DBC}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #288 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{ADB9F5A4-E73E-49b8-99B6-2FA317EF9DBC}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #289 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B12AE898-D056-4378-A844-6D393FE37956}] Key: [=Windows ThemeUI Pages..] #290 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B12AE898-D056-4378-A844-6D393FE37956}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #291 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B12AE898-D056-4378-A844-6D393FE37956}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #292 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B12AE898-D056-4378-A844-6D393FE37956}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #293 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B7BBD408-F09C-4aa8-B65E-A00B8FE0F0B9}] Key: [=Windows Theme Preview API..] #294 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B7BBD408-F09C-4aa8-B65E-A00B8FE0F0B9}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #295 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B7BBD408-F09C-4aa8-B65E-A00B8FE0F0B9}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #296 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B7BBD408-F09C-4aa8-B65E-A00B8FE0F0B9}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #297 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{c79d1575-b8c6-4862-a284-788836518b97}] Key: [=Windows Display Settings..] #298 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{c79d1575-b8c6-4862-a284-788836518b97}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #299 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{c79d1575-b8c6-4862-a284-788836518b97}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #300 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{c79d1575-b8c6-4862-a284-788836518b97}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #302 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Key: [NoDispBackgroundPage=0x0..] #305 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Key: [NoDispScrSavPage=0x0..] #308 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Key: [NoDispAppearancePage=0x0..] #311 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Key: [NoDispSettingsPage=0x0..] #322 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Key: [NoDispCPL=0x0..] #324 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] #355 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\config\default] #356 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [ScreenSaveActive=1..] #357 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [ScreenSaveTimeOut=600..] #359 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [SCRNSAVE.EXE=X:\I386\SYSTEM32\sspipes.scr..] #360 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] Key: [ScreenSaver=X:\I386\SYSTEM32\screensaver.exe..] #361 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] #382 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\config\software] #404 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID key:{42071712-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}" #406 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID key:{42071713-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}" #408 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID key:{5DB2625A-54DF-11D0-B6C4-0800091AA605}" #410 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID key:{f92e8c40-3d33-11d2-b1aa-080036a75b03}" #412 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers key:Display Adapter CPL Extension" #414 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers key:Display Monitor CPL Extension" #416 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers key:ICM Monitor Management" #418 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers key:Display TroubleShoot CPL Extension" #419 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] #735 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [Tmp_software] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\config\software] #738 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\.txt\ShellNew] Key: [NullFile=..] #740 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x3] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\txtfile] Key: [EditFlags=10000..] #742 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\txtfile] Key: [FriendlyTypeName=@%SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe,-469..] #744 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\txtfile\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-152..] #746 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\txtfile\shell\open\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE %1..] #748 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\txtfile\shell\print\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE /p %1..] #750 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\regfile\shell\edit\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE %1..] #752 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\regfile\shell\print\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE /p %1..] #754 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inffile\shell\open\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE %1..] #756 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inffile\shell\print\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE /p %1..] #758 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inffile\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll,-151..] #760 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inifile\shell\open\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE %1..] #762 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inifile\shell\print\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE /p %1..] #764 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inifile\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll,-151..] #765 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [Tmp_software] #846 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [Tmp_software] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\config\software] #849 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\500] Key: [100=shell32.dll|DllInstall|I..] #850 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\500] Key: [103=browseui.dll|DllInstall|I..] #851 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\500] Key: [104=shdocvw.dll|DllInstall|I..] #852 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\500] Key: [105=ie4uinit.exe..] #853 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Tour] Key: [RunCount=00000000..] #854 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList] Key: [DefaultUserProfile=Default User..] #855 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList] Key: [AllUsersProfile=All Users..] #856 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList] Key: [ProfilesDirectory=%ProfilesDir%..] #857 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders] Key: [Common Start Menu=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu..] #858 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders] Key: [Common Programs=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs..] #860 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\nonenum] Key: [{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}=1..] #862 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] Key: [nosmmydocs=1..] #863 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [Tmp_software] #865 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [Tmp_default] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\config\default] #872 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [WallpaperStyle=2..] #874 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [TileWallpaper=0..] #875 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [Wallpaper=wallpaper.bmp..] #876 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\ClassicStartMenu] Key: [{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}=1..] #877 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel] Key: [{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}=1..] #878 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x3] Section: [Tmp_default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop] Key: [Taskbar=0c..] #881 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x3] Section: [Tmp_default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] Key: [ShellState=24..] #882 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders] Key: [Personal=%temp%..] #883 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [Tmp_default] #908 [Failed] FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Tools\AutoIt3.exe] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\System32] #917 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\config\default] #918 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Control Panel\Keyboard] Key: [InitialKeyboardIndicators=0..] #919 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] #933 [Failed] FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Tools\autoit3.exe] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32] #942 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\config\default] #944 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY]
137 error(s) while processing.


#0005 [Section] Processing section: [Create-Info] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script] #0029 [Section] Processing section: [retrieveOS] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script] #0079 [Section] Processing section: [Delete-Iso] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script] #0086 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #108 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #229 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #253 [Section] Processing section: [Process-Files] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #259 [Section] Processing section: [Process-CLSID] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #327 [Section] Processing section: [Process-ScreensaverSettings] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #331 [Section] Processing section: [Process-CopyClassics] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #365 [Section] Processing section: [Process-DisplaySettings] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #369 [Section] Processing section: [Process-800x600] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #421 [Section] Processing section: [Process-UPX] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #463 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #644 [Section] Processing section: [process-shc] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\ramdisk.script] #649 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #667 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #710 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #724 [Section] Processing section: [ShorcutDesktop] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] #728 [Section] Processing section: [ShorcutStart] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] #732 [Section] Processing section: [ShorcutQL] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] #767 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #785 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #802 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #897 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #915 [Section] Processing section: [Process-Numlock] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\MiscSettings.Script] #924 [Section] Processing section: [Process-PELoader] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\MiscSettings.Script] #931 [Section] Processing section: [Process-KillProc] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\MiscSettings.Script] #956 [Section] Processing section: [CopyBootLoader] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\MkISOfs.script] #962 [Section] Processing section: [CreateSimpleIso] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\MkISOfs.script] #964 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #997 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]

32 section(s) processed.

#0001 [Script] Processing script: 0 - Retrieve Project Info

#0002 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script] Version [4]

#0003 [Info] Processing ProjectInfo File
#0004 [Ignore] IF - Directory already exists: [%BaseDir%\Temp] evaluated string: [If,NotExistDir,"%Temp%",DirMake,"%Temp%"] #0005 [Section] Processing section: [Create-Info] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script] #0006 [Success] FileCreateBlank - Created a new file:[%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] #0007 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] line: [[Project]] Option:"Append" #0008 [Success] Shellexecute: [Hide] using: [cmd.exe] with parameters: [ "/c for /D %l in ("%BaseDir%\Archive") do echo ProjectName=%~nl >> "%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini""] #0009 [Success] Shellexecute: [Hide] using: [cmd.exe] with parameters: [ "/c for /f "tokens=*" %l in ("%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso") do echo ISORootName=%~nl >> "%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini""] #0010 [Success] Shellexecute: [Hide] using: [cmd.exe] with parameters: [ "/c for /f "tokens=*" %l in ("%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso") do echo RamISORootName=%~nl_RAM >> "%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini""] #0011 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] line: [] Option:"Append" #0012 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] line: [[Created]] Option:"Append" #0013 [Success] Shellexecute: [Hide] using: [cmd.exe] with parameters: [ "/c for /f "tokens=*" %l in ('Date /T') do echo Date=%l >> "%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini""] #0014 [Success] Shellexecute: [Hide] using: [cmd.exe] with parameters: [ "/c for /f "tokens=*" %l in ('Time /T') do echo Time=%l >> "%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini""] #0015 [Success] Shellexecute: [Hide] using: [cmd.exe] with parameters: [ "/c for /f "tokens=*" %l in ('Ver') do echo HostOS=%l >> "%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini""] #0016 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Project] key/value: [BootISO=] #0017 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] line: [] Option:"Append" #0018 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] line: [[Scripts]] Option:"Append" #0019 [Success] Run - Processed section [Create-Info] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script] #0020 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\CDROM_NT.5] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\CDROM_NT.5",Set,"%OSType%","W2000"] #0021 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IP] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IP",Set,"%OSType%","XP"] #0022 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IC] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IC",Set,"%OSType%","XP"] #0023 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IL] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IL",Set,"%OSType%","W2003"] #0024 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51ID] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51ID",Set,"%OSType%","W2003"] #0025 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IA] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IA",Set,"%OSType%","W2003"] #0026 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IS] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IS",Set,"%OSType%","W2003"] #0027 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IB] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IB",Set,"%OSType%","W2003"]
#0028 [Info] Retrieving Source Operating System Info
#0029 [Section] Processing section: [retrieveOS] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script] #0030 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\CDROM_IA.5] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\CDROM_IA.5",Set,"%OSSubType%","Advanced Server"] #0031 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\CDROM_IP.5] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\CDROM_IP.5",Set,"%OSSubType%","Professional"] #0032 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\CDROM_IS.5] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\CDROM_IS.5",Set,"%OSSubType%","Server"] #0033 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IP] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IP",Set,"%OSSubType%","Pro"] #0034 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IC] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IC",Set,"%OSSubType%","Home"] #0035 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IL] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IL",Set,"%OSSubType%","Small Business"] #0036 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51ID] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51ID",Set,"%OSSubType%","Data Center"] #0037 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IA] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IA",Set,"%OSSubType%","Enterprise"] #0038 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IS] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IS",Set,"%OSSubType%","Standard"] #0039 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN51IB] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN51IB",Set,"%OSSubType%","Web"] #0040 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN52IB.R2] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN52IB.R2",Set,"%OSServicePack%","R2"] #0041 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN52IL.R2] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN52IL.R2",Set,"%OSServicePack%","R2"] #0042 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN52ID.R2] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN52ID.R2",Set,"%OSServicePack%","R2"] #0043 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN52IS.R2] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN52IS.R2",Set,"%OSServicePack%","R2"] #0044 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\WIN52IA.R2] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\WIN52IA.R2",Set,"%OSServicePack%","R2"] #0045 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [OS] key/value: [Type=] #0046 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [OS] key/value: [OldOS=] #0047 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [OS] key/value: [SubType=] #0048 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Temp\all.txt] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,%allFiles%,FileDelete,%allFiles%] #0049 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Temp\sgl.txt] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,%sglFiles%,FileDelete,%sglFiles%] #0050 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [c:\xp\I386\DRVINDEX.INF] Section: [Version] Key: [CabFiles] into variable: [%myTemp%] with value: [SP2,driver] #0051 [Success] FileCreateBlank - Created a new file:[%BaseDir%\Temp\all.txt] #0052 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Temp\all.txt] line: [SP2,driver] Option:"Append" #0053 [Success] FileCreateBlank - Created a new file:[%BaseDir%\Temp\sgl.txt] #0054 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Temp\sgl.txt] line: [[CabLinks]] Option:"Append" #0055 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%cmd%] to: [/c for /f #$qtokens=1-2 delims=#$c#$q %a in ('Type #$q%allFiles%#$q') do echo link1=%a >> #$q%sglFiles%#$q&echo link2=%b >> #$q%sglFiles%#$q] #0056 [Success] Shellexecute: [Hide] using: [cmd.exe] with parameters: [/c for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=," %a in ('Type "%BaseDir%\Temp\all.txt"') do echo link1=%a >> "%BaseDir%\Temp\sgl.txt"&echo link2=%b >> "%BaseDir%\Temp\sgl.txt"] #0057 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Temp\sgl.txt] Section: [CabLinks] Key: [link1] into variable: [%spCab%] with value: [SP2] #0058 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Temp\sgl.txt] Section: [CabLinks] Key: [link2] into variable: [%drCab%] with value: [driver] #0059 [Success] IF [driver] is not equal to [] #0060 [Success] IF [sp2] is not equal to [] #0061 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [c:\xp\I386\DRVINDEX.INF] Section: [Cabs] Key: [SP2] into variable: [%spCabFile%] with value: [] #0062 [Ignore] IF - [driver] is not equal to [] evaluated string: [If,%drCab%,Equal,"",If,%spCab%,NotEqual,"",IniRead,"%SourceDir%\I386\%driverIndex%","Cabs","%spCab%","%drCabFile%"] #0063 [Success] IF [driver] is not equal to [] #0064 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [c:\xp\I386\DRVINDEX.INF] Section: [Cabs] Key: [driver] into variable: [%drCabFile%] with value: [] #0065 [Success] IF - [] is equal to: [] #0066 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%OSServicePack%] to: [%spCab%] #0067 [Ignore] IF - [sp2] is not equal to [] evaluated string: [If,%OSServicePack%,Equal,"",Set,%OSServicePack%,NO_SP] #0068 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [OS] key/value: [ServicePack=SP2] #0069 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Cabs] key/value: [] #0070 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Cabs] key/value: [] #0071 [Success] FileDelete - Sucessfully deleted file: [%BaseDir%\Temp\all.txt] #0072 [Success] FileDelete - Sucessfully deleted file: [%BaseDir%\Temp\sgl.txt] #0073 [Success] Run - Processed section [retrieveOS] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script]
#0074 [Info] Retrieving WinBuilder Version
#0075 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Created] key/value: [WinBuilderVersion=051] #0076 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Project] Key: [RamISORootName] into variable: [%ISO%] with value: [BootFile_RAM] #0077 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [OS] key/value: [OldOS=None] #0078 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #0079 [Section] Processing section: [Delete-Iso] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script] #0080 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile_RAM.iso] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%ISODir%\%ISO%.iso",FileDelete,"%ISODir%\%ISO%.iso"] #0081 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso] executing command: [FileDelete,%ISOfile%] #0082 [Success] FileDelete - Sucessfully deleted file: [%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso] #0083 [Success] Run - Processed section [Delete-Iso] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script]
#0084 [Info] Retrieving fundamental Locale Information
#0085 [Ignore] IF - Directory already exists: [%BaseDir%\Temp] evaluated string: [If,NotExistDir,%Temp%,DirMake,"%Temp%"] #0086 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #0087 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [0 - Retrieve Project Info] #0088 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [0 - Retrieve Project Info] #0089 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ProjectInfo.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [004] #0090 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:17] #0091 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [0 - Retrieve Project Info=Version 004 at 2007-11-28 07:17]
#0092 [Info] Script version 004
#0093 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#0094 [Info] Processing time: 3 seconds and 832 miliseconds
Finished processing script: 0 - Retrieve Project Info

#0095 [Script] Processing script: L - Log script process

#0096 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.Script] Version [2]

#0097 [Info] Processing time: 100 miliseconds
Finished processing script: L - Log script process

#0098 [Script] Processing script: H - Empty Hive

#0099 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\EmptyHive.Script] Version [4]

#100 [Info] Processing time: 110 miliseconds
Finished processing script: H - Empty Hive

#101 [Script] Processing script: 5 - Process WinSxS files

#102 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\WinSxS.Script] Version [1]

#103 [Info] Processing WinSxS files..
#104 [Failed] INIRead - Failed to read value from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [OS] Key: [Type] to variable: [%OS%] #105 [Ignore] IF - [] is not equal to [xp] evaluated string: [If,%OS%,Equal,XP,Run,%ScriptFile%,process-winxp] #106 [Ignore] IF - [] is not equal to [w2003] evaluated string: [If,%OS%,Equal,W2003,Run,%ScriptFile%,process-win2003] #107 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [UPX-Switches] key/value: [notepad.exe=-9] #108 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #109 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\WinSxS.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [5 - Process WinSxS files] #110 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [5 - Process WinSxS files] #111 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\WinSxS.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [001] #112 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:17] #113 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [5 - Process WinSxS files=Version 001 at 2007-11-28 07:17]
#114 [Info] Script version 001
#115 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#116 [Info] Processing time: 220 miliseconds
Finished processing script: 5 - Process WinSxS files

#117 [Script] Processing script: USB Mass Storage Devices

#118 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\USBSticks.Script] Version [5]

#119 [Info] Copying files for USB Mass Storage Devices support...
#120 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\reg.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #121 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\usbd.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\drivers] #122 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\usbehci.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\drivers] #123 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\usbohci.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\drivers] #124 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\usbuhci.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\drivers] #125 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\usbport.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\drivers] #126 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\usbhub.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\drivers] #127 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\usbstor.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\drivers] #128 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Cabs] Key: [SP_CAB] into variable: [%SP%] with value: [] #129 [Success] Shellexecute: [hide] using: [expand.exe] with parameters: ["c:\xp\I386\" -F:storprop.dll "%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32"] #130 [Success] ExtractFile - Extracted file: [usbstor.reg] to path: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #131 [Ignore] IF - File already exists: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\autorun.cmd] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\autorun.cmd",FileCreateBlank,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\autorun.cmd"] #132 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\autorun.cmd] line: [reg import usbstor.reg] Option:"Append"
#133 [Info] Writing txtsetup.sif values
#134 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #135 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #136 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #137 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #138 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #139 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #140 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #141 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #142 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #143 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #144 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #145 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #146 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #147 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #148 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #149 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #150 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #151 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #152 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #153 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #154 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #155 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #156 [Failed] INIwriteTextLine - An error occured when trying to edit INI file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] #157 [Success] IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport] #158 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport] line: [usbhub="Generic USB Hub Driver",files.usbhub,usbhub] #159 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport] line: [usbehci="Enhanced Host Controller",files.usbehci,usbehci] #160 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport] line: [usbohci="Open Host Controller",files.usbohci,usbohci] #161 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport] line: [usbuhci="Universal Host Controller",files.usbuhci,usbuhci] #162 [Success] IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport.Load] #163 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport.Load] line: [usbhub=usbhub.sys] #164 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport.Load] line: [usbehci=usbehci.sys] #165 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport.Load] line: [usbohci=usbohci.sys] #166 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport.Load] line: [usbuhci=usbuhci.sys] #167 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [InputDevicesSupport.Load] line: [usbstor=usbstor.sys] #168 [Success] IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] #169 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [PCI\CC_0C0320="usbehci"] #170 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [PCI\CC_0C0310="usbohci"] #171 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [PCI\CC_0C0300="usbuhci"] #172 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\ROOT_HUB="usbhub"] #173 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\ROOT_HUB20="usbhub"] #174 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_01="usbhub"] #175 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\CLASS_09="usbhub"] #176 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_03EE&PID_0000="usbstor"] #177 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_03EE&PID_6901="usbstor"] #178 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_03F0&PID_0107="usbstor"] #179 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_04B3&PID_4427="usbstor"] #180 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_04DA&PID_0B01="usbstor"] #181 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_04E6&PID_0001="usbstor"] #182 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_054C&PID_0023="usbstor"] #183 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_057B&PID_0000="usbstor"] #184 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_059F&PID_A601="usbstor"] #185 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_059F&PID_A602="usbstor"] #186 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_0644&PID_0000="usbstor"] #187 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_0644&PID_1000="usbstor"] #188 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\VID_55AA&PID_1234="usbstor"] #189 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\Class_08&SubClass_02&Prot_50="usbstor"] #190 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\Class_08&SubClass_05&Prot_50="usbstor"] #191 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [HwIdsDatabase] line: [USB\Class_08&SubClass_06&Prot_50="usbstor"] #192 [Success] IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.none] #193 [Success] IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbohci] #194 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbohci] line: [hid.dll,2] #195 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbohci] line: [hidclass.sys,4] #196 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbohci] line: [hidparse.sys,4] #197 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbohci] line: [usbd.sys,4] #198 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbohci] line: [usbport.sys,4] #199 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbohci] line: [usbohci.sys,4] #200 [Success] IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbehci] #201 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbehci] line: [hid.dll,2] #202 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbehci] line: [hccoin.dll,2] #203 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbehci] line: [hidclass.sys,4] #204 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbehci] line: [hidparse.sys,4] #205 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbehci] line: [usbd.sys,4] #206 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbehci] line: [usbport.sys,4] #207 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbehci] line: [usbehci.sys,4] #208 [Success] IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbuhci] #209 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbuhci] line: [hid.dll,2] #210 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbuhci] line: [hidclass.sys,4] #211 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbuhci] line: [hidparse.sys,4] #212 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbuhci] line: [usbd.sys,4] #213 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbuhci] line: [usbport.sys,4] #214 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbuhci] line: [usbuhci.sys,4] #215 [Success] IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbhub] #216 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbhub] line: [usbhub.sys,4] #217 [Success] IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbstor] #218 [Success] INIwriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF] section: [files.usbstor] line: [usbstor.sys,4]
#219 [Info] Processing time: 3 seconds and 792 miliseconds
Finished processing script: USB Mass Storage Devices

#220 [Script] Processing script: Set CMD.EXE as default shell

#221 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Shells\CMD.Script] Version [1]

#222 [Info] Loading setup registry hive..
#223 [Success] RegHiveLoad - Loaded registry hive from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\]
#224 [Info] Writing new value..
#225 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Build\Setup] Key: [CmdLine=cmd.exe..]
#226 [Info] Unloading hive..
#227 [Success] RegHiveUnLoad - Unloaded registry hive: [Build]
#228 [Info] All done
#229 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #230 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Shells\CMD.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [Set CMD.EXE as default shell] #231 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [Set CMD.EXE as default shell] #232 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Shells\CMD.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [001] #233 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:17] #234 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [Set CMD.EXE as default shell=Version 001 at 2007-11-28 07:17]
#235 [Info] Script version 001
#236 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#237 [Info] Processing time: 330 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Set CMD.EXE as default shell

#238 [Script] Processing script: Autoruns

#239 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Tweaks\autoruns.script] Version [4]

#240 [Info] Copying files...
#241 [Success] ExtractAllFiles - Extracted all internal files from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Tweaks\autoruns.script] Section:[Folder] Path to extract: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #242 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [Tmp_software] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\config\software] #243 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\500] Key: [200=hiderun.exe autorun.cmd..] #244 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [Tmp_software] #245 [Success] FileCreateBlank - Created a new file:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\autorun.cmd]
#246 [Info] Processing time: 141 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Autoruns

#247 [Script] Processing script: Display Properties

#248 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] Version [3]
#249 [Failed] INIRead - Failed to read value from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [OS] Key: [Type] to variable: [%OS%] #250 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest] executing command: [FileCopy,%WindowsDir%\WindowsShell.Manifest,%TargetDir%\i386] #251 [Success] FileCopy - Copied [C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386] #252 [Ignore] IF - File already exists: [C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,"%WindowsDir%\WindowsShell.Manifest",Run,%ScriptFile%,Process-CreateNewManifest] #253 [Section] Processing section: [Process-Files] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script]
#254 [Info] Expand files ...
#255 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\desk.cp_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32] #256 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\msimg32.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32] #257 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\themeui.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32] #258 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-Files] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #259 [Section] Processing section: [Process-CLSID] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script]
#260 [Info] Write CLSIDs to Software-hive ...
#261 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\config\software] #262 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] Key: [NoActiveDesktop=0x0..] #263 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] Key: [NoDesktopCleanupWizard=0x1..] #264 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] Key: [NoThemesTab=0x1..] #265 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] Key: [WallPaperDir=%SystemRoot%\System32..] #266 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}] Key: [=Windows Theme Manager API..] #267 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #268 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #269 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #270 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\ProgID] Key: [=Theme.Manager.1..] #271 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\TypeLib] Key: [={40643250-8D23-47fb-895C-EAF48E2C8892}..] #272 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\Version] Key: [=1.0..] #273 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{2E17C0EF-2851-459b-A3C8-27A41D4BC9F7}\VersionIndependentProgID] Key: [=Theme.Manager..] #274 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{4c892621-6757-4fe0-ad8c-a6301be7fba2}] Key: [=Windows Settings Page..] #275 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{4c892621-6757-4fe0-ad8c-a6301be7fba2}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #276 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{4c892621-6757-4fe0-ad8c-a6301be7fba2}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #277 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{4c892621-6757-4fe0-ad8c-a6301be7fba2}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #278 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{41E300E0-78B6-11ce-849B-444553540000}] Key: [=PlusPack CPL-Erweiterung..] #279 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{41E300E0-78B6-11ce-849B-444553540000}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #280 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{41E300E0-78B6-11ce-849B-444553540000}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #281 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{5a3d988e-820d-4aaf-ba87-440081768a17}] Key: [=Windows Screen Resolution Fixer..] #282 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{5a3d988e-820d-4aaf-ba87-440081768a17}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #283 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{5a3d988e-820d-4aaf-ba87-440081768a17}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #284 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{5a3d988e-820d-4aaf-ba87-440081768a17}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #285 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{ADB9F5A4-E73E-49b8-99B6-2FA317EF9DBC}] Key: [=Windows ScreenSaver Properties..] #286 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{ADB9F5A4-E73E-49b8-99B6-2FA317EF9DBC}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #287 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{ADB9F5A4-E73E-49b8-99B6-2FA317EF9DBC}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #288 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{ADB9F5A4-E73E-49b8-99B6-2FA317EF9DBC}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #289 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B12AE898-D056-4378-A844-6D393FE37956}] Key: [=Windows ThemeUI Pages..] #290 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B12AE898-D056-4378-A844-6D393FE37956}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #291 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B12AE898-D056-4378-A844-6D393FE37956}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #292 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B12AE898-D056-4378-A844-6D393FE37956}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #293 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B7BBD408-F09C-4aa8-B65E-A00B8FE0F0B9}] Key: [=Windows Theme Preview API..] #294 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B7BBD408-F09C-4aa8-B65E-A00B8FE0F0B9}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #295 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B7BBD408-F09C-4aa8-B65E-A00B8FE0F0B9}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #296 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{B7BBD408-F09C-4aa8-B65E-A00B8FE0F0B9}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #297 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{c79d1575-b8c6-4862-a284-788836518b97}] Key: [=Windows Display Settings..] #298 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{c79d1575-b8c6-4862-a284-788836518b97}\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll,7..] #299 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{c79d1575-b8c6-4862-a284-788836518b97}\InProcServer32] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll..] #300 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID\{c79d1575-b8c6-4862-a284-788836518b97}\InProcServer32] Key: [ThreadingModel=Apartment..] #301 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #302 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Key: [NoDispBackgroundPage=0x0..] #303 [Ignore] IF - [true] is not equal to [false] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,false,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x4,"%HiveKey%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System","NoDispBackgroundPage",0x1] #304 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #305 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Key: [NoDispScrSavPage=0x0..] #306 [Ignore] IF - [true] is not equal to [false] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox2%,Equal,false,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x4,"%HiveKey%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System","NoDispScrSavPage",0x1] #307 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #308 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Key: [NoDispAppearancePage=0x0..] #309 [Ignore] IF - [true] is not equal to [false] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox3%,Equal,false,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x4,"%HiveKey%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System","NoDispAppearancePage",0x1] #310 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #311 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Key: [NoDispSettingsPage=0x0..] #312 [Ignore] IF - [true] is not equal to [false] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox4%,Equal,false,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x4,"%HiveKey%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System","NoDispSettingsPage",0x1] #313 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #314 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%CPL%] to: [1] #315 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #316 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%CPL%] to: [1] #317 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #318 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%CPL%] to: [1] #319 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #320 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%CPL%] to: [1] #321 [Success] IF - [1] is equal to: [1] #322 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Key: [NoDispCPL=0x0..] #323 [Ignore] IF - [1] is not equal to [0] evaluated string: [If,%CPL%,Equal,0,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x4,"%HiveKey%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System","NoDispCPL",0x1] #324 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] #325 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-CLSID] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #326 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #327 [Section] Processing section: [Process-ScreensaverSettings] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script]
#328 [Info] Write default screensaver options to Default-hive ...
#329 [Success] ExtractFile - Extracted file: [screensaver.exe] to path: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32] #330 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #331 [Section] Processing section: [Process-CopyClassics] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script]
#332 [Info] Copy classic screensavers ...
#333 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\scrnsave.sc_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32] #334 [Ignore] IF - [] is not equal to [xp] evaluated string: [If,%OS%,Equal,XP,Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\ssbezier.sc_","%TargetSys32%"] #335 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ssmarque.sc_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32] #336 [Ignore] IF - [] is not equal to [xp] evaluated string: [If,%OS%,Equal,XP,Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\ssmyst.sc_","%TargetSys32%"] #337 [Ignore] IF - [] is not equal to [xp] evaluated string: [If,%OS%,Equal,XP,Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\ssstars.sc_","%TargetSys32%"] #338 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%ScreenSaverSet%] to: [1] #339 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-CopyClassics] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #340 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox7%,Equal,true,Run,%ScriptFile%,Process-Copy3D] #341 [Ignore] IF - Directory does not exist: [] evaluated string: [If,ExistDir,"%pFileBox1%",FileCopy,"%pFileBox1%\*.scr","%TargetSys32%"] #342 [Ignore] IF - [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] is not equal to [3d-flowerbox (not w2003!)] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"3D-FlowerBox (Not W2003!)",Set,"%ScreenSaver%","ssflwbox.scr"] #343 [Ignore] IF - [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] is not equal to [3d-objects (not w2003!)] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"3D-Objects (Not W2003!)",Set,"%ScreenSaver%","ss3dfo.scr"] #344 [Success] IF - [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] is equal to: [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] #345 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%ScreenSaver%] to: [sspipes.scr] #346 [Ignore] IF - [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] is not equal to [3d-text (not w2003!)] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"3D-Text (Not W2003!)",Set,"%ScreenSaver%","sstext3d.scr"] #347 [Ignore] IF - [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] is not equal to [windows xp/2k3] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Windows XP/2K3",Set,"%ScreenSaver%","logon.scr"] #348 [Ignore] IF - [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] is not equal to [blackscreen] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"BlackScreen",Set,"%ScreenSaver%","scrnsave.scr"] #349 [Ignore] IF - [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] is not equal to [bezier (not w2003!)] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Bezier (Not W2003!)",Set,"%ScreenSaver%","ssbezier.scr"] #350 [Ignore] IF - [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] is not equal to [marque] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Marque",Set,"%ScreenSaver%","ssmarque.scr"] #351 [Ignore] IF - [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] is not equal to [mystify (not w2003!)] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Mystify (Not W2003!)",Set,"%ScreenSaver%","ssmyst.scr"] #352 [Ignore] IF - [3d-pipes (not w2003!)] is not equal to [stars (not w2003!)] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Stars (Not W2003!)",Set,"%ScreenSaver%","ssstars.scr"] #353 [Ignore] IF - [] is equal to [] evaluated string: [If,%pTextBox2%,NotEqual,"",Set,"%ScreenSaver%","%pTextBox2%"] #354 [Ignore] IF - [] is equal to [] evaluated string: [If,%pTextBox2%,NotEqual,"",Set,"%ScreenSaverSet%","1"] #355 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\config\default] #356 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [ScreenSaveActive=1..] #357 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [ScreenSaveTimeOut=600..] #358 [Success] IF - [1] is equal to: [1] #359 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [SCRNSAVE.EXE=X:\I386\SYSTEM32\sspipes.scr..] #360 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] Key: [ScreenSaver=X:\I386\SYSTEM32\screensaver.exe..] #361 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] #362 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-ScreensaverSettings] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #363 [Ignore] IF - [true] is not equal to [false] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox5%,Equal,false,FileDelete,"%TargetSys32%\screensaver.exe"] #364 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #365 [Section] Processing section: [Process-DisplaySettings] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script]
#366 [Info] Write default display resolution to Setup-hive ...
#367 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [if,%pRadioButton1%,equal,true,Run,%ScriptFile%,Process-640x480] #368 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #369 [Section] Processing section: [Process-800x600] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #370 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%X%] to: [800] #371 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%Y%] to: [600] #372 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-800x600] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #373 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [if,%pRadioButton3%,equal,true,Run,%ScriptFile%,Process-1024x768] #374 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [if,%pRadioButton4%,equal,true,Run,%ScriptFile%,Process-Custom] #375 [Success] RegHiveLoad - Loaded registry hive from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\] #376 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\ControlSet001\Services\VgaSave\Device0] Key: [DefaultSettings.BitsPerPel=32..] #377 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\ControlSet001\Services\VgaSave\Device0] Key: [DefaultSettings.XResolution=800..] #378 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\ControlSet001\Services\VgaSave\Device0] Key: [DefaultSettings.YResolution=600..] #379 [Success] RegHiveUnLoad - Unloaded registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] #380 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [CustomLogs] key/value: [ScreenResolution=800 * 600]
#381 [Info] Write Display-CLSIDs to Software-hive ...
#382 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\config\software] #383 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox8%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{42071712-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}","","CPL-Extension for Videocards"] #384 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox8%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{42071712-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}\InProcServer32","","deskadp.dll"] #385 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox8%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{42071712-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}\InProcServer32","ThreadingModel","Apartment"] #386 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox8%,Equal,true,Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\deskadp.dl_","%TargetSys32%"] #387 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox8%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\Display Adapter CPL Extension","","{42071712-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}"] #388 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox9%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{42071713-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}","","CPL-Extension for Monitors"] #389 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox9%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{42071713-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}\InProcServer32","","deskmon.dll"] #390 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox9%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{42071713-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}\InProcServer32","ThreadingModel","Apartment"] #391 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox9%,Equal,true,Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\deskmon.dl_","%TargetSys32%"] #392 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox9%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\Display Monitor CPL Extension","","{42071713-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}"] #393 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox10%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{5DB2625A-54DF-11D0-B6C4-0800091AA605}","","ICM-Monitormanagement"] #394 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox10%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{5DB2625A-54DF-11D0-B6C4-0800091AA605}\InProcServer32","","#$pSystemRoot#$p\System32\icmui.dll"] #395 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox10%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{5DB2625A-54DF-11D0-B6C4-0800091AA605}\InProcServer32","ThreadingModel","Apartment"] #396 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox10%,Equal,true,Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\icmui.dl_","%TargetSys32%"] #397 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox10%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\ICM Monitor Management","","{5DB2625A-54DF-11D0-B6C4-0800091AA605}"] #398 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox11%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{f92e8c40-3d33-11d2-b1aa-080036a75b03}","","Display TroubleShoot CPL Extension"] #399 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox11%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{f92e8c40-3d33-11d2-b1aa-080036a75b03}\InProcServer32","","deskperf.dll"] #400 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox11%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Classes\CLSID\{f92e8c40-3d33-11d2-b1aa-080036a75b03}\InProcServer32","ThreadingModel","Apartment"] #401 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox11%,Equal,true,Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\deskperf.dl_","%TargetSys32%"] #402 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox11%,Equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"%HiveKey%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\Display TroubleShoot CPL Extension","","{f92e8c40-3d33-11d2-b1aa-080036a75b03}"] #403 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #404 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID key:{42071712-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}" #405 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #406 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID key:{42071713-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3}" #407 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #408 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID key:{5DB2625A-54DF-11D0-B6C4-0800091AA605}" #409 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #410 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Classes\CLSID key:{f92e8c40-3d33-11d2-b1aa-080036a75b03}" #411 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #412 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers key:Display Adapter CPL Extension" #413 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #414 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers key:Display Monitor CPL Extension" #415 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #416 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers key:ICM Monitor Management" #417 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #418 [Failed] RegDeleteKey - Failed to delete registry key in: "HKLM\TMP_HIVE_KEY\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Device\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers key:Display TroubleShoot CPL Extension" #419 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] #420 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-DisplaySettings] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #421 [Section] Processing section: [Process-UPX] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script]
#422 [Info] UPXing desk.cpl
#423 [Success] Shellexecute: [hide] using: [%BaseDir%\Tools\upx.exe] with parameters: [-9 --compress-icons=0 "%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\desk.cpl"]
#424 [Info] UPXing themeui.dll
#425 [Success] Shellexecute: [hide] using: [%BaseDir%\Tools\upx.exe] with parameters: [-9 --compress-icons=0 "%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\themeui.dll"] #426 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\d3d8.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\d3d8.dll",Echo,"UPXing d3d8.dll"] #427 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\d3d8.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\d3d8.dll",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 "%TargetSys32%\d3d8.dll""] #428 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\d3d8thk.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\d3d8thk.dll",Echo,"UPXing d3d8thk.dll"] #429 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\d3d8thk.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\d3d8thk.dll",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 "%TargetSys32%\d3d8thk.dll""] #430 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\logon.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\logon.scr",Echo,"UPXing logon.scr"] #431 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\logon.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\logon.scr",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 "%TargetSys32%\logon.scr""] #432 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ss3dfo.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\ss3dfo.scr",Echo,"UPXing ss3dfo.scr"] #433 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ss3dfo.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\ss3dfo.scr",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 "%TargetSys32%\ss3dfo.scr""] #434 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssflwbox.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\ssflwbox.scr",Echo,"UPXing ssflwbox.scr"] #435 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssflwbox.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\ssflwbox.scr",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 "%TargetSys32%\ssflwbox.scr""] #436 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\sspipes.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\sspipes.scr",Echo,"UPXing sspipes.scr"] #437 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\sspipes.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\sspipes.scr",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 "%TargetSys32%\sspipes.scr""] #438 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\sstext3d.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\sstext3d.scr",Echo,"UPXing sstext3d.scr"] #439 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\sstext3d.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\sstext3d.scr",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 "%TargetSys32%\sstext3d.scr""] #440 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\scrnsave.scr] executing command: [Echo,UPXing scrnsave.scr]
#441 [Info] UPXing scrnsave.scr
#442 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\scrnsave.scr] executing command: [ShellExecute,hide,%Tools%\upx.exe,-9 "%TargetSys32%\scrnsave.scr"] #443 [Success] Shellexecute: [hide] using: [%BaseDir%\Tools\upx.exe] with parameters: [-9 "%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\scrnsave.scr"] #444 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssbezier.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\ssbezier.scr",Echo,"UPXing ssbezier.scr"] #445 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssbezier.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\ssbezier.scr",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 "%TargetSys32%\ssbezier.scr""] #446 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssmarque.scr] executing command: [Echo,UPXing ssmarque.scr]
#447 [Info] UPXing ssmarque.scr
#448 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssmarque.scr] executing command: [ShellExecute,hide,%Tools%\upx.exe,-9 "%TargetSys32%\ssmarque.scr"] #449 [Success] Shellexecute: [hide] using: [%BaseDir%\Tools\upx.exe] with parameters: [-9 "%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssmarque.scr"] #450 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssmyst.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\ssmyst.scr",Echo,"UPXing ssmyst.scr"] #451 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssmyst.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\ssmyst.scr",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 "%TargetSys32%\ssmyst.scr""] #452 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssstars.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\ssstars.scr",Echo,"UPXing ssstars.scr"] #453 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\ssstars.scr] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\ssstars.scr",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 "%TargetSys32%\ssstars.scr""] #454 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\deskadp.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\deskadp.dll",Echo,"UPXing deskadp.dll"] #455 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\deskadp.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\deskadp.dll",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 --compress-icons=0 "%TargetSys32%\deskadp.dll""] #456 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\deskmon.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\deskmon.dll",Echo,"UPXing deskmon.dll"] #457 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\deskmon.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\deskmon.dll",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 --compress-icons=0 "%TargetSys32%\deskmon.dll""] #458 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\deskperf.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\deskperf.dll",Echo,"UPXing deskperf.dll"] #459 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\deskperf.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\deskperf.dll",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 --compress-icons=0 "%TargetSys32%\deskperf.dll""] #460 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\icmui.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\icmui.dll",Echo,"UPXing icmui.dll"] #461 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\icmui.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetSys32%\icmui.dll",ShellExecute,"hide","%Tools%\upx.exe","-9 --compress-icons=0 "%TargetSys32%\icmui.dll""] #462 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-UPX] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] #463 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #464 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [Display Properties] #465 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [Display Properties] #466 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\DisplayProperties.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [003] #467 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:17] #468 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [Display Properties=Version 003 at 2007-11-28 07:17]
#469 [Info] Script version 003
#470 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#471 [Info] Processing time: 8 seconds and 755 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Display Properties

#472 [Script] Processing script: 16 Bit support

#473 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\dos16bit.script] Version [3]
#474 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\_DEFAULT.PI_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\] #475 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\SYSTEM.IN_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\] #476 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\WIN.IN_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\] #477 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ANSI.SY_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #478 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\AUTOEXEC.NT_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #479 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\AVICAP32.DL_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #480 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\AVIFILE.DL_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #481 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\CONFIG.NT_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #482 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\COMMAND.CO_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #483 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\COMM.DR_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #484 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\COMMDLG.DL_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #485 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\COMPOBJ.DL_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #486 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\COUNTRY.SY_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #487 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\CRTDLL.DL_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #488 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\CTL3DV2.DL_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #489 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\DDEML.DL_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #490 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\DOSX.EX_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #491 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ega.cp_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #492 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\gdi.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #493 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\himem.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #494 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\keyboard.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #495 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\keyboard.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #496 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\krnl386.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #497 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\lanman.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #498 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\lzexpand.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #499 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\i386\mapi.dl_] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\i386\mapi.dl_",Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\mapi.dl_","%TargetDir%\i386\system32"] #500 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mciavi.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #501 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mciseq.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #502 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mciwave.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #503 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mmsystem.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #504 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mouse.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #505 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\msacm.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #506 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mscdexnt.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #507 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\msvideo.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #508 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\netapi.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #509 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntdos.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #510 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntdos404.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #511 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntdos411.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #512 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntdos412.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #513 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntdos804.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #514 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntio.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #515 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntio404.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #516 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntio411.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #517 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntio412.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #518 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntio804.sy_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #519 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntvdm.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #520 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntvdmd.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #521 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ole2.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #522 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ole2disp.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #523 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ole2nls.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #524 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\olecli.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #525 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\olesvr.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #526 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\pmspl.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #527 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\progman.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #528 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [c:\xp\i386\rasapi16.dl_] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\i386\rasapi16.dl_",Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\rasapi16.dl_","%TargetDir%\i386\system32"] #529 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\redir.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #530 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\shell.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #531 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\sound.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #532 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\storage.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #533 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\system.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #534 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\timer.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #535 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\toolhelp.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #536 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\typelib.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #537 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\user.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #538 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [c:\xp\i386\vcdex.dl_] executing command: [Expand,%SourceDir%\i386\vcdex.dl_,%TargetDir%\i386\system32] #539 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\vcdex.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #540 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ver.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #541 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\vga.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #542 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\wfwnet.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #543 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\winoldap.mo_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #544 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\winspool.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #545 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\wow32.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #546 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\wowdeb.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #547 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\wowexec.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #548 [Success] Shellexecute: [hide] using: [expand.exe] with parameters: ["c:\xp\I386\" -F:WOWFAX.DLL "%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32"] #549 [Success] Shellexecute: [hide] using: [expand.exe] with parameters: ["c:\xp\I386\" -F:WOWFAXUI.DLL "%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32"] #550 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\win87em.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #551 [Ignore] DirMake - Directory already exists, ignoring: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #552 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\avicap.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #553 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\avifile.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #554 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\commdlg.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #555 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\keyboard.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #556 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\lzexpand.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #557 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mciavi.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #558 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mciseq.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #559 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mciwave.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #560 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mmsystem.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #561 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [c:\xp\i386\vcdex.dl_] executing command: [Expand,%SourceDir%\i386\vcdex.dl_,%TargetDir%\i386\system] #562 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\vcdex.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #563 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mouse.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #564 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\msvideo.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #565 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\olecli.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #566 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\olesvr.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #567 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\shell.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #568 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\stdole.tl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #569 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\system.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #570 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [c:\xp\i386\tapi.dl_] executing command: [Expand,%SourceDir%\i386\tapi.dl_,%TargetDir%\i386\system] #571 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\tapi.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #572 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\timer.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #573 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ver.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #574 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\vga.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #575 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\wfwnet.dr_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system] #576 [Success] RegHiveLoad - Loaded registry hive from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\]
#577 [Info] Writing new values on registry hive..
#578 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\WOW] Key: [cmdline=%SystemRoot%\system32\ntvdm.exe..] #579 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\WOW] Key: [DefaultSeparateVDM=no..] #580 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\WOW] Key: [LPT_timeout=15..] #581 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\WOW] Key: [size=0..] #582 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\WOW] Key: [wowsize=16..] #583 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\WOW] Key: [wowcmdline=%SystemRoot%\system32\ntvdm.exe -a %SystemRoot%\system32\krnl386..] #584 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\WOW] Key: [KnownDLLs=comm.drv commdlg.dll ctl3dv2.dll ddeml.dll keyboard.drv lanman.drv mmsystem.dll mouse.drv netapi.dll olecli.dll olesvr.dll pmspl.dll shell.dll sound.drv system.drv toolhelp.dll vga.drv wfwnet.drv win87em.dll winoldap.mod winsock.dll winspool.exe wowdeb.exe timer.drv rasapi16.dll compobj.dll storage.dll ole2.dll ole2disp.dll ole2nls.dll typelib.dll msvideo.dll avifile.dll msacm.dll mciavi.drv mciseq.drv mciwave.drv progman.exe avicap.dll mapi.dll..] #585 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\WOW] Key: [SharedWowTimeout=0x00000e10..] #586 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x3] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\WOW] Key: [RomFontPointers=b0,52,00,c0,b0,4a,00,c0,b0,4e,00,c0,b0,60,00,c0,c0,60,00,c0,c0,70,00,c0..] #587 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment] Key: [PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD..] #588 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x7] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\VirtualDeviceDrivers] Key: [VDD=..] #589 [Success] RegHiveUnLoad - Unloaded registry hive: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv]
#590 [Info] Processing time: 36 seconds and 431 miliseconds
Finished processing script: 16 Bit support

#591 [Script] Processing script: RAMDisk

#592 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\ramdisk.script] Version [6]
#593 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%RamDiskDriveLetter%] to: [%pScrollBox1%] #594 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton1%,Equal,true,Set,%RamDiskDiskSize%,"1048576"] #595 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #596 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%RamDiskDiskSize%] to: [4194304] #597 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton3%,Equal,true,Set,%RamDiskDiskSize%,"8388608"] #598 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton4%,Equal,true,Set,%RamDiskDiskSize%,"16777216"] #599 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton5%,Equal,true,Set,%RamDiskDiskSize%,"33554432"] #600 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton6%,Equal,true,Set,%RamDiskDiskSize%,"67108864"] #601 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton7%,Equal,true,Set,%RamDiskDiskSize%,%pNumberBox1%]
#602 [Info] Copying files..
#603 [Success] ExtractFile - Extracted file: [ramdriv.sys] to path: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\system32\drivers\]
#604 [Info] Loading registry hive: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\]
#605 [Success] RegHiveLoad - Loaded registry hive from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\]
#606 [Info] Writing new values on registry hive..
#607 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment] Key: [temp=B:..] #608 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment] Key: [tmp=B:..] #609 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment] Key: [ramdrv=B:..] #610 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{FFA1C341-4539-11D3-B88D-00C04FAD5172}] Key: [Class=RamDisk..] #611 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{FFA1C341-4539-11D3-B88D-00C04FAD5172}] Key: [=RAM Disk..] #612 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{FFA1C341-4539-11D3-B88D-00C04FAD5172}\0001] Key: [ProviderName=QSoft..] #613 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{FFA1C341-4539-11D3-B88D-00C04FAD5172}\0001] Key: [MatchingDeviceId=ramdriv..] #614 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{FFA1C341-4539-11D3-B88D-00C04FAD5172}\0001] Key: [DriverDesc=Ramdisk [ QSoft ]..] #615 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv] Key: [Type=1..] #616 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv] Key: [Start=3..] #617 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv] Key: [ErrorControl=1..] #618 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv] Key: [DisplayName=Ramdisk [ QSoft ]..] #619 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv] Key: [ImagePath=system32\drivers\ramdriv.sys..] #620 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv\Parameters] Key: [BreakOnEntry=0..] #621 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv\Parameters] Key: [DebugLevel=5..] #622 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv\Parameters] Key: [DebugComp=-1..] #623 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv\Parameters] Key: [DiskSize=4194304..] #624 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv\Parameters] Key: [DriveLetter=B:..] #625 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv\Parameters] Key: [RootDirEntries=512..] #626 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv\Parameters] Key: [SectorsPerCluster=2..] #627 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv\Enum] Key: [0=Root\UNKNOWN\9999..] #628 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv\Enum] Key: [Count=1..] #629 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\Ramdriv\Enum] Key: [NextInstance=1..] #630 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999] Key: [ClassGUID={FFA1C341-4539-11D3-B88D-00C04FAD5172}..] #631 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999] Key: [Class=RamDisk..] #632 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999] Key: [ConfigFlags=4..] #633 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999] Key: [Mfg=QSoft..] #634 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x7] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999] Key: [HardwareID=ramdriv..] #635 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999] Key: [Service=Ramdriv..] #636 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999] Key: [DeviceDesc=Ramdisk [ QSoft ]..] #637 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999] Key: [Capabilities=0..] #638 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999] Key: [Driver={FFA1C341-4539-11D3-B88D-00C04FAD5172}\0001..] #639 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999\Control] Key: [DisableCount=0..] #640 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999\Control] Key: [ActiveService=Ramdriv..] #641 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x7] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\UNKNOWN\9999\Control] Key: [FilteredConfigVector=00..] #642 [Success] RegHiveUnLoad - Unloaded registry hive: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv] #643 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #644 [Section] Processing section: [process-shc] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\ramdisk.script] #645 [Ignore] IF - File already exists: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\shortcut.inf",FileCreateBlank,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\shortcut.inf"] #646 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] line: [1,!WD\explorer.exe,!DE\RAMDrive,,/e!c%RAMDRV%,Go to RAMDISK,!WD\system32\shell32.dll,,12] Option:"Append" #647 [Success] Run - Processed section [process-shc] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\ramdisk.script] #648 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [RamDrive] key/value: [DriveLetter=B:] #649 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #650 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\ramdisk.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [RAMDisk] #651 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [RAMDisk] #652 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\ramdisk.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [006] #653 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:17] #654 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [RAMDisk=Version 006 at 2007-11-28 07:17]
#655 [Info] Script version 006
#656 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#657 [Info] Processing time: 1 second and 20 miliseconds
Finished processing script: RAMDisk

#658 [Script] Processing script: Small CD Writer

#659 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\CDWriter.Script] Version [1]

#660 [Info] Making new directories..
#661 [Ignore] DirMake - Directory already exists, ignoring: [%BaseDir%\Target\Programs] #662 [Ignore] DirMake - Directory already exists, ignoring: [%BaseDir%\Target\Programs\sCDWriter]
#663 [Info] Extracting CD Writer - Burn Cd and Dvd..
#664 [Success] ExtractAllFiles - Extracted all internal files from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\CDWriter.Script] Section:[Internal-files] Path to extract: [%BaseDir%\Target\Programs\sCDWriter]
#665 [Info] Adding item to xoblite menu..
#666 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\Programs\XobLite\menu.rc] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%targetdir%\Programs\XobLite\menu.rc",TxTAddLine,"%targetdir%\Programs\XobLite\menu.rc","[exec] (%ProgramName%) {%ProgramExe%}","append","3"] #667 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #668 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\CDWriter.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [Small CD Writer] #669 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [Small CD Writer] #670 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\CDWriter.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [001] #671 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:17] #672 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [Small CD Writer=Version 001 at 2007-11-28 07:17]
#673 [Info] Script version 001
#674 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#675 [Info] Processing time: 711 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Small CD Writer

#676 [Script] Processing script: Go2PDF Virtual PDF Printer

#677 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\go2pdf.script] Version [3]

#678 [Info] Expanding files..
#679 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\activeds.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #680 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\adsldpc.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #681 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\atl.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #682 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\cfgmgr32.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #683 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\compstui.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #684 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\credui.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #685 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\mscms.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #686 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\msv1_0.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #687 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\net.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #688 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\net1.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #689 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\netmsg.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #690 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\netrap.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #691 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ntprint.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #692 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\printui.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #693 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\spoolss.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #694 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\spoolsv.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #695 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\localspl.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #696 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\msimg32.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #697 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\sfc_os.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32]
#698 [Info] Expanding encoded files..
#699 [Ignore] DirMake - Directory already exists, ignoring: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\spool] #700 [Ignore] DirMake - Directory already exists, ignoring: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\spool\drivers] #701 [Ignore] DirMake - Directory already exists, ignoring: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86] #702 [Ignore] DirMake - Directory already exists, ignoring: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3] #703 [Success] FileCreateBlank - Created a new file:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\virtual.chm] #704 [Success] FileCreateBlank - Created a new file:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\virtual.chm] #705 [Success] ExtractAllFiles - Extracted all internal files from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\go2pdf.script] Section:[Files] Path to extract: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86] #706 [Success] ExtractAllFiles - Extracted all internal files from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\go2pdf.script] Section:[Files] Path to extract: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3] #707 [Success] ExtractAllFiles - Extracted all internal files from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\go2pdf.script] Section:[sys32] Path to extract: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #708 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\autorun.cmd] line: [reg import go2pdf_inst.reg] Option:"Append" #709 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\autorun.cmd] line: [net start spooler] Option:"Append" #710 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #711 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\go2pdf.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [Go2PDF Virtual PDF Printer] #712 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [Go2PDF Virtual PDF Printer] #713 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\go2pdf.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [003] #714 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:18] #715 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [Go2PDF Virtual PDF Printer=Version 003 at 2007-11-28 07:18]
#716 [Info] Script version 003
#717 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#718 [Info] Processing time: 4 seconds and 282 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Go2PDF Virtual PDF Printer

#719 [Script] Processing script: Notepad

#720 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] Version [6]
#721 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\notepad.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #722 [Ignore] IF - File already exists: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\shortcut.inf",FileCreateBlank,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\shortcut.inf"] #723 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #724 [Section] Processing section: [ShorcutDesktop] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] #725 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] line: [1,!WD\system32\notepad.exe,!DE\Notepad] Option:"Append" #726 [Success] Run - Processed section [ShorcutDesktop] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] #727 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #728 [Section] Processing section: [ShorcutStart] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] #729 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] line: [1,!WD\system32\notepad.exe,!SM\Notepad] Option:"Append" #730 [Success] Run - Processed section [ShorcutStart] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] #731 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #732 [Section] Processing section: [ShorcutQL] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] #733 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] line: [1,!WD\system32\notepad.exe,!QL\Notepad] Option:"Append" #734 [Success] Run - Processed section [ShorcutQL] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] #735 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [Tmp_software] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\config\software]
#736 [Info] Writing new values on registry hive..
#737 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #738 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\.txt\ShellNew] Key: [NullFile=..] #739 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #740 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x3] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\txtfile] Key: [EditFlags=10000..] #741 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #742 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\txtfile] Key: [FriendlyTypeName=@%SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe,-469..] #743 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #744 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\txtfile\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-152..] #745 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #746 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\txtfile\shell\open\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE %1..] #747 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #748 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\txtfile\shell\print\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE /p %1..] #749 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #750 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\regfile\shell\edit\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE %1..] #751 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #752 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\regfile\shell\print\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE /p %1..] #753 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #754 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inffile\shell\open\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE %1..] #755 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #756 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inffile\shell\print\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE /p %1..] #757 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #758 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inffile\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll,-151..] #759 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #760 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inifile\shell\open\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE %1..] #761 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #762 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inifile\shell\print\command] Key: [=NOTEPAD.EXE /p %1..] #763 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #764 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Classes\inifile\DefaultIcon] Key: [=%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll,-151..] #765 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [Tmp_software] #766 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [UPX-Switches] key/value: [notepad.exe=-9 --compress-resources=0] #767 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #768 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [Notepad] #769 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [Notepad] #770 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\notepad.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [006] #771 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:18] #772 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [Notepad=Version 006 at 2007-11-28 07:18]
#773 [Info] Script version 006
#774 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#775 [Info] Processing time: 841 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Notepad

#776 [Script] Processing script: Registry Editor

#777 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\regedit.script] Version [6]
#778 [Success] FileCopy - Copied [c:\xp\i386\regedit.exe] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #779 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\aclui.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #780 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\clb.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #781 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ulib.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #782 [Ignore] IF - File already exists: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\shortcut.inf",FileCreateBlank,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\shortcut.inf"] #783 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] line: [1,!WD\system32\regedit.exe,!DE\Windows Registry Editor] Option:"Append" #784 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] line: [1,!WD\system32\regedit.exe,!SM\Windows Registry Editor] Option:"Append" #785 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #786 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\regedit.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [Registry Editor] #787 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [Registry Editor] #788 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\regedit.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [006] #789 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:18] #790 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [Registry Editor=Version 006 at 2007-11-28 07:18]
#791 [Info] Script version 006
#792 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#793 [Info] Processing time: 950 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Registry Editor

#794 [Script] Processing script: Task Manager

#795 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\Taskman.script] Version [6]
#796 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\taskmgr.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #797 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\iphlpapi.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #798 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\vdmdbg.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #799 [Ignore] IF - File already exists: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\shortcut.inf",FileCreateBlank,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\shortcut.inf"] #800 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] line: [1,!WD\system32\taskmgr.exe,!DE\Windows Task Manager] Option:"Append" #801 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\shortcut.inf] line: [1,!WD\system32\taskmgr.exe,!SM\Windows Task Manager] Option:"Append" #802 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #803 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\Taskman.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [Task Manager] #804 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [Task Manager] #805 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Apps\Taskman.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [006] #806 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:18] #807 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [Task Manager=Version 006 at 2007-11-28 07:18]
#808 [Info] Script version 006
#809 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#810 [Info] Processing time: 1 second and 161 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Task Manager

#811 [Script] Processing script: Explorer

#812 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Shells\Explorer.Script] Version [10]

#813 [Info] Expanding files..
#814 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\explorer.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386] #815 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\browseui.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #816 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\browselc.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #817 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\shdocvw.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #818 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\shdoclc.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #819 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\rpcss.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #820 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\iernonce.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #821 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\iesetup.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #822 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\runonce.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #823 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\advpack.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #824 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [c:\xp\i386\xpsp2res.dl_] executing command: [Expand,%SourceDir%\i386\xpsp2res.dl_,%TargetDir%\i386\system32] #825 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\xpsp2res.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #826 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\uxtheme.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #827 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\svchost.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #828 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\odbcint.dl_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #829 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\reg.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #830 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ie4uinit.ex_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #831 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\ieuinit.in_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #832 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [c:\xp\i386\homepage.in_] executing command: [Expand,%SourceDir%\i386\homepage.in_,%TargetDir%\i386\system32] #833 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\homepage.in_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #834 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox6%,Equal,true,Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\shimgvw.dl_","%TargetDir%\i386\system32"] #835 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox6%,Equal,true,Expand,"%SourceDir%\i386\regsvr32.ex_","%TargetDir%\i386\system32"] #836 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox6%,Equal,true,If,ExistFile,"%SourceDir%\I386\ASMS\1000\MSFT\Windows\GDIPLUS\GDIPLUS.dll",FileCopy,"%SourceDir%\I386\ASMS\1000\MSFT\Windows\GDIPLUS\GDIPLUS.dll","%TargetDir%\I386\System32"] #837 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox6%,Equal,true,TXTAddLine,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\autorun.cmd","regsvr32.exe /s shimgvw.dll","Append"] #838 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\ginaorg.dll] executing command: [FileDelete,%TargetDir%\i386\system32\ginaorg.dll] #839 [Success] FileDelete - Sucessfully deleted file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\ginaorg.dll] #840 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\PEgina.dll] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\PEgina.dll",FileDelete,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\PEgina.dll"] #841 [Success] FileRename - Successfully renamed file:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\msgina.dll] to:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\ginaorg.dll] #842 [Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,%pFileBox1%,FileCopy,%pFileBox1%,"%TargetDir%\i386\system32\wallpaper.bmp"] #843 [Success] ExtractAllFiles - Extracted all internal files from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Shells\Explorer.Script] Section:[Folder] Path to extract: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32] #844 [Success] FileRename - Successfully renamed file:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\PEgina.dll] to:[%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\msgina.dll]
#845 [Info] Loading registry hive: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\config\software]
#846 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [Tmp_software] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\config\software]
#847 [Info] Writing new values on registry hive..
#848 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\autorun.cmd] line: [reg import cplfix.reg] Option:"Append" #849 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\500] Key: [100=shell32.dll|DllInstall|I..] #850 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\500] Key: [103=browseui.dll|DllInstall|I..] #851 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\500] Key: [104=shdocvw.dll|DllInstall|I..] #852 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\500] Key: [105=ie4uinit.exe..] #853 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Tour] Key: [RunCount=00000000..] #854 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList] Key: [DefaultUserProfile=Default User..] #855 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList] Key: [AllUsersProfile=All Users..] #856 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList] Key: [ProfilesDirectory=%ProfilesDir%..] #857 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders] Key: [Common Start Menu=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu..] #858 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders] Key: [Common Programs=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs..] #859 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #860 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\nonenum] Key: [{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}=1..] #861 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #862 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] Key: [nosmmydocs=1..] #863 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [Tmp_software]
#864 [Info] Loading registry hive: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\config\default]
#865 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [Tmp_default] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\config\default]
#866 [Info] Writing new values on registry hive..
#867 [Ignore] IF - [stretch] is not equal to [center] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Center",RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop","WallpaperStyle",0] #868 [Ignore] IF - [stretch] is not equal to [center] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Center",RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop","TileWallpaper",0] #869 [Ignore] IF - [stretch] is not equal to [tile] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Tile",RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop","WallpaperStyle",0] #870 [Ignore] IF - [stretch] is not equal to [tile] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Tile",RegWrite,"HKLM",0x1,"Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop","TileWallpaper",1] #871 [Success] IF - [stretch] is equal to: [stretch] #872 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [WallpaperStyle=2..] #873 [Success] IF - [stretch] is equal to: [stretch] #874 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [TileWallpaper=0..] #875 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop] Key: [Wallpaper=wallpaper.bmp..] #876 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\ClassicStartMenu] Key: [{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}=1..] #877 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel] Key: [{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}=1..] #878 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x3] Section: [Tmp_default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop] Key: [Taskbar=0c..] #879 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox2%,equal,true,RegWrite,"HKLM",0x4,"Tmp_default\Control Panel\Desktop","PaintDesktopVersion","1"] #880 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #881 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x3] Section: [Tmp_default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] Key: [ShellState=24..] #882 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders] Key: [Personal=%temp%..] #883 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [Tmp_default]
#884 [Info] Loading registry hive: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\]
#885 [Success] RegHiveLoad - Loaded registry hive from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\]
#886 [Info] Writing new values on registry hive..
#887 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment] Key: [ProfilesDir=%temp%\ProfilesDir..] #888 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x2] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment] Key: [USERPROFILE=%temp%\ProfilesDir\Default User..] #889 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x4] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\ControlSet001\Services\i8042prt\Parameters] Key: [EnableWheelDetection=2..] #890 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #891 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv\Setup] Key: [CmdLine=explorer.exe..] #892 [Success] RegHiveUnLoad - Unloaded registry hive: [Tmp_setupreg_hiv] #893 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [UPX-Switches] key/value: [shimgvw.dll=-] #894 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #895 [Success] Shellexecute: [hide] using: [%BaseDir%\Tools\upx.exe] with parameters: [-9 "%BaseDir%\Target\i386\explorer.exe"] #896 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [UPX-Switches] key/value: [shell32.dll=-9 --compress-icons=0] #897 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #898 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Shells\Explorer.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [Explorer] #899 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [Explorer] #900 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Shells\Explorer.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [010] #901 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:18] #902 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [Explorer=Version 010 at 2007-11-28 07:18]
#903 [Info] Script version 010
#904 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script]
#905 [Info] Processing time: 12 seconds and 937 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Explorer

#906 [Script] Processing script: Shortcuts

#907 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Tweaks\shortcut.script] Version [4]
#908 [Failed] FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Tools\AutoIt3.exe] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\System32] #909 [Success] ExtractFile - Extracted file: [shc.au3] to path: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\System32] #910 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\autorun.cmd] line: [Autoit3.exe %systemroot%\system32\shc.au3] Option:"Append"
#911 [Info] Processing time: 191 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Shortcuts

#912 [Script] Processing script: Misc Settings

#913 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\MiscSettings.Script] Version [6]
#914 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #915 [Section] Processing section: [Process-Numlock] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\MiscSettings.Script]
#916 [Info] Set Numlock Off ...
#917 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\config\default] #918 [Failed] RegWrite - Failed to write REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Control Panel\Keyboard] Key: [InitialKeyboardIndicators=0..] #919 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] #920 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-Numlock] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\MiscSettings.Script] #921 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%CMDLine%] to: [%pTextBox1%] #922 [Success] Expand - Expanded file: [c:\xp\i386\WINLOGON.EX_] Dir:[%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32] #923 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #924 [Section] Processing section: [Process-PELoader] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\MiscSettings.Script]
#925 [Info] Set PELoader as shell loader ...
#926 [Success] ExtractFile - Extracted file: [peloader.exe] to path: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32] #927 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%CMDLine%] to: [PELoader.exe#$s%pTextBox1%] #928 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #929 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%CMDLine%] to: [PELoader.exe#$s-hide#$s%pTextBox1%] #930 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #931 [Section] Processing section: [Process-KillProc] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\MiscSettings.Script]
#932 [Info] Create PELoader 24h-limit remover ...
#933 [Failed] FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Tools\autoit3.exe] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32] #934 [Success] IF - Sucessfully tested if file existed: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\shellproc.au3] executing command: [FileDelete,%TargetSys32%\shellproc.au3] #935 [Success] FileDelete - Sucessfully deleted file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\shellproc.au3] #936 [Success] FileCreateBlank - Created a new file:[%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\shellproc.au3] #937 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\shellproc.au3] line: [#NoTrayIcon] Option:"Append" #938 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\shellproc.au3] line: [ProcessClose("smss.exe")] Option:"Append" #939 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\shellproc.au3] line: [ProcessWaitClose("smss.exe",2)] Option:"Append" #940 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\shellproc.au3] line: [If ProcessExists("smss.exe") Then Exit] Option:"Append" #941 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\shellproc.au3] line: [ProcessClose("winlogon.exe")] Option:"Append" #942 [Failed] RegHiveLoad - Failed to load registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\config\default] #943 [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\Target\i386\system32\autorun.cmd] line: [autoit3.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\shellproc.au3] Option:"Append" #944 [Failed] RegHiveUnLoad - Failed to unload registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY] #945 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-KillProc] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\MiscSettings.Script] #946 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-PELoader] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Addons\MiscSettings.Script] #947 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton2%,Equal,true,Run,%ScriptFile%,Process-MinLogon] #948 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton3%,Equal,true,Run,%ScriptFile%,Process-CustomLoader] #949 [Success] RegHiveLoad - Loaded registry hive from file: [%BaseDir%\Target\I386\SYSTEM32\] #950 [Success] IF [explorer.exe] is not equal to [] #951 [Success] RegWrite - Wrote REG key in root key: [HKLM] Type: [0x1] Section: [TMP_HIVE_KEY\Setup] Key: [CmdLine=PELoader.exe -hide explorer.exe..] #952 [Success] RegHiveUnLoad - Unloaded registry hive: [TMP_HIVE_KEY]
#953 [Info] Processing time: 1 second and 240 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Misc Settings

#954 [Script] Processing script: Create ISO

#955 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\MkISOfs.script] Version [9]
#956 [Section] Processing section: [CopyBootLoader] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\MkISOfs.script]
#957 [Info] Copying boot loader ...
#958 [Success] ExtractFile - Extracted file: [bootsect.bin] to path: [%BaseDir%\Target] #959 [Success] FileCreateBlank - Created a new file:[%BaseDir%\Target\BOOT] #960 [Success] Run - Processed section [CopyBootLoader] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\MkISOfs.script] #961 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #962 [Section] Processing section: [CreateSimpleIso] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\MkISOfs.script] #963 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Project] key/value: [BootISO=%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso] #964 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #965 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\MkISOfs.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [Create ISO] #966 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [Create ISO] #967 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\MkISOfs.script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [009] #968 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:18] #969 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [Create ISO=Version 009 at 2007-11-28 07:18]
#970 [Info] Script version 009
#971 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #972 [Success] FileCopy - Copied [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] to: [%BaseDir%\Target] #973 [Success] Retrieve - Sucessfully retrieved the dir size from: [%BaseDir%\Target] to variable: [%sizeFolder%] with result: [17612790] #974 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [17612790] to variable: [%sizeFolder%] with result: [16,80 MB]
#975 [Info] Creating ISO: [%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso] Folder size: 16,80 MB
#976 [Ignore] IF - [true] is equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox1%,NotEqual,true,ShellExecute,Hide,#$q%Tools%\mkisofs.exe#$q,"-iso-level 4#$s-force-uppercase -volid #$q%pTextBox1%#$q -b bootsect.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -hide bootsect.bin -hide boot.catalog#$s-duplicates-once -o #$q%IsoFile%#$q #$q%targetdir%#$q"] #977 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #978 [Success] Shellexecute: [Open] using: ["%BaseDir%\Tools\mkisofs.exe"] with parameters: [-iso-level 4 -force-uppercase -volid "Standard" -b bootsect.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -hide bootsect.bin -hide boot.catalog -duplicates-once -o "%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso" "%BaseDir%\Target"] #979 [Success] Retrieve - Sucessfully retrieved the file size from: [%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso] to variable: [%sizeISO%] with result: [17379328] #980 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [17379328] to variable: [%sizeISO%] with result: [16,57 MB]
#981 [Info] ISO build size is 16,57 MB
#982 [Success] Run - Processed section [CreateSimpleIso] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\MkISOfs.script] #983 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox3%,Equal,True,Run,%ScriptFile%,process-CreateRAMIso]
#984 [Info] Processing time: 3 seconds and 502 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Create ISO

#985 [Script] Processing script: Run ISO in qEmu

#986 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Archive\Tools\qEmu.Script] Version [1]
#987 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #988 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%usb%] to: [#$s-usb] #989 [Success] IF - [false] is equal to: [false] #990 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%kqemu%] to: [#$s-no-kqemu] #991 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox2%,equal,True,set,%kqemu%,"#$s-kernel-kqemu"] #992 [Ignore] IF - [false] is not equal to [true] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox3%,equal,True,set,%fullscreen%,"#$s-full-screen"] #993 [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] #994 [Success] SetVar - Sucessfully changed the value of [%uselocaltime%] to: [#$s-localtime] #995 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Project] Key: [BootISO] into variable: [%burnISO%] with value: [%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso]
#996 [Info] Running %BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso in qEmu..
#997 [Section] Processing section: [Process-log] from file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #998 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Tools\qEmu.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Title] into variable: [%Title%] with value: [Run ISO in qEmu] #999 [Success] IniDeleteKey - Deleted INI key in [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] key: [Run ISO in qEmu] #1000 [Success] IniRead - Sucessfully read specified Inifile from: [%BaseDir%\Archive\Tools\qEmu.Script] Section: [Main] Key: [Version] into variable: [%version%] with value: [001] #1001 [Success] StrFormat - Sucessfully converted: [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn] to variable: [%TimeStamp%] with result: [2007-11-28 07:18] #1002 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Archive\ProjectInfo.ini] Section: [Scripts] key/value: [Run ISO in qEmu=Version 001 at 2007-11-28 07:18]
#1003 [Info] Script version 001
#1004 [Success] Run - Processed section [Process-log] in file [%BaseDir%\Archive\Build\ScriptLog.script] #1005 [Success] Shellexecute: [hide] using: ["%BaseDir%\Tools\qEMU\qEmu.exe"] with parameters: [-boot d -m 128 -hda "%BaseDir%\Tools\qEMU\hdd.img" -L "%BaseDir%\Tools\qEMU" -cdrom "%BaseDir%\ISO\BootFile.iso" -usb -localtime -no-kqemu]
#1006 [Info] Processing time: 20 seconds and 452 miliseconds
Finished processing script: Run ISO in qEmu
#1007 [Info] Duration: 1 minute, 41 seconds and 48 miliseconds