WinBuilder [078 SP 6]


 Main Configuration Version[10] ( )  0.602 seconds
 0 - PreConfig Version[12] ( )  6.810 seconds

 2 scripts processed.
 Project time: 7 seconds and 790 miliseconds


 [Failed]  (0 - PreConfig) 'Halt' is not a valid integer value: [message,You#$sneed#$sto#$sread#$sNeedFiles.txt,#$sthen#$sgo#$son,Halt]


 [Warning]  (0 - PreConfig) Halt

       %BaseDir% = C:\Winbuilder\
(WinBuilder's path is replaced by the variable %BaseDir% to make the log easier to read)
WinBuilder Version [078 SP 6]

%Build%2010-Jan-08 16:51
%ProgramFilesDir%C:\Program Files (x86)
%Programs64%C:\Program Files
%ProjectTitle%Multi 7PEs
%UserName%Stanley Koh
%UserProfile%C:\Users\Stanley Koh

This log is probably not suited to be posted in the forum for support questions.
To decrease build time, a couple of internal tests are switched off and not shown in the log.
That might make it impossible to find the real background of actual issues.
To produce a 'qualified' log for support questions, please check 'Tools >> Options >> Debug log'.


       [Script] Main Configuration

 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\config.script] Version[10]
 [Info] Process common settings...
 [Ignore] IF - File exists: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,%ProjectInfo%,FileCreateBlank,%ProjectInfo%]
 [Success] IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo]
 [Ignore] IF - [In RAM (boot.wim)] is not equal to: [Normal] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Normal",IniWrite,%ProjectInfo%,"ProjectInfo","BuildModel","Normal"]
 [Success] IF - [In RAM (boot.wim)] is equal to: [In RAM (boot.wim)] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"In RAM (boot.wim)",IniWrite,%ProjectInfo%,"ProjectInfo","BuildModel","RAM"]
 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [BuildModel=RAM]
 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [Shell=PE Shell Swapper]
 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [ScreenResolution=800x600]
 [Success] IF - [Grub4Dos (recomended)] is equal to: [Grub4Dos (recomended)] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox4%,Equal,"Grub4Dos (recomended)",IniWrite,%ProjectInfo%,"ProjectInfo","BootManager","Grub4Dos"]
 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [BootManager=Grub4Dos]
 [Ignore] IF - [Grub4Dos (recomended)] is not equal to: [Standard] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox4%,Equal,"Standard",IniWrite,%ProjectInfo%,"ProjectInfo","BootManager","Standard"]
 [Ignore] IF - [Grub4Dos (recomended)] is not equal to: [Auto] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox4%,Equal,"Auto",IniWrite,%ProjectInfo%,"ProjectInfo","BootManager","Auto"]
 [Ignore] IF - [Grub4Dos (recomended)] is not equal to: [IsoLinux] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox4%,Equal,"IsoLinux",IniWrite,%ProjectInfo%,"ProjectInfo","BootManager","IsoLinux"]
 [Ignore] IF - [Grub4Dos (recomended)] is not equal to: [BCDW] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox4%,Equal,"BCDW",IniWrite,%ProjectInfo%,"ProjectInfo","BootManager","BCDW"]
 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [Locale=Auto]
 [Ignore] IF - [pCheckBox1] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [If,pCheckBox1,Equal,true,run,%ScriptFile%,CheckFileCopy]
 [Ignore] IF - [In RAM (boot.wim)] is not equal to: [Normal] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,"Normal",run,%ScriptFile%,CheckBootMGR]
 [Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [wpeinit=background]
 [Success] System - OnBuildExit [System,ONBUILDEXIT,Run,%API%,Clean]
 [Clock] Script time: 602 miliseconds

 [Done] Finished processing script: Main Configuration

       [Script] 0 - PreConfig

 [Info] File [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\Build\0-preconfig.script] Version[12]
 [Info] Preparing system...
 [Success] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\win7pe\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,notExistFile,"%Tools%\imagex.exe",ShellExecuteEx,open,"%Tools%\Tools.txt"]
 [Success] ShellExecuteEx: [open] using: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\win7pe\Tools.txt]
 [Success] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\win7pe\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,notExistFile,"%Tools%\imagex.exe",message,"You#$sneed#$sto#$sread#$sNeedFiles.txt,#$sthen#$sgo#$son",Halt]
 [Success] Message: You need to read NeedFiles.txt
[Failed] 'Halt' is not a valid integer value: [message,You#$sneed#$sto#$sread#$sNeedFiles.txt,#$sthen#$sgo#$son,Halt]
[Warning] Halt
 [Clock] Script time: 6 seconds and 81 miliseconds

 [Done] Finished processing script: 0 - PreConfig
 [Clock] Project time: 7 seconds and 790 miliseconds
  OnBuildExit [Run,%API%,Clean,EXCEPTION]
 Run - Processing section: [Clean] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\api.script]
       [Parameter] with parameters: [EXCEPTION]
       Run - Processing section: [Read_ENV] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\api.script]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [Language] to variable: [%DistLang%] with value [en-US]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [SourceDir] to variable: [%SDIR%] with value [L:\7_64]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [SourceType] to variable: [%SourceType%] with value [Win7CD]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [WimTools] to variable: [%WimTools%] with value [ImageX]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [SystemFiles] to variable: [%SystemFiles%] with value [L:\wb74\Temp\Win7PE\InstallWimSrc]
             [Success] IF - [ImageX] is equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,"%WimTools%",Equal,"ImageX",IniRead,%ProjectInfo%,"ProjectInfo","imagex","%IMAGEX%"]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [imagex] to variable: [%IMAGEX%] with value [L:\wb74\Projects\Tools\win7pe\imagex.exe]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [BuildModel] to variable: [%BuildModel%] with value [RAM]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [Shell] to variable: [%Shell%] with value [PE Shell Swapper]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [ScreenResolution] to variable: [%ScreenResolution%] with value [800x600]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [BootManager] to variable: [%BootManager%] with value [Grub4Dos]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [Locale] to variable: [%Locale%] with value [Auto]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [SourceArch] to variable: [%SourceArch%] with value []
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [GrubSkin] to variable: [%GrubSkin%] with value [Face]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [ForceAllToRam] to variable: [%ForceAllToRam%] with value [No]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [Drivers] to variable: [%Drivers%] with value [Both]
             [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [IsoLinuxMode] to variable: [%IsoLinuxMode%] with value [Graphics]
             [Ignore] IF - [Win7CD] is not equal to: [] evaluated string: [If,"%SourceType%",Equal,"",run,%API%,NotConfigured]
             [Info] [#######################################################]
             [Info] [##shortcuts]
             [Info] [##Add_Shortcut,[Type],[Folder],[FullFileName],[Title],[Work Folder],[Parameters],[IconFile( .ico .exe)],[StartMode(1, 2, 3, or 4)]]
             [Info] [##Category|Program Title|Path|Icon|Parameters]
       Run - Processed section [Read_ENV] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\api.script]
       [Ignore] IF - [EXCEPTION] is not equal to: [DONE] evaluated string: [If,#1,Equal,DONE,Begin]
             [Skipped] [Run,"%API%",UnMountWim]
             [Skipped] [Message,"Build sucessfull.",INFORMATION]
       [Ignore] [End]
       [Ignore] IF - [EXCEPTION] is not equal to: [STOP] evaluated string: [If,#1,Equal,STOP,Begin]
             [Skipped] [Run,"%API%",UnMountWim]
             [Skipped] [Message,"Build stopped by user.",INFORMATION]
       [Ignore] [End]
       [Ignore] IF - [EXCEPTION] is not equal to: [ERROR] evaluated string: [If,#1,Equal,ERROR,Begin]
             [Skipped] [Run,"%API%",UnMountWim]
             [Skipped] [Message,"Build stopped due to an error.",INFORMATION]
       [Ignore] [End]
       [Ignore] IF - [EXCEPTION] is not equal to: [COMMAND] evaluated string: [If,#1,Equal,COMMAND,Begin]
             [Skipped] [Run,"%API%",UnMountWim]
             [Skipped] [Message,"Build stopped by script command.",INFORMATION]
       [Ignore] [End]
       [Success] IF - [EXCEPTION] is equal to: [EXCEPTION] evaluated string: [If,#1,Equal,EXCEPTION,Begin]
             Run - Processing section: [UnMountWim] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\api.script]
                   [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\project.ini] Section [ProjectInfo] Key [WimTools] to variable: [%WimTools%] with value [ImageX]
                   [Info] UnMountig WIM files...
                   [Success] IF - [ImageX] is equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,"%WimTools%",Equal,"ImageX",Run,"%API%",UnMountImagex]
                   Run - Processing section: [UnMountImagex] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\api.script]
                         [Ignore] IF - Directory does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win7PE\BootWimSrc\Windows] evaluated string: [If,ExistDir,"%BootSRC%\Windows",ShellExecute,Hide,"#$q%imagex%#$q","/unmount #$q%BootSRC%#$q"]
                         [Ignore] IF - Directory does not exist: [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win7PE\InstallWimSrc\Windows] evaluated string: [If,ExistDir,"%InstallSRC%\Windows",ShellExecute,Hide,"#$q%imagex%#$q","/unmount #$q%InstallSRC%#$q"]
                   Run - Processed section [UnMountImagex] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\api.script]
                   [Ignore] IF - [ImageX] is not equal to: [WimUtil] evaluated string: [If,"%WimTools%",Equal,"WimUtil",Run,"%API%",UnMountWimutil]
             Run - Processed section [UnMountWim] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\api.script]
             [Success] Message: Build stopped by exception.
       [Success] [End]
       [Info] [#######################################################]
       [Info] [#######################################################]
       [Info] [#######################################################]
 Run - Processed section [Clean] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\win7pe\api.script]

You can post this log on the Boot Land forums  whenever you need help to properly debug the errors on this project
More detailed documentation can be found on our wiki

WinBuilder © 2006-2009 Nuno Brito

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